(Continued from Pag* AM) made. The solution was the deve lopment of a manually operated sorting device that simplifies the task (see “Development Of A Simple Forage And TMR Particle- Size Separator”). In keeping with the mission of the Department of Dairy and Ani mal Science to facilitate transfer and application of relevant infor mation and to develop and imple ment programs in the public inter est, die Dairy Catde Nutrition Extension Group is working on a "cafeteria menu” of educational programs that can be tailored to individual needs in the feed indus- Research Development of a simple forage and TMR particle-size separator Participants Jud Heinrichs, Dennis Buck master. and Brian Lammeis Objective Develop a simple device to mea sure forage and TMR particle size and characterize particle-size dis tribution so feed recommendations can be made. Approach Characterizing and interpreting particle size allows consultants and farmers to refine feeding prog rams. An existing ASAE standard instrument requires use of a motor ized device with five sieves and a bottom pan. Penn Stale’s simpli fied. manually operated device mimics this with only two sieves and a bottom pan. ‘E-I-'E-I-O try. A recent offering was Novem ber’s Dairy Feed Industry Semi nar, an educational program on timely issues and topics related to nutrition and feeding manage ment Nearly all of those attending at one of four sites said the material was “practical and useful,” and rated both speakers and the prog ram overall “outstanding.” Plans call for a repeat of last February’s highly successful Dairy Nutrition Teleconferences and Workshops, offered at 35 loca tions in Pennsylvania and six near by states. The which reached more than 500 people, combined local hands-on activities Findings Forage particle length affects both silage fermentation and utili zation by ruminant animals. Dairy cows require fiber for maintenance erf rumen function. Rumination and cud chewing stimulate produc tion of saliva, which buffets the. rumen. Forage particle length, as well as distribution of particles in a TMR, can be important factors in formulating diets for dairy cows. This is of particular importance when the forage portion is low or when total dietary NDF is margi nal and coming largely from by product sources .-Measuring forage and total diet particle length is a useful nutritional tool, together with forage analysis and ration formulation. Rationale Summary conducted by extension agents and interaction with University faculty via satellite. As a result of these workshops, Penn State experts have been invited to present papers at two national symposiums in 1995. This year’s sessions—expected to reach nearly 700 farmers at nearly SO locations across eight states will take participants, via satellite, through a feed mill, on farm tours, and even inside the rumen of a dairy cow! Using satellite communication for technology transfer, extension specialists can deliver information, to far more people in a matter of hours than what used to take two people nearly a month of state wide travel. In preparation for their role as facilitators at the satellite conference down-link sites, coun ty agents attend inservice sessions many also via satellite that prepare them to lead the work shops. In turn, they benefit from the additional training and are bet ter prepared to educate at the local level. Among other activities of Penn State’s Dairy Cattle Nutrition Extension Group will be a Nutri tion Inservice in March to teach troubleshooting skills to feed mill owners, sales representatives, and veterinarians. Smaller workshops are also in the planning stages for feed industry professionals. For more information on any of these programs, contact Jud Hein richs. (814) 863-3916. While Dick Adams’s legacy obviously will continue to influ ence the feeding of dairy cattle in Pennsylvania and beyond, the torch has been passed on b a new group of authorities whose part nered efforts will bring Penn State’s resources to an even wider and more diverse audience. Adams Steps Back, Richard S. Adams became a legend during his nearly 40-year tenure at The Pennsylvania State University. His efforts on behalf of dairy producers were multiplied many times by the close working relationships he forged with coun ty extension personnel, industrial nutritionists, veterinarians, and farm organizations over the years. Adams assisted dairy farmers thousands of times with myriad serious problems. His innate abili ty to inform, motivate, and organ ize people resulted in widespread adoption of many novel practices and programs that proved success ful on dairy farms. Adams was recognized as a top dairy cattle nutritionist at local, state, national, and international levels. Even Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton have sought his advice on matters agricultural. Since his retirement early in 1992, Adams has functioned in more of a “behind-the-scenes” role in Dairy and Animal Science Extension. These days you’re just as likely to find him on stage with a popular local band. The Bavarian •ySemows Firming, Saturday, Not Down Stompers, or serving as hunting camp cook. Much of his summers are now spent at his favorite place in the world a small inn on an island off the coast of Maine which he manages alongside his long time partner, wife Marilyn. Richard S. Adams Emeritus Professor Penn State 1994-/ ■A3I t