israuuma mm, -i MMI STRONGSVILLE, Ohio Milk Market ing’s strong operating results will be the focus of the Milk Marketing Inc. (MMI) annual meeting of delegates on Dec. 14. The meeting, held at the Fawcett Cen ter, Columbus, Ohio, begins at 10 a.m. “Milk Marketing marketed and processed 4.75 billion pounds of milk in fiscal year ’94, up 25 million pounds from fiscal year ’93,” said Don Schriver, MMl’s CEO and execu tive vice president. “Net revenues were $725 million, up over $36 million from the previ ous year.” Utilizing the theme “Building Blocks of Value,” Don Schriver and Chairman of the Board, Herman Brubak er, «re to report to the delegates on MMl’s strategies to prepare for the future. Brubaker will speak on the broad issues fac ing the dairy industry and how MMI is prepar ing for the realities in the marketplace with GATT, the 1995 Farm Bill, and moving farm ers closer to the con sumer through promo tional issues. Schriver will present MMt’s state-of-the union address and spell out what steps MMI is taking to reposition members for the new environment. He will explain how the cooper ative is adding value to the benefits, operations and services MMI offers to members and customers. Seminars Delegates will be offered a choice of three seminars. “Milk Components: Pieces Parts that Sell” will inform members how milk is broken down into its compo nents. The industrial uses of milk compo nents and who uses them will be answered in this 30-minute ses sion. “Competitive Posi tion i n g Dairy ’ s Future” is designed to make members aware of the changing compet itive dairy environment. Session focuses on eco nomic and market reali ties facing dairy farmers in the future. “Milk Makes a Splash” explores new promotions in market ing milk and cheese. How Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) impacts the sale of milk and cheese with the dairy promo tion checkoff will be answered in this semi- nar. Trade Show The annual meeting will also feature dis plays of MMI manufac turing operations, mem ber services depart- To Hold Annual Meeting ments, and testing labs. Members can bring in milk samples to be test ed. Dairy products made by MMI manufacturing operations and foods containing MMI prod ucts will also be avail able for delegate taste testing. Meeting time Registration and ADSI # PAY OFF! M WHITEWASHING with AIYt7AW I T*AITfP YTAHIUr . mmmJr mf