Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 26, 1994, Image 65
ESTATE TOOL AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,1994 9:00 AM ISENNOCK AUCTIONS, NEW PARK, PA Selling from tho Estates of John Fllcksnsr, Fawn Grove, PA, William Carman, Hydes, MO, and Anna Clfnsdlnat, Whlteford, MD A Others to ind. Atlas Metal lathe, 20-32* Cut w/Dial Indicator Mount, Face Plata, Steady Rest, Tapered 3&4 Jaw Chucks, Gnarllng Tool, 33/64-3/4* Taper Drill Bits & Shank Drill Bits, Keystone Adj. Reamers, New 1/4-1* Reamers, Expandable Reamers, Sunen Port. Honer & Others, Machinist Taps, Pipe Taps, NATL Fine Coarse 2/56-3/8” Bolt Dies, 4-5” Micrometers & Others, Tool Bits 5/16- 1/2”, Center Square, Hole Punch Set, No/NoGo Gauges, Cylinder Reboring Tools, Columbia 4” Vice, Draftsman Set, Torque Wrench, Old Magnetos, C- Clamps, Calipers, Deep Sockets & Others, Auto Piston Guides,Grind Wheels, Nuts/Bolts/Washers, Timken Bearings, Dial Indicators, Wheel Puller, Irwin Auger, Bits, Milling Machine Cutters, Machinist & Milling Books, Misc. Bits, Wrenches, Allen Wrenches, Stencil Sets, Craftsman Open-End Wrenches, Rigid & Pipe Wrenches, Craftsman Table Saws, Wards 10HP Lawn Tractor w/36" Mower, 1/4HP Drill Press, B/D Dnll Power Band Saw, Ford Ranger Truck Cap, Air Compressor On Wheels, Hyd. & Floor Jacks, Chain Hoist, Drill Bit Sharpener, Hand & Garden Tools, Craftsman Elec. Chainsaw, Shop Vac, Alum. Ladder, B/D Workmate, Scrap Metal, OAK Tool Chest, Sinclair Can, 60's Ant. Auto Magazines Buggy Seat, Small Forge, Singer Leather Sew Machine, RR jack, Egg Baskets, Waterpump, Iron Wheels, Single, Dbl & Triple Trees, & MUCH MORE. Accepting Consignments of TOOLS & RELATED ITEMS ONLY FOR THIS SALE. CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED MONDAY, 11/28 FROM 10AM-3PM or WEDNESDAY, 11/30 FROM 6PM-BPM ONLY. PREVIEW OF ITEMS SAM DAY OF AUCTION ONLY. Auction held inside in rear part of auction bldg. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Good Food Served. From Stewartetown, take RT 24 S. to MD, L at “Y" at Wiley's, R. on Marsteller. From MD, take RT 23, Norrisville Rd., thru Norrisvllle, R. at “Y" at Wiley's, R. on Marsteller, From Fawn Grove, take RTBSI to New Park staying to L. on Marsteller to Auction on R. Knßßingir_ 410-557-4052 CSSS* PUBLIC SALE FINE BRICK RANCHER, 2-CAR GARAGE, REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARS MANHEIM AREA SAT., DEC. 3 t 1994 AT 9 A.M. CARS AT 12:30 P.M. REAL ESTATE AT 1 P.M. Located at 16 North Penryn Rd., Penn Township, Lancaster Co., PA (Directions: Doe Run East of Manheim, turn North onto Penryn Road.) BRICK RANCHER w/ATTACHED 2-CAR GARAGE LARGE LIVING ROOM, KITCHEN, DINING AREA, 2 BEDROOMS, FULL BATH, 2-CAR GARAGE. This dwelling Is in excellent condition, recent roof, new spouting, recently painted, oil hot water heat, excellent location. Call 665-4274 or 336-3725. FURNITURE 6 Leg Cherry Table; Oak Ext. Table; Fine Bedroom Suite w/Boxsprlng & Mattress; Mod. Grandfather’s Clock; Electric Organ; Milk Cupboard; Oak Chairs; Desk, Living Room Suite; Breakfast Set. APPLIANCES: Refrigerator; Auto. Washer; Microwave; Singer Sewing Machine; Electrolux, Scanner; Air Conditioner; Freezer; Cedar Chest; Gingerbread Clock; Sewing Stand; Ornate Brass & Glass Lamps; Gone w/Wind Light; FINE COLLEC TION OF PRINTS A PICTURES. CHINA & GLASSWARE Sponge Spatter Bowl; Piano Baby; Blue Ridge China; Figurines; Roseville, Weller; Crooksville & Halls Bowls; Fruit & Flower Bowls; Opalescent & Hobnail Vases; Blue Glass; Depression Glass; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Fluted Vases; Redware; Green Agate Coffeepot; Silver Flatware; Iron Fry pans; Cookware. LINENS: Fancywork; FINE TIN FISH WEATHER VANE; Iron Bull Dogs; Brass Umbrella Stand. BOOKS: Advertising Cards. TOOLS: Jacobsen Self-propelled Mower: Wheelbarrow: Power Sprayer; Ladders. CARS: 1973 DODGE DART, One Owner, 4 Door Sedan, 69,000 Miles, Excellent Condition; 1969 DODGE DART, Custom 2 Dr. Hard Top, Classic, Fine Condition. No out of state checks unless accompanied by a cur rent bank letter or prior arrangement with auction service. Young & Young, Attys. Terms By: ELLA CINDER Horst T. Glenn m 7) ist-iiai - (717) tm-mm Timothy G. F.« «(7if) 7*4-2132 Thornes A. ■VOICES OF EXPERIENCE Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication ip (9 Important m PUBLIC AUCTION of Antiques, Furniture, Household Goods, Approx. 70 Pcs. Fostoria, Approx. 70 Pcs. Fiesta, Collection of Hummels, Hubiey Toys, Watches, Jewelry, Coins, Collectibles, Early Chippendale Style Slant Front Desk Saturday, December 3,1994| Coins: SAM Al Starr Fireman’s Building, Willow Street, PA, (Lane. Co.) Dir.: RL 272 North behind Willow Street Fire Hatt. Sale For: Ralph & Jeanne Christ Agent for Owner MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (7171687-6857 • AU-1723L PUBLIC AUCTION LARGE TOY COLLECTION COURTLAND, SMITH MILLER, WYANDOTTE, AUBURN, HUBLEY, KEYSTONE, YORKSHIRE, HESS TRUCKS, NASCAR COLLECTABLES AND MANY OTHERS Monday, December 5,1994 at 3:30 p.m. Located indoors at the Leesport Farmer’s Market Banquet Hall just off Route 61 at the North end of Leesport, approx. 10 mi. North of Reading, Berks Co., Pa. COURTLAND: Gulf truck & trailer, Easter rabbit & trailer, Excavator, Ice cream trk., Space Rocket Patrol, Fire chief car. ERTL WHITE ROSE: #9132 STP Petty Ent., #2903 Hooters Alan Kulwicki, #7564 Hardees C. Yarborough, #3871 DuPont J. Gordon. LIBERTY CLASSICS: Texaco 6 car set (Numbers 1046, 2008, 1045, 2012, 1537, 2529), E. Irvan 1937 Chev. Sedan Del., #OO3OO N. Bonnett, #00302 Fireball Roberts, #00228 H. Gant Mod. A. P/U. ERTL: Mt. Carbon Bav. Beer, #4027 1929 Int. Texaco, #9682 R. Petty 1905 Ford, Davey Allison, Yuengling “26” Mack, Petty Ent. 1913 Model T, Montgomery Ward #5, Big Apple Market D. Marcis, NASCAR sets, D. Earnhardt Wrangler Transporter, 1990 D. Allison Transporters, Kaiser Beer, Hooters Transporters. HESS TRUCKS: 1976 Barrel Truck, 1977, ‘7B, ‘B4 Tankers, 1986-1990 Trucks. YORKSHIRE: Complete set of Six Bell Telephone Trucks, #3 PP&L, #4 PP&L, #3 & #4 Bell Telephone. MATCHBOX: #1 Petty White Cab Transp. (STP on door), #2 Petty Transporter, Transporters include Melling, Folgers, Purolator, Earnhardt, Allison, Sunoco, Hooters, Crown. AIRPLANE BANKS: Eastwood, Harley Davidson, #1 Ammoco, #2 Ammoco R. Petty #1 Texaco, #2 Eastwood, D. Allison, 1929 Lockheed Air Express Texaco #l. MISC: Smith Miller Tractor, Cheintin Wind-up car, Mar Racers, Structo Tractor Trailer, Eldon Pick-up, Auburn Tractor Trailer, Forklift, Red Freight truck, Master-Master Oil Co., Tonka “56” Ford Pick-up, Argo' Friction cars, Wyandotte Const. Shovel Trk., Tractor Trailer, Van Trailer, Banner Mail Truck, Motokipp Dump truck, Wolverine Coal loader, Marx Mail Truck, 1991 Das Awkscht Fescht Train Box car, Carlos Leffler 50th Ann. (Big Trk), Tiny Lund Transp., 1993 Yuengling Truck, Racing Champion Davey Allison Collector set, 1988 Maxx HC set, 1990 Maxx red & yellow box 1990 Maxx red & white box, and many other items. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is a large auction of approx. 700 toys with many other name brands not listed above. Terms: Cash or PA check, Jay of auction. Auctioneer: Brian R. Folk A11—002527—L Phone: (610) 683-5051 SAT. DEC. 17 - SAM HH . - goods, antiques. Loo. along . c Bc n Ranck Church Rd. Rt,23at Ann Molt. Marlin F Frey Blue Ball Bank, turn Son Exec, for Ada B. Martin Ranck Church Rd. 1/3 mi. p Btmt8 *; aul w - H° ret 4 to sale. East Earl Two. l*roy S. Horst, aucts. PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES - FURNITURE • KARASTAN RUGS - JEWELRY PERSONAL PROPERTY, ETC. ON: FRIDAY, DEC. 2,1994 At 9 A.M. • At Springetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 E. Market St, York, Pa. The following to be sold for the Beulah P. Reindollar Estate & others from York, Pa. ANTIQUES & FURNITURE Fancy oak ornate claw foot bow front china cabinet with top & Lions Head, Ornate Victorian sofa, Victorian Ladies & Gents chairs, oval & coffee marble top tables, large mahogany inlaid claw foot dining room table with boards, 4 Chippendale style dining room chairs; fancy high back chair, marble top server, 3 High back chairs with claw feet, small ornate carved stand, 10 ft. table, Marlow bench, large mirror, one side drop leaf table, fancy brass box, sm. drop leaf table, fancy carved stand with figural legs, Currier & Ives “The Playful Family” & “Two Little Fraid Cats”, several oil on canvas paintings, G.W.T.W. lamp, asst, frames with floral, fruit & fashion prints, Gody Fashion print, picture frames, misc. pcs. of sterling. Also general antique & small items. Not responsible for accidents on day of auction. PREVIEW SHOWING: Thurs. Eve. Dec. 1, 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. & I hour prior to auction. TERMS: Cask or personal check with auctioneer approval - No out of State checks. BRIAN L. GILBERT, LIC. #2256, JACOB A. GILBERT, LIC. #336 AUCTIONEERS. Notice: Richard A Jacqueline Smith have decided to retire from their aheep farm business A sell at public auction all equipment & livestock from this tidy operation. Location: Auction will be held at the farm 2 miles west of Champlain. From the Interaection of Rt. 87 and Rt 11 (exit 42) take Rt. 11 west 2 miles to Southwick Road & proceed south 1 mile to the farm. Equipment: IH 966 tractor - clean; IH 826 w/duals; AC Dl5 diesel w/loader; AC Dl7 diesel; Trojan 124 loader w/backhoe; Brlllion wheel harrow; IH transport drag; IH 720 4xlB plow; Brlllion 12' cultimulcher (very nice); (3) basket wagons; (2) wagons for round bales; 3 pt. mower; NH rake; NH 268 baler; NH 479 haybine; elevator; mow conveyor; IH 5100 grain drill w/grass seed; IH blower, fert. spreader; antique grader; Pincor 30 KW generator set; buzz saw; 2 wl. dump trailer; wood splitter; rotary mower; high pressure washer: Vicon round baler - excellent! (13) round bale feeders; 1990 7x16 stock trailer; Wic silage cart; manure spreader; paint sprayer; shop tools & many other items. Sheep A Equipment: Approx. (93) Registered Dorset Ewes; (44) Registered Dorset Ewe Lambs; (86) Grade Dorset, (including 25 yearlings); (4) Grade Ewe Lambs; (3) Dorset Rams; (5) Dorset Ram lambs. This is a healthy productive flock bred for late spring lambing. The sheep equipment Includes large quantity high tensile fence, gates, tilt table, netting, jugs, vet supplies, sorting gates, 600' of feeder bunk & much more. • Hav: 4000 square bales; 400 round bales A neat clean auction for some very nice farm folks here. Hope to see you in Champlainl OWNERS: Richard & Jacqueline Smith TERMS; Cash or good check, full settlement auction day. Refreshments Available Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 26, 1994-829 BEAVER CREEK FARMS COMPLETE LIQUIDATION AUCTION - NICE FARM MACHINERY 265 DORSET EWES • HAY & FENCING SOUTHWICK ROAD, CHAMPLAIN, NY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 @ 10:00AM Phone 518-298-8495 RoyTeitswprth, Inq. Sales Manager A Auctioneer 6502 Barber Hill Rd., Genesee, N.Y. 14454 716-243-1563 SAT. DEC. 17 -10 AM Gladhill Brothers Annual Farm & Yard Equip. Auc tion, Damascus Carnival Grounds. Gladhill Brothers. Jim Trout, auct. SAT. DEC. 17- IPM Valu able real estate, concrete block warehouse. SO miles W. of Phila. 14 miles W. of Coatesville, 25 miles S. of Reading, 40 miles SE of Harrisburg, 8 miles east of Lane, at 48 Queen Rd„ two blocks s. of Rte 340, in busy and commercial tour ist village of Intercourse, Lane. Co , Pa By Leroy's Repairs, Inc. Diffenbachs, auct. SAT. DEC. 17-3 PM 2 Acre farmette, 2 'A story frame dwelling, stone & frame bank barn Clay Twp Located at 2059 W. Mam St (Rt. 322, W of Ephrata), Clay Twp, Lane CO , Pa For Franklin W Shirk Horst aucts SAT. DEC 17- From Rts 272 & 897 at Weavers Market take Rt 897 S. to Fivepointville turn right onto Fivepointville to property on left RE, butcher shop, butcher equip & trucks By Charles Youndt & Sons Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts WED. DEC 21 & THURS DEC. 23 - Large Two Day Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa , One Mile East Of Marion Along Rte 914, '/< East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks Marion Auction Service FRI. DEC. 23 -130 PM, (Due To Chnstmas). State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Located At Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc Exit 12 South Off 1-81 Left Onto Alexander Spring Road (717) 249-4511 Fa' SAT DEC 31 - 9AM New Years Eve Toy Show, Wm ross, Ertl, hess, Matchbox, Racing, Promos, farm and construction toys All American Auction Service SAT. DEC. 31 -11 AM Culver machinery & real estate dispersal on farm 3 miles W. of Sweet Valley, Pa. 2 miles E of Blooming dale Corners, off Rd from Sweet Valley to Muhlen burg Corners, 7 mi SW of Rt 118 at Sheldons Diner Larry & Kimberly Culver, owners. Fraley Auction Co JANUARY TUBS. JAN 3- 10AM Elam and Lydia Fisher. Chester Co Full line of farm machinery, JD tractors, 2 JD forage wagons, NH 960 chopper, NH skid loader Steve Petersheim, auct. WED. JAN. 4 - 8 30AM Herd dispersal, farm equip ment and horses for Daniel J. Stoltzfus, 577 Chur chtown Road, Honey Brook, Pa. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. FRI. JAN. 6 -10 AM Horse Sale, New Holland Sales Stables, 101 W. Fulton St, New Holland, Pa SAT. JAN 7 - (Blizzard Date lues Jan 10) Camp bell (Steuben Co.) New York Ted and Mike Cleve land Farm Complete Dis persal 180 Holstein and Jersey and All Machinery! Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. SAT JAN. 7 THRU JAN 12 - '95 Pa. Farm Show Collector Models, Ertl Banks, Winross Trucks, Tractors. Farm Show Com plex, Harrisburg, Pa. SAT. JAN 7 -10 AM Real estate & personal property 1005 Buck Rd, Quarryville, Pa. Take Rt. 372 W. of Quarryville app. 4 mi or from Lancaster take Rt. 272 S. to traffic light at Buck turn East on Rt. 372 to property on right. By Dean H. & June Mylin. Kreider, Kline & Good aucts. SAT. JAN. 7 -11 AM Mod em Farm Machinery, 2 JD traactors, etc. on farm 4 miles S of Mifflinburg, Pa at White Springs. David E. & Mary Hurst!. Fraley Auc tion Co.