Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 26, 1994, Image 47
Consuming Thoughts by Fay Strickler Penn State Extension Hoi Economist For Beits C< Want to make a sweet sugary holiday treat? You can bine unsweetened bottled or frozen make low-sugar jellies to give as juices with commercial “lite” gelling gifts from your kitchen. Just com- products to create homemade jel- Farmers Know Jamesway:.. ■ Volumaxx® High-Capacity Big Ring Silo Unloader Backed by over 40 years of unloader technoloi and our three year CAP (Customer. Protection) warranty this durable brute unmatched performance, distribution choices, and . ing drive convenience. See These Dealers For Details Now... ERB k HBNRT EQUIPMENT INC. New Berllnvllle, PA 19545 215-367-2169 LAPP'S BARN EQUIPMENT SALES k SERVICE Gap, PA 17527 717-442-8134 SOLLBNBBRQER SILOS CORP. Chambereburg, PA 17201 717-264-9588 HARRT TROOP Cochranvilla, PA 19335 215-593-6731 STAR SILOS Myerstown, PA 17067 717-866-5708 JAMBS L. HOSTETTBR McVaytown, PA 17051 717-899-6386 SOMERSET BARN EQUIPMENT Somerset, PA 15501 814-445-5555 lies with little or no added sugar or with non-sugar sweeteners. For good, safe results, follow gelling product instructions and recipes exactly. The correct bal ance of the gelling ingredient, sugar and fruit juice, is critical for a product that will “set up” and keep safely. Any change in method, ingredients or measure ments will affect the set of the jelly. When the lite gelling prod uct calls for sugar, the sugar helps preserve the product; mold inhibitors also enhance product storabijky. Use only recipes that have been developed for the product. Don’t try to adapt your own recipe in the Know, Silo Unloader Experts Your Jamesway® Dealer is a silo unloader expert. He carries a complete line of Jamesway unloaders and has the specialized training and parts to keep •them working for years to come. He’s also a feedroom and feeding equipment expert who knows your silo unloaders are an important part of your feeding system. It’s no wonder there are more Jamesway unloaders working on North American dairy farms than any other brand. So if you're looking to replace your old unloader, check with an expert— your Jamesway Dealer. Big Jim® B.U.C.S. Breathes New Life Into Bottom Unloading Structures If you’ve had it with the high maintenance costs, slow delivery and low capacity of your bottom unloader, than Big Jim B.U.C.S. (Bottom Unloader Conversion System) is for you. Get big volume unloading, reliability, lower maintenance costs, greater silo capacity, and excellent quality haylage. PRINGLES FEED STORE, me. Greenville. PA 16125 412-588-7950 rovendaix ao MARYLAND ft BARN EQUIPMENT GLAD HILL TRACTOR MART Wateontown, PA 17777 Frederick, MD 21701 717-598-9564 301-663-6060 OR 717-742-4226 jjj) £y \ mtt.ic PRODUCERS ASSOC. Frederick, MO 21701 301-663-6552 ONBQT SURGE SERVICE Washington, PA 15301 412-222-0444 HOOVER EQUIPMENT Tyrona, PA 16086 814-684-1777 ■ Pacmaster ... Jamesway Quality in a Pack Drive Untoader NEW JERSEY GEORGE COLEMAN or use one made for another prod uct. Don’t double the recipe; that’s a basic rule with any jam, jelly or preserve recipe. Flavor and texture of the reduced-sugar jellies depend on how much sugar is used. If you reduce the sugar measurement called for, the product will be too soft. Use only pure cane sugar— not honey or brown sugar or fruc tose. Not all lite gelling products can be used with non-sugar sweet eners, so check product labels and directions carefully. Measure carefully and use standard measuring spoons for WALNUT BARN EQUIPMENT Port Royal, PA 717-436-9429 Elmar, NJ 06318 609-358-8828 UncMMr Farming Saturday, Novambar 26, 1994-811 fcjSa/ i CLOSED SUNDAYS, KEW YEAR, EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, WHTT MONDAY, OCT, 11, i HANKSGIVING, FBI (Mill { CiraiETMAS A DECEMBER MTU FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL A WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE A ANTIQUES BUS. HRS; BOX 57 MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI. 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Pressure Washers ft Hydraulic Hosss Mstal Fabricating Braka ft Shear Work General Welding ft Repair 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood, PA 17536 717 529 6553 measures of less than one-quarter cup, standard dry measuring cups for sugar, and standard liquid measuring cups for fruit juice. Place the jars in warm water, bring to a boil, then let the jars stand at least 10 minutes.’ When your lite jelly is done, resist temptation. To improve product consistency, let it set for several days before you use it. How many calories you can save with these products depends on how much sugar is used. Those made with no sugar may have as few as five calories per table spoon; those made wjth a third less sugar than a regular recipe may contain 20 calories per table spoon. These jellies won’t match reg ular jelly in appearance, texture and flavor. A jelly made with no sugar at all probably will seem tart and bland. Jelly without sugar or with non-sugar sweeteners will be somewhat cloudy. The sugar in reduced-sugar products brings these jellies closer to the “ideal” in flavor, clarity and set. These lite jellies may “weep,” especially after refrigeration, which also may make them firmer and harder to spread.