810-Uncttttr Farming, Saturday. Novambtr 26, 1994 Kids s \'X •> * s Activities With Bear Hugs It’s naptime and the children cry out, "Not yet. We want to play.” Or, it’s time to put toys away and that means cleanup. Or maybe it’s meal or snack time, and the children are noisy. A series of Bear Hugs books encourages children into a quiet restful mood, another gives ideas on how to turn cleanup time into fun time and meal time into happy times. The 24-page books written by Patty Claycomb and illustrated by Marion Hopping Ekberg is designed for caregivers to help offer a positive approach when dealing with group behavior of young children. Each book is full of ideas to put fun into teaching while getting desired results. Here are some activities from the books. For more information on the books, which sell for $3.95 each, call 1-800-334-4769, ext. 244. t) THE HUNGRY RHYME After the children are seated at the table, say the following rhyme as they act out the motions. I am hungry and I want to eat. (Rub tummy) But am I ready for my treat? First I’m going to check my feet (Point to feet) Two quiet mice, under my seat (Put feet under chair) Now for my hands, they’re quiet too, (Hold up hands) Just like the crocodiles in the zoo. /2&7 /&qI /307 NOISY QUIET RHYME Try this Bear Hug to encourage children to begin eating in a calm and happy manner. I can roar like a dinosaur. (Roar) I can stomp my feet. (Stomp feet) I can clap my hands. (Clap hands) I can sit in my seat. (Sit very still in chair) Tell the children that was the noisy part of the rhyme. Have them low er their voices while they say the final quiet verse. I can roar in a whisper. (Roar very quietly) I can tap my feet (tap feet) I can twiddle my fingers, (Wiggle fingers) Now I’m ready to eat (Place hands in lap) ••• /* ' c *Cj (Place hands on table) There’s a small buzz coming out of me. (Buzz quietly) My voice is as quiet as a bumblebee (Hold finger to lips) Now I’m ready, as you can see. (Sit up straight in chair) And hungry as a bear can be! (Rub tummy) If the children need a reminder to be more quiet during the meal, ask questions such as these: "What should your feet be like? Are your hands quiet like crocodiles?" s- > Have children make up their own Noisy-Quiet Rhyme. Ask them to suggest four noisy actions and three quiet actions. Always end the rhyme with "Now I’m ready to eat.” (Don't worry about words that rhyme. Results are what count). THE BEAR CAVE If your children are having trou ble seeing what needs to be cleaned up, try this Bear Hug. Ask the children to sit on the rug. Have them pretend that they are baby bear cubs and that you are the mama or papa bear. Then say the rhyme. Now listen, my bear cubs. I’ve something to say. kortiet^ v* s' ' * Clean-a-Saurus Use this Bear Hug to encourage cooperation and speed at cleanup time. Tell the children the Clean-a-saurus would like to visit them today, but he will only come if the room is all cleaned up. Then sing thefirstfive ver ses of the following song. When the room is all cleaned up, get out the toy dinosaur and make it dance around the room while you sing the last verse. Sung to: “Kookaburra” Clean-a-saurus is coming to our room today, Hurry, let s clean so he’ll want to stay. Clean everybody, clean everybody, Clean this mess away. Clean-a-saurus has a great big nose, He looks for messes wherever he goes Clean everybody, clean everybody, Clean this mess away. Clean-a-saurus has two big eyes, That open when a mess he spies. Clean everybody, clean everybody, Clean this mess away. Clean-a-saurus has two big ears, That perk up when a mess is near. Clean everybody, clean everybody, * Clean this mess away. Clean-a-saurus has giant hands, To feel messes small or grand. Clean everybody, clean everybody. Clean this mess away. Clean-a-saurus likes to dance and play, Round the room when it’s cleaned this way. Thanks everybody, thanks everybody, For cleaning up today. Our cave is a mess. Let’s clean it today. Each one of you grab A broom or a towel, ’Cause when I see a mess, I just want to growl. When everything’s clean. Come back to our rug. And I’ll give each of you A “thank you” bear hugl Have the children clean up the room. As they are working, walk around to check on the messes. When you seee a mess, stand by it and growl until some children come to clean it up. After thr room is clean, have the children come back to the rug and give each child who wants one a great big bear hug.