Use Holidays To Enjoy Friends, Strengthen Family Ties UNIVERSITY PARK, (Centre Co.) Many of us splurge over the holidays, not just on gifts, but on parties, decorations, cards and food. The result often is not only empty pockets but stress and exhaustion, said a family resource expert in Penn State’s College of WOOD TRUSS iwiiii ' MANUFACTURERS m LAMINATED RAFTERS * •nd WOOD ROOF TRUSSES 701 E. Linden St., RICHLAND, PA 17087 'elephone: 717-866-6581 Fax; 717-866-7237 The Symbol Of Quality Agricultural Sciences. “We need to reevaluate what the holiday season means to us,” said Dr. Marilyn Furry, associate professor of extension education. “The holidays should be a relax ing time to spend with family. This is something children need as Family Farm to Architectural Innovation TUDOR ARCH Engineered Timber much as adults do. “Children should get some spe cial attention during this time, but parents often are busy buying gifts, attending holiday parties, cleaning the house and decorating the tree,” said Furry. “Too often, children end up spending time Over Thirty-Five Years Of Quality Service STRAIGHT BEAM Uncamr Firming, Saturday, Novambar 26, 1994-B3 with a babysitter.” When holiday responsibilities aren’t shared by the entire family, this diminishes the experience for everyone as well. “Many times it’s the mother’s responsibility to buy and wrap gifts, decorate the home, bake cookies and mail cards,” said Furry. “Often she feels burned out before the holi days are even over.” Furry points out that families need to sit down together and set priorities for holiday activities and share the work. “Make it a team effort, and do only as many things as you can accomplish comfortably,” she said. “Congrat ulate yourself on what you’ve accomplished rather than agoniz ing about what you haven’t done.” Holiday parties can be a great time to get together with friends— but too many parties can take time away from the family. “One way to avoid this is to refuse social invitations after a certain date, such as December IS, unless the event includes the whole family,” Furry said. It’s also a good idea to set real istic expectations about gifts. This can save time as well as money. “Ask yourself if you really need to buy presents for everyone,” said Furry. “Perhaps you could draw names with friends and relatives. Set a price limit for gifts, and have everyone agree in advance. “Buy presents that will last or GOTHIC ARCH that can be recycled or repaired. Use your creativity to make gifts Capitalize on talents such as cook ing, baking, sewing or wreath making. Another idea is- to give a coupon book of favors to be redeemed throughout the year. Or make a donation in a loved one’s name to a charity or church group.” Furry said that families also need strong holiday traditions to stabilize the unsettling holiday season. “These can be simple things the family does together, such as opening cards, taking a walk in the woods or calling friends. Include activities not cen tered around giving gifts, and do the same things each year so that the children can say, ‘When do we make the wreath?’ or ‘When can we decorate the tree?”’ Furry also emphasizes an even ly paced holiday season. “From Thanksgiving on, and sometimes even earlier, the holidays receive a huge buildup,” she said. “Then after Hanukkah and Christmas, the activities drop dramatically. Everyone feels let down, and the children are left surrounded by a stack of gifts, wondering what to do next. “Instead, gradually wind down the holiday season,” she said. “Don’t take the decorations down immediately, and plan some of those get-togethers for after the holidays.” UNIVERSAL ARCH MANUFACTURERS OF GLU-LAM ARCHES GLU-LAM BEAMS GLU-LAM TREATED POSTS ROOF TRUSSES FLOOR TRUSSES T&G AND V-GROOVE DECKING WE CUSTOM DESIGN OR MATCH EXISTING BUILDINGS COMPLETE LINE OF POST FRAME BUILDING MATERIALS CRANE SERVICE Everyone at Rlgidply Rafters, Inc. is fully committed to serving our customers and providing them with the finest products available. The excellence that we strive for is to show our appreciation for our customers continued loyalty to Rlgidply Rafters. You deserve the best!