Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 26, 1994, Image 21
, JSrtMHWSi QUALITY PRODUCTS AT FAIR, AFFORDABLE PRICES If We Do Not Have It, WE'LL GET IT! #1 IN THE INDUSTRY ► BIN SALE BONANZA M«M tan Dla. 8F7616016 2.76 6' 8F7626016 4.25 •' : 8F7636016 5.73 6' :'8F7726716 6.6 7’ - 8F773716 6.6 7* 8F7746716 10.6 7’ ' 8F7756716 12.7 7' 8F7536016 14.3 9' V 8F7946016 17.7 9’ 18P7956016 21.1 9' 8F7966016 24.4 9’ BOOTSA AUGERS \ & FLEX \ AUGER \ SYSTEMS \ AVAIL ARIP \ AUGER OPTIONS AVAILABLE: 4“-6“-8" Rigid 2" up to 5" Flex Auger r 8 SAME AS CASH Available Upon Credi 1 180 DA! HEAVY DUTY GALV. AUGERS T* ** by Star-Land J Fully Adjustable Motor Mount Spider Cage Guard. Motor Locking Collars \ \ .'•: m Bolt-On Spout Heavy 16 Ga Galvanized Tubing f Enclosed Unbreakable ABS Plastic Pulley Guard 4”-6” Utility Auger Complete With .. _ —ng Motor Mount & Guard 4"x11 ’-‘139.94 4”x21 ’-*199.94 6”xl6’-*254.99 4”xl6’-*179.99 6 ”xll’-*199.99 6 ”x2l’-*319.99 Don't let the cold stop you cold. Why freeze trying to R£DDY enjoy your favorite activities in an unrelated shop, HFATGRS garage or other work area. Uses clean-burning n “ AI kerosene or #1 fuel oil. Just provide ventelation, plug it in and you're in business 35.000 BTU NO. R 35 $159. 50.000 BTU NO. RSOA $199. 70.000 BTU NO. R7OA $249. 110.000 BTU No. RIOOA $289. 150.000 BTU No. RISOA $349. LP 35,000 BTU $179. LP 150,000 BTU $3OO. OPTIONAL THERMOSTAT $39. m « SNOWBEAR f # SNOW PLOWS ——, ;.'t In Stock// >VI* • Lightweight • Removable * High Strength e ’/. Ft $1299.99 Th Ft $1499.99 MiraFmmt JT'V— THE ORIGINAL («1/'P\ ENERGY FREE L |. J WATERER... fc —COPIED I / 1 t // BUT NEVER \ M* / Vi—_ EQUALLED XL!/ 1 HOLE MIRAFOUNT 2 HOLE MIRAFOUNT 15 Gal. Capacity $309.99 20 Gal. Capacity $369.99 Capacity: SO head beef, 25 head daily,, 30 Capacity: 150 head beef, 60 head dairy, hoiaee, 1 -6" opening No. 33360 2-S* opening No. 3465 HEY POULTRYMEN LONG LIFE LIGHT BULBS 25 Witt 75 Wan ■pig 40 win ioo Witt mLr* ,3ov 5000 Hr I An Cm Lot (120 Bulb!) ■*3ss /bulb ★Full Una Fart* Dapt* Rt 272 South |*PI ★Sail, Sarvloa 0 Inatall* 14 Harrvilla Rood LbHm Willow Street, PA 175*4 Ph. 717-454-3321 or 9H) Toll Fraa 100-732-0053 IWWHHWJ Storo Hours: V, ~i I n il,„n , ✓ Hoa-Slt 7:30 AM to MO FM M** ABOVE COMPLETE ROOF, SIDI LEGS, BRAC CONTROI Sale Are PL Warehi HEAT LAMP BULBS Claar -125 W -250 W Reg. Your Cholca 250 W $1.49 Ea. $3.69 Ea. iprov«l PIG HEAT a BJ 209 LAMPS Hsavy duty aluminum MM v' x raflactor complala with y hangar and Mk A guard High haal porcaiain |* J* soefcat with 11/2 SVTUL VV JA listad cord (round vinyl) 'Ak w r Jkj' l f cord Rag SSMEa. SALE $5.99 aa. Bv Caaa of 10 UPS Shipping Point 11/26 ANNAPOLIS, Md. Mary- Regional Recycling, Kent County corporation dedicated to work' land Secretary of Agriculture Public Works, Wicomico Public with organizations to facilitate lb, Lewis R. Riley has announced Works, Frederick County Public collection and recycling of plastic that the 1994 empty plastic pesti- Works, Harford County Public containers for crop protection cide container recycling program Works. Maryland Environmental products, was very successful and surpassed Service, United States Depart- “The response of farmers, the 1993 program in the number ment of Agriculture, and Ag- commercial agricultural applica of containers collected for recy- Chem Inc., the program has been tors, and other pesticide users has cling. _ effective in removing plastic pes- teen very encouraging. Sites used The Maryland Department of ticide containers from the waste during the 1993 pilot program Agriculture held 24 collection stream so they can be reused as an experienced a substantial increase days at six sites located through- energy source or for producing ' n participation during the 1994 out the state. Four collection days additional plastic containers. Ag- program,” said Riley, were held in Chestertown, Easton, Chem, Jnc. of Girdletree, Mary- Salisbury, Frederick, Beltsville, land provided the chipper to grind Because ot the high interest in and Street during July, August, the plastic containers into flakes, program over the past two September, and October. Several which are transported to a con- y ears > the department will again collections were also made at pes- tractor for recycling. P^ er recycling program dur ticide dealer facilities and com- All of the collected pesticide * n B the 1995 growing season,” mercial agricultural applicator containers from Maryland will be Rtey said, sites. shipped to a recycling facility additional information, “The inspection, collection, and under contract with the Agricul- con * ac * Mary Ellen Setting, chief processing of over 25,000 plastic tural Container Research Council department s pesticide reg pesticide containers have reduced (ACRC). ACRC is a nonprofit ulation section, (410) 841-5710. the potential for contamination of ground water and Chesapeake Bay while saving valuable landfill space,” said Riley. Maryland’s program is a com bined effort of state, county, and private industry working together to protect the environment. With the cooperation of Mid-Shore ROLLING 0N...1N THE 90'S PULVERIZERS MEETS THE CHALLENGE ■ WtV tlXlfct l\U crush clods and firm the soil for better contact between seeds and soil. Brillion has manufactured Pulverizers since 1985 and dominates the market today. Part of that success is because the roller wheels are made in Bullion's own modern foundry. That gives Brillion a big advantage in quality and price. Available 19' to 46' There's lots more reasons to buy Brillion...stop in and we'll talk. Now Available With 20" Ductile Iron Wheels And 5 Year Limited Warranty For More Information Contact Your Brillion Dealer | I*l \NSVI VANIA] ADAMSTOWN Adamstown Equip. Inc. ALLENTOWN Lehigh Ag Equipment BEGHTELSVILLE Millar Equip. Co. BERWICK C.H. Rinehlmar A Son* CARLISLE Gutshall’e, Inc. DOVER George N. Groee, Inc. EASTON George V. Selple ELIZABETHTOWN OLEY _ lu _ Menlck Farm Equipment Co. Pikevill. Equipment, Inc. E^T.«mpqulp.Bele.Corp INTERCOURSE C.B. Hoobor A Son QREENCASTLE Meyers Implement Md. Recycles Empty Pesticide Containers I L J LANCASTER WAT^OMTOWN Lendl. Brother., Inc. Deerfield AG A Turf Center, Inc. LEBANON Umbergar’a Of Fontana WEST grove S.G. Lewis A Son, Inc. LOYSVILLE Gutehall’s, Inc. LYNNPORT Karmlt K. Klatlar, Inc. m m-nnt Caraivllla Ford Naw Holland NEEDMORE Clugston Farm Equipment NEW HOLLAND A.B.C. Groff, Inc. OAKLAND MILLS BRIDGETON Peoples Sales A Service L „|| # Fo g g QUARRWILLE Grumslll Farm Service Columbus Reed Brothers Equipment TAM AQUA Charles Snyder, Inc. fairield Caldwell Tractor A Equipment Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 26, 1994-A2l •s& MARYLAND |N I. W IhHSI.Y | DHIA Lab. (Continued from Pago A 1) samples per month. Samples arc picked up from supervisors cm 133-mile afternoon runs around the county five days per wdek. The lab also runs five days per week so that results can be avail able on a regular basis the next day after the sample is taken from the farm. The turn-around time from Manheim to Raleigh back to Man heim on strategic information needed to make immediate man agement decisions on the farm is less than two hours. This infor mation printed in Manheim is then sent out the same day so that it is in the hands of dairy farmers within two days after the sample was taken by the supervisor at the farm. The regular monthly reports are printed in Raleigh, and these reports are sent to members from the DRPC. Many herds in Lan caster DHIA are small, even as small as from 12 to 40 cows. Because of this unique situation the local program has been developed with these small herds in mind. At the same time the larger herds have maintained associa tion because of special programs that cater to herds with on-farm computers. The lab began oper ation Oct. 1, and one week later was certi fied. Problems have been minimial. For anyone who has an interest in visiting the new lab, a special open house has been planned for Jan. 16-17, 1995. The lab is located two and one half miles northwest of Manheim along Old