820-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 12. 1994 FFA HAPPENINGS Cedar Crest FFA Attends Leadership Training Seventeen members of the Cedar Crest FFA recently attend ed an FFA Leadership Training Conference at the Northern Lebanon High School. The pur pose of the event was to familiar ize FFA officers and members with their duties and responsibili ties as chapter officers. The con ference also included sessions on developing leadership skills. The group was greeted by Darla Herr, Lebanon County FFA president. Theresa Inhof, state FFA vice president, eastern region, and Marci Harnish, state FFA vice president, gave inspira tional speeches’ on “Unlocking Your Keys to Success.” First year FFA members from Lebanon apd Schuykill counties competed in a quiz contest. Partic ipants had to answer questions about the FFA. Heather Koch, Joe Perry, and Crystal Stevenson competed for Cedar Crest. A cafe teria meal was then served to everyone. After dinner, the FFA’ers were m Happenings York County 4-H Capon Roundup The York County Capon Club held its annual roundup and sale at Rentzel’s Auction Bam on Octo ber 20. The judge for the event was Herb Jordan, retired poultry specialist from Penn State Univer sity. Twenty capons and one turkey were exhibited for evaluation. Four of the capons were exhibited by Cloverbuds. Cloverbuds is a relatively new area for 4-H in which youngsters seven years old may participate, but are not in competition with regular 4-H members. MAILBOX MARKET AD FORM Only ads submitted on tnis official form will be published in our (Attach Your Mailing Label Here) For Sale divided into three groups. The groups were as follows; official dress and etiquette, supervised agricultural experience, and what does the FFA have to offer. While in the group, members learned to improve both their chapter and themselves. Other members from Cedar Crest who attended were Charlie Aurentz, Heather Orner, Jacob Frazier, Jon Harnish, Mike Hostetler, Stacy Krall, Andy Mar tin, Jamie Risser, Keith Wartluft, Shawn Weaver, Jeff Zimmerman, Bill Smeltzer, Mindy Hostetler, and Sean Weaver. The results of the quiz contest were as follows; 1. Ryan Spatz, Northern Lebanon; 2. Heather Koch, Cedar Crest; 3. Andrea Bashore, Northern Lebanon; 4. Crystal Stevenson, Cedar Crest; 5. Justin Van Fleet, Northern Lebanon; 6. Todd Getz, Elco; 7. Kim Getz, Annville-Cleona; 8. Brooke Stehr, Tri-Valley; 9. Joseph Perry, Cedar Crest; 10. Danielle Mays, Elco; and 11. Eliz abeth Ericson, Elco. Taking home champion honors with her capon was Shanna Daugherty of York. Glen Rock State Bank purchased the champi on for $l9 per pound. Reserve champion went to Jessica Klock of York. The reserve champion sold to the Ray Hoover Family for $lB per pound. Average prices with the champions was $9.20 per pound and without champions $7.30. If you are interested in pur chasing a dressed capon from a 4- H member, additional information may be obtained from the Penn State Cooperative Extension office at (717) 757-9657. mailbox markets. Please NO PHONE CALLS Check One: Notice HARRISBURG (Dauphin C 0.,) With the reorganization of the 1994-95 Commodity Mar keting Board, Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program welcomed Joy Crothers to the board. Raised on a dairy farm in west , em Pennsylvania, where her broth er and parents still farm, Crothers has an extensive dairy background and quite an active one, too. A Bachelor of Science in home eco nomics education from Penn State University and a Master’s degree in dairy science extension educa tion from Louisiana State Univer sity round out Crothers’ education. She is also a former Pennsylvania dairy princess. While living in Maryland, Crothers worked with the Mary land Cooperative extension TOWANDA (Bradford Co.) “Recognizing and Dealing with Childhood Illnesses” is the topic of a workshop planned for child care providers. It will be held on Thursday, November 17, at the Wysox Presbyterian Church Hall from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m with registration beginning at 7:00 p.m. Penn State Cooperative Exten sion of Bradford County is spon sor of the training. Registered child Market per month only -2) Lancaster Farming Mail ing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phono number must include area code. 5) Your County must bo included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's Wanted issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** Th* Lancaster Farming staff has ths right to reject any Mailbox Mark* ala that do not moat thasa requirements. ** Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Marital* P.O. Box 609 1 E. Main 8L Ephrata, PA 1752 X No Phone Call Plsaaal 12 20 Joy Crothers Joins PDPP Commodity Marketing Board Childhood Illness Workshop Planned Q MIUC.it DOES A BODY GOOD. MIDDLE ATLANTIC MILK MARKETING ASSOCIATION. INC. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMI Requirement*: 1) Subscribers allowed “one" free Mailbox service, Dairy 4-H Youth pro gram, and the Maryland Dairy Princess Program. Crothers and her husband, Tom, now live on a small, family operated dairy farm in Chester County. The Crotherses milk 45 Holsteins and 12 Brown Swiss. Among Crothers’ many activi ties, she also sits on the board of directors for the Dairy Council, Inc., Southampton, as a represen tative for independent dairy pro ducers. Crothers serves as the co chairperson for the Chester Coun ty Promotion Committee and works with the Chester County Dairy Princess Program. Crothers’ involvement in so many aspects of dairy promotion should serve her well as she seeks to fulfill her personal goal as board care providers who attend will receive two hours credit toward required in-service training hours. Child care providers who par ticipate in the training will be able to: • identify the difference between infectious and contagious diseases; • recognize signs of sickness or illness in children; • plan an environment that will prevent the spread of infectious Subscription Information • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and Till in your name and address. Attach your check, $21.00 per year or $40.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA AND WV. (All other areas - $31.00 per year, $59.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. No phone subscriptions accepted. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. To insure proper credit on all’renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 8 a.m Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. When writing us about your subscription please attach your Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to; LANCASTER FARMING * P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1994 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV OTHER STATES O $21.00 -1 YEAR □ $31.00 -1 YEAR □ $40.00 - 2 YEARS □ $59.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION □ RENEWAL NAMI ADDRESS. CITY. ZIP + 4. member of the PDPP Commodity Marketing Board. Her priority is to work toward a unified, efficient use of dairymen’s dollars. A strong supporter of the school breakfast program, Crothers sees this as another opportunity for the dairy farmer to better his market position by increasing school dairy consumption and in turn receiving a higher price for milk. Crothers is quick to applaud Dairy Management, Inc. for tak ing a great step forward on behalf of dairy producers. Such steps, according to Crothers, should be carried through to all levels of dairy promotion. Crothers will join the other 20 members of the Commodity Marketing Board in directing the activities of the Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program. diseases; and • recognize symptoms of spe cific childhood illnesses and appro priate treatment for these illnesses. There is no fee for child care providers to attend the workshop. However, reservations are required. To make a reservation, contact the Extension Office at 701 South Fourth Street, Towanda, PA 18848, phone (717) 265-2896. •RENEWALS HATE. .COUNTY. WON-REFUNDABLE to 5 p.m.;