Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 12, 1994, Image 22

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    A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 12, 1994
Lancaster Holstein Club Elects Officers
Lancaster Fanning Staff
MT. JOY (Lancaster
Co.) The Lancater Holstein
Club held its annual banquet and
business meeting Thursday night
at the Country Table Restaurant in
Mt. Joy, recognizing member
achievements and electing
Three new directors were
elected to the nine-man board;
Tom Barley, Warren Good and
Leßoy Welk. In a business meet
ing following the banquet, the
board of directors reorganized and
elected Jack Coleman president,
Lynn Royer vice president. Dale
Hershey treasurer, and Leßoy
Welk as secretary.
Other directors are Daryl Mills
and Larry Kennel.
The officers reviewed the club’s
past year, stating that the club is
financially in good shape and that
bookwork was in order.
The club also recognizes top
305-day lactation production by
members* registered Holsteins.
The top milk, fat and protein
producing junior 2-year-old award
went to Melody Lawn Farms’
Maria. Maria made
28,451 pounds of milk, 959 poun
ds of fat, and 874 pounds of protein
on a first lactation.
The top milk-producing senior
2-year-old was Meadow Vista
Farm’s Bell Jill with 30,754
Lancaster County Holstein Club Junior production award winners are, from the left
front, Zachery Meek, Jeremy Meek, Laura Blank, and Lisa Blank. From the left, back
row, are Jeremy Welk, Denise Bollinger, Jill Harnish, and Joe Best.
The directors of the Lancaeter County Holstein Club are, from the left, front row,
new director Tom Barley, Matt Walk, president Jack Coleman, and Daryl Mills. In the
back row, from the left, Is secretary and new director Leßoy Welk, treasurer Dale Her
shey, vice president Lynn Royer, and Larry Kennel. Not shown is new director Warren
Maryland Holstein Offers Scholarships
deadline for submitting applica
tions for several scholarships
offered by the Maryland Holstein
Association is Jan. 1.
Applicants must be Maryland
residents who have had registered
Holsteins as a 4-H or FFA project,
and who are currently enrolled in a
college-level agricultural
To get scholarship applications,
write or call Auithur and Peggy
Johnson, chairmen of the Md.HA
Scholarship Committee, at 22520
pounds milk and 910 pounds fat,
879 pounds protein.
The top senior 2-year-old for fat
and protein production was Nef
fdale Farm’s Steady Piggy with
1,704 pounds fat and 899 pounds
of protein made on 27,537 pounds
of milk.
The top milk-producing 3-year
old was Meadow Vista Chris Leo
na, owned by Meadow Vista Farm,
with 33,509 pounds milk, 909
pounds fat, and 890 pounds
Raymond and Glenn Brubaker’s
3-eyar-old, Caernarvon Mark
Starglow-ET, a VG 88, made
1,303 pounds of fat, and 1,025
pounds of protein in 31,468
pounds of milk.
The top-producing 4-year-old
was Kenneth Zurin’s Kenbum
Jamacia Tulip, with 34,294 pounds
of milk, 1,265 pounds of fat, and
1,055 pounds of protein.
The top milk-producing senior
aged Holstein cow was Shelmar
Acres Gambler Grace, owned by
Shelmar Acres, with 37,109
pounds milk, 926 pounds of fat,
and 1,046 pounds of protein.
The top milk-component pro
ducing senior cow was SuKavin
Bell Tina, an Excellent 90 Holstein
owned by Roy Stoner, with 1,257
pounds butterfat, and 1,070 pound
s protein in 29,650 pounds of milk.
Lancaster County Holstein Club
junior production award winners
Ml Ephraim Rd, Dickerson, Md.,
20842, (301) 972-8274.
The applications must be
returned to the Johnsons by Jan. 1.
There are six $5OO scholarships
available, made possible through
donations of Maryland Holstein
breeders and Mends. Those six
scholarships are divided into three
different catagories of eligibility,
with two scholarships offered in
Those enrolled with the Univer
sity of Maryland College of Agri
culture are eligible to apply for two
were Zachery Meek, Jeremy
Meek, Laura Blank, Lisa Blank,
Jeremy Welk, Denise Bollinger,
Jill Hamish, and Joe Best
Distinguished junior members
were Laura Blank, Joe Best and Jill
In an annual program to reward
junior members with the best
record books for raising Holsteins,
Joe Best, son of John and Carol
Best, won a registered Holstein
heifer calf that was sponsored by
the Kenneth and Anna Mary Beiler
family, and the club.
The calf prize is annually pre
sented to the intermediate-aged
junior member with the top record
bode. To prize to the top junior
member is a show box and this
year’s winner was Laura Blank.
In other business. Don Eby gave
a review of the Holstein futurity,
and Gelnn Shirk, county extension
agent, reviewed several topics of
concern, including farm labor, a
county wide reassessment for set
ting real estate taxes (he said the
Farm Bureau is to hold informa
tional meetings after assessment
notices have been mailed by the
county), and the Penn State Dairy
MAP program.
Jack Coleman reminded mem
bers that the club’s annual cheese
sale starts Tuesday and members
should contact a director for more
$5OO scholarships.
Those enrolled in the two-year
program at the University of Mary
land Institute of Applied Agricul
ture, or a similar program, are dig- . ..
ible for two scholarship. u According to an announcement.
There are two $5OO scholarships lour 18 •«"* co-sponsored by
available to those enrolled in agri- ?° unt y USDA
culture at the college of the applic- Agricultural Stabilization and
choice Conservation Service, the USDA
‘ Soil Conservation Service, the
conservation district, Penn State
Cooperative Extension, and the
DER Bureau of Forestry;
The bus tour is scheduled to
Joe Best, son of John and Carol Best, holds an arm
around the registered Holstein heifer calf he won in an
annual contest sponsored by the Lancaster County Hols
tein Club that rewards the intermediate-aged youth with the
top project book.
Lebanon 4-H Dairy Club
Honors Members
(Continued from Page A2l)
son Martin was the outstanding
senior member for NoSoAnn, as
well as the county.
Those recognized for having the
best bred and owned animals were
Amanda and Allison Martin and
Jesse Bomgardner.
Curtis Bomgardner was named
the top Hoard’s dairy judge.
Jesse Bomgardner was named
outstanding dairy judging team
member. The dairy judgin team
won the state competition.
Jennifer Bashore was named the
oustanding dairy bowl member.
And the winners of the Lebanon
County scrapbook awards were
Amy Habecker, Amanda Martin,
and Alisha Myers.
Allison Martin was also the reci
pient of a Meridan Bank 4-H
Recognition was also made to
the members of the senior team to
the state 4-H contest, winners at
the All-American dairy judging
forum, dairy bowl members, and
other winners during previous con
tests already reported.
Winebark said that the Lebanon
County 4-H Dairy club member
ship continues to be strong, and
that members are fortunate to have
such supportive and committed
Berks Slates
Cpnservation Tour
Co.) The Berks County Con
servation District has announced
that a jointly sponsored conserva
tion tour into the northwest region
of the county has been scheduled
for Nov. 18.
outstanding rookie of Leba
non County.
club leaders and industry
leave the county, agricultural cen
ter, located near the state prison in
Leesport, at 9 a.m., on Nov. 18 and
visit three farm conservation
demonstrations; a llama farm oper
ation; a honey processing facility;
and lunch at Midway Diner (on
your own).
The cost of the tour is $l2 per
person and covers transportation.
Since seating is limited, reserva
tions are on a first-come basis.
Deadline for reservations is Nov.
For more information, visit or
call the Berks County ASCS office
at the county ag center in Leesport,
(610) 478-7158.