GENERATOR 150 KVA 230 V or 208 ft 20 V 3 phase, Hercules diesel, ASCO transfer switch, $7600; large amount of used elec triod equipment; fused dis connect switches, circuit breakers, bus duct and plugs, conduit, fittings, transformers, etc. 908/876-3028, 908/813-1901 for details. Gehl 1080 discbine, works good, $2OOO. 717-536-3597. Gehl 1580 silage blower, like new, used only 25 loads, super high capacity machine requires 100+ hp, 540 or 1000 PTO, $4300. 717/369-5423. A.B.C. GROFF QUALITY KUHN EQUIPMENT Kuhn-Tough Reversible Plows HUNTER 1 VALUES Track Down 810 $22,500 NH353 Mixer 80 Bu. $4,900 ><B»I *• ' - 1 i ii a*; ;*•> JD 2755 75HP TUrbO, Ukt Now, 500 Hours smm K JO 1219 Mower CondlUoiMr Ford 8730 140 HP, 600 JO 2600 6 Bottom Plow (Cans* JO 2350 MFWD With 245 Quick SFt,V ‘ ry «SSo ond “ on vary Cteod CmwlWonlt3,6oo “**"£&£**"■ FINISHING DISC Ford 14', only used 30 acres, $1,850. 410-833-9091 FNH 520 Spreader, Single Beater, Tinde Chain, Tail gale, Very Good. $3200. (717)328-2336. FORD 2000, gas, 4 spd., $3,200. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR. 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B;3OAM. Adaptable to any field condition Kuhn's new 16" R 65 BUYS ON 1. '■* i >;t .... % ' JD 336 Baler w/ 30 Bale Ejector, Nice $4,500 H Richardson Dump Wagon NH 41110’ Diskblne, Excellent Condition - • ' Farmall Super H tractor w/JD manure loader, $2500; Farmall WF never used, $400; IH grain drill, $750; QMC pickup buck $500; hand cart $100; Stove, clay lined, $75. 908-329-2765. Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Farmhand Tank Spreader w/hydrualic lids, 217 bushel, brand new, $5,900. (717)222-9090. Ferguson 30hp; Woods S' Wanted: 70-90 hp Intema trim mower, $3450. tional diesel tractor. 410-343-0350 Baltimore (717)295-3137 Co. (717)684-8780. Kuhn Fertilizer Spreaders For Greater Efficiency And Contra Kuhn hum disc spreaders feature even spreading patterns, quick cleaning hoppers, and slamless steel bottoms and shutters COMET ZSN SERIES • Hopper Capacities - 800 to 2,400 lbs . Widths -32 to 49'. •2, 4*or 6 row banding attachments COMET ZSB SERIES • Hopper Capacities - 2.U5 to 3,500 lbs ; Working Widths - 33' to 78' • 5:1 disc to agitator ratio STOCK; Model ZSA 450 RTwln Disc Spreader JMals ► 1100 lb„ 15.9 Cu. Ft. capacity UAJUTY Used B, $4,900 $8,900 A * ’V , Uni system 70S. 717 com bine, 713 grain head. 610-857-5975. USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt dutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill- T Farm Saiee » Service, 4296 Richmond Paleetine Road, New Madison, Ohio 45346. 513-548-0716. WANTED; Old (arming ma gazines, hunting maga zines or PA. Game News. 717-692-2645. WANTED: Wheel Loader, 2 yard articulated w/ EROPS, cash waiting. 215/767-2525. iment ‘ • - v , -~»> >- I JD 970 Diesel MFWD 33HP w/Losdsr "Hours Ford 1720 MFWD 23 HP, With Loader $12,500 Ss. * us: z * Ford 242 23 Ft Wing Fold Disk Harrow m White 10* transport disc, excellent blades, $6OO. (301)898-7426. White 8900 hydrostatic combine, wide rice tires, 6RN com head, 15' floating grain head, low hours, ready to work, $19,500. 717/683-5560. WOODS 121. 10', new. $3,600. 410-633-9091 WOODS Batwing MD3IS, new, $5,400. 410-633-9091 Woods 8106 mower, For Sale: Hesston Bale heavy duty 3 pt., like new Processor BP2O Excellent w/warranty, $l,BOO. $6OOO. 540PT0 410-833-9091 (301)739-4692. Weather Brakes For Most Makes and Models ‘ . ■ Utilize engine heat (or cold weather comfort ■ Install in minutes lor winter-time use and remove quickly for summer comfort. ■ Heavy, tear-resistant vinyl, laminated to tough nylon, over steel frame ■ Large 3-secllon wlndsield of polished dear vinyl (or good visibility ■ Available with soft lops and rear curtains for extra comfort. ■ Engine flaps adjustable lor heal regulation ■ All seams double-stitched & locked. ■ Designed a tailored specifically to lit your tractor or other product. (Not a universal *(lt-air) Order Now - Limited Supply and Stocks on Hand ‘ ! Z ! ! 'll GFOFF 110 South Railroad Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 ABC^ GROFF IMW •mmymmawm*. w/Loader $18,900 (S# $7,900 ■HDPfi r ( ’•. , *i! f**, V* incssur Farming, Saturday, Novtmber 12, 1994-023 For most any combine, grain and/or com header, or self propelled choppers. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 For Sale: By farmer, New Idea 324 2RW completer, late model, 12 roll husking bed, very good condition. Also for sale: IH 234 mounted completer $5OO. IH 2MH mounted corn picker, $2OO. Call (717)463-2231. 2 Post Hops ft 4 Post Hops Enclosures for John Deere, Ford and Case IH Tractors ■ Specialty designed of glass, steel and tough, tear resistant vinyl, laminated to nylon to protect operator from wind, rain and snow at modest cost ■ Tinted, tempered wlndsleld, and polished dear vinyl side and rear windows for excellent visibility. ■All seams douUe-sttlched S locked lor appearance Along Me. ■ Large doors lor easy access (717) 354-4191 NH 492 9 Ft. Haybine, Used 2 Seasons * «•• ' ip* Kuhn GMD 77 HD 9’2" Cut Disk Mower • Used 1 Season $4,650 *. in Cast 2090,100 HP, with Cab. 1800 Hours, Power Shift 515,900 Spray-Coupe 230, low hours, mint condition, $25,000 firm. 610/869-0279. Sprayer truck, '9l IH 4900 w/John Blue 1200 gallon liquidator, VG condition. (410)867-1888. Straw Choppers for JD & other brand combines. 717-240-2317 Days Tire chains from Farmed H. Fits tire 11.2x38. Good condition, $lOO. (717)653-6086. If mKT I M-F 7:30 to 5:00 Sat 7:00 to Noon $4,900 "T. 1 f ■
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