Lecsport Livestock Lawport, PA Wadaaaday, Oct 26, 1*94 Rtporl Supplied by FDA CATTLE 295. SUPPLY INCLUDED 81 SL. STEERS AND HEIFERS A 50 FEED ER CATTLE. SL. STEERS FULLY STEADY, SL. COWS STEADY TO STRONG, SL. HEIFERS STEADY TO 1 75 HIGHER. STEERS: CHOICE 10SS/HOO LBS. 63.00-66.50, SELECT SB.2S-S2.SO.S TANDARD 48.50-57.00. HOLSTIENS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1320/1545 LB. 60.50-63.75, CHOICE 1265/1650 LBS. 56.00-60.75, SELECT 51.75-55.75, STANDARD 49.75-52.00. HEIFERS: ONE HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1085 LBS. 66.75, CHOICE IO6S/I3OS LBS. 60.00-63.50, SELECT 56.00 59.75. FEW STANDARD 52.00-52.75 COWS BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 42.50-44.75, PEW 46.50, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 40.00-43.25, CANNER AND LOW CUT TER 36.00-41.00. SHELLS DOWN TO 32.00. BULLOCKS: FEW CHOICE IS4O/ISSO LBS. 65.00-66.25, FEW SELECT 57.75-60.75. BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 1370/2460 LBS. 51.00-53.75, NO. 2. 900/1725 LBS. 43.00-49.50. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: FEW MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1 415/465 LBS. S6.OU-6.00, LARGE FRAME NO. 2 230/400 LBS. 60.00-63.00; HEIFERS; MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1 415/615 LBS. Mean % advani ♦ Combined Penn State Commercial New Entries Invest your resources wisely, with varieties that have a proven record of performance in the field. Hoffman’s strong line of Funk’s G® brand hybrids offers you significant improvements in yields and standability. Early Maturity. A 98-day hybrid, 4273 delivers outstanding standability and drydown, and outperformed the mean by 3.5%. Medium Maturity. 4394 produced a whopping 12.3% more than the average, 48.00-58.50; BULLS: MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME NO. 1 420/733 LBS. 52.0062.00, LARGE FRAME NO. 2 252/587 LBS. 54.5062.00 CALVES; 146: HOLSTEIN BULLS MOSTLY STEADY. VEALERS; STANDARD AND GOOD 80/120 LBS. 56.0065.00, UTILITY 6C/85 LBS. 35.00-51.00 RETURNED TO FARM: NO. 1 HOLS TEIN BULLS 90/125 LBS. 125.00147.50, NO. 2 80/120 LBS. 62.50120.00, FEW 127.50; FEW NO. 1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90/120 LBS. 160.00207.50, NO. 270/100 LBS 77.50110.00. FEW BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 80/115 LBS. 70.00125.00. HOGS 179; BARROWS AND GILTS STEADY TO .50 HIGHER, SOWS .50 LOWER. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 220,<250 LBS. 29.5030.50, US 1-3 250/275 LBS. 27.25-29.00, US 2-3 255/285 LBS. 27.0027.50, ONE LOT UYS 1-3 205 LBS. 24.50. SOWS; US 1-3 305/480 LBS. 22.5023.75, 500610 LBS. 23.25-25.00, FEW US 2-3 300/500 LBS. 20.0021.00, MEDIUM 3SQ/61S LBS. 16.0019.00. BOARS; FEW 260/455 LBS 19.5021.00. FEEDER PIGS 141: US 1-3 20/30 LBS. 65.00-75.00, 30/40 LBS. 53.00-56.00, ONE LOT 50 LBS. 49.00 PER CWT. SHEEP 45; SLAUGHTER LAMBS; FEW CHOICE 35/50 LBS. 105.00-145.00, 60/75 LBS. 73.00-89.00, 100/145 LBS. 53.00-61.00, GOOD AND CHOICE 100/130 LBS. 42.00-52.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP 22.00-41.00. COATS; 17. LARGE 40.00-755.00, MEDIUM 49.0067J0. KIDS 35.0045.00 PER HEAD. Increase your com yields by 7% or more 1993 Pennsylvania Hybrid Corn Performance Trials 173.1 162.3 5.4% 0 Hoffman Seeds, Inc., LandisviUe, PA 175^8 Call Toll Flrao: 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value to your Seed Investment © 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc Bnra H. Wayne Miller, center, Fairhope had the grand champion steer at the Somerset County Club Calf Sale held recently in Meyersdale. Also named the Somerset Coun ty Bred champion, it was sold for $1,600 to Terry Fairman, Marion Center. Flanking Miller are his children; son David, 13, left, and daughter Beth, 16. Miller and his wife Carol, not pictured, also have a younger son, Daniel. Somerset Calf Sale Totals $78.110 Gay Brownlee Somerset Co. Correspondent MEYERSDALE (Somerset, 26.8 26.2 while combining outstanding standabihty,’ drydown and drought tolerance. Full Smmni Maturity. 4584 delivers exceptional grain quality and a 5.4% yield advantage over the mean. It provides excellent standabihty and early vigor, as well as disease resistance. So devote your resources wisely by choosing a field proven Funk’s G® brand hybrid. Contact a Hoffman sales representative for help in choosing the right variety for your operation. Lancaster Fanrtng, Saturday, October 29, 1994-Al9 Co.) Some 119 registered buy ers attended the annual Somerset County Club Calf Sale, held at the 96.7 97.2 906 E. Main St (Rt 322) Hphrata, PA 1 Block East of Rt 222 county fairgrounds on Saturday, Oct. IS. Buyers forked out $78,110 for the 102 steers and IS heifers sold. H. Wayne Miller, Fairhope, RD 1, had the grand champion SSO pound, steer, which garhered the additional honor of being named also the Somerset County Bred champion. Terry Fairman, Marion Center purchased the animal for $1,600. VERMONT CASTINGS • Wood, Coal <■ Gas Stovas • Flraplaoo Accassorlos INC. (717)733*4973 1*800*642*0310 Um, Tum. W#4.10 to I; Dim, Fit 10 to I; 8* 10 to 4 (Turn to Page A 39) The Common Cold”