■ The KJHIH Axial Flow Combine: it might not be perfect, but Eighteen years experience with Axial Flow combines running on Easter n Farms taught us: You spend less time in the combine per acre, because you can start earlier in the day and work later... 1) The grain sample is cleaner with less cracked grain, because the Axial Flow system is gentler on your crops. 2) You have little or no downtime because Hoobers stock parts and have experienced Combine service technicians to keep you running! 3) CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO OWN A HOOBER AXIAL FLOW COMBINE? IT'S TIME TO CHANGE! All New & Used Products I Backed By IKWWjCW Hoober Parts & Service ■" INTERCOURSE. PA 768-8231 Jheers have worked p&fect the are unmatched for their combination of POWER. and PROMOTION capabilities. 4) | C B HOOBFR h SON I NC Hoober people know the differing crop conditions encountered in PA, MD, NJ and DE., because they have worked with them from the beginning. Two Locations MIDDLETOWN. DB Lancaster Farmii I, Saturday, October 29. 1994-0: it’s close 127 A