A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1994 It’s 4-H ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff MILLERSVILLE (Lancaster Co.) Kandi Mullen knows that public speaking is not as hard as it looks. In fact, one of the easiest tasks she had as a Lancaster 4-H ambas sador, she said, was speaking to two third grade classes at Eshle man Elementary School in Millersville. For her outstanding work at the county 4-H level in nine years as a member, Kandi was honored on Tuesday evening with the 4-H Superior Achievement Award at a banquet honoring 4-H leaders at Millersville University. Kandi, 17, daughter of James and Elaine Mullen, Peach Bottom, will be travelling with 23 other ambassadors to represent Pennsyl vania in the National 4-H Congress December 3-8 in Orlando, Fla. Kandi, a senior at Solanco and nine-year Kids & Cows member, said one child at the school, who Kandi learned had a “really rough For her outstanding work at the county 4-H level In nine years as a member, Kandi Mullen, left, was honored on Tuesday evening with the 4-H Superior Achievement Award at a banquet honoring 4-H leaders at Millersville University. Kerry Boyd presented the award. The Next Generation Hopper Bin : SHUP-LOCK ® Lid Op*n*r HYDRO-SHI£LD m Wttw Guard ACCESS PLUS'* HopparAccass Door (Patents appliad for) V 4 \ Northeast Agri Systems, Inc Ffywciy Business Park 139 A West Airport Road Lltlfz PA 17643 Ph (717)569-2702 Leaders’ Turn To Be Honored At Banquet home life,’’ she said, went up to her and asked if, as a 4-H member, he would be ‘“picked on.’ “I told him no,” said Kandi. “I said that everybody in 4-H is your friend. It made me feel good that I made his day.” The two funniest questions, ‘ ‘that just made me crack up,” she said, that the students asked were if they had to learn the 4-H Creed at the first meeting and if there was any homework in 4-H. Even though those questions made her laugh, she explained that a lot of 4-H involves work at home. But, Kandi said, the many questions were really good and intelligent At the banquet Connie RuU, 4-H leader, spoke about the need for pen pals at the 4-H level for the Polish 4-H project. They need another 23 or so members to sign up. Approximately 21 teen leaders were recognized at the banquet. Also, the following adult leaders were recognized: 30 years, David NSW FROM (SSSBI» Authorized SS3B. master distributor since 1982 Store hours Mon Fn 7 30 to 430 Sot 800 to Noop 24 Hr 7 Day Repair Service 1-800-673-2580 § Lancaster 4-H leaders were honored at a banquet Tuesday evening In Mlllersvllle. From left, Rebecca Irvine, 15 years; Nancy Buckwalter, 10 years; Elaine Good, 15 years; and Deb Felak, 10 years. Henisee, Northwest 4-H Dairy Club; 20 years, Beverly Heisey, Elizabethtown Community Club; 15 years, Keith Allen (Masterson ville Community Club), Mary Esther Clark (Pequea VaUey Com munity Club), Elaine Good A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! m m SB FEOERALBBURQ, MO. Ml UMVERMTY A VC. (Formerly Lens Lumber) MOO-735-6361 STORE HOURS 7.90 A.M. 4:90 P M Montey-Friday SAT. 0 A.M.-11 AM (Ephrata/Cocalico Community Club), Sharon Hollinger (Mount ville Community Club), Ruth Hoober (Garden Spot Community Club), Rebecca Irvine (Ephrata/ Cocalico Community Club), Karen Kettering (Sequoia Riders), l^gßPEFßgl| HEAVY DUTY ROUND BALE MOVERS FEATURING: Kverneland forged steel spear electrically heat treated 3 POINT HITCH BALE MOVERS • 1500 lb. 3 PT 2502 DOUBLE SPEAR capacity * Small diameter ipear for easy penetration The Same Unit Can Be Used With One Spear For Cen ter Of Bale Or Two Spears For Under Bale. COMBINATION BALE MOVER_ „ • Heavy duty structure designed to fit any 3 pi. hitch or loader boom with one or two cylinders ' ■ I • Small diameter spear for easy penetration II • 2500 lb. capacity I The Same Unit Can Besv _ Used With One Spear For rrtu QRno Center Of Bale Or Two Spears For Under Bale. .^t********^ STANDARD DUTY BALE MOVERS 3 POINT HITCH BALE MOVERS \ 2 PT.-1000 arm 1000 Lb. Capacity The Same Unit Can Be Used With One Spear For Center Of Bale Or Two Spears For lender Bale. LOADER BUCKET MO PLF-4000 FRONT END LOADER | FORKS • Mounts to II lender I I bucket in J ffr^I***'*'** 1 ***'*'** minutes a*!***®* ' • 1500 lb. capacity , • 24" high load guard LAPP’S BARN EQUIPME a&i i 6935 OLD PHILADELPHIA PIKE, GAP. PA 17627 PHONE: 717-442-8134 WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Radio Dispatched Trucks and Joni Soost (Puppies With A Purpose). Thirteen leaders were honored with 10 years of service, 19 4-H leaders were honored with 5 years of service, and 120 were honored with one year of service to 4-H. 1250 Lb. Capacity 3 Pt.-1252 Double Spear (TED BALE MOVERS SSL-2500 SINGLE SPEAR BALE MOVER • Mounts to loader bucket in minutes • Complete with chain and binder 0/0 00> • 1500 lb. capacity *> *W' H '' m
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