Southern Maryland Regional Farmers’ Market P.O. Box 144, Cheltenham, Md. 20623 September 10*14, 1994 BEANS: GREEN 3.50-9.00 BU.; LIMA 12.50-1S.OO; OTHER 4.00-10.00. BROCCOLI: 2.00-7.50. CUCUMBERS: MED. 7.00, LARGE 6.00-8.50, ALL 1 1/9 BU.; MED. 3.00 Vi BU. EGGPLANT: 1.00-5.50 1 1/9 BU.. OTHER 1.50-5.50 1 1/9 BU. GREENS; COLL ARDS 1.50-5.50 IS LBS.; KALE 2.50-5.00 IS LBS. OKRA: OTHER 1.10-1.25. PEAS: PURPLE HULL 12.00-13.00 BU. PEPPERS: GREEN MEDIUM 3.50-5.00, LARGE .50-7.00, EXTRA LARGE 8.00; RED 2.50-7.50. ALL 1 1/9 BU.; OTHER .55-10.00; CHERRY 6.00- '/. BU.; HOT BANANA 2.00- ■/. BU.; HOT CAYENNE .55 .85 Vi BU.; HOT HUNG WAX 2.00- '/. BU.; JALAPENO .30-6.00 'A BU.; SWEET BANANA 2.00-4.00 Vi BU.; CHILI 2.00-10.00 ■/, BU; SPECIALITY OTHER .15-3.00. POTATOES; WHITE 2.00-4.50 Vi BU. PUMPKINS. BULK PRICES, SM. .10-5.50, MED. .30-5.50, LARGE 1.00-28.00; MIXED 2.00; MINIATURE 1.25- Vi BU.; MINI 2.50-11.00 1 1/9 BU.; ORNAMENTAL 1.00-8.50 Vi BU., 3.25- BU.; OTHER .05-100.00. RED BEETS: 2.50-3.00. SQUASH: YELLOW STRAIGHT NECK 5.00 V 4 BU.; GREEN ZUCCHINI 5.00 ’/. BU.; SUMMER 6.50; ACORN 2.00- 1 1/9 BU.; BUTTERNUT 3.00- 1 1/9 BU.; TURKS TURBAN .40-.85 1 1/9 BU.; WINTER OTHER .80-4.00. Make your investment count: 4584 Mean * Combined Penn State Commercial New Entries Invest your resources wisely, with varieties that have a proven record of performance m the field Hoffman’s strong line of Funk’s G® brand hybnds offers you significant improvements m yields and slandabthty Early Maturity. A 98-day hybnd, 4273 delivers outstanding standability and drydown, and'outperformed the mean by 3.5% Madium Maturity. 4394 produced a whopping 12 3% more than the average, SWEET POTATOES: #1 2.50-12.00 BU., #2 2.00-9.00 BU.; JUMBO 2.00-5.00 BU. TOMATOES: SMALL 6.00-10.00, MEDIUM 4.00-11.00, LARGE 8.00-12.00; OTHER .55-7.00. TURNIPS: .45-5.00. WATERMELON: CRIMSON BULK SMALL 1.20-2.00; JUBILEE BULK SMALL .25; OTHER .95. APPLES: 4.50-6.00 VI BU. NECTARINES: 2.00-4.00. PEARS; 5.00-8.50 V, BU. FLOWERING CABBAGE & KALE; 6" POT 1.00, 8” POT 1.00. FLOWERS: FRESH .25-.50. INDIAN CORN: 1.00-1.10 15 BUNCH, 20-1.65 20 BUNCH: PAPOOSE .30-1.00 30 BUNCHES; OTHER .20-7.00. MUMS: 6" POT .15-1.25, 8” POT 1.20-1.75, 10” POT 1.25-3.25. Lebanon Produce Auction Route 72 North Lebanon, Pa. October 19 Report Supplied by Auction APPLE CIDER .75 Y. GAL., 2.00 GAL. APPLES: 1.50-4.00 Vi BU. BEANS: GREEN 5.00-7.50 BOX; LIMA 1.50 BOX.; YELLOW 7.00 Vi BU. BEDDING PLANTS: 1.75-2.00 EACH; MUMS .50-2.75 EACH. BEETS: .75-5.50 BOX. BROCCOLI. .20-4.50 EACH. CABBAGE: .25-1.00 EACH. CAULIFLOWER: .10-2.50 EACH. INDIAN CORN: .05-.25 EACH. FLOWERS: 1.50 EACH. GOURDS: .25-2.50 BOX. KALE: .50-1.25 EACH. PEARS: 2.50 BOX. PEPPERS; GREEN 3.25 Vi BU.. 1.00 BOX. POTATOES: 5.25 BOX. SWEET POTATOES: 5.00 V, BU Increase your com yields by 7% or more 1993 Pennsylvania Hybrid Com Performance Trials 173.1 162.3 0 Hoffman Seeds, Inc , Landisville, PA 17538 Call Toll ftoa: 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value to your Seed Investment © 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc Bnnd PUMPKINS: .OS-3.2S EACH. PUMPKINS: MINI 1.25-3.00 BOX, .OS EACH; NECK I.SO BOX. ZUCCHINI; 6.2 S BOX. SWEET CORN: YELLOW .25 DOZ. TOMATOES: .75-6.25 BOX. TURNIPS: .55-3.50 BOX. TURPINS: .20-.25 BOX. WATERMELONS: .15 EACH. Phila. Potato & Onion PHILADELPHIA Terminal Prices as of 19-OCT-94 PARTLY CLOUDY 51-73 ONIONS AND POTATOES ONIONS DRY: MARKET ABOUT STEADY US#l OR GENERALLY GOOD QUAL AND COND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE Yellow Granex OA SO lb ctns jbo 35.00 NEW CROP Yellow CO SO lb ikijbo 8.00 Globe Type NY 50 lb ik> med 5.00-7.00 moitly 5.00- few 4.00 occ 8.00 Spanish Hybrid ID/OR 50 lb sks jbo 8.00-9.00 mosdy 8.50-9.00 one label 9.50 White ID SOlbika jbo 12.00 WA 50 lb sks jbo 12.00 Red ID/OR 25 lb ski jbo 7.50 med 5.00 NY 25 lb sics Ige 5.00-7.50 med 5.00 POTATOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY US#l SZ A WASHED OR BRUSHED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED NEW CROP Russet Bwfoank ID 50 lb ctns 70s 9.00-10.00 few 11.00 80s 9.00- few 11.0090 s 9.00-10.00 mos tly 9.00-9.50 few 11.00 100 s 8.50-10.00 mostly 8.50-9.00 few 10.50 lOozmin 8.00 some 8.50 Noricotah ID 50 lb cuts 70s 9.00- moldy 10.00 80s 9.00-10.00 mostly 10.00 90s 9.00-10.00 100 s 9.00- mosdy 9.00 WA bid 10 S-Ib flmbgs non sz A 9.00-9.50 Round Red MN/ND 50 lb sks 7.50-9.00 mostly 8.00- sz B 14.50-15.00 NY 50 lb sks 6.50-7.00 Round White CD New Bruns wick CDOne SO lb ski 5.50-6.00 DE 50 lb Iks fr appear 4.00-4.50 fr qual 3.00 Ige fr 26.8 26.2 while combining outstanding standability, drydown and drought tolerance Full Season Maturity. 4584 delivers exceptional grain quality and a 5 4% yield advantage over the mean It provides excellent standability and early vigor, as well as disease resistance. So devote your resources wisely by choosing a field proven Funk’s G® brand hybrid Contact a Hoffman sales representative for help in choosing the right vanety for your operation. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 22, 1994-Al7 appear 5.50 LI 50 lb aks Ige 6.00-6.50 NJ SO lb sks 4.00-5.00 few 5.50 NY SO lb sks Ige 6.00-6.50 mosdy 6.50 New Wilmington Livestock Auction NEW WILMINGTON October 17,1994 CATTLE 152.. PDA ..sL cows lower. STEERS: couple Choice 1100 A 1120 lbs. 64.25 A 65.50, couple Select 54.50 A 55.00. HEIFERS: one Choice 940 lbs. 58.00, couple Standard A 43.00. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Com mercial 39.0043.50, Cutter and Bon. Utili ty 35.00-40.00, couple 43.00, Low Yield ing 30.00-33.75, Comer and Low Colter 32.00- Shells down to 25.00. BULLS: couple Yield Grade No. 1 1750 A 1930 lbs. 50.00 A 55.00, few No. 2 1000/2100 lbs. 40.00-46.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers: few Medium Frame No. 1 385/640 lbs. 56.01V65.00; Heifers: few Medium Frame No. 1 610/790 lbs. 47.00- few 400/550 lbs. 46.00- Bulls: few Medium Frame No. 1 58.00-69.00, few Large Frame No. 2 700/930 lbs. 35.00-47.50. CALVES 191..VEALERS: Standard and Good 80/105 lbs. 40.00-57.50, Utility 50/15 lbs. 15.00-35.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 120/130 lbs. 133.00- 95/115 lbs. 141.00-150.00. 90 lbs. 127.00, No. 2 95/115 lbs. 117.50-129.00; few No. 1 Holstein heifers 100/125 lbs. 205.00-245.00, No. 2 85/130 lbs. 115.00-180.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 95/125 lbs. 80.00-147.50. HOGS 228...8arr0ws and gilts lower. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 210/260 lbs. 32.50-33.50, US 1-3 230/275 lbs. 30.25- 32.25. US 2-3 220/275 lbs. 28.50-31.50, few US 1-3 190/210 lbs. 27.00-29.25. SOWS: few US 1-3 300/450 96.7 97.2 Ibi. 28.50-33.00, few 475/6SS lbs. 24.75-25.00. BOARS: one 250 lbs. 23.50. FEEDER PIGS 52... US 1-3 30/50 lbs. 9.00- few 50/60 lbs. 16.00-19.00, US 2-3 20/30 lbs. 7.00-11.00. per head. SHEEP 164... Lambs; High Choice and Prime 75/95 lbs. 65.00-69.00, Choice 60/100 lbs. 56.00-63.00, Good aid Choice 50/100 lbs. 54.00-67.00. Slaughter sheep; 13.00- mostly 25.00-29.00. GOATS 7...0ne Large 44.00, few SmaU 29.00- -- per head. Belleville Livestock Auction BELLEVILLE, PA October 19, 1994 CATTLE 125.. PDA .. Supply included 233 Dairy cows and heifers . HEIFERS; few Standard and Select Holsteins 44.50-49.50. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commercial 39.50-43.00, one 43.75, Cut ter and Boning Utility 40.50-44.10, couple 45.10, Canner and Low Cutter 35.75-39.75. Shells down to 32.50. BULLS: couple Yield Grade No. 1 1165/1395 tbs. 48.00 A 49.00. CALVES 9S..VEALERS: few Standard and Good 75/100 lb«. 53.00-57.00, few Utility 60/85 lbs. 45.00-53.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 90/130 lbs. 120.00- couple 156.00, No. 2 80/125 lbs. 70.00-110.00; few No. 1 Hols tein heifers 100/130 lbs. 180.00- 207.50. HOGS 69...8ARR0WS AND GILTS; US 1-2 225/260 lbs. 31.00-33.25, few US 1-3 205/210 lbs. 25.00-26.00. SOWS; few Medium 315/390 lbs. 17.50-22.50. BOARS: few 16.00-19.50. FEEDER PIGS 174.. US 1-3 40/75 lbs. 17.00- per head. SHEEP 16... Slaughter Lambs: few Choice 90/115 lbs. 63.00-69.00, one 82.00. Slaughter sheep: few 21.00-42.00. GOATS 0..N0 MARKET TESTI HOLSTEIN DAIRY C0W5...5650.00-$1250.00. - per head. VERMONT CASTINGS -Wood, Coal & Ga» Stovoa Flraplaeo Accaaaorlta 906 E. Main 'St. (RL 322) Hphrata, PA 1 Block East of Rt 222 ’(gQ)] (717)733-4973 1-800-642-0310 fort, Tuaa, Wad. 10 ta I; Thun, FrL 10 ta 0; SaL 10 ta 4 The Common Cold” INC.