Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 8
AfrLancMttf Farming, Saturday, October IS, 1994 wia At Yorktown British troops surrendered to the American troops at Yorktown, Virginia, on October 19,1781, effectively end ing the American Revolution. Because many paintings show Lord Cornwallis offering his sword to General Washington, most Americans believe that’s what actually happened. In fact, Washington was a spectator, and Cornwallis wasn’t even there! Cornwallis was in his tent, too sick, or sick at heart, to attend the formalities So he sent his second-in-command, General O’Hara. Although O’Hara was directed to Washington, military protocol dictated that a jL deputy surrender to a deputy, so Washington sent O’Hara to General Benjamin Lincoln, who accepted O'Hara’s sword. A morsel of genuine history is a thing \ so rare as to he always valuable. — Thomas Jefferson is- Buy pumpkins with stems attached and no cracks they'll keep better. EarthwisE Although many toxic chemi cals used to treat fruits and vegetables are ab sorbed into them, we can reduce our chemical intake by washing off the residue that remains on the surface Use a teaspoon or two of vegetable-oil-based liquid soap in a large pan of cool water (Water alone won’t do the trick ) Soak food for 10 minutes then scrub with a soft brush Delicate foods like lettuce should ju swished around Rinse oughly m several change of water and place in a colander to dry Full Hunter's Moon, Oct. 19 Ham and Bean Soup 2 cupt dry grut northern beam 21/2 quarta water 2 cupa cut-up, cooked ham 1 cup chopped carrota 1 cup ahead calory 1/2 cup chopped onion 116-ounce can tomatoes, cut up, with juice 3/4 teaapoon oregano aalt and pepper to taate Rinse beans and place in soup pot with water. Bring to boil and boil vigorously for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 1 hour. Add remain ing ingredients and simmer, id, for I'/ hours r until beans •e done. 0* OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECAST Northeast: Sunny and warm, then cooler; some sprinkles north. Southeast; Sunny and warm, showers Florida, then clearing; turning cooler west. Midwest: Showers and cold; initially sunny and warm northeast; cold, freezing rain and snow north, then sunny and warm central. Northwest; Rainy and cool; warmer, then cold and sleet mountains, freezing ram and snow east Southwest: Mostly sunny and warm, cold and rainy mountains, few showers desert. MikHttolO Mrvlng* Four States Livestock Hagentown, Md. October 12 1994 Report aupplied by Auction SLAUGHTER COWS; 114 HEAD. 1.00 LOWER. FEW LOW DRESSING 39.00-42.00; HIGH DRESSING. NONE; CANNERS 35.00-39.00; SHELLY 35.00 DOWN. BULLS: 10 HEAD. 1 YG#l 1415 LBS. AT 55.00; YG#2 1300-2200 LBS. 48.00-54.00. FED STEERS: NO CHOICE OR PRIME; FEW LOW CHOICE 1200 LBS. TO 63.00; FEW 1000-1150 LBS. 60.00- SELECT 55.00-58.00; STANDARD 48.00-55.00. FED HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE 1100-1250 LBS. 6Q.00-6ZOO; SELECT 53.00- VEAL CALVES: 117 HEAD. LOW CHOICE 200-300 LBS. 65.00-76.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 47.00-54.00; 50-80 LBS. 45.00-52.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 95-120 LBS. 120.00-142.00; 90 LBS. TO 115.00; #2 80-90 LBS. 70.00-85.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 85-120 LBS. 185.00-210.00; 75-80 LBS. 85.00-110.00; BEEF X HEIFERS TO 100.00; BULLS SCARCE. BUTCHER HOGS: LIGHT RUN. US#l*3 220-260 LBS. TO 33.25; #2*3 200-230 LBS. 30.00-31.50. SOWS: FEW 500 LBS. TO 26.00. STOCK CATTLE: 240 HEAD. STEERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME. BEEF BREEDS 300-500 LBS. 60.00-70.00, FEW 75.00-78.00; 500-700 LBS. 59.00-67.00, PEW TO 71.50; 700-900 LBS. 57.00-62.00; HOL 600-950 LBS. 45.00-53.00. HEIFERS: MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 300-500 LBS. 53.00-65.00; 500-700 LBS. 48.00-6200; 800-975 LBS. 45.00-53.00. BULLS: 300-500 LBS. 56.00-67.00; 500-700 LBS. 53.00-64.00; 700-950 LBS. 46.00-52.25. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS: LARGE FRESH AND SPRINGING 900.00- MEDIUM 700.00- SMALL 500.00-700.00; 2 REG. HOLSTEIN BULLS AT 975.00 AND 1000.00. LAMBS: CHOICE 90-120 LBS 64.00- FEW 125-140 LBS 50.00- America’s First Outside Wood Furnace For Forced Air/Hot Water Systems DEMAND THE ORIGINAL - NOTAN IMITATION!! RON GILES 1 582 7554 Cochranton, PA 800-582-7554 814-425-2278 CA FoIS N PA CK LYLE HARVEY * I *SSSSSF KEN EWING GREGORY MOYER Torrence, PA Lewis Run, PA 412-459-5933 814-368-6544 FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLIES Hughesville, PA 717-584-2106 DAVID FREEMAN Knoxville, PA 814-326-4496 HOME PRO ICARE SAM WILLIAMSON, DISTRIBUTOR HARDY MFG. CO. 330 Williamson Ave. Philadelphia, MS 39350 800/487-2639 or 601/656-5866 SHEEP: FEW OFFERED. GOATS: LARGE TO 85.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: BY THE HEAD FROM TESTED HERDS, 20-30 LBS. TO 13.00; FEW 100 LBS. TO 29.00. HATFIELD HOGS 34.75. SELLING NEXT WED., OCT 19: 2 REG. RED LIM BULLS, 18 MOS. OLD, VERY GENTLE: 1 HOL BULL. 1100 LBS., OUT OF RAMBO AND 87 PT. MARK DAUGHTER WITH 26,500 MILK. 3.9 FAT. 3.1 PROTEIN; 7 BELTED GALLOWAY CATTLE (COWS, CALVES AND FEEDERS). SPECIAL DAIRY CONSIGNMENT SALE WED., OCT. 19. ALL OPEN HEIF ERS WILL BE VET CHECKED. LOCAL INTEREST FOR HEAVY HOGS IS PICKING UP WITH THE COOLER WEATHER. St. Louis Cattle, Hogs Springfield, 11. Monday, October 10, 1994 NATIONAL STOCKYARDS , ILLINOIS CATTLE AND CALVES 600. COMPARED TO LAST WEEK TER MINAL MARKET. SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIFERS STEADY TO .50 LOWER. SLAUGHTER COWS 1.00-2.00 LOWER. FEW BULLS STEADY TO WEAK. SUPPLY MAINLY CHOICE AND MIXED SELECT AND CHOICE STEERS AND HEIFERS. AROUND 10% COWS AND 10% HOLS TEIN STEERS. SLAUGHTER STEERS: CHOICE 2-4 1050-1350 LBS. 61.50-63.50, 19 HEAD YG 2-3 1300 LBS. 64.00. MIXED SELECT AND CHOICE 950-1250 LBS 57.00- 50. SELECT 2-3 900-1250 LBS. 56.00- HOLSTEIN STEERS CHOICE 2-3 1200-1500 LBS. 55.00- MIXED SELECT AND CHOICE 2-3 1075-1400 LBS. 53.00- SELECT 2 1025-1300 L 85.48.00-53.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: CHOICE 2-4 900-1250 LBS. 60.50-63.00; 2-3 925-1250 LBS. 63.00-63.50, MIXED SELECT AND CHOICE 2-3 850-1150 L 85.57.00-61.00; SELECT 2-3 825-1150 LBS. 55.00-58.00. SLAUGHTER COWS: BREADING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 2-4 37.00-39.00 CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 1-2 37.00-40.00; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 1-2 34.00 -38.00; SHELLY CANNER 1-2 3200-35.00. BULLS: FEW YIELD GRADE 1-2 1500-2000 LBS. 50.00-52.00. Eighty-Four Livestock Eifhty-Four, Pa. Monday, Oct. It, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE: STEERS SELECT 54.00-58.00; STANDARD 48.00-52.50; UTILITY 46.00 DOWN. HEIFERS; SELECT 53.00-58.00; STANDARD 46.00-51.50; UTILITY 45.50 DOWN. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 39.00-43.50; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 37.00-41.50; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 32.00- SHELLS DOWN TO 30.50. BULLS: YG#I 50.00-60.50; YG#2 42.00- FEEDER STEERS: 200-300 LBS. 46.50-74.00; 300-JOO LBS. 49.00-75.00; 500-800 LBS. 41.00-66.50. HEIFERS: 200-300 LBS. 40.00-77.50; 300-500 LBS. 40.00-57.50; 500-800 LBS. 40.00-63.50. BULLS: 200-300 LBS. 40.00-75.00; 300-500 LBS. 45.00-67.00; 500-800 LBS. 41.00-66.00. CALVES; VEALERS CHOICE 71.00- STANDARD AND GOOD 65.00- UTILITY 62.50 DOWN. FARM CALVES; HOLSTEIN BULLS #1 110.00-147.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 99.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS «2 85.00- BEEF BULLS NONE; BEEF HEIFERS NONE. HOGS: US#l-3 200-220 LBS. 31.00-35.00, 220-240 LBS. 36.00-36.50; US#2-3 240-260 LBS. 37.50-39.50; US#l-3 260-300 LBS. 30.00-33.25. SOWS: UNDER 500 LBS. 24.50-28.50. BOARS; 21.00-21.25. FEEDER PICS; US«I-3 20-40 LBS. 9.50-13.50; 4060 LBS. 20.00-24.50; #2&3 60-80 LBS. 18.00-27.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 49 LBS. 76.00; 60-80 LBS. 65.00- 80-100 LBS. 68.00-75.00; CHOICE 100-125 LBS. 64.00-72.00; FEEDER LAMBS GOOD AND CHOICE 59.00- UTILITY 55.00 DOWN; EWES 20.00-32.50. GOATS: BY THE HEAD, LARGE 40.00-57.50; MEDIUM 27.00-40.00; SMALL 17.00 DOWN. 4 Years Of Proven Field Testing at 40 RNS SMOKE INTO HEAT JONDARY AIR FOR MAXIMUM BURN :CIAL HEAT RECOVERY HAMBER "VICE COMBUSTORS WITHOUT DISTURBING IC COMBUSTORS” OUTSIDE: NEEDS NO :lter, no cover •RE BTU’S WITH LESS D -AR LIMITED WARRANTY L STAINLESS STEEL Outside Wood Furnace STONEHAM’S Waynesboro, PA 717-762-3614 TERRY RICE Hopwood, Pa 412-439-1562 TIM KREGER Morris, PA 717-353-2095