MAIL BOX MARKF J i F R SALE 1 Wood splitter 20 tons, trail er hitch, cas. model, good cond., $BOO. Leb. Co. 717-273-6018. 4 lg. metal ventilators 2' opening for bam or shed in good cond. Leb. Co. 717-933-4333. $l5O for all. Int. 1600 chassis 10-miles good 900-20 tires, good cond., 345C1 eng., 5 spd., TR7OOS 2 spd. rear. Car bon Co. 610-377-2965. 1983 Honda 1855 3-wheel er $650, 1986 Honda big red 250 $1,000,3 wheeler. Lyc. Co. 717-435-0597. Ml uni hay pickup head Ml uni 770 high moisture throat, IH 3 pt. 1300 sickle bar mower. York Co. 717-225-3380. Service age Mascot son dam v.g. camaro W/27,000m 944 f 908 p 2349 SNF. Brown Valley Farms, Adams Co. 717-359-7700. Enterprise cookstoves, $l5O, B’xl2’ roadside stand, excel, oond., $475, 12’ Dewalt radial arm saw. Lane. Co. 717-354-2583. Vac-A-Way seed cleaner good shape $lOO, Dia mond 70CPH egg packer A-1 shape, $4500. York Co 717-229-2507. 43' Great Dane reefer rear rollup side door good rub ber & brakes good cond., $2500 080. Leb. Co. 717-866-4985. AKC chihuahua puppies shots & wormed males $175, females $2OO, t-cup female $3OO. Lane. Co. 717-665-6647. Restored antique forecart for a team, steel wheels, useable cond., $250. Har ford Co. 410-399-4029. WANTED For Stealing Feedlot Profits r B ’Shifty Starting' ’Blackie Blackbird’ AM ifMUd grain bik law bun grown aicMMtol year itwr yttr in r»moving put bMa from fwifcri. _ HESS AGRI MARKETING A#|h/Al 21S Rockpelnt Road MjXr HI Marietta, PA 17547 (717) 426-3138 ooffowCN JAY ZEIGLER Standing Seam Metal Roofing Since 1963 u Simply The Very Best Roof Available” FREE Estimates Use on Bams Or Garages Before Applied Over Exlstlni Farm in Northern Berks Co. 126 acres M/L approx. 80 acres tillable some wood land, large meadow sec luded location. 610-562-3116, 610-488-7359. 1955 JD 70 diesel good rubber runs good, pony engine does not run, $1,950 080. Berks Co. 610-682-4662. 2 Int. power units 12 volt elec, start, 1 runs other parts $750 for pair. 717-425-2469. 2 1993 gas station pumps, 1 single, 1 double, good for farm fuel-oil or gasoline $250 & $350. Berks Co. 610-670-9544. Case tractor 400 series good running tractor w/ Eagle hitch $650. Berks Co. 610-777-0097. Reg. holstein bull, born 2/13/94 sire: Mascot, Dam; Cleltus; making 28,000 lb. 2nd lactation, raised for FFA project. Leb. Co. 717-865-2264. Aroostook rye cleaned & bagged $5.00 per bushel. Berks Co. 717-933-9328 eves. Ml 325 com picker 2RN 12 row husker shed kept field ready sharp. Bedford Co. 814-842-6653. Old Grove forage wagon needs work, good running gear, still unloads out the tailgate, best offer. Lane. Co. 717-626-7258. Hunting camp 10 AC 4 bdrm. kitchen living room w/bath. Luz. Co. Toll Gas w/gen. 52,900. 71^566-6644. 5 real nice beef heifers average 500 lbs. ready to fatten. Bucks Co. 215-257-2377. ft JLI i-lf ADVi * Roof can last for 100 years - cost efficient • Can be installed over existing roof (Asphalt, roll roofing, wood shingles) • Is environmentally safe • Beauty - colorful (galvanized, 40 lb. terne, teme-coated stainless, and painted steel in over 20 different colors.) Roof 20 wk. old pullets by Oct. 18 starting to lay, have 10 or by 100, brown egg. Lane. Co. 717-445-6423 or 445-5124. Purebred alpine buckling, both GC+l parents EX9O, top bloodlines for milk & show, more info, available Montg. Co. 215-723-5415. 2-14 ton Choretime bins $4OO 080, Plasson turkey waters. Dau. Co. Aaron Speicher, RD2 Millersburg, Pa. 17061. 717-692-4009 7:00-7:15 a.m. Highland cattle various ages & colors, also round bales of mixed grass hay. Lacka. Co. 717-842-6464 daytime, 717-842-7082 eves. 1986 GM Astro van needs engine work $2700 080 Northampton Co. 215-261-1015. Meadowbrook cart, pony harness 2 Clydesdale fillies half sisters sleigh w/ bobsleigh runners, harrow $lO, manure spreader 7' grass mower. Berks Co 610-488-6734 Myers T snow plow w/ lights, frame all controls & pump $BOO, Smith's air compressor $75. Berks Co 717-933-8105. Makita cordless drill 3 bat teries charger $5O, table saw $lOO, radial arm saw $2OO. 610-286-5441. JO L, LA parts catalog «3-T, orig. 1942, model L, LA, M sales booklets, milk bottles from N.J. Dairies; Hunt. Ca 908-996-6959. Powerking garden tractor, model 1617, all gear drive, has sicklebar, snowplow & 3 pt. hitch, like new. 717-265-6465. „MF 265 tractor diesel WFE TPH w/MF 236 quick tach loader good cond. York Co. 717-428-3204. Howard gem. Gravely snow blower, reel mower, 2* cube paper baler, Cub Cadet, Jari sickles, snow blowers, jewelers lathe. Sussex Co. 201-948-4565. Underwriter* Laboratories \ Approved Matter Labeled UXVJ Lightning Rod System* m TEATES PROTECTION LP.I. Certified Master Installer Farm, Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES TIM SHAFFER P.O. Box 136 (717) 374-7090 Freeburg, PA 17827 ' V\>» ' Good For All Roof Angles PO Box 231 Rehrersburg, PA 19650 (717) 933-4666 (717) FAX 933-5305 1953 Autocar tractor model C 657 64,000 orig. miles all orig. inside & outside gar age kept excel, shape, $3,500. Hunt. Co 908-735-5532. Singer Indus, sewing machine $5OO or best offer w/table & motor. Marylee at 717-866-5555 9 to 5 daily 2 B.F. Avery tractors w/ equip, very good cond. St Mary’s Co. Md 301-994-0414 Cockshutt 30 tractor Gamble Farmcrest 30 trac tor & AC model L crawler Carroll Co. Md. 410-239-8055. Wheel horse snow blade $lOO, garden plow $75, chains for compact car, $25. Bucks Co. 215-757-6667. JD 24T baler $4OO 080, NH 479 haybine $4OO 080, AC 190 XT series 111 $5OOO 080 nice. Berks Co. 610-941-1778 day, 610-285-2258 night Little Qiant drag top link for Oliver 1550 herd seeder 3 pt. $750. York Co. 717-432-3653 after 6 pm Reg. & coracle polled he re ford cows exposed to bull, excel, breeding. Pony Co. 717-589-3041. 620 JD tractor 3 pt. hitch, front end loader, live PTO, live hyds., $4OOO. Luz. Co. 717-752-4035. Maytag square tub washer, Case SC cults., sale or trade. Luz. Co. 717-788-3405. Pair new 7.50x15 forklift tires $BO, Lincoln welder 6 cyl. Hercules eng. needs work $2OO as's. York Co. 717-235-8166 eves. Holstein feeder calves 200-275 lb. excel, cond. Juniata Co. 717-463-3109. 400 A dairy farm 50 stalls double 4 parlor 20x70 silo big Jim unloader 60' Jamesway bunk feeder etc. NE Tioga Co. Beechwood Lake. RR3 Box 225, West field, PA 16950. Call For Information Beautifies All Homes Old & New PAGES: • Can be installed on flat roof with as little as */» ” pitch per foot. • Good for homes, farm buildings, garages, commercial buildings. • Sheet in continuous length installed with concealed fasteners with double lock seam for water tight application. JD AMT 622 w/new steel Fwmlnfl, Saturday, October IS. 1994-821 cab excel, cond, $5500, swans $2OO. Adams Co 717-334-7524 323 Ml corn picker good cond , $l5OO also, IH sickle bar mower, fits Farmall H $5O. Berks Co 610-683-5288. Leroy somer generator 16KW w/switchbox, TA HP elec motor excel, cond , also 12” belsaw planer. Lane. Co 717-687-0888 Mikita generator 5500 watts never used like new model G5501R. Lehigh Co. 610-432-1754 eves. 1964 Ford dump truck 11,000 GVW, 390 engine runs good $2200. Berks Co. 610-929-3930. Plymouth 1949 4 door 90 percent restored- drive home $l3OO. York Co. 717-235-6036, Texas longhorn calves reg. 3- bulls, 1- heifer, classic breeding, snow blower plow mower for Bolens 1050. York Co. 717-233-3319. Insley shovel backhoe combination '4 yd. Cat. power 311 serial #11485 model 12 excel, cond., $6OOO. Lacka. Co. 717-282-5080. North County Cheviot ram proven yearling, reg., good crossed on commercial ewes good mothering instincts, strong lambs $lOO. Centre Co. 814-355-5506. Axeman-Anderson coal stoker furnace, 130,000 BTU in good cond., $250. Lyc. Co. 717-398-1459. JD L cults., complete set, good cond., $65. Chester Co. 215-963-3740 or 610-935-4945. Military truck tire size 7.50x20, 8 ply Goodyear, $25, 250 gal. fuel oil tank, $25. Carroll Co. 301-262-6037. 30 acres field com for high moisture cob chop, ear corn or shelled, alfalfa timothy hay furnace road. Lane. Co. 610-593-5721. Clean straw & mulch hay just in time for Halloween. Located Monroe Co. 717-992-3436. ilow Farmall cub snowi wheel wghts. & tire chains good cond., $4OO, large oxy-acetylene outfit tanks, torch, guages, cart $375. 215-536-9672. Backhoe 580-B shuttle diesel new rubber rear good cond., Mauldin paver B'-12' good cond. Lane. Co. 717-684-6555. Reg. Nubian buck $125, 2 grade does- Nubian type $lOO, Pygmy doe $lOO, Togg doe $75, ducks $5. Warren Co. 908-683-7201. AC 387 3 btm. semi-mount plow JD 210 13V4' disc. Leb. Co. No Sunday calls, 717-949-3465. Snowblower White (Snow Boss), elect, start 2 stage 1 hr. running time 8 hp., $1320, new $7OO. York Co. 717-927-6967. 71 GMC, $3OO, needs motor work, new tires, brakes, front-end work etc. Monroe Co. 717-421-3508 after 3:30. Pequea hyd. plow, used 2 btms., $llOO, also Austra lian shepherd pups $7O males. Lane. Co 717-653-5421. IH 51 forage box $lOO. Wanted 4 ton gravity flow feed bin good cond. Lane. Co. 717-336-4542. 42 ML acre farm, 30 cow tie-stall, 200 veal calves, 5 bdrm. house, 14x60 silo, feed bin. Snyder Co. 717-837-0411. Tennessee walkers, ex. trail & field trial, several to choose from, 100% sound! Cold Springs Farm 717-379-3217 after 5 p.m. 8' McKee snowblower, 2 stage, w/double augers & 2 blower fans, has been changed to 3 pt. mount, 1000 RPM, needs sprock ets & chains, $5OO 080. Cambria/Mifflin Co. 717-483-6604. AKC Siberian husky pups shots, wormed, ready to go blk/wh. blue eyes $lB5. Frystown. 717-933-8764. 1973 Ford tanker 3000 gal capacity PTO vadium pump & fan spreader 1106 Caterpillar diesel working cond. Cumb. Co. N.J 609-455-1521. AC D-17 gas w/PH digger, plow, mower $2900, Tay lorway 12' offset disk, 28" disks, used 200 ac. $4900, AC 6(30 c. planter no fort, $750. Harford Co. Md 410-836-1722. Chev. 1964 Chevelle Mali bu 4 dr great cond. orig 74K must sell owner failing health, interested person only apply. 610-756-6852 Reg. Jersey cows will be fresh within 60 days bred to top Al bull $650. Fulton Co 717-573-4441 2 woodstoves- Atlanta stoveworks Huntsman $l5O, 2'x3' large baffled woodstove w/hotwater coil $75 Bucks Co 215-538-7479 50 gal. stainless steel steam cooker, also insu lated cooler panels. Frank lin Co 717-369-4211 1962 Buick special V 6 not running best offer. Bucks Co 215-343-1690 after 5 p m. ■BRECON ENGINES y DIESEL PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS (717) 354-4801 Specializing In Used Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines DIESEL POWER SUPPLY DIESEL ENGINES - POWER UNITS 415 PETERS RD. QORDONVILLE, PA 1752# Mlsc, New-Used And Trade-In Diesel Engines BAG SERIES Zero milk tank & compres sor +2O, 400 gal w/ automatic wash, $llOO Luz. Co. 717-788-1762. Capons alive or dressed Chester Co 610-857-0326 Mallard ducks, spring hatched $7, Muscovy ducks spring hatched, Chester Co 610-932-8499, 2003 Hilltop Road, Oxford, Pa 19363 Full set of duals 18-4-88, JD 7000 no-till planter fert, $3,500 for rent garage 30x20 7’ high 717-432-8587. JD 4WD tractors, $650, $B5O, $950, $1250 w/front end loaders, also extra tires & wheels Lehigh Co. Nites 610-298-3206. Travel trailer sleeps 6 excel, cond., 33' camper on seasonal site, Tioga Co , $6,500 080 Bucks Co 215-766-2705 1986 Mercury Lynx 1 8 motor auto parts or repair $5OO 080 -Montg Co 215-257-7579. 80 gal. elec, water heater ok, $35, 3 PH post hole auger $125. Leb. Co 717-285-3782 Ml 324 wide 2 row corn picker w/329 super shelter, $3,000. Blair Co 814-695-2640. TB Chestnut 16 hands handsome, good mover, needs semi-experienced rider, jumper $1,500. Ches ter Co. 610-274-8618 Fox 2300 forage chopper field ready 2RN hay pickup, NH 495 12’ haybine excel rolls 2 running gears I"4' field cult. Cecil Co 410-392-3355 Wood-coal furnace 130,000 BTU hot water coil $4OO, 26" crescent band saw no motor $2OO Fulton Co 717-573-4305 JD AR parts or restoration, McCormick Deenng 10-20 runs complete $6OO ea Orange Co NY 914-457-3957 Home raised polled sim mental cattle highest qual ity at farmers prices steers bulls heifers cows. Adams Co 717-334-5966 Ml 323 picker $1275, IH GL4 diesel utility tractor or JD 2040 w/loader Blair Co 814-944-0818 Farmall cub w/cultivator & draw bar $l9OO, female Rott 11 mths AKC beauti ful. 302-284-8774 No 3 Peerless- clover seed Huller- MFGD Way nesboro, Pa Pat 1884 good cond has wooden wheels Snyder Co 717-539-8561 Church, West Bradford, Chester Co 3200 sq. ft 53+ parking 4.3 acres sun day school rooms, library etc 610-269-2359 SALES ' SERVICE • PARTS
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