Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 46

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    Catch The Taste
Fish may not make you smarter,
but it’s certainly smart eating, both
to stay in shape and to reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease. Fish
and shellfish are excellent sources
of high quality, complete protein,
many minerals, and essential B
complex, A and D vitamins.
An average serving of seafood
has less than 200 calories. Some of
the leaner varieties such as floun
der, have as few as 80. Both fresh
water and saltwater fish are low
enough in sodium to be acceptable
for low-sodium diets. While fish
are generally low in fat, these are
mainly polyunsaturated fats.
Current research shows that cer
tain types of polyunsaturated fats
those contained in seafood
actually tend to reduce the amount
of serum cholesterol in the body,
and are beneficial in reducing the
probability of a heart attack.
I'A cups water
'A teaspoon salt
1 bay leaf
1 A cups minute rice
'A cup mayonnaise
A cup chopped pimiento
4-ounces chopped mushrooms
2 tablespoons chopped parsley,
1 to 2 cups drained, cooked and
Crab meat, shrimp, lobster or
Crisp lettuce or other greens
2 to 4 ripe tomatoes, cut in
Bring water, salt, and bay leaf to
a boil. Stir in rice, cover, remove
from heat and let stand 5 minutes
then uncover and cool to room
temperature. Remove bay leaf.
About one hour before serving,
combine A cup mayonnaise,
mushrooms, pimiento, and
Add rice and mix lightly with a
fork. Chill. Combine seafood with
remaining mayonnaise and lemon
juice. Season to taste if preferred.
Chill to serve. Arrange rice on
crisp lettuce in center of platter
with tomatoes and seafood around
the rice.
Makes about 3 cups rice plus
seafood. If desired, mix '/« to
‘A cup tart French salad dressing
with the seafood instead of mayon
naise and lemon juice.
Recipe Topics
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but ask that
you include accurate measurements, a complete list of
ingredientsand clear instructions with each recipe you sub
mit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good, Lancaster Farm
ing, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Recipes should
reach our office one week before publishing date.
October 22- Pizza and Apple Month
29- Pumpkin Time
November 5- Breads, Muffins, Biscuits
12- What can you do with sweet potatoes? '
Home On The Range
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tomato, peeled, seeded, and
finely chopped
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
V* teaspoon dried oregano,
'A teaspoon freshly ground
'A teaspoon salt
'A to V* pound large, raw shrimp,
peeled and deveined with tail
A pound Arm white fish, such as
halibut, monkfish or pollock, cut
into 2-inch pieces
1 dozen debeared mussels or lit
tleneck clams, scubbed or half of
Combine oil and garlic in
BxBx2-inch dish. Cover with plas
tic wrap and microwave at high
one minute 30 seconds. Add toma
to, lemon juice, parsley, oregano,
pepper and salt; mix well. Add sea
food and toss to coat evenly.
Arrange seafood in single layer;
cover with plastic wrap and vent
on comer for steam to escape.
Microwave at high 3 minutes; stir.
Microwave 2 minutes longer. Let
stand, covered, 2 minutes or until
shrimp is opaque, shells open and
fish begins to flake. Serve in shal
low bowls with crust French bread
if desired- Makes 4 servings.
'A cup mayonnaise
1 egg. beaten
2 tablespoons chopped, pimento
1 tablespoon chopped green
VA teaspoon Worcestershire
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon dry mustard
Generous dash hot pepper sauce
1 pound crab meat, flake style
Freshly ground black pepper
Combine mayonnaise, egg,
pimento, green onion, Worcester
shire sauce, lemon juice, mustard,
and hot pepper sauce. Gently stir in
crab meat or surimi. Spoon into 4
to 6 individual casserole dishes or
scallop shells. Sprinkle with papri
ka. Microwave at high 7 to 9
minutes or until thoroughly
heated, rearranging dishes once.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
By eating fish and shellfish you get the added bonus of the omega-3 fatty acids that
appear to have highly beneficial effects on managing cholesterol levels.
Place 4 boned whiting fillets,
skin side down, on work surface.
Place about 2 tablespoons sauteed,
chopped vegetables (peppers and
carrots) lengthwise down center of
each fillet.
Starting at thick end, roll up
each fillet; secure‘with toothpick.
Place upright in small baking dish.
Turn down'the top edge of each
roll-up to expose filling. Brush
with melted butter and lemon juice
into dish around fillets.
Bake at 42S degrees using the
10-minute rule. Garnish with
sliced lemon and watercress. Sav
ings 4.
VS cup plain bread crumbs
1 teaspoon dried sage
VS teaspoon coarsely ground
black pepper
VS teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon olive oil
4 trout fillets
1 lemon, quartered
Combine first four ingredients.
Coat flesh side of trout in bread
crumb mixture; set aside. Brush
large non-stick skillet lighdy with
oil. Over high heat, saute trout
flesh-side down for 2 minutes.
Gently turn trout; saute 2 minutes
more. Serve immediately with
lemon. Makes 4 servings.
2 tablespoons butter;
VA pounds orange roughy, sole
or flounder fillets
Salt and pepper (optional)
Creamy tomato sauce
Melt butter in large skillet
Lightly season fillets with salt and
pepper, if desired. Saute fillets 2 to
3 minutes on each side until lightly
browned and fish flakes easily
with fork. Remove from skillet
Serve immediately with creamy
tomato sauce.
6 bluefish fillets
6 tablespoons mayonnaise
V* teaspoon salt
V* teaspoon pepper
2 ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
3 cups hot cooked rice
Place each fillet on large square
of heavy duty foil. Spread each fil
let with 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
sprinkle with salt and pepper. Top
with tomato slices, then with cel
ery. Fold foil to form a sealed
packet, folding ends tightly. Place
packets on baking sheet Bake 350
degrees fa* 20 minutes. Serve with
hot rice.
At the Lampeter Fair, Esther Ruth was the first-place winner in the
Hershey’s Greatest Cocoa Cake Contest, a contest that Hershey Food
Corporation and the Pa. State Association of County Fairs offer at all
fairs in Pennsylvania.
Her secret recipe is a long time favorite of her husband, Jeff, and
sons, Jason, 19, and David, 12.
Although she loves to bake ever since she was a little girl, this was
the first year that Esther took the time to enter a baking contest About
seven years ago Esther worked in a bake shop, which really inspired
her creativity in baking. She took a cake decorating course, but her cre
ations are now limited to sparetime. She works full time in physical
medicine at Lancaster General Hospital and part time as a hair dresser.
“Working so many hours really puts the squeeze on cooking but it’s
somethiog.l really enjoy,” Esther said.
As a winner of the Hershey’s Contest Esther will again bake her
winning entry and take it to state competition at the Pennsylvania Farm
Show in January.
Although she won’t share her prize-winning recipe, lifre is another
chocolate cake recipe she enjoys.
3 cups unsifted flour
VA cups sugar
VA cups cocoa
2'A teaspoon baking powder
VA teaspoon baking soda
l/icups mayonnaise
VA cups water
2 teaspoons vanilla
Sift dry ingredients. Stir in mayonnaise, water, and vanilla. Divide
batter into two 9-inch layer pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Cool and frost with your favorite frosting.
Featured Recipe
1 pound fish fillets
54 cup Italian dressing, divided
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan
1 tablespoon dry bread crumbs
Nonfat tartar sauce
Heat broiler. Place fish on
greased rack of broiler pan. Brush
with half of the dressing. Broil 2 to
4 inches from heat 5 minutes.
Brush with remaining dressing;
sprinkle with combined cheese and
crumbs. Broil 3 minutes or until
lightly browned and fish flakes
easily with fork. Serve with sauce.
Makes 4 servings.
( Pag* B 8)