Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 196
D4B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994 , W TRACTORS GEHL AND EQUIPMENT THIS WEEK S SPECIAL GEHL 312 SPREADER 260 Bushel Tandem Axle Includes Splash Guards and Side Rails Finance Sale Price Cash Discount Cash Price $7, 135 MF 3545 2WD cab air 135 hp.. JD 2940 2WD roll guard 81 hp New MF 7 shank chisel plow with cutter discs New MF 233 disc harrow 12' wide 22" blades. IH disc harrow 10’ wide 3 point hitch Brillion 9’ cultipacker Allied 4 row cultivator NH 616 forage harvester 1 row corn head... Gehl 1060 harvester Elect-Controls NH model 8 forge box 16' w/3 beaters (2) NH 489 mower conditioners New Holland model 1033 bale stack wagon New Idea 5-wheel pull-type rake MF 124 baler with thrower IH 430 baler with thrower NH 27 forage blower NH 451 sickle bar mower Gehl 135 grinder mixer Gehl 95 grinder mixer.. NH 308 side discharge manure spreader $6,800 New Gehl 309 scavenger manure spreader cash price $4,685 Used Gehl 315 scavenger manure spreader, (used 1 year)..57,900 Lebanon Valley Implement Co., Inc. 700 E. Linden Street, Richland, PA 17087 717-866-7518 $7,835 700 $19,500 $12,900 $4,795 $5,100 ...$695 ...$350 ...$725 s3so 510,500 51,750 $3,500 and $4,500 53,950 ssoo 52,500 52,350 s7oo sl,ooo ~$4,575 $1 ,900 tractor JD 3020 D, WF, power shift, 1000 hrs. on engine overhaul JD 830 D 2 cyl. JD 316 hydro lawn mower ♦ ♦ Case IH 7120, MFWD, 1 owner, 740 hrs., very . nice, factory warranty till 12-30-97 1991 Case IH 7120, 18.4-42 tires, 3 hyd., radar, 1500 hrs. w/factory warranty AC, HD IS dozer w/671 Detroit dlessl Stocking New Koyker Quick Attach For Most JD & IH Farm Tractors, 40 HP To 160 HP. IH 720 6x18" auto reset IH 720 6x16” auto reeet IH 720 5x18” toggle trip plow, semi mount !H 720 4xlB auto reset IH 710 auto reset, 7 bottom 16” on-land IH 710 sxlB auto reset, on-land hitch IH 480 wingfold 20%' disc IH 475 hyd. fold 18% ’ disc Kewanee rock flex wingfold disc, 21% ’ Case IH stalk chopper #6O IH 60 stalk chopper Factory JD WF to fit 3020 thru 4020 (1) ‘9O Case 1840 skid steer IH 1850 loader off IH 574 til 325, 2RN 12 roll husking bed Nl 324 2RW w/12 roll husking bed, re^good Dual wheals - 34‘s and 38’s Tractor Weights JD & IH IH dual PTO units 1980 JD 6620, good 1 owner machine JD 6600 D w/alr 1978 diesel, air, heavy final, 23” 1976 JD 4400 diesel, air IH 1460 combine, real good Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-12 f RR & LEAMAN arm Equipment Sales & s S. of Lancaster along QUALITY TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT/REASONABLY PRICED/SERVICED A AVAILABLE WITH A 100% WARRANTY ON ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN DEUVERY AVAILABLE , mights ils . shift, 2460 hrs. ists roll guard & canopy par drlva, nlea straight mts & Mil Combines Box 191 New Providence, PA 17560 (717) 786-1606 PTO DRIVE UNITS Wo stock and repair standard and metric PTO Drive Units. We Also Stock: • Pulleys • Belts • Sprockets ROPE & PULLEY EVENERS For hitching 6 or 8 horses tandem. No evener needed on front team. Works good for picking corn or plowing $42.00 Per Set (Will Ship UPS Prepaid) WHITE til HORSE MACHINE NEW PLOWS - PLOW PARTS WELDING - HARDWARE - MACHINE WORK 5566 Old Phila. Pike, Gap, PA 17527 Mon.-Fri. 6:30 to 5; Sat. 7 to 12 Tractors IH 5088 factory cab, air, up-dataa IH 3088 w/factory cab, a 1979 IH 1486, Cab, Air, 2460 Original Hrs., Vary Nlca IH i 486, ‘79 modal, rad powar, cab, air IH 1086 cab, air, 2400 original hrs., extra sharp 1086 Factory cab, air, 1979 modal 986 factory cab, air, 38” radials, nice 886£33538t, 2900 original hrs. 684 w/2250 loader 1586 cab, air, new TA, nice 1466 fender tractor 1066 cab, air, new TA, nice IH 966 fender tractor WF 3 pt., 300 hrs. on engine, clutch & T/A, very nice IH 966 w/cab & air ‘B3 Caae 2090 cab, air, Power shift, 2063 hrs., very nice Farmall M w/NI mounted picker Case 2090 Power shift, cab, air, very nice Case 1070, power shift, 4 post Ford 8600 dual power, roll bar MF 1163 6RN corn head MF 1143 corn head MF 1144 4RW MFHRS9I6’ 6 Bat Ull Reel MF 1859, 13’ flex IH head IH 843 4RN, Good IH 820 15’ flex head IH 820,13* flex, very nice IH 810 ridgld head, nice condition JD 643 6RN, 600 acres, low tin oil JD 643 lo tin oil bath (2) JD 643 hl-tln, 6RN, nlca JD 443 com head, vary good JD 444 hl-tln JD 215 flax haad JD 213 (lax, black real JD 213 flax yallow raal JD 13' rigid haad Nl 743, 3RN IH 1440, 1984 modal, 2300 hrs. MF 850, hydro, 2100 hra. MF 550 diaaal hydro, .1 ownar w/1069 original hra., vary nlca MF 550 diaaal, hydro comblna, 1212 hra., vary nlca Heads bath