D42-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Octobar 15, 1994 FORRESTER FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 1475 Orchard Rd. Chambaraburg, PA 17201 Phone: 717-263-0705 db ESH Salaa - Parta - Sarvica BEST BUYS IN USED* FARM EQUIPMENT NH 890 Harvester NH 890 W Hayhead NH 785 Skid Loader w/Perkins Engine NH 785 Skid Loader w/Ford Engine Ford 7700 2 WD w/Cab & Air JD 2640, 2WD, w/hi & Low Ford 4000 Row Crop Gehl V-Rake, 8 Whl. (2) NH 411 Discbines, 10 Ft. NH 1469 Haybine Kewanee 16 ft. Disc White 5 Btm. 18’ Plow, Semi- Mounted Long 460 Tractor Ford 8000 w/Rollbar & DP NH 499 12 ft. Haybina Fordson Major Tractor Ford LTIOA w/38 Inch Deck & Bagger NH TR7O Combine NH 15 Ft. Fiexhead NH 6 Row Corn Head NH 848 Round Baler, Net Wrap Ford 3600 New Paint w/PS Alamo Batwing Mower, 12x6 Ft. Located: 1 Mila Off Exit 8, On 696 North To Orchard Rd. Hours: 8:30-5:00 Mon. Thru Frl. 8:30-12:00 Saturday > BLUE MOUNTAIN TYTITGIPI NEW TRIPOLI, PA 18066 lisa Ifsaaßateiafl Minor Repairs, Major Rebuilts. Fully Equipped Service Truck Tractors, Power Units, Combines, Harvesters, Skid Steer Loaders, Construction Equipment. Call us for Emergency Service Leon Leinbach (610)298-3483 Ml Uni 802 Tractor, 4 WD, Only SOS Hours,rare 707 Uni - Belt Drive w/Perkins 138 HP N1703w/6cyl Chevy engine Uni 708,4 WD, 1070 Hrs Uni 708, 2 WD Uni 709,4 WD Uni 702, 727 Husker 3R head (Cheap) Nl 839 16 Roll Husker (gray) about 1/3 price oi new one Nl 800 Cummins Tractor, 980 hrs. Perfect 737,12 row husker w/844 head Nl 858 Shelter 6R Capacity Ml 813 bean table and 741 fast-tatch throat MF 750 diesel, belt drive, 1977 model, above average IH 856 Fender Tractor (excellent) IH 1066 cab, air, duals IH 1466, no cab AC 301 cu. In diesel engine, complete out of XTI9O Good JD 4020 diesel t—iiiwiiaifi IWVnMWW Oliver 1355 Tractor NH 553 Skid Loader Vicon V-Will Rake Ford 8N Ford 66405, 4WD JO 4010 IH Super C w/Plow. Disc & Cultivator IH Farmall C S4S Dion Silage Blower New 6 Row White Cultivator 10’ Ford Field Cultivator Grove 14’ Forage Wagon NH 479 9’ Haybine NH 479 Haybine (2) NH 489 Haybine IH 990 9' Haybine IH 1190 9’ Haybine NH 770 Chopper w/Hay Head & 2 Row Corn NH 770 Chopper & Grass Head (4H 357 Grinder Mixer NH 350 Grinder Mixer (2) Gehl Forage Boxes JD 14T Baler w/Thrower TRACTORS Hesston 2000-100 Harvester Ml 717 Combine Ml 844 N Ml 315 Sheller Ml 324 Sheller micpci i amci Nl 727 Husking Bed MpCgLLANB Nl 323 1-Row Corn- * Kvernoland Bale picker Wrapper Nl 325 12 Row Husking * 3 ® ft ' El “ v,,or Bed • Hub 48 Ft. Elevator . Nl 743 Corn Head * ®® ® lower •Nl 740 Feeder Throat * f®° ® low#r • IH 56 Blower TILLAGE *L H 1250 Grlnder/Mlxer „ - _ • Automatic Roller • Ford 5-Botlom Plow Mm • Case 16" Reset . Nl 213 Spreader Plow, 5 Bottom . Nl 218 Spreader - IH 550 5 Bottom . HM 1674 Spreader Pl° w • Gehl 250 Spreader • JD 6-18 Plow . soo Gal, Century • Bush Hog 15 Ft. Sprayer Dl*k . Weaverllna 430 • Case 7 Tooth . case IH 5100 Soybean Consertll Drill • IH 720, 18" S-Bottom . |H 5100 Drill Plow . JD KBB 13x7 Drill • IH Field Cultivator . JD 8300 Drill •IH 4 Row Cultivator Soybean Speclall • Taylor-Way 24‘ . jd 8350 Drill, 21x7 Cushion Disk . Nl 3618 Spreader • Case 15 Ft. Heavy .Nl 3626 Spreader Disc (Nice) . Miller Spreader • JD 4x16 Trip • Gehl 16 Ft. Forage Plow Wagon • JD 5x16 Trip • Meyer 16 Ft Wagon Plow Like New, Used 80 • IH 735 5-Bottom Load* Varl-Wldth Plow • 300 Gallon Sprayer SPECIAL ON SUNFILM BALE WRAP! • Case SC Tractor • Case IH 585 • Case IH 885 • Cass 995 • Case 1370 • Case 1690 •IH 784 • JD 2950 Tractor • Farmall 300 • Ford 8N HAY EQUIPMENT Nl 486 Round Baler NH 78 Baler NH 276 Baler NH 276 Parte Balar NH 282 Balar NH 479 Hayblna NH 1495 SP NH 850 Round Baler Heaaton 1014'a Heaalon 1090 Wind rower Heaaton 1091 Wind rower Heaaton 1150 Mower IH 445 Square Baler IH 1190 Mower Cond. (2) Caae Int. 8330 Wlndrower Nl 512 12 Ft. Mower Conditioner Deulz-Allla 10 Ft. Oise Mower Vlcon 321 Disc Mower TRACTORS MF3090, 71 hrs. Flat Hesston 666 4WD w/loader MR 275 Farmall 300 gas MF 1155 w/cab, duals MF 3630, 2WD w/cab. 50 hrs. Ferguson 20 Ford 9N MF 1150 w/duals, good MF 670 4WD, cab & air, like new MF 3660 2WD, cab, air, 20.8x38 tires, 60 hours SKIDSTERR LOADERS MF 236 loader to fit MF 184 Tractor Case 1830 Skid Loader 60” Bucket COMBINES MF 300 combine w/graln table MF 550 combine w/13' grain table, new MF 760 combine w/15' grain table, real nice IH 203 SP combine MF 1143 4R corn head, used 200 acres Hesston 7160 Forage Harvester NI forage box w/rurinlng gear Gehl 940 box w/10 ton running gear Gehl 650 forage box w/runnlng gear JD 1714 A forage box w/runnlng gear Gehl C 8750 forage harvester Gehl CBSOOforage harvester Hessto(3*ls>|forage harvester NH 880 forage harvester Hesston 5580 round baler JD, NH, NI, Gehl forage blowers, in stock MISC. EQUIP. Danuser model F 8 post hole digger, excellent Better Blit 3150 gal. liquid spreader w/brakes 50'6” portable grain auger, 7 hp motor Wic 3 pt. hitch Bedding Chopper Model 330 Weaverline feed cart LONGENECKER’S INC. Williamsburg, PA 16693 814-793-3731 HARVESTING IUIPMENT • Case 183 SB • Case 1835 C • Caae 1845 Diesel • Case 18458 Diesel • IH 32008 • Ford Loader ZIMMERMANS FARM SUPPLY 1/2 Mile West off Rt 501 on School Rd., Bethel, PA 717-933-4114 We redesigned the GLKANKK' rotary from header to spreader with fewer moving bells and chains. So you get greater reliability and reduced maintenance during harvest. And now, three ol lour models* offer you an engine choice a high torque rise Cummins diesel or a low maintenance air-cooled Deutz, both loaded with power to spare. Check out the combine that’s built lor greater reliability and backed by a strong AGCO warranty and superior service the*GLIiANKK rotai y. Visit your local AGCO GI.KANHK dealer today. And ask about flexible AGCO financing. Good Crops need a Good Machine ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE V* Mile West Of Rt. 501 On School RcL, Bethel, PA 717-933-4114 S] GLEANER lAOCOI Call for a Demo K,j i\.nl,il)l< mill lit nt/ in khilml i it) mi uiilv