Extension Agents (Continued from Pogo A 1) Dunn developed and delivered a Rural Safety Program for the two-county unit. Volunteers were trained to assist in teaching agri cultural safety to 4-Hers, stu dents, firefighters, ambulance staff, farmers and other rural resi dents. Susan and the volunteers reached youth and adults using workshops, classroom instruc tion, newsletters, newspaper, exhibits and demonstrations. One young man credits the program with saving his life. Susan also conducts educational programs for production agriculture. Kennerknecht has been a member of the Extension staff for 24 years. He provides leadership for a 1,457 member 4-H/Youth program. Ray’s major goal is to develop leadership in 4-H mem bers and leaders. His 4-H mem bers and leaders participate in a variety of leadership educational opportunities he makes available. His 4-H committees provide opportunities for leaders and members to use their leadership to improve the program while it grows. Ray also coordinates 20 Master Gardeners and conducts agricultural safety programs. Mizer has been a member of ’ I Make your investment count: I 4584 Mean ♦ Combined Penn State Commercial New Entries Invest your resources wisely, with vaneties that have a proven record of performance in the field. Hoffman’s strong line of Funk’s G® brand hybnds offers you significant improvements m yields and standability. Early Maturity. A 98-day hybnd, 4273 delivers outstanding standability and drydown, and outperformed the mean by 3 5%. Mat Hum Maturity. 4394 produced a whopping 12.3% more than the average, the Extension staff for 19 years. He conducts a comprehensive extension program for commer cial horticulture producers. Sev eral hundred vegetable growers benefit from variety field trials and integrated pest management programs Jeff conducts. Com mercial tree fruit producers receive up to date information through educational meetings and a monthly newsletter. Jeffs pesti cide education program, focusing on pesticide storage, transporta tion, and spill clean-up reached over 700 commercial and private applicators. He also conducts pro grams for lawn care profession als, nursery men, and commercial greenhouse operators. Shuffstall has been a member of the Extension staff for 14 years. He conducts Community Development programs and serves as CED for the Clear field/Jefferson Unit. Over 300 individuals participated in a 15- hour leadership education pro gram developed by Shuffstall. Programs on solid waste issues over a three-year period reached over 600 individuals. Bill was instrumental in establishing busi ness retention and expansion pro grams in five communities. Increase your com yields by 7% or more 1993 Pennsylvania Hybrid Corn Performance Trials 162.3 @* Hoffman Seeds, Inc., Landisville, PA 17538 CaH Toll Ftmm 1-800-776-7929 Adding Value to your Seed Investment It © 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc Bnra (Continued from Pago Al) mittee will use various aspects of the media—including popular press articles, posters, and an informational video—to show the dairy industry what Dairy-MAP is all about. Local meetings will be held across the state for anyone in the agribusiness community inter ested in learning more about the program. The Finance Committee pre sented proposed budgets and plans to acquire additional rev enue to fund this expanded effort. To date, fewer than 400 individu als have had the opportunity to participate tn the Dairy-MAP Pro gram, since both capital and human resources were limited in the pilot program. The Curriculum Committee reviewed current materials and discussed future needs. Participa tion of dairy producers, industry field people, and educators will help stimulate discussion about Under his leadership,- 14 staff in the bi-county unit work coopera tively to conduct a comprehen sive extension program. 26.8 26.2 while combining outstanding standabihty, drydown and drought tolerance Full Season Maturity. 4584 delivers exceptional gram quality and a 5.4% yield advantage over the rrtean. It provides excellent standabihty and early vigor, as well as disease resistance. So devote your resources wisely by choosing a held proven Funk’s G® brand hybrid, Contact a Hoffman sales representative for help in choosing the right variety for your operation. Dairy-MAP Program present and future educational needs. Finally, the Facilitatory Com mittee discussed how agribusi ness personnel would be integrat ed with Penn State personnel to form teaching teams.. In Dairy-MAP’s core course, Managing For Success, teams of facilitators help dairy producers look into the mirror, think about who they are, think about the future dairy industry, decide what PSU Dairymen’s Banquet UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) The annual Penn State Dairymen’s club banquetis to be held on Friday November 4th ath the Penn State Ag Arena. A deli cious buffet-style dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Following din ner an annual business meeting will be held, the program also will include highlights of the Penn Stale Dairy Research Facilities by Larry Specht. The recipiant of the dairy service award also will be recognized. The evening will con- 96.7 97.2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994-Al9 the future holds for their business, and develop a plan for their own individual success. One of the participants in this October 10 meeting called Dairy-MAP a “visionary program,” and although each of the meeting participants may have had a slightly different vision for the future of the dairy industry in Pennsylvania, it is clear that the first collective step toward that vision is the expan sion of Dairy-MAP. elude with fun activities, A feature of this year’s meeting will be a reunion for Penn State Alumni who lived and/or worked at the PSU dairy bams. So, if you ever lived or worked at the dairy bams we encourage you to attend Ticket costs are $l2 per person. For more information or to reserve a ticket, contact Dale Olver at (814) 863-3914 or 324 Henning Building. University Park, PA 16802. Multi Fuel Furnaces & Boilers Wood, Coal & Oil t ..... k i’# * ( (Front view of Multifuel boiler) Hand fired wood & coal models and outdoor boilers. PENN MFG. CO. 393 W. Lexington Rd, Ulltz, PA 17543 Call (717) 626-1397 or 327-2303 VERMONT CASTINGS • Wood, Coal & Gas Stoves • Firaplaca Aceassorias 906 E. Main St' (RL 322) Ephrata, PA I Block East of Rt 222 ggj (717)733-4973 1-800-642-0310 Ken, IMS, WM. 10 la I; Thure, FrL 10 to 0; Sat. 10 to 4 The Common Cold” INC.
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