Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 158
DlO-Lancastw Farming, Saturday, Octobar 15, 1994 New 10' pt haytedders, end of season special, $l4OO. 410-756-4036, 410-756-1466 evenings. New 55'. 3 point, rotary till ers, clearance price $695. J&M TRACTOR, 410-756-4036; 410-775-0559. New 71' rotary tillers, 3pt„ $1475/each, new hay ted ders, $1395/each J&M TRACTOR, '4lO-756-4036; 410-756-1466 evenings. New Brillion 20' cart har row, $3,800. (717)752-7131. New Idea #lO corn picker, best offer Boyerstown, Berks County, (610)845-7197 New Idea *lO corn picker, hydraulic header, VG con dition. 717-425-3238 evenings/weekends. New Idea 2R 30' #325 corn picker. Bernville 610/488-6301. New rotor tillers, 55* $950, 71", $1650 10’ hay ted ders, $1395. 410-756-4036. NH 256 rake. $1025; NH forage wagon gear, w/ext. tongue, $250; NH #8 for age wagon for parts, Dion style roof; Winco 20KW generator, $750. 717/355-9620. NH 26-28 forage blower. Fox 660 blower, new. 717/665-4743. NH 276 Baler w/SS and 56 Thrower. $2675; Kemm Preservative Applicator. $175. (717)626-5023. NH 40 Blower, 1000 RPM, Excellent Condition. $2750. (717)328-2336. NH477 haybine, (excel lent) $3000; NH27I square baler w/o kicker,(good), $750. Both $3500. Freder ick. MD 301-631-8749. NH 624 corn head, cut 30 acres since rebuild, excel lent condition, field ready. 814/766-2544. NH 892 Chopper, metal alert, 824 2R corn head, field ready, $7900 717/253-1708 NH TR7O combine, Cat 3208 hydro, 6RN, 4RW, 15' rigid head, unit in nice condition, $lO,OOO 080. 908/537-6130. NH TR7O combine, Cat 3208, 13' grain head, 4-30 corn head, nice, 2000 hours, $ 10,000. (717)249-2317 Nl 14A manure spreader, ground driven, $475; NH #256 rake. $1475; Coby 9' cultipacker, $395; IH 24-blade disc, pull type $350. 610/562-4464 Nl 2RW corn picker, $lBOO, JD 6600 215 flex head 609-935-8492 Nl #323 1R corn picker, real nice, $2975; Grove dump wagon, $725; Brillion 12' packer, $675; Farmeck bin wagon, $725 610/562-4464 Nl 323 corn picker, good condition, $l5OO, also IH 7' sickle bar mower, fits Far mall H, $5O; also gravity bin, $5OO, also 141 John Deere baler, $7OO Call 610/683-5288 after spm. Ml 323 corn picker, looks & works good, kept inside, $l5OO 717/532-3360 Nl 324 2RW corn picker w/329 super sheller, $3OOO Blair Co., PA 814-695-2640 Nl 324 Wide Row Corn Picker w/12 Row 327 Husking Bed, $2,000 080 (610)944-8380 Nl 325,2 R, 30' corn picker, 12 roll, shed kept 717-362-3074. Nl 325 2RN Corn Picker w/12R Husking Bin, $2BOO (717)762-6876 Nl 325, 2 row corn picker, 12 roll bed, very good con dition 717-626-1748. Nl 325 corn picker, 2RN, good condition. Mifflin Co. (717)483-6507 MANURE SPREADER MP 130,2 beater w/pan, excel lent. $1,400. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Hawk-Bilt, side throw, works daily, $5OO. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER JD 450, hydro-push, $BOO 410-833-9091 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS; Massey Ferguson 200 crawler/dozer w/6-way blade, good u/c, good en gine. BALANOA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm, PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 Massey Harris pony, $1275; Massey Ferguson 135, $4225; Kubota D24SDT with loader, $8250. 717-921-2426. McCurdy corn drag, $400; Parker gravity bin w/JD gear, $1000; Kubota 2-way snowblade, $4OO. 717-653-5733. Metal side for 20' hay wa gon, $650 080. 410/833-1847. MF 1135,3,700 hrs., cab & cold air, excellent runner, $7,000. 410-833-9091 MF 1163 corn head, good condition, $3,500. We de liver. Call after 9pm, (814)832-3655. MF 1163 corn head; (2) Mud Hog, 4WD units. 302-422-2930 Milford. DE. MF 15' grain table w/floater and EHHC; 16' grain table w/floater. 302-422-2930. MF 160 diesel, 60hp, runs good, w/3 bottom JO plow, $3,600. (301)896-7426. MF 2200 loader tractor, diesel, 3pt & PTO, good condition, $4250. 610/932-2767, 610/932-5576. MF 230, gas, live PTO, ROPS, power steering, $4,400. 410-833-9091 MF 410 gas combine, 4RN, quick-attach $2500 OBO; grain bin, 7 ring, 24', per forated flower, $2OOO. 410-838-9040. MFSIO combine, w/#43 cornhead, 16' grain head, diesel, $4OOO, or will trade. 302-653-9124 Kent Co. MF 540 combine, diesel engine, low hours, excel lent soybean machine, very good condition, make offer 717-758-9186 MF 750 Combine, Grey Cab and 16' Flexhead, Good Condition, $7500 (609)935-4179. MF 750 combine, for repair or parts; MF 13' flexhead w/UII reel, very good. 717-872-6733. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE PARTS NEW AND USED AND TRAJSTORS EVERETT BROS 614-922-3335 MM self-propelled combine model 3496, 12’ grain head, 2RW corn head, used this season 717/665-6596. MOWER Lilliston 7'6’ rotary, nice, $7OO 410-833-9091 Mustang 545 skid loader, sShp Perkins diesel, SOhrs on engine overhaul, 72’ bucket, like new manure fork, on steel, $6OOO. 610/683-3561. NEW HOLLAND ELEVATOR COMPANY New 24’, 30', 36’, 4V ele vators, I'-5' extensions for all model 155 Call for bro chure on accessories, op tions and parts. We sell new corn drags. We sell replacements parts for Little Giant corn drag. We will rebuild your New Hol land 155 for '/> price of new. We will trade or buy your used or damaged ele- vator. THANK YOU, Thom Wheary, JR 717-687-0102. Need Soybean Header? Call Stephen 717-249-2317 JD 5440 chopper, 4WD, 3-30' & 7', excellent. Can Finance. $31,900. Larry Staller The Chopper Man' 1-800-248-2151 JD 643 corn head, done 600 A, $11,000080; NI2R com picker, $7000; Peer less ear corn roller mill, 10x20, 540 PTO, 4 years old. $B5OO OBO; Badger Model BNIO3 manure pump, 12‘, $5OO 080. 610/869-8745. JD 6600 combine, rotary screen, 2400 hrs., 2 heads, monitor, very nice. Must Sell. $12,000 080. 717-993-2814 after BPM. JD 6600 Side Hill Com bine, 6RN com head, 13' flex head. 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483. JD 6620 Sidehill Hydro, Dial, Chopper, 4X4, 2200 Hours, Sharp; IH 7110, Cab, Air, 18.4 Radial Du als, 1700 Hours, Sharp $35,000. (517)593-2547. JD 7000 Corn Planter, 4x30 Plateless Minimum Til Coulter, Insecticide Markers. Hydraulic Cylin der. No Fertilizer or Moni tor Very Good Condition. Has Only Planted 400 Acres. $2850. (410)778-0408. JD 7020 3pt PTO, 2 re motes, cab with air, 90% radials $12,250. JD 2840 hi/10, 2 remotes with 148 loader, 3400 hours, new rubber, $12,500. (410)239-6849. JD 750 no-till drill, 10’, cos ter wheel, grass seed, ex cellent condition, $15,300; 25 KW Katolight standby alternator, $1750. 71 7-352-8866; 717-352-2380. JD 7720 combine, 24.5x32 tires, heavy duty axle, ap prox. 3000 hrs., nice, $22,500. 717-249-2317. JD 7720 wide spread chop-' per, complete w/drive and belts, $lOOO. 717-249-2317. JD 8250 grain drill, 21 hole, double disc. JD PLOWS: 5x16 and 6xlB, hydraulic reset. STUMP ACRES. York Co. (717)792-3216. JO Corn Heads; Model 635. 6RN; Model 435, 4RW. Used Parts for JD 105 Combine and Cab for Same. (215)536-8624. JD gas engine, fits 2520, good, $875. Union Co. 717/524-7954 evenings. JD H, good condition, sheet metal, $1,575. Lan caster County. (717)336-2031. JD tractor, 301 A, 1975, 3pt, cab, auxiliary hyd for loader or attachment, very good condition, Twp. fleet maintained, best offer. Call 215-355-3674, JD WFE for 4020, good condition, $950. 315-536-5854. J&M 400 bu. bin on 10 ton gear 717-665-4743 Killbros 375 bin. JD 1065 gear, 14 ply tires. 717-665-4743. Kraus Disc Harrow, 14' of fset, new blades 410/343-0816. Large turbine water wheel, completely rebuilt, will de velop up to 400 hp, call for spec, sheet, $3OOO. 717/532-3360. Late Deere 4400 diesel, 2,294 hrs., 98% tires, very sharp. Trade & Finance. $7,950 Call Stephen 717-249-2317 Late style IH 510, 16 dou ble disc grain drill w/ cylinder, fert and grass seed, used very little, $2,600, Cummins 504 diesel engine, good cond. $950. (717)534-1253. Lincoln Welding Rods, Fleetweld ISO ft other #‘s, $25/50lb. box. UPS ship ping available. Call for sizps & «'s, approx. 100 boxes left. 717/532-3360. Little Giant 32' corn eleva tor, will consider best offer. 717-285-5781. LOADER TRACTOR CASE 5808, TC drive, 3 pt..' live PTO, 1 owner, 3,200 hrs., $6,250. 410-833-9091 Loader Attachment JD 146 w/valve & wide bucket, $2,900. 410-833-9091 Low Tin 643 Deere, good thru-out, sheded, will trade, field ready, $7,850. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 #55 JD Combine square back, 12’ grain platform, 3 RN corn head, exc., only 1574 hrs., shed kept $5,000 (717) 324-2841 GREENHOUSE & FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Sizes range for 14’ wide to 30’wide (4) Fan-Jet fans Case 1 cu. yd. mixer & flat filler (2) 25 gal. sprayers TRACTORS Ford 4000 diesel w/side mount sickle mower AC model G TRUCKS ‘B3 F-350 12’ box 77 Dodge 600 14’box Irrigation pump w/approx. 800’ 3” pipe 10* 3pt hitch harrow 8’ disc 3 & 4 bottom plows 12KW PTO generator w/double throw switch 16’van body Other small items available 908-637-4632 Authorized Parts & Service Kubota. Industrial Diesel Engines Chdck Our Prices On New and Used Parts WINMM Diesel Engines Mitsubishi - Satoh Compact Diesel Tractors Specializing In Complete Service For Skid Loaders and Most TVpcs Of Small Diesel Powered Equipment. Dismantling For Parts NH LSS3 Skid Loader Yanmar 155 Tractor LOADER ATTACHMENT Oliver 1510, $1,600. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR IH 424, gas w/Kelly 600 loader, runs well, no power steering, $3,700. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR MF 25 diesel w/power steering, runs well, $3,950. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR JD 300, diesel w/reverser, weight box, new rubber, runs excellent, $5,300. 410-833-9091 Int: 7110 Cab, 4WD, 600 hrs; 5088 w/cab; 5130 4WD; 3388 w/Cab; 1066 Black Stnpe; 986 w/Cab; 886; 885,4 W 0 w/loader; 885 4WO w/Cab & Loader, * 500 hrs.; 884 W/Cab; 884 4WD w/loader; 884 w/loader; 786; 764 w/cab; 685 w/loader; 685 4WD w/loader; 666 w/canopy; (2)656; (2) 585 cab 4WO w/loader; 300; IHI4O JD 4450 Cab 4 WD; JD 4320:3020; 2350 4WD w/loader; 430; Ford 4610 4WD w/Loader; Ford 861 W/loader; Case 1835 C skid steer Farmco feeders; Hurst trailers; Stock trailers; and all other types of farm equipment From LEADER’S FARM EQUIPMENT Everett, PA 814-652-2809 FOR SALE IN NEW YORK BIGBACKHOE SPECIAL DYNAHOE, 200+4, 4WD, new cost $200,000 GlOO 2.2 HP $2{O.PO Gxl2o 4HP $274.00 Gxl6o 5.5 HP $292.00 Gx27o 9.0 HP $474.00 Gx39o 13 HP $550.00 Gx6lo 18HP $075.00 Gx62o 20 HP $980.00 All Unltu Have “Oil Alert" Except 2.2 HP Postpaid Pa. Residents Add 6% Tax - Send Check With Order To: Blue Mt. Small Engine Serv. Three Sq. Hollow Rci. Newburg, PA 17240 717-423-5358 Let Phone Rina 10 Times MANURE SPREADER NH 516 w/upper beater, works well. $1,200. 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER JD 54, 2 beater, shed kept, must see, $1,850. 410-833-9091 Oliver Cetetrack model AQ-6, wide gauge model with Anderson dozer attach, side mount mower, good condition, low engine hrs $5,900 Roadscraper, pull type, 176* wheel base, .$B5O LEE BROS. CRANBERRY FARM 609-726-9292 Days 609-726-1214 evenings SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Rd. Newport, Pa. Perry County 717-567-3562 IH 235 w/48" Wood! Belly Mower IH 674 Del. IH 966 IH 986 IH 1086 Famuli M Famuli Cub Oliver 70 MFTO2O IH 715 D Combine IH M 3 Cora Head Gleaner MZ Combine NH 770 Harvester NH 851 Round Baler NH 855 Round Baler IH 37 Baler IH 430 Baler w/Thrower IH 440 Baler w/Kicker NH Wheel Rake NH 800 Spreader Shaver Post Driver Brillion Chisel Plow Yellow Devil 200 Gal. Sprayer Woods 208 Mower 1975 Chevy Dump Thick w/Crain t Cattle Sides, 11.000 GVW IH w/Shawnec loader $l5OO as is IH 504 Farmall $2OOO £S is 9N Ford w/loader $lOOO as is IH 8414 D w/loader $2OOO as is Bobcat 743 diesel Case 580 CK TLB $4500 as is Ford 960 tricycle front PS, 3pt $l5OO as is LA JD w/cultlvators $1,795 Case Vac $650 as is JD GP antique tractor JD AR antique tractor JD 950, excel cond. JD 70 skid steer loader Ditch Witch model J2O trencher Case 585 C & 586 D diesel forklifts Case 1816 C skid steer loader, nice $5,500 JD 4240 w/cab $19,500 EQUIPMENT Hardee 3pt stump burner Brillion 64" 3pt landscaper Seeder Troy Built rear tine Oiler $5OO JD 54 front blade for 300 series lawn & garden tractor, new & used NEW walk-behind snow blower $299 up Case 1R pull type corn picker $5OO , JD #3O 2R pull type potato digger Mr loader ofT3OlO JD $1,500 Westendorf loader, heavy duty $2,400 1850 IK loader off 444 & 454 NI & IH and other ground driven manure spreaders JD model 8300, 24x6 DD drill $1,750 W. C. Littleton ft Son Inc. / Laurel, DE 19966 302-875-7448 LOADER ATTACHMENTS New Du-AI, fils all makes & models, 20% off. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 148, excellent condition w/brackets, $2,800 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT IH 2050 w/bucket, very clean, $ 1,500. 410-833-9091 MASSEY-FEHOUSON MF 399 2WD, 550 hours MF 245 dsl, 850 hours Ford 54SA tractor loader NH 488 haybine exc. NH 489 haybine, exc. NH 40 blower NH 38 crop chopper NH 717 harvester, IR com head Gehl CB 400 harvester, 2 heads MC HD 6’ flail cutter 6' 3pt brush cutter Woods B'U 3pt rotary cutter 7’ 3pt. rear blade MF 52 disc 10’ Bobcat 610 dsl. skid steer NH 520 manure spreader NH 668 left hand tank spreader 10’ 3pt. chisel plow MFI3S gas Woods 15'batwing Bush Hog 3215 IS' rotary cutter NH 570 baler w/72 thrower COMING IN: Kubota 87200 4x4 w/loader O fCWHOLLATC SCHREFFLER EQUIPMENT Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 717-648-1811 TRACTORS IH 5288 cab, air, duals IH 3688, cab, air IH 1066 cab IH 986 cab, air IH 686 fender tractor IH 584, new tires Ford 8730,140 HP, 4x4 Ford 1715, P.S. (new), 4x4 Ford 5610, 4x4 Ford TWS - like new, 4x4 Ford 192, 4x4, loader, 300 hrs. Ford 4610, 4x4, loader Ford 5000 Ford 66405, power star, dual power & remote, 7 hrs. Ford 6700 Ford 7700 new tires Ford 4600 D Ford 4000, excellent condition Ford 3910 low hours A.C.6080 Massey 1010, 4x4 Satoh 650 Mitsubishi 372, 4x4, loader Mitsubishi MT 300 D, 30hp Case 1210, loader Case 1294, loader J.D. 830 Moline M 602 Massey 240, 90 hr. Massey 255, utility Ford 9600, cab INDUSTRIAL Ford 550 backhoe, cab Case 5808, backhoe, 3700 hrs. JD 410, backhoe Massey 165, backboe loader JD 440 crawler loader JD 3500 bulldozer, 6 way blade Massey 202 forklift NH 553 skid loader, 1993 \ 11.111 11.111 ''mi'- K I) ' I n, l’\ 11, < I I s i i mm "o'M v v v -r ->■ -. T f -v r v’