Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 157
Shaver Poet Drivers: HDB $1095, HDIO $1695. Ta naytown Farm $ Hard ware, 410/751-1500. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: 4-108 Perkins and Ford 3 Cyl. 201 Cid. Diesel Engines; S6SOG Satoh and 155 Van mar Tractor; L 553 New Holland and 342,330, 440, Mustang Skidloaders; New and Used Parts for Kubota and Wisconsin En gines; Complete Repairs on Skidloaders Including Hydrostatic. GO Equip ment (717)859-3533. Dynavent bedding chop per, new style rotor for papier bedding, $ll5O. No Sunday calls. (717)527-2844. Elevator 30' good, $300; power unit Ford industrial engine, good shape, runs nice & quiet, good for rotor beater or hammer mill. 717/626-0177. FARMALL 544, gas. hydro, WF. 2,200 hrs., $4,500. 410-833-9091 Farmall 706 gas. WF, fast hitch, good tires, $2750; JD 300 com picker w/243 corn head, $3500. 908/359-5934. Farmall A w/snow plow, chains, lights, starter, mech. lift. Tires, paint good, $1,695. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. Farmall M tractor, 1945, re cent overhaul and new rub ber, $l,BOO. (410)679-0882. Farmall Super A w/snow plow and chains, $2,495. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. Farmall Super M w/M&W hand clutch, nice, $1975; Farmall 200 w/fast hitch, $1675; MC loader for 200 Farmall, nice, $650; Athens 10-tooth 3pt chisel plow w/wheels, $1075. 610/562-4464. We Now Accept Visa Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available tor your classified advertising. In Section 0. Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categories are available tor your classified advertising in Section C. Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. la-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Sa-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratltes 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Situations Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- Lost 29- 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiquee 33- vehicles 34-Auto* 3#-Truck» A Triton ae-IMtoEatoto Set of IH axle mount dual wheels w/18.4-38 tires, 70% rubber, fits 314 * axle. $BOO. Lackawanna Co. 717/587-1725. Farmers = Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. FNH 520 Spreader, Single Beater, Untie Chain, Tail gate. Very Good. $2950. (717)328-2336. FORD 2000, gas, 4 spd., $3,200. 410-833-9091 FORD 5000, diesel, row crop, $4,000. 410-833-9091 FORD 6710, 4x4 w/cab, outlets & DP, 3,990 hrs., Township owned, $11,750. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT MF 2200, rough terrain, gas, 900 hrs., very good condition, $5,600. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT SKYTRACK 700, gas, 30'. 4,000 lb.. $3,950. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT CHAMP L 350, all terrain w/continental gas, runs well, $3,500. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE; Completely re built 4230 D engine, 3020 D crank shaft, 4020 D block, 42300 block, 3010 G run ning engine and otherJD 4 and 6 cylinder parts. We ship. NELSON PARTS, Penn Van, NY 1-800-730-4020. FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers OR* Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B;3OAM. CLASSIFIED AD \ LANCASTER FARMING ) If P.O. Box 609, Ephrata. PA 17522 ( NOTE: Please do not use this form for * Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Addre: City Zip— Please publish my. starting with the # I enclose □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Exp. Date; Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. M 37 M 9 40 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■ SmaN knife kit, like Dura Gleaner M It, hydro, very Drum for JD self propelled low hrs., A-630 & 15‘ choppers. 1-800-248-2161 wobble box header, . 30.5x33 tires, 95%. In the Ford 700 w/lime body; 856 shed. $20,900. Trade & w/cab; 504 dsl; 430 IH Finance. Call Stephen, baler. 814/847-2238. 717-249-2317 Ford diesel 4100. 6‘ rotory Gravely Grove Row Com mowr, 8' grader blade; Far- g |o n. $650. mall C, 6‘ Woods belly (301)898-7426. mower For most any combine, forth 230 on 8 ton gear, gram and/or corn header, $B5O. Call (610)253-8032. or self propelled choppers. HAY FLUFFER. rotary. 10' Call Stephen, pull type, new, $7OO. 717-249-2317 410-833-9091 Gehl 315 V manure HAY RAKE NH 256, good spreader In excellent con- as new, $1 800 ation. $4,900 080. Must 410-833-9091 seDI Call (315)893-7720. HERCULES, CONTINEN- Geht 630 forage wagon, "SSffi 2- $650 OBO; JD ‘1209 conditioner. $2650. Avenue 10473 906-689-4773 evenings. Gehl 700 Forage Harves- 828-9851. ter, Electric Controls w/2R ~~ . —; Snapper Head. esston #lostacker,groat iTRi for corn stalks, $5OO. (302)396-4764. (301)898-7426. Generator powered by —; . ———— 3- Detroit 20KW, like Hesston hay stacker #lO, new. $3BOO or best offer. ver V fiood cond.tton. orig.- 717/354-7257 owner, $1,250 717/354-7257. (410)692-5224. Qirton milk tank. 400 gal., —— ■ ti works good, 3hp com pros- Hesston Model BP2O Hay sor, $400; JD forage wa- Processor, excellent eondi gon, works great, $800; Jp n > jjaty HWa use, $6200. frontend loader, fits on • MD. most tractors, 4500; JD ■ 301/865-5304. 227 mounted picker, 717-837-6300. STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty tor most dome*be Qlaaner 438 black corn tractors and select imports, haad for LorM combine. With 6 month no risk excellent condition, $3500. money back guarantee. 215/772-5830 after spm. Call Gary D. Sneath at — “ 1-800-622-7892 F 2 Com and bean Special, Clean, 2 Houle 32* lagoon pump. Heads, Rebuilt Motor, New good condition; Case 224 Brakes, Runs Excellent, garden tractor Must Sell $9500 080. 717-530-5207. 610-287-8748 —— - _ . . Houle 32’ Trailing Liquid Qleaner LII, CSB Special, Manure Pump, Very Good air. chopper, 1,200 hrr. Condition. (717)365-3645, Deutz 320 header, ", ' $20,750. Trade «. Finance. IH . 100 w/enow blade. Reason tor selling, going to chains, belt pulley hospital. Call Stephen. *1 ***• /•** 717.240-2317 separate, $1,700. n i mu-mi 410 . 833 . 9091 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY State Phone( ) word ad times issue. Classify under (Be sure to include all numbers) Signatun Gravity Bin Wa) in: Unver- HIGH TORQUE DIESEL & Master Card VJSA (Word Ads Only) ORDER BLANK " PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER • • Farm equipment for sale: IH haybine; baler; con veyer; rake. 610-385-6486. IH 1050 grinder/mixer, 4 screens, $l,lOO. (410)679-0882. IH 105 combine, cab, 10' grain platform, 2R corn head. A real bargain at $l5OO. 814/664-2661. IH 1063 Coming In, good, $10,950. Trade & Finance. Call Stephen 717-249-2317 IH 1086. CAH, 3,600 hrs.. duals & full weights, $10,500. 410-833-9091 'IH 1086 cab, digital, dual PTO. $9,500. (717)532-8926. IH 1066 "Red Stripe" from the Midwest, cab, air, TA & outlets, 3,100 hrs., dean, $ll,BOO 410-833-9091 IH 1566, VB, from the Mid west, 1,500 1 owner hrs., always shaded, duals, quick hitch, cab, heat, air, radio, exceptional example of a rare tractor, $11,500. 410-833-9091 IH 16’ *llO, 3 beater for age wagon on heavy gear. Wetmore grinder blower. Steel thrower wagon 6x16, on 6 ton gear. (717)359-4383 IH IPR com picker, $750; JO 404,4 Row com planter with fertilizer, $500; TSC trailer sprayer, 200 gallon tank, $5OO. 215-459-0672; 215-793-1223; 215-793-2259. IH 330 gas, WF. 3pt, good rubber, 35hp, $1,600. (301)896-7426. IH 414, diesel, runs well, 40 h.p., $2,500. 410-833-9091 IH 484, diesel. ROPS, re built motor, $3,500. 410-833-9091 IH 504, diesel, rebuilt motor, power steering, TA. 3 pt., $3,500. 410-833-9091 \ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES i " » 380 per word per week -1 or 2 times j 1 \ 320 per word per week -3 or more times » ■ r 11 word minimum ( ■ } Words 1 Time ZJlmts 3 limps V" up to 11 4.18 8.36 10.56 \ ■ A 12 4.56 9.12 11.52 7 ■ A 13 4.94 9.88 12.48 ■ f 14 5.32 10.64 13.44 ■ V 15 5.70 11.40 14.40 ) ■ J 16 6.08 12.16 15.36 J ■ { 17 6.46 12.92 16.32 J ■ { 18 6.84 13.68 17.28 i ■ f 19 7.22 14.44 18.24 \ u p 20 7.60 15.20 19.20 J a SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D • THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION l»nc«ttef Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994*09 IH 504, gas, utility, 45 h.p., rebuilt motor, power steer ing, live PTO, new paint,. $3,900 Loader attachment available for $2,000. 410-833-9091 IH 55 chisel plow. Case 5 bottom semi mount mol board plow. Lely 4 ton tan dem axle spinner spreader. Webster 4 ton tandem axle spinner spreader. AC F combine with 430 com and 13' bean head. (908)458-8961 IH 56 forage blower w/ almost new band, $350; JO 15'flex head, $2000; 28‘NI elevator, IV4hp motor, $3OO. 717-374-1826. IH 715 combine, 4RN corn head and 13' grain head. 400 bushel 1210 A JD grain cart. 38' Westfield 8" au ger. Call Bret after Bpm, (908)534-1129. IH 766 blade stripe, radial tires; 4 bottom, automatic reset, 16" Ford plows; 36' Kewannee elevator, like new w/chute. 412-238-5837. IH 863 com head, very good condition, $4500. 410/775-7519. IH Com Binder, PTO Drive, Very Good Condition; IH 620 Grain Drill. (610)967-5231. IH Cub offset, 60* Woods mower, $3375; AC F com bine, 430 black com head. 717/630-2736. IH Model 710 6-18' Auto Reset Semi-Mounted Plow. Excellent Condition. $lB5O. (609)769-3183. In-line bale wrappers, for any size silage bales. Self powered, high speed, low maintenance. For more in formation; Glenn Beidler, (717)539-8993. JCB 1400 backhoe, 1985, ready to work, $9500. 610/932-2767, 610/932-5576. DEADUNES: JC B 5258 Shoot Boom forklift, 4WD, good oondi tion, $17,500 610/932-2767. 610/932-5576. JO 1360 disc mower, good condition, $4500. 717-867-4538. JD 1936 B, decent shape, $1800; Hay wagon, $500; Blueberry cleaning ma chine, $5OO. 609-859-2013 NJ after TPM. JD 1R potatoes digger, PTO, new chain, $7OO (609)448-0030 Mon Co. JD 2010 diesel crawler loader, new U/C, very good condition, $5500. 610/932-2767, 6t(V932-5576. JD 213, 215 or 216 flex heads, $4,450.; 444, $3,450.; 443, $4,250.; 643 & others. 717-249-2317 JO 2-30* chopper header, $2,750.; IH 844 or 643 hfader. Call Stephen 717-249-2317 JD 2510, diesel, NF, ready to work, $4,600 410-633-9091 JO 300 3 Row Com Picker, Very Nice. Lancaster County. (717)653-4923. JD 300 com picker w/343 corn head, $3600. 717/469-0033 evenings. JD 300 corn picker; Kill Bros., McCurdy gravity wa gons, w/JD gear; Little Giant 42' elevator; 107»' Bush Hog. Reduced prices. 304-725-5323. JO 3020, diesel, WF, nice looking, needs engine repair, $3,900. 410-633-9091 JD 3020, gas, tricycle, 2 outlets, syncro, $4,900. 410-833-9091 JD 343 com head, ready to go to work, $5OO. 609/227-3111 after spm.