Patton Leroy won grand champion bull laurels at the 1994 West Virginia State Pair Angus Show In Lewisburg. The entry Is a February 1993 son of P J M Power 291. He first won the Junior division and is Jointly owned by Russell Rice of Augusta, Ky., and Beth Patton, Crawfordsvlile, Ind. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Fred In *® heifer show, grand hon- Smalstig, Millbrook, N.Y., judged ors werc presented to Indian the 132 Angus cattle competing at Creek Farm, Stahlstown, Pa,; for the 1994 West Virginia State Fair their junior champion. The female in Lewisburg. is named Indian Creek Katie 324 Junior Barrow - opc Cheryl and Todd Bennecoff, Kutztown, Pa. Shown is Todd, Farm, Bedford, Pa. Shown are Valerie Koontz and Ginger Beaaon, 111. Shown la Ray Hankea, judge and Bob Moore. Angus Entries Compete At W.Va. Fair (Continued from Page 04) and is a February 1993 daughter of Da Es Ro Casey 629. Ann Ogle, Max Meadows, Va., displayed this reserve grand champion female. The entry is named Justafew Primrose Lady. She is a November 1993 daughter of Hoff Hi Flyer S C 7134 and first won the senior heifer calf ti tle. Grand champion bull honors went to Patton Leroy, a February 1993 sonofPJ MPower29l.The entry first won the junior division and is jointly owned by Beth Pat ton, Crawfordsville, Ind., and Russell Rice. Augusta, Ky. Edward Tilman, Powhatan, Va., displayed the reserve grand champion bull named Tilmans New Trend 313. The May 1993 bull is sired by V D A R New Trend 315. He first won the inter mediate division. A complete list of winners fol lows; HEIFERS (99 Shown) Junior Halter Calf Champion: WRB Dixla Anno 164, Exhibitor Rogar Bowiot, Konta Stora, VA. Santa Gertrudis Displayed ROCKSPRING (Centre Co.) Members of the North east Santa Gertrudis Association sponsored an exhibit of a Santa Gertrudis cow and calf at this year’s Ag Progress Days. Gene and Linda Moose of Chapel-Ridge Farm in Gettys burg provided the pair. Others assisting at the three-day event were Marguerite Bucher and James Quanbeck of Ribeye Ranch, club president. The event provides a good forum to show case red cattle. Members of the NESGA and Reserve Junior Haifor Call Champion: Indian Crook Fran 404, Exhibitor Indian Crook Farm, Stahlttown, PA. Bonier Hollar Call Champion: Justafew Primrose Lady, Exhibitor Ann Ogle, Max Meadows, VA. Reserve Bonier Holler Coll Champion: IMF Aberdeen Tammy, Exhibitor Try more Farm. Lost Crook. WV. Intermediate Champion Female; Cham pion Hill Star 601, Exhibitor Sayre Brothers, Cottagevillo, WV. Reserve Intermediate Champion Fe male: H B W Foxy Lady, Exhibitor Russell Rice, Augusta, KY. Junior Champion Female: Indian Creek Katie 324, Exhibitor Indian Creek Farm, Stahls town, PA. Reserve Junior Champion Female: Dal tons Monet, Exhibitor Wynn Dalton, Altavis ta, VA A Dianne Hale, Bland, VA. ■ Senior Champion Female: H 8 W Prin cess, Exhibitor Russell Rice, Augusta. KY. Reserve Senior Champion Female: Whitestone Duchess 232, Exhibitor Jason Riggs, Brookeville, MD. Grand Champion Female: Indian Creek Katie 324, Exhibitor Indian Creek Farm, Stahlstown, PA. Rooorvo Grand Champion Famala: Justalaw Prlmroao Lady, Exhibitor Ann Cola, Max Meadowi, VA. BULLS (27 Shewn) Junior Bull Call Champion: Justalow Maximum 204, Exhibitor Ann Ogla, Max Meadows, VA. Raaarva Junior Bull Call Champion: Mountain Run Superintendent, Exhibitor Mountain Run Farm, Big leland, VA. Senior Bun Call Champion: Mountain Run Iron Worker, Exhibitor Mountain Run Farm, Big Island. VA members present expressed a desire that the advertising fee, instituted by the board of direc tors as a two-year program, be continued only if approved by the membership through an open vote. Moose displayed a 4-year-old Santa Gertrudis bull and explained the process of bull selection. Linda Moose did the same for heifers. A pen of feeder bulls was also displayed. Santa Gertrudis cattle and Santa Gertrudis crosses are extremely hardy and disease Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: Til mans Executive Drive, Exhibitor Edward Til man, Powhatan, VA. Intermediate Champion Bull; Tllmans New Trend 313, Exhibitor Edward Tilman, Powhatan, VA. Raaarva Intermediate Champion Bull: Mingo of Indian Creek 365, Exhibitor Indian Creek Farm, Stahlstown, PA. Junior Champion Bull: Patton Leroy, Ex hibitor Russell Rice, Augusta, KY A Beth Pat ton, Crawfordsville, IN. Raaarva Junior Champion Bull: Daltons Expression, Exhibitor Wynn Dalton, Altavis ta, VA. Grand Champion Bull; Patton Leroy, Ex hibitor Russell Rice, Augusta, KV A Beth Rat ton, Crawfordsville, IN. Raaarva Grand Champion Bull: Tilmans New Trend 313, Exhibitor Edward Tilman, Powhatan, VA. COW-CALF PAIRS (6 Shown) Grand Champion Cow-Calf: Whitestone Rita 186, Exhibitor Donald Michael, Mt. Sol on, VA A George Pisgah, Abell, MD. Raaarva Grand Champion Cow-Calf: Hill Crest Edith Erica 72, Exhibitor Susan Rucker, Delaplane, VA; Cecil Wolf A Sons, Berryville, VA; A Elemaitch Inc., Winchester, VA. GROUP CLASSES o*t-01-Slr«; Mintrtl Fortun* 2000, Exhi bitor Don P«#r»on. Hornur, WV. Junior Qot-01-SIro: Century Touchstone 131, Exhibitor Indian Creek Farm, Stahlt lovwt. PA I Edward Tilman, Powhatan. VA. Beet Six Head: Edward Tilman, Powha tan, VA. resistant. Guest were informed of the breed’s natural immunity to pinkeye, a disease costly to cattle men this summer. Prizes in a judging contest were donated by southern States and Chapel-Ridge Farms. The company sent two representatives to explain new products, includ ing a pasture cattle antibiotic. Gene Moose took the 30 who attended on a hay ride into the pasture to see a mature herd and to view working facilities at another farm. The Mooses have about 160 head of cattle, mostly