C4O-Lancaatar Fanning, Saturday, Octobar 15, 1994 ' Wood Planer, 24", runs off 6-cylinder Chrysler motor, excellent condition, $2500 410/798-6263. « , sBoofirm j contained, $2BOO r —— \ 315-635-6375. i * T< lSEliDOrt?A lg I HUNTERS SPECIAL. I Mllipon, rA f Honda 300 Four Tfax f 7 4-wheeler,excellentcondi- Y 717-626-4864 after 6PM f tion. 717/426-3135. ________ '.ELLANEOUS 12,000 gallon pressure tanks, $3600; 1800 gallon pressure tank, $lOBO. Call 717/354-5554. 1864 Home Comfort, Enamel and. Nickle, Good Condition, Must See to Ap preciate (717)862-3563. 36" venalation fans for commercial use, $3OO each; Like new Modine, space heaters, wall mounted, $3OO each; Safe, walk-in (York) door and frame, make offer; Glue, guns, new (3m) still in box, $3O each; 1/B'to 1-1/4" drill bits and reamers (buy the lot) $250; Air regulators, water seperators, air oilers, $3O each. 717-633-5058; 717-637-9870. All kinds of barrels. Menno Riehl, 231 Spring" vide Rd., Kinzers PA 17535. One mile North of 340 on Rl 897. American Floor Sweeper, electric, self-propelled, 48-W, model 20008, $l5OO. 717/354-3105. Bakery equipment & sup plies, for further info call 610/273-2413. Bally Commercial cooler or freezer, $2OO. 610-754-6298. Corner notcher machine, hand operated, Kidder Manurfacturing, will sell for $750. Near new, cost $1,700 new. 14 guage mild; 16 guage SS. (610)942-4116. Heat With Waste Oil Turbo Z Series Free Air Applications Power Systems Electric, Inc. (717) 933-5617 I IVE GAME FISH Fingerings and Auulls. LafCJ and Sma'i Mouth Gass. Spotted and Bock Gass. Bream Crappios. Trout, Channel Cals, Bullheads, " Walleyes, Perc.i, Mmnovus, Northerns, Pickerel, t XU Muskios, Red Gills, Mullets, Carp. Eo's Turtles GST Frogs, Israeli Carp Also Aquatic Plants and Wator ami'y' U iim coi orful catalog sa 00. Truck, Air and Parcel Post Delivery. ZETTS FIS*! HATCHERIES DRIFTING/ PENNA. 16»3« . ' Phono: Cld-345-5357 Rifle: 338 Winchester Mag, model 70, 3x9 Bushnell scope, good condition, $4OO. (302)368-4285 Shear Wheeling, cast iron, 4'x , $2500. 717/354-3105. Signode Banding Machine, auto. A " steel banding, $2500. 717/354-3105. Stainless steel fertilizer or feed barrel mixer $3,000 080. (610)252-0971 Tig Welder, 300 A, Lincoln Idealarc, AC & DC, $2250. 717/354-3105. Turret Lathe, W/S, 20” swing, w/motor, complete, $1250 717/354-3105. Unipunch and Strippit, VA WxS'D $95, 2% WxB”D $2OO, 2A WxS'D $250, all like new 717/354-3105 WANTED. Chestnuts large and small amounts, will pick up (410)875-0473. WANTED FIREWOOD; Retailer in Eastern Mon mouth Co., NJ looking for supplier of firewood on wholesale level. 50-100 cords + delivered. 908/758-8542 leave message. WANTED; Original floor, grainery boards, 2' floor ing, bam beams, tobacco sheds, siding. (717)229-2806. mobile 717/880-4549. WANTED TO BUY: Whiz zer Bike Engines or Parts. (610)377-2965. WANTED; Used tools and machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J. TOOL & SUPPLY. RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-800-772-9845. 90,000 - 260,000 BID Units 10 years combustion warranty. A safe way to dispose of your waste oil. Over 13 years experience. Electronic air, Fuel control modules give dependable performance. Prices starting at $2,195.00 iigtiaiaiaiaiaiaiaifUiUjuaiaiaiaLi FOR SALE • (3) Molder Heads • Molder Head Grinder • Greenlee Single End Tenoner • Powermatic Chain Mortiser • Diesel Engine w/Tum Disc. Clutch (Approx. 20,000 Hrs) •Approx. 150 Line Shaft • K-M Clutches - Twin Disc Clutches • Fafnir bearings 717-539-8894 after 6:00 or 717/539-8407 p Apple Cider i P Equipment ? i apple peeler, q \ picking bags, X r apple washer, \ i cooper kettle, f \ cash register, X r conveyors, % p barrels, v i plastic jugs & lids, \ metal jug baskets, X f crates, \ i hand truck f peach baskets, i) fruit baskets, % glass jugs & lids 9 (717) 292-3077 J ANTIQUES 1929 Model A Ford Pickup, fiberglas fenders, balance all original, A-1 motor runs well 717/677-8576. JD 830 electric W/PTO. Susquehanna County. Evenings or leave mes sage, (717)222-4432. IECREATIONAL VEHICLES snowmobiles for parts, any brand, need Polaris, Little Andy; also wheel horse snowmobiles. 610-593-6280. UJ AUTOS 1969 Toyota Deluxe, 2-door hardtop, (717)244-3024. 1971 Ford LTD, 4dr, auto matic, Air, 25,000 original miles, yellow, black top, ex cellent condition, new tires, (2) mounted snow tires, in spected 3/95, $lBOO neg. 215-348-7695 call after 6PM. H TRUCKS 4 TRAILERS 14' dump DOoy Heading peabody with 2* steel, 3' wood sides, good solid floor, excellent grain body or flat bed. Hoist not in cluded. Must sell. Make of fer. Ask for Marlin (717)933-4887. 16x8' alt steel Stake Body Dump Bed, 10-lon lift, hyd. incl., good condition, $l2OO. Call after 6pm, (717)284-3797. 18' grain bed, 4' sides and tailgate, $1,200 080. 717-273-6105. 1970 Int. Fleetstar 2010, 53,000 GVW, 549 engine. 14'x5' box, good condition, best offer 717/568-4206. 1973 Mack DM tri-axle, long wheelbase, 6 speed trans, 237, 44 rears; 1980 Mack MR, 237,5 speed, 44 rears, long, wheelbase; 1972 Mack DM tri-axle dump truck, 237, 6 speed, 44 rears, 1975 Interna tional roolback w/cab, diesel. Many different parts for Mack trucks. 215-286-5172; 717-354-8946. 1994 Chevy 1-ton 'Dually* pickup bed, maroon & silver, used 6 months. Ask ing $llOO. 717/872-0755 Lancaster Co. 1994 demo, 18' deluxe model, bumper pull, 314 h slant load, w/dressmg room, saddle rack, padded and wood lined, $5,695. Call (610)689-4288 (610)370-1900. 1994 new 16' stock trailer, bumper pull, $3,095. Call (610)689-4288, (610)370-1900. 22' flatbed dump, $4300 717/354-3105 2 Flatbed bodies: 18', Mid west stake, wood floor, 1 year old; 20', all steel, built for heavy loads. Both like new. 814/834-4960. 73 Inf 2070 truck tractor, Super 250 Cummins, 10 speed, double frame, good rubber, runs good, looks good. Call Bret after Bpm, (908)534-1129. 75 Int 18' roll-back or dump body, diesel, 36,000 GVW, $3,500 (610)932-4019 77 Ford 10 Wheeler, 18' Gram Dump, 3208 CAT, 10 Sp $3900 , 70 R Model Mack 237, 5 Spd. w/ Wetlme $2OOO, 67 Ford F-350 9’ Bed. $9OO. Lane Co. (717)396-9718. 78 Freightlmer conven tional w/sleeper, new rub ber, 100,000 mile warranty on Silver BV-92 Detroit w/7SO Allison automnrin trans., nice truck, $9500.* 717-768-8647. 1973 R Mack truck tractor, rebuilt 237 engine, 45,000 m, wetline, 5 speed, $5500. 410-778-2372. 1974 Ford L 750, 1160 CAT diesel,' 13 speed 0.D., air seat, good condition, $5OOO 080. 610-273-9635. 1977 GMC 12' aluminum body walk-in truck, dual wheels, 4 speed trans., needs engine work, $1585. 610-777-5031 after 4:3OPM. 1978 Ford LBOOO, 3208 Cat, AB, PS, 5+3,16' stake dump w/wood grain sides, $6500. 610/932-2767. 1978 IHC, V 8 gas, 5+2 speed, PS. 23,600# GVW (no CLD), new inspection, new 16' Knapheide grain body 6 hoist, $7995. 717-667-3921 1978 tandem axle Mack w/20' grain dump body. 610-298-2654. 1980 GMC Brig., SA, PS, 10 spd, RR, PTO, Detroit with 30 ton equipment trailer, both inspected, $6,500. (717)921-8980. (717)921-8590. 1982 Chevy 1 Ton 454 4 Spd., Dual Wheels, Vac uum and Electric Brakes, Set-Up for Gooseneck or Tag-a-Long Trailer. $3OOO 080. (717)529-3288. 1982 Chevrolet C6O 14' Stake Dump w/Stdes, 366 V 8 Engine. 26.000GVW, Approx. 30,000 Miles, Good Condition, Asking $5BOO. (610)626-2555. 1983 International F-1700, 16' grain dump body, 24,000 GVW, 392 V-8, 5 speed, looks and runs ex cellent, $B5OO. Beaver Co. 412-452-8725. sQt ' sierra Cl 1966 GMC Sierra Classic, 3+3, cab, 454, VB. loaded, 60,000 miles. (814)276-3326. 1990 Ford F-250 Extended Cab, 4X4, XLT Black Pick- Up. 351 SSpd., 62,000 Miles, Heavy Dufy Towing Package, Gooseneck and Bumper Hitch, Like New. $14,000 080. (717)275-0935 Leave Message. 1991 Hurst gooseneck trailer with beavertail, 14,0001 b GVW. Call (610)444-1651. 1993 Dodge 250 Power Ram, 4x4, Cummins diesel, AT, AC. PW. PDL, cruise control, 34,000 miles 717/987-3535. 90 Dodge LE 150 Club Cab, 4x4, 318 EFI, auto, PB. PS. PW. PDL. cruise, tilt, air, AM-FM, 6,400 QVW, 2-tone brown, local, 1-owner, excellent condi tion, $13,995. 717-733-2873 ■9O Ford XL Club Wagon, 12 passenger, 351 EFI, auto, PB, PS, dual air, privacy glass, AM-FM cassette stereo, blue & silver, 35,000 miles, excel lent condition, $12,500. 717-733-2873 '9l Ford Fl5O Super Cab, 300 EFI. auto, PS. PB, air, AM-FM, dual tanks, 6,250 QVW, 37,000 miles, dark blue, $1 1,900. 717-733-2873 '9l QMC Rally STX 8 passenger, 350 FI, auto, PB, PS, PW. PDL, cruise, tilt, dual air. AM-FM, 39,000 miles, new radiate, excellent condition, $13,995. 717-733-2873 '93 Ford F 250 HD 4x4, 460, XL, AmFm cassette, black, 12,500 miles, ball and vacuum over hydraulic and electric brake controls for Eby trailer. Extended warranty available. Excel lent condition Call after 6pm, (304)749-7032. '93 Ford XL FI 50 Super Cab, 300 EFI, 5 spd, PS, PB, air, AM-FM, 6,250 GVW. 36,000 miles, red, excellent condition, $13,500 717-733-2873 '93 Ford XLT F 250, 4x4, super cab, 351 auto, PS, PB. PW. PDL, cruise, tilt, air, 17,000 miles w/balance of factory warranty, blue & silver, like new, $23,500. 717-733-2873 'B2 Mack Midliner. 24' dry box, overhead door, fair condition, $l9OO. 717-354-4011 Ask for Vernon. 8' dump body w/hoist for 1 ton cab and chassis, used very little, $1,200 080. (717)445-6687. '9O Dodge 0250, ’/< ton club cab, 318 EFI, auto, PB. PS. AM-FM, 7.400 GVW, 36,000 miles, new radials, silver & white, ex cellent condition, $11,995. 717-733-2873 TIRONIE TARPS 21” tarp straps...s23 m per 50 2”x27" HEAVY DUTY RATCHET ASSEMBLY...SI9’ 5 SHOP AROUND - THEN CALL 1 -800-874-2928 M FAX: (7171584-3127 ™ 89 Ford P 250 4x4 XLT Lariot AT, 351 Engine, 410 Rear $lO,OOO (301) 898-7426 $1,700 or Beat Offer 717-438-3354 Int. Loadstar 1700 Fiberg lass Truck Front, Excellent Condition. $5OO. (717)762-6876. E-Z truck insert dumper for sale, like new, used 4 months; also, dual wheel Chevy pickup rear for sale Lebanon Co 717-949-3709. Ford Van 1970, 18' Body w/Liftgale, Excellent Con dition. $1750; Chevy 1969 Tree Truck, Crew Cab and Dump Body, 12* Side Chip per, Loader Frozen. $lOOO (215)885-1032
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers