C36-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994 UJ FERTILIZER A wmm plants Kreiders Mum Farm 900 Kreider Rd 7pfiSSBIS» Lititz, Pa. 17543 (717) 626-6805 GROWERS & BREEDERS OF HARDY MUMS SEVERAL NEW & DIFFERENT VARIETIES AVAILABLE THIS YEAR Field Grown and Pot Grown MUMS - Wholesale and Retail. In Buds and Bloom. Also Handmade Crafts and Dried Flower Arrangements In Our Gift Shop Open Mon. Thru Sat. 9 to 5. No Sunday Sales Itsl FRUITS & lei NURSERY VEGETABLES CRANBERRIES. Fox's Farm $1 25 lb Week stown. 5K North Egg Har bor, NJ 609-965-0356 Keifer pears You pick, very cheap Lancaster Co 717-354-0266 Little Finger Indian Corn, bunched, very nice. (410)692-5224 PUMPKINS! Wholesale out of Field, Bucks County (215)766-8388 Pumpkins: Face and Mini Large Quantiles Available 1610)369-1568 Day (610)3(67-0578 Evenings A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! 3,000 CHRISTMAS TREES 4’-9’ Eastern White Pine, sheared. You select or field run and we cut an bale Schuylkill County 717-754-7512 ELIZABETH FARMS A CHRISTMAS TREES W Douglas Fir • Fraser Fir • Scotch Pine White Pine • Nonway & Blue Spruce CUT TREES AND B & B 350 Acres In Production • Knife-sheared Call or Write for Price Lists: 21218 Furnace Hills Pike Lititz, Lancaster County, PA 17543 (717) 626-7878 Member- PNA / PCTGA / NOTA irade trees for green. Douglas Fir, Balsam Rr, Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce. 717-539-2900. Bark mulch and mushroom soil, trailer loads and smaller loads also avail able -Carman's Coal and Mulch Products, (717)653-9580 BEAUTIFUL EVERG REENS! White and Blue Spruce, White and Aus trian Pines, Douglas and Frazier Firs 5' to 10'. BAR CHIK’S TREE FARMS, Luzerne County (717)864-2527 CHRISTMAS TREES 7,500 Sheared Douglas Fir, 6'to B', $5.00/each. Klmgerstown area. 717-758-9177 ELLIOTTS CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS AND NURSERY: 200 acres of Pines, Spruces, Firs. Cut trees, 4'-14', B&B trees 3'-7.20% discount on see dlings orders of 5000 or more. 717-349-9916; 717-349-7319. EVERGREEN SEEDUNGS & TRANSPLANTS. Spruce, Pine, Fir for Christ mas trees & nursery stock. Write or call for price list. Croshaw Nursery, P.O. Box 339, Columbus, NJ 08022. or call 609-298-0477 Frazier Fir Christmas Trees from North Carolina, Excellent Quality, Also Wreaths and White Pine Roping. Call for Price List (410)836-2905 LANDSCAPE MATER IALS: Lawson Cypress 6'; Pin Oaks 1/*' container; Junipers, Cypress, Prean nials, Sedams. Wholesale. Dave 717-382-4165 Need trees dug, moved or planted? Contract Digging. Call Roy (717)386-2107. Sprayed, sheared and mowed Scotch Pine, White Pine, Blue Spruce, and Douglas Fir Dug or cut. Reasonable (717)275-1250. TREE PLANTERS. 3 mod els, plant trees from 3" see dlings to 10' shade trees Mentals also available. Also Available Tree Boss for B&B-a 1-MAN tree loading and unloading sys tem TREE PLANT DE SIGN INC RD 1, Box 104, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-386-3515. Vermeer Tree Spade TS3O, 3pth model, $1,500 080. (717)393-1658. WANTED Douglis Fir Greens. (410)426-0546. WHOLESALE CHRIST MAS TREES: 6' to 714 • Douglas Fir. Beautiful sheared trees. Fresh cut ready to load. Baled trees if desired. Minimum oreder 50 trees. Discount on or ders over 100. Visit the farm to inspect trees. E. FUNK. RD 2, Box 129 A, Newville, PA 17241 717-423-6416 (Cumber land CO). Wreaths mads w/Frazier Fir, All Sizes, Also White, Pine Roping, Wholesale Only. Call (410)836-2905. FINEST QUALITY CHRISTMAS TREES For 45 Years Doug. Fir. Blue Spruce, Norway and White Spruce Call or Write for Price List TOBIAS YULE TREE FORESTS P.O. Box 168 Pino Grove, PA 17963 717/345-4952, 717/366-0213 ©M.H. MARTIN LANCASTER COUNTY. PA (717) 738-1312 MUSHROOM MULCH-Delivered 100 bu. $75.00 aoobu $llO.OO 1200 bu. $210.00 BARK MULCH-Delivered 5 yds. $140.00 ioyds $250.00 15 yds. $330.00 FALL SPECIAL SAVE s2s°° I Stone Mountain Premium Growers P.O. Box 151 Miffllntown, PAI7OS9 717-436-9564 717-436-9690 FAX Cut Tree • B&B • Seedlings & Transplants Quality PA • Cut Christmas Trees White Pine Pouglat Fir « Colorado 6’-8’ 6’-8’ 6’-8’ $lO.OO Up to 1,000 $15.00 $13,501,000-2,000 1.000 to 2,000 $14.50 $12.00 2,000-Up 2.000 to 3,000 $14.00 3.000 and up $13.50 Call For «2’s - Limited Quantities BAB Dealer Douglas Fir S’-6’-$34.00 7’-B'-$38.00 6’-7'-$32.00 4’-5’- $22.00 6’-7’-$46.00 B’-9’- $50.00 7’-B'-$42.00 S'-6'-$25.00 7'-B'-$57.00 9'-10’-$65.00 B’-9’- $58.00 6’-7’- $34.00 White Pins Norwav/Whlte 9’-10’ -$25.00 7’-6’- $42.00 3’-4’-$12.00 Spruce 10’+ $85.00 Colorado 4'-s'-$15.00 3'-4'-$12.00 3’-4’-$17.00 s'-6’-$20.00 4’-s’-$16.00 4’-S’ - $22.00 6’-7’ ■ $25.00 S’-8’ - $23.00 (717) 943-2891 John (717) 943-2499 Dave Wl LAWN A GARDEN Greenhouse: Bxl6' fiberg las panels, metal hoops. With or without fan. (610)857-2497. JD TRS 21 SNOW BLOWER, good condition, asking $350. Lancaster Co. 717/872-0765. JO TRS 26 6hp SNOW BLOWER w/tire chains, used 1 season, excellent condition, $975. Lancaster Co. 717/872-0755. Red decorative patio blocks for sate, 12x16x2, $1 75/ea. Many available. 215-754-6298 TRACTOR JD 755, 4WD, 3PTH, S' Cut, Exc. Cond., $12,000. (610)932-4543. TRACTOR, Yardman, 16HP, BS, Wheel, Weights, 50’ Cut, Best Of fer (610)932-4543. WANTED Cab for Hesston Frontrunner or Toro GMT lawn tractor Cumb Co. 717/486-7789. q 1 SERVICES OFFERED For trouble shooting ser vice and repair of your crawler undercarriage, fi nal drives, steering ilutche' dir il and n- clutches, diesel and gas motors, call Luke Martin Repair, (717)859-1322. We give free estimates and (hake service calls. POLLINATION Tony B HONEY BEE REMOVAL SPECIALIST. Wasps & Hornets. Venomous Insects. Honey and Bees wax. 1-800-47-STING Soybean roasting on your farm Dale L Schnupp, RD 6. Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-865-6611. CATTLE HOOF LIQUID MANURE HAULING 717-384-8232 Aaron M. Hoover Grain drying corn & soybeans certified truck scales on location. Willis Wenger Wwmltdarf, P» 610-589-2117 mnußsn HAULING LIQUID MANURE SPREADING VACUUM TRUCK AND PUMP JUNIATA & SURROUNDING COUNTIES R.R. 1 Box 858 Richfield, PA 17086 (717)463-2318 Broadback Roofing All your reef coating needs. Aluminum fiber, blaek flbered, groan flbarad, and rad tlberad coating. Wa brush all our roof coatings on. 5-10 yr. no rust guarantees Free estimates (717) 397-ROOF (7663) Lancaster Co., 116 Ferdnay Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 Serving all of PA Joe Russell Hoof Trimming 10 years experience Equipment disinfected between farms References Available (717) 927-9775 (800) 770-TRIM 8746 BRCKHOE RND SKID LORDER WORK Farm or contractor . Kenneth G. Stoltzfus White Oak Road Christiana, PR 17589 215/593-2363 1 PROFESSIONAL | HOOF TRIMMING; 7 Over 20 years experience. 2 Fast and accurate work X 70-100 cows per day. ■7 Increases milk production. 7 Easy and gentle on the 7 cows and farmer. No 7 farmer's help needed. 2 SATISFACTION 7 GUARANTEED 2 717-755-0770 jg .410-484-6191
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