(4) 5x21 nursery pens, ten ■■■“ der foot flooring, nipples A ■WwGEOt/PMENT feed”*- 410/833 ' 1847 . SUPPLIES Smedley 8, 10. 12, 16, 20-hole hoo feeders. - i 717-665-4743. EE] POULTRY* MAKE ONE PHONE CALL: 717 392 7227 or 1-800-727-7228 FOR A COMPLETE JOB WASHING DISINFECTING AND FUMIGATING COMPLETE RODENT CONTROL PROGRAM WE DO THERMAL FOGGING • Disinfects • Insecticide • Long Lasting Fog Kills all types of beetles and insects in hard to reach areas that cause structural damage. We recommend fogging in addition to our regular for More Information Catt BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 Since 1961 717-392-7227 Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURED (Spraying Since 1961) RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS i! A LESSON WELL LEARNED.. LANCASTER FARMING'S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! UJ POULTRY S SUPPLIES 20 week pullets by 10/18, 10 or 100, brown. 717/445-6423, 717/445-5124. Aquamagic 25cph egg grader w/large round table full case loader, dater, spare parts, very good con dition. 914-756-2381. Baby chicks and ready to lay pullets, brown or white egg layers, heavy meat chicks. Contact Moyer’s Chicks, Quakertown, PA, (215)536-3155. Buckeye *l4O incubator, working condition, 32,400 egg capacity, spare parts included, asking $4OOO 080. 717-336-7350 M-F, BAM-SPM. Cash for Chucker, Quail, Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Ducks. BO BO POULTRY WHOLESALE MARKETS. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. ii‘l Choretime feeder 240’ complete, hopper to motor 717/733-4878. Ducklings: French selected hybrid musoovy ducklings available year 'round. Call Doug Weinhold for pricing. Days (717)354-4424; evenings (717)354-9685. Farmer Automatic, Cage systems for pullets and lay ers, 4-5-6 decks, 410-833-1840. For Sale: pullets ready to fay, capons, turk eys. May order dressed ca pons, turkeys for the holi days. Call 717/284-4924. For Sale; Mallard ducks and Muscovy ducks and wild turkeys. 609/769-2140. Hyd. Turkey Loader, $2OOO. 410/398-8766. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING £ j All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken Houses - Veal Barns • etc. RAY EAGER & SONS 717-949-3212 Leave Message FOR PURE MUSCOVY DUCKLINGS THAT ARE NOT HYBRID AND HAVE THE FIRMEST MEAT. ASK FOR THE HOFFMAN MUSCOVY PUCK CALL FOR OUR LOW PRICES. ALSO, FRENCH GUINEAS, EMBDEN GOSLINGS FREE CATALOG ON GOSLINGS. DUCKLINGS, CHICKS, TURKEYS. GUINEAS, BANTAMS, PHEASANTS. QUAIL, CHUKARS. SWANS. MEDI CATIONS, EQUIPMENT AND BOOKS. 717-365-3407 HOFFMAN HATCHERY BOX 129. 6RAIZ, PA 17030 Northeast Agri Systems Your Authorized i MASTER ® f DISTRIBUTOR sarvm the need* of the Poultry, Dairy & Swine Industries ~/|SS|s~ • Bulk toed bins in a wide variety of HAHUm capacities, lor any application • Genuine Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER* ( . feed delivery flexible auger systems _ I • Broiler & broiler breeding feeding systems, including the new Chore-Time MW jdfipih. Model 2000 and the Model C feeders \\ • Fans & Complete ventilation systems, \WI including the new lan oscillator AtJj'wL JSnH| • Innovative CHORE-TIME/SWISH watering lor any kind of poultry application. • Chore-Time's exclusive MEAL-TIME* | pig and hog feeding and watering Jhl • Chore-Time's production-boosting cow feeding system tor dairy operations IKMEMTORS TOLL FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 cr~ ~—n fH PBC ■■rtlMMl Northeoit Agrt Systems. Inc hum,*, ■HR FywniuM.m tJSSSSLSIL, S I39A Wait Airport Rood R«mMrUngUMMO ■PHUH umlhaumj 1-500-735-6361 ■■ W|H3 m (717)4*9-2702 l-*WL673-25» W**~\ ■■H RATITES OSTRICHES for sale. Shippentburg, PA, (717)532-2915. <c2X PRIMROSE OSTRICH CHICKS FOR SALE 3 Month to Yearlings Tom & Susie St. John- (419) 737-2203 or Ed & Clara St. John • (419) 737-2007 Alvordton, Ohio Ring Neck Pheasants.Teai LOTCHW Firming, Saturday, October 15, 1994-C33 beauties, full feathered, also Chukars, quail. Exotic pheasants: Lady Amherst, Red Golden, Yellow, Silver, Reeves, Elliots, Blue-Eared, Swinhoe, Cockatiels. Ring-necked doves. Evenings best (609)299-9131 ROUENS; (85) young, healthy, 10 weeks old. Call Ron. 610-562-5502. Sept 16; 2,500 brown egg layers, 19 wk. old pullets; Nov 11:14,500 brown egg layers, 19 wk. old pullets. Moyer's Chicks, Inc (215)536-3155. SWANS: While Mutes and Black Australians, adults and babies. Call JR 717/639-3001 nights or days leave message. RR2, Box 296, Harveys Lake, PA 16618 SPACE HEATERS I liIO/N'Ti Ostrich Blue Necks or Blacks, 3 month old, $3,500/pair. 2 month old $3,000/pair, 1 month old $2,500/pair. Emus French imports, all ages, call for price. (610)584-9378. RATITES 6-8 month old Emu chicks, ONA sexed, micro chipped, $4OOO/pr; Coming 2 year old Emu pairs, $9OOO. All farm raised, healthy stock. Lancaster. 717-872-6163. African Blacks: 2 females, 13 and 18 months, in Flor ida 1 male, 16 months, in PA, colored up and demon strating at 14 months. Chester County, PA. (610)857-2497. ORI-OEK: 140 sq. ft, dark brown. Chester County, PA (610)857-2497. *EMU‘s OF ALL AGES" *94 chicks to mature breeding pairs. All birds 100% guar anteed sexed, micro chipped, unrelated. Taking orders for '94-’95 eggs, $350/ea. Out of mature birds, high fertility 610-754-6298. Emus for Sale: Canyon Ranch stock in PA, Feb.-May chicks from early producing coming 2 years dd. DNA, wormed, micro chipped, all records, $1,500- $3,000 each. Ex cellent stock. Bunion Bird Co., (215)234-0473. Emu for sale, 5-9 month old chicks, DNA sexed, micro chipped, beautiful, straight, healthy, from early laying 100% fertility stock. 703/268-2902 Emu Yearling Pairs, $6OOO/Pair and Up; Yoar- ling Rhea Pairs, $2200/Pair and Up; Emu Chicks S2SOO/Pair and Up. Emu Breeders $12,000/Pair and Up. (717)664-3175. MALE EMU Proven Breeder, No Defects No Reasonable Offer Re fused. (717)762-1805. & EBIL INFO. (OW* iQd Atlantic [ I Etna Firm PA (215) 285-8191 lID (410) 398-2438. Emu's I I— Rheas—l Breeders. Yearlings and Chicks Country Ark Firms (717) 686-3480 EMU “GET INVOLVED IN THE FUTURE” Oil-Meat-Leather 6-9 month old chicks available $3,350 to $3,900/pair WESTWIN EMU 410-778-2453 IKI FEEDS WMseed^ For Sale; Rye Seed, Bal boa, Cleaned. Lancaster County. (717)786-3435. Good Com Silage, Delivery Available. 717/393-1490. 'Good Quality early made Ist cut grass hay in round bales. 717/666-4919 No Sunday Calls. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. Over 35 years of business. Refer ence in your area upon re 3uest. Wo deliver. No or srs too large. L. J. Hay. Inc. 1-800-622-9902. Custom Combining 16’ Flex Head • 6R Com Head Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster County Areas (717)944-3500 Hay and straw for sale. Can Deliver. 717-393-4683 Call 7AM. Hay for sale, all kinds, tested, 45 years of service Raymond Oates (517)286-6241 Hay for Sale • 717/862-3213, 717/927-9483 Hay, straw, and feeding oats for sale. STUMP ACRES (717)792-3216, York Co. High Moisture Ear Corn, processed w/roller mill, out of field, delivered to your farm 717/872-9152, 717/872-4058. High moisture ground ear com stored in bag, good quality, 29% moisture, $7O/ton. Delivery available LanCo. (717)665-4189. High moisture ear corn for sale, hauling available Berks/Chester Co 610-286-0541 , 610-286-5530 High Quality Alfalfa Hay tested and delivered; also straw & mixed hay. Martin Brothers, Olivet, Ml, 517/543-1642, New Hi-moisture corn for sale, shelled or with cob, will deliver 610/593-6026 Rye- cleaned and bagged Lancaster County (717)653-4123. Rye for sale. Cleaned and bagged, $4/per bushel. Leesport. 610-926-4476. Rye Seed Combine Run $4.00 Per Bushel. Near Hershey. (717)944-0233. Rye Seed for cover drop, cleaned & bagged. 610/255-0332. Rye seed, Balboa, cleaned and uncleaned. 610-458-5677. Seed barley and wheat, also oats for cover crop. Stump Acres, (717)792-3216 Spelt seed, rye seed and Tyler wheat seed. Earl Li vingston (717)432-9704. STRAW; Hesston square bales, 4x4xB. Will deliver. 610-2SS-5211. Straw for sale, 45 lb bales at $BO/lon FOB or we can delivery. 45 years of ser vice. Raymond Oates (517)286-6241. SWEET CORN SILAGE; Good protein content, keeps well in warm weather, $l4/per ton; mixed with field corn, $24/per ton. Will deliver CLYDE KREIOER, Lan caster PA 717-898-8927 Tyler Wheat Seed, cleaned and treated, $7.50/bushet 717/548-2272. WANTED: Damaged or moldy com, grain or soy beans. 717/733-4516. WANTED; Mulch Hay, year around, Timothy and Or chard Grass LAUREL VALLEY FARM INC 610-268-2074 WANT: Round and large square bales of hay for mulch. Will pickup at your bam. (215)444-1651. Wakefield seed, wheat treated with Vitavax from last year, certified seed. Lebanon Co. 717-865-3950. White Pine Shavings, 3.4Cu.Ft„ $3.50 Each. Vol umn Discounts. Shredded Paper $35/Ton. Sunrise Farms, York Springs, PA. (717)528-4505 Wild bird seed, cage bird seed, dog food, cat food, other feeds available, ce dar shavings $3.50 bale 717/665-9793. Will buy moldy grain 410-833-1647
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers