Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 126
caUMCMW FOTHKI. Saturday, October 18.1W4 _ _ Ifl „„ T SeSUoSSSaS y i i .. ..... i I 'ft—syimniHabtemAwL* c ■|BBBB|||B i rr^ °“* ((.©©Mb® if®? (Fads HHW ' , SSS ’fSLg'Zr, ... . _ N / to r $9OO. Call avenlngs, mon th Jack, $3OO, We have your top quality grade and / , Howell, nj (908)938-6905. s so o. Snyder Co. registered replacements in our v \ i— 717-837-0475. inventory!. / ' B LLAMAS FOR Full Board $l5O/month, in _ _ .... :(; \ B ‘ carp door riding, outdoor ring, ‘Presently looking for Reg. Bred heifers \ J 13 lob of pasture. Located a Bred A.I. in June, July or August‘94. / v TdlOl miles north of Lebanon on \ ' Greble Road. Convenient Cell todsy . / B B 868- to Rts. 22. si. 78 & 422. (717) 944-1374 J V * I 0186 | Sf^.'SKao?! ) n ted. Mountairt Pleasure, 2? TIATRY HERDS 4 kHI Mt/LfS Ster 1 ’U fl sed°hJil;Ji e ck * ns*M%A#9 , / trailers. SPOTTED FEVER \M New York and New England VMPVBHHMMPIHPIHBIIPiBHP' 10 year old Standardbred, FARM 717-582-7831. ■m dairy herds for sale. We have a JS «D "limber Of outefcndlng tie stall and free stall herds rang- ,£•* y __ J j 2 Sorrel Jack mules, year- (Wyo. Co.) (717)388-6263. 2J ing from 30-200 cows With up JM I mane* out® of''bta' mires MILL RUN CARRIAGE Re- to 22.000 lbs. production. . V$ I I Aarori Speiche?Rß2. Mil- BUY DIRECT SAVE BSm JTj: | | 3 Year old Blue Roan Paint 7J, Mill Rd.. Honey Brook, W Distelburger Livestock Sales. Inc. I a S r ° ,es |ASoo y TO (914) 343-1726 (914) 343-7322 TO Registered I nMMiw. * KIS"^ K SS 2J ’ssffuithßtmu’ I Highland Cattle l J2s2?!Bsr£S SSITSSraS; . . Jj? I A Broke in the Lines. Has Christmas Book. Jennets D * Style and Snap, Traffic $2500 and up, pet quality 0 ♦ Discover the breed that still retains special Safe and Sound, Ready for iacks_ssoo and up. Send | traits acquired from its ancestors of Scotland. Miles 100 Haiti Road, SASE ($.52) for price list. _ m H Quarryville, PA 17566. Aslo, home to Miniature u _r° rs f® \*g£s^issi^' m,p ** it 1^1°.“,“1... tlStfW I ♦ Thrive In cold, damp climates S2J f?IM. SSSuSIi Holstein dairy COWS ♦ Produce excellent lean beef in adverse mud F . Stoltzfus. 903 A PAINT Filly, chestnut tov- Plck 40 hQ3d from 58 Young, conditions where other cattle would fail Vintage Road, Christiana, ero, weanling, tall, leggy, good fall herd. 1/2 due yet this ♦ Ooclle and Hearty standardbred year. Many recently fresh. Can »SKS»t sSSCSf stay till 11/15 or be moved servicin a heifers | 2SSS*eiaS. paS<s? cnnnor ♦ Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and inoculated 6 Year Old Standardbred ing, chestnut, tobiano, bUUtter. against rabies Carriage Horse, Traffic yearling, big and stout, 717/786-2750 I Come visit our farm and meet your |£te Sift Y5*5T?»!3 r'lMnCifeAnsnifernuinsr I future herd! Transportation Available Snap. $l5OO. 106 Haiti sweetie! $l5OO. Glenn rite Agent for Owner I Breed Information Available Upon Request Road, Quarryville, PA 717-528-7746. 4 Reg. Stock bulls, records 30- I ♦ 17566 Pair of 4 year old bred 40,000 m w/high protein butterfat. .1 Day Dream Acres ™ must sell | (908) 303-0798 BARN EQUIPMENT SPECIALS I I TMR TRAILER J MIXERS Model 250 In Stock Ready For Demo J r I ROVENDALE A(; & BARN EQUIP. UU j w.n r ■ t I J [ u»am» j 7i7-r,;!s-<)r>(;; o. 717-712-122<; , ■ STfIRUHE J Bodco ■ BEDDING r CHOPPERS MHK 11 HP & 13 HP In Stock Also BODCO FEED CARTS In Stock All Ready For Demo 6 year old standardised carrige horse, trade safe, mans horse, ready for miles, lots of snap, $1350. David F. Fisher, RR2, 152 Sinclair Road, Delta, PA 17314 or call 717-562-3638. 6 Year Old Saddlebred, traffic safe & sound, ready for road, needs work, $1375.525 Furnace Road, Quarryville, PA 17566, 717/786-8154 8-B:3oam. 9 Year Old Buggy Horse, broke for children to drive. 717/354-5039. apu» —T —rr*rwdear span, available pas- I 992 I?' 2 nse. excellent condition.; gelding. Super dispoertion. 32 KVA generator. PTO Versary Bar, Loo, 3-Bars, driven, works. Lancaster oem" 8, Co., PA - 717-733-9538 $1,500. (814)832-2592. evenings; 717-733-4300, Excellent For Dairy, Horses and Poultry Delivered In 20 Cu. Yd, 50 Cu. Yd. and Trailer Loads * Fresh Poplar Sawdust * Baled Pine Shavings Lancaster County mares; pair of 4&5 year old geldings; 1, 2 & 3 year old geldings; single 3 year old gelding; stud colt. Omar P. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 51, Frosty Hill Road, Airville, PA 17302. Palomino & White Appa loosa Gelding, 8 year old, professionally trained, suc cessfully shown English & Western, ideal.for show, trail or pleasure, asking $2500. 302/834-7422. Pole bam for rent, approx. 4,500 sq.ft, IS' opening, concrete floor, middle is Galen W. Crouse Reg. Appallooea mare. IS years, good dispostion, asking $l2OO neg. 717-538-1526. Registered Docßar bred quarter hones for cutting or team penning. Jo-Lar Ranch. (301)698-0054. Registered Morgan filly, four months old, champion bloodlines, very good con formation, exceptionally friendly, $950. 610-286-5373. Reg. Miniature Sicilian donkey, Jenny, out of small parents, ready for Christ mas gift $2OOO. 610-754-6298. Spotted donkey Jenny w/4 month old Jenny, $6OO/pr; Grey donkey Jenny w/IJ4 month Jack, S4SO/pr; Mini ature donkey Jack, $250; Miniature donkey Jenny w/3tt month miniature Jack, S2SOO/pr. 610-488-7383. Standardbred mare, reg trotter, traffic safe, sound, $llOO. 717/445-7422 Lane. Co. TEAM PENNING AQHA, gelding. Has open and amature points at the Worlds, references from local penning promoters, $5OOO. 717-733-6859. WANT TO BUY: Mini horse for 2 year old child to ride, aged gelding. (410)638-9477. 1993 AQHA Golden Palomino Colt by Moonlight Bar Baby by Soul on Ice. Beautiful Color, Nice White Soxs on Back Legs, Good Body Confirmation, Good Disposition and a Good Mover. $3450. (717)966-3685 BADDLBBRBD ft MORGAN HORSES Broke to ride and drive Bon F. Btoltzfus Box 688, RL 2 Watsontown, PA 17777 On Rt. 44 Between McEwonsville and Turbotvl He MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce Rb 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717) 949-3246 717-336-6726