Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 125

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    Expanding operation Holstein service aae HIKISW Firming, Saturday, October 15, 1994-C29
(3) Guernsey Registered wants to buy dairy cows from hl g h roC c?d WANTED 1
bred heifers, due Novem- ■ISsS B- dam, popular sires. Avail- P* ,B^*N^* ,^^*BB ** —^***^^***I
|[| CATTLE T ablenow - 717862 ' 3743 W 9ESSL Head Feeder Steers
md Grand Henry Produc- steers. 500*600 HeifetS BLACK AND BLACK/WHITE FACE
,o fe?a ß SEJf i S P o h n on r r7 r ?7:263-4860 or °‘" 9 “ Prelude, Astreand Tesk.l 71 ?55-«BBB 700-900 LBS. ON PASTURE.
denck, M 0 (3) Sarwooagebultejdams Fri day October 28, available 610/593-2274. CALL AFTER BPM (717) 243-0798
( 3 ° 1 )447-2635._ S SW?ff«Jut Registered Hotstoin bulls. GERIACH
(10) Reg. Hostein Heifers, OUNWOOD FARMS Ox- o s** any age. Dams records up STMiinrNTAI A
due November to March, p* 717-529-2950 MARKET Berks 60., PA. |q 30 000 milk, 1,200 tat. SMBIENTALS Raaiitarad milk Dawns'
A-l sired. 610-837-6840. l^.ll'ifr 29 . 50 .- Cons.gnmente Welcome. Stump Acres. Manheim, PA
lease- Vo,k 717/86M982 M , Wn h g e^aT ra «iS’SX«d
hJL« °**
after 7PM. la-rnfm by Blaokster, Loadman. cattle, bulls, calves, cows & Hatters (814)623-6560after 6pm.
,101 v oa ,i in » I 610 ! 869 - 4477 ' 8 ~ 8 3 ° atn : Aerostar, Wister and For more inform ation. call ; Also registered miniature horses
rhiriol hnZn T m (49) Angus steers, 850-950 others Dams w/records to (7,7)024-3943. «VV**Vi*ViH*V* 1 mare. 1 filly. 1 gelding
.-i-? fifl' Ibe.. top quality animals, over 30,000 m. Many to L-Jl . £ Zimmerman's <
must sell. Rnrkc fiin-4aa-i476 choose from. Also 1 red & Registered Holstein bulls £ „ <. J
814-696-0868. evenings white and 1 red carrier, for sale: Blackstar and Mel- 2 Custom i ■"
13 month old Simmental ... u . . . j-;. r: Berks Co. Stumpland wood sons. High record £ Freezing A PaStlire Fed
oSS« SS"’ ““fl* I I colored cattle For Sale
dark red/whito, large 717.352-8866. FOR SALE: Reg. Holstein ,71 2 onTOUrr-arm T
enough for fall service, hal- 7,7-352-2380. bull service age. Prelude ' n ' l 7 Complete $ Steers - Excellent Feeder Stock
ter broken, gentle, registra- - . . Son. Dam VQ66, 2y, Registered Hereford 7 MoblleUnit J Heifers - Good For Feedino & Breedino
ton papers available. Call 50 Holstein feeder steers. 30142 36% 1094 f, Cows. Must Go. $BOO. Pat 7 PO Bex43 i neirers Laoou ror reeamg a oreeuing
Amy evenings only 900 lbs. on own and pellet Grandam VGB7, 30,666, (410)836-1155. ? ——- Y 75-80 Steers Approx 800 lb Avg
301-898-3741. feed. (717)746-3031. 3.5%. 1084 f, 3rd Dam, - Po||ed Hereford bull £ 14UMU72.2641 $ 60 Heifers Approx 725lbAvg
175 head, acclaimated 50 Registered Holstoins, ■ ®®-®®® 1 4 J?*- bom 1/28/94, 85 lb birth 75-80 Steers Approx 600 lb Avg
s»°rs"is;: rasTraasr. 60 *>*“
FOR sale Rathbun Veal & Beef
(1) Bull, (10) beef cows, ——; ——— .— popular Al proven bull, iaifn,i99S Call for crices 2 Herds Holstein Canton Penna
bred with second calf, 5 Nice Holstein Heitere, Many members of this lam- R,nd heifers and bred cows « u.a r\ du (717\ (ST'S RQil • (717) 670 AURA
$650,717-445-4272. short bred. 814/847-2238 j|y sold to Al. Voiy exciting hh? COWS. 1 Herd Over PH (717) 673-8911 • (717) 673-8834
, 2 |16 Month OM Reg <* 21,000 milk. Also 1 1
R&W Holstein Bulls, Well 5 Recently Fresh Heifers, 5 I 1 rsunmuM omuckiriic. Reoistered & '
Grown. Both Sired by Bur- Springing Heifers. RHA Co. CAN DELIVER. "egiSiereo a
gundy. (717)927-6240. 23,000, Excel- Fresh or Springing Cows & £ Grade Holstein
24 HolMeln„, Da. .“oV.V “tAjlSl S? SSSS&&F Buis.
wasrwat SSSUftLSg- 717-553-5408
(717)258-6203. ■
25 Cows, 10 Calves, Here-
ford and Angus. All for
$16,250. (302)284-8774.
25 head Feeder Cattle,
300-400 lbs. 717/485-4820
after 9pm.
25 year selectively bred
Charolais herd for sale.
calf pairs, A-l sired and
serviced, bred cows and
heifers Yearling and 2
year old bulls available.
717-667-9817 home;
717-949-3701 farm.
Angus Bulls, Cows & heif
ers for sale. Stump Acres
717/792-3216 York
Angus Cattle: 2yr old bulls,
cow/calf pairs, young heif
ers and bulls. Lebanon
County. (717)838-1295.
Attention Cattle Feeders! I
provide order buying ser
vice & trucking. Denzil
Heishman, 703-465-5785.
Bedford Cattlemen's Asso
ciation Feeder Calf Sale.
October 22. 1994, 1:00PM
at the Bedford, PA Fair
grounds. Consignors Wel
come. For Information Call
(814)839-2044 or
Beefalo Herd, 1 Herd Bull 4
Years Old, 12 Bred Cows,
1 Open Heifer. 10 Yearling
Calves *7 Bulls and 3 Heif
ers' (814)367-5607.
Belgain blue doubled
muscled cattle, V 4 blood
cows and 3/4 heifers. Call
Black Angus bull 214 yrs
old. Can be registered.
$9OO. Black Baldy heifers,
7mo. old, $5OO. Call
Breeding Age Prelude &
Aerostar Sons, records to
30.000 M ft 1300 F. Melvin
Stoltzfus, Chester Co.
Bulls for sale; Dam and
Grand dam both excellent,
both over 30.000 M re
cords, $975.
Buyers = Sellers of Lives
tock - Be sure to check the
advertisements for cattle in
the Lancaster Farming.
You'll get results!
717-394-3047 or
Christain family in SE VA
starting new dairy opera
tion. Would like to purch
ase 40 Jersey cows for De
cember startup. Must have
40 lb+ production, calfhood
vaccinations and TB
tested. Call after Bpm,
(6) Crossbred cow/calf
combinations, (1) Limousin
bull; (6) feeder bulls.
717-677-8046 after 6PM.
(6) Reg. Guernsey spring
ing heifers, due Ocotber,
home raised and vacci
nated Phone
7 Holstein heifers due Oct/
Nov, Al sired and bred.
7 Registered Simmental
Cattle. For Details
(814)267-5663 or
80 head fancy black and
black/white face heifers
bred to easy calving, top
performing, Safer bulls. Af
ter Bpm, (304)874-3707.
(8) Polled Hereford year
ling Heifers, 800-900 lbs.,
opened. Call
410-329-6885 days.
94 crossbred Angus calves
weighing 500 lbs,
ANGUS: Bred heifers &
cows w/calves, young
bulls. 410/795-5688.
Purebred Angus Bulls,
Yearlings and 2 Year Olds,
Sires Include TC Stock
man, Leachman, Prompter
and TC Divadend, Guaran
teed Breeders, Diamond
DL Cattle. (610)756-6001.
Purebred Charolais Cow-
Calf Pairs and Cows Bred
for Spring Calves. Al Sires.
Some Bred to Intimidator'.
Put a Gem in Your Pasture.
Highland Steers, Friendly
&Tame, Halter Broke&T
ramed to Lead White Silver
Grey&Red, Yearlings
iWeaned Calves. Way
ne Co. (717)253-1810.
Reg. Angus Bull, 4 years
old, long-bodied bull w/
excellent conformation &
adequate thickness, sires
low birth weights, can be
used on heifers, great dis
position, $l6OO.
Reg. Angus Cows, bred for
Spring calves, good pro
ducers, $6OO-$9OO.
Reg. Charolais bull, 5
yean, $.60/lb. Grade Char
olais buH, 750 lb., S.BO/lb.
410-648-4829 after
Reg. Holstein Bull, "The
Choice of Mark Adam".
717/679-2660 Susque
hanna Co.
Reg. Holstein Bull, born
2/13/94, sire Mascot, dam
Cleitus, making 28,000tt>.
2nd lactation, raised as an
FFA project Lebanon Co.
Grade and Registered
Holstein Heifers, also Ca-,
nadian Herds. For further
info, (410)679-7485.
Guernsey Cows and heif
ers, 1 bull. Jonas Zook,
RD2, Box 320 D, Myer
stown, PA 17067.
-Herd of 44 Holsteins, (7)
dry, parlor free stall setup,
DHIA records, low SCC,
slot of Ist and 2nd calf,
(41) heifers, all stages,
open and bred.
HerefordxAngus claves,
local herd, shots, 400-550
lbs., heifers S.7S/lb; steers
S.BS/lb. 610-683-8157.
HIGHLAND: Registered
breeding stock, heifers,
calves, carefully selected
bulls, excellent bloodlines,
reasonably priced.
Holstein bull calves, sired
by Select, sires, dams with
25,000 and 39,000 milk, as
2 and 3 year olds, 4 gener
ation of top records and pe
digrees, $3OO each. Omar
S. Fisher, 434-B Newport
RD.. Ronks, PA 17572.
Jersey Heifers, Regis
tered, Al Served, Available
at All Times. 703-869-2622
or 703-869-4276.
Jersey Herd. (10) reg and
grade cows plus 4 heifers
Jersey Heifer Due to
Freshen Early November,
Will Make a Good Family
Cow. (717)786-7425.
Jersey herd. 40 cows, 16
heifers and calves, 13,000
milk. 600 fat, ABS breed
ing 717-284-2587
Large springing Holstein
heifers, due Oct/Nov, 1
fresh now, $1,050 each.
BLOODS; 2 yearling bulls,
Seven-Forty-Seven blopd
lines; 1 open heifer. West
minster, MO
Limo and Angus calves,
400 lbs and yearlings.
Now buying entire dairy
herds and springing heif
ers. Highest cash price
paid. Call Reuben Green
berg, Inc., Columbus, NJ
Polled Hereford cow & calf
combinations, cows bred
back, asking $990.
Polled Hereford: 5 Cows
Open, 1 Cow Calf at Side.
2 Heifers. (215)847-8189.
Purebred Polled Simmen
tal herd, 10 cows, 5 heifers,
3 calves, bred Al Black
Mick. 410-239-7054.
Simmental cattle, quality
polled heifers, bulls & club
calves 410/442-1546
Texas Longhorn Calves.
Registered Bulls, Heifer
Pring Classic Breeding.
WANTED: 50+ dairy cows.
Owner financing, make
money instead of paying it
all out in taxes. Interested?
Call 717-596-3649 Brad
ford Co., PA.
ANGUS 1994 bull calves
and heifer calves. Growthy,
good conformation. Rea
sonable prices. Health and
registration certificates.
Come see or call:
814/742-8118 or
814/742-7476, Box 10 Bell
wood, PA 16617.
Young herd of 30 holsteins,
17 just fresh.
(717) 222-9815
100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa.
Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid
717-249-7685 Res.
717-432-4225 Shop
1 Herd Of Grade 1
Holsteins For Sale
Pick 30-35 from 45
Cows at $B5O each.
Home Grown, Atlantic
Bred. 8-10 Short Bred
Heifers, 8-10 Open.
Like to move Herd by
end of October
Dairy Cows or
all ages,
registered or
* grades.
(215) 286-9096
(717) 656-8420
fbalry Cows & |
| Heifers !
j Bought & Sold J
i Freddie )
J 8. Smith I
I 703/639 2262 I
| After • PM I
J 703/382-0570 )
21 Beef Cows with
19 Calves at
4 Year Old Red
Angus Bull,
approx. 2000 lb.
13 of the Cows -
with 2 Calves.
No Cow over 10
All for Sale.
Morning Call
After 5 in evening
till 8 oclock
We have parlor and tie stall herds
for sale. We move herds from farm tQEI
to farm with experienced help and
our own trucks so that you the buy-
er have disease-free cattle. We buy
the best and let the rest. Financing
for qualified buyers in Lane. Co.
%nra Marvin Miller or Ron Bard %a «
Futurity Calf Sale
30 hand selected steers
15 fancy show heifer prospects
Sat. Oct. 29,1:30pm
Sale location;
Dawn Acrea Angus, West Friendship, MD
Buyers can win premium-awards from this
sale onlyl
For Information:
(301) 447-2101