Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 125
Expanding operation Holstein service aae HIKISW Firming, Saturday, October 15, 1994-C29 (3) Guernsey Registered wants to buy dairy cows from hl g h roC c?d WANTED 1 bred heifers, due Novem- ■ISsS B- dam, popular sires. Avail- P* ,B^*N^* ,^^*BB ** —^***^^***I |[| CATTLE T ablenow - 717862 ' 3743 W 9ESSL Head Feeder Steers md Grand Henry Produc- steers. 500*600 HeifetS BLACK AND BLACK/WHITE FACE ,o fe?a ß SEJf i S P o h n on r r7 r ?7:263-4860 or °‘" 9 “ Prelude, Astreand Tesk.l 71 ?55-«BBB 700-900 LBS. ON PASTURE. ■ - FEEDER CATTLE SALE: WSSm£S?SZ 717 * S7 ’* CARUSLE. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, denck, M 0 (3) Sarwooagebultejdams Fri day October 28, available 610/593-2274. CALL AFTER BPM (717) 243-0798 ( 3 ° 1 )447-2635._ S SW?ff«Jut Registered Hotstoin bulls. GERIACH (10) Reg. Hostein Heifers, OUNWOOD FARMS Ox- o s** any age. Dams records up STMiinrNTAI A due November to March, p* 717-529-2950 MARKET Berks 60., PA. |q 30 000 milk, 1,200 tat. SMBIENTALS Raaiitarad milk Dawns' A-l sired. 610-837-6840. l^.ll'ifr 29 . 50 .- Cons.gnmente Welcome. Stump Acres. Manheim, PA lease- Vo,k 717/86M982 M , Wn h g e^aT ra «iS’SX«d hJL« °** after 7PM. la-rnfm by Blaokster, Loadman. cattle, bulls, calves, cows & Hatters (814)623-6560after 6pm. ,101 v oa ,i in » I 610 ! 869 - 4477 ' 8 ~ 8 3 ° atn : Aerostar, Wister and For more inform ation. call ; Also registered miniature horses rhiriol hnZn T m (49) Angus steers, 850-950 others Dams w/records to (7,7)024-3943. «VV**Vi*ViH*V* 1 mare. 1 filly. 1 gelding .-i-? fifl' Ibe.. top quality animals, over 30,000 m. Many to L-Jl . £ Zimmerman's < must sell. Rnrkc fiin-4aa-i476 choose from. Also 1 red & Registered Holstein bulls £ „ <. J 814-696-0868. evenings white and 1 red carrier, for sale: Blackstar and Mel- 2 Custom i ■" 13 month old Simmental ... u . . . j-;. r: Berks Co. Stumpland wood sons. High record £ Freezing A PaStlire Fed oSS« SS"’ ““fl* I I colored cattle For Sale dark red/whito, large 717.352-8866. FOR SALE: Reg. Holstein ,71 2 onTOUrr-arm T enough for fall service, hal- 7,7-352-2380. bull service age. Prelude ' n ' l 7 Complete $ Steers - Excellent Feeder Stock ter broken, gentle, registra- - . . Son. Dam VQ66, 2y, Registered Hereford 7 MoblleUnit J Heifers - Good For Feedino & Breedino ton papers available. Call 50 Holstein feeder steers. 30142 36% 1094 f, Cows. Must Go. $BOO. Pat 7 PO Bex43 i neirers Laoou ror reeamg a oreeuing Amy evenings only 900 lbs. on own and pellet Grandam VGB7, 30,666, (410)836-1155. ? ——- Y 75-80 Steers Approx 800 lb Avg 301-898-3741. feed. (717)746-3031. 3.5%. 1084 f, 3rd Dam, - Po||ed Hereford bull £ 14UMU72.2641 $ 60 Heifers Approx 725lbAvg 175 head, acclaimated 50 Registered Holstoins, ■ ®®-®®® 1 4 J?*- bom 1/28/94, 85 lb birth 75-80 Steers Approx 600 lb Avg s»°rs"is;: rasTraasr. 60 *>*“ FOR sale Rathbun Veal & Beef (1) Bull, (10) beef cows, ——; ——— .— popular Al proven bull, iaifn,i99S Call for crices 2 Herds Holstein Canton Penna bred with second calf, 5 Nice Holstein Heitere, Many members of this lam- R,nd heifers and bred cows « u.a r\ du (717\ (ST'S RQil • (717) 670 AURA $650,717-445-4272. short bred. 814/847-2238 j|y sold to Al. Voiy exciting hh? COWS. 1 Herd Over PH (717) 673-8911 • (717) 673-8834 , 2 |16 Month OM Reg <* 21,000 milk. Also 1 1 R&W Holstein Bulls, Well 5 Recently Fresh Heifers, 5 I 1 rsunmuM omuckiriic. Reoistered & ' Grown. Both Sired by Bur- Springing Heifers. RHA Co. CAN DELIVER. "egiSiereo a gundy. (717)927-6240. 23,000, Excel- Fresh or Springing Cows & £ Grade Holstein 24 HolMeln„, Da. .“oV.V “tAjlSl S? SSSS&&F Buis. wasrwat SSSUftLSg- 717-553-5408 (717)258-6203. ■ 25 Cows, 10 Calves, Here- ford and Angus. All for $16,250. (302)284-8774. 25 head Feeder Cattle, 300-400 lbs. 717/485-4820 after 9pm. 25 year selectively bred Charolais herd for sale. 717-458-5576. ANGUS BULLS AND FE MALES FOR SALE: Cow calf pairs, A-l sired and serviced, bred cows and heifers Yearling and 2 year old bulls available. 717-667-9817 home; 717-949-3701 farm. Angus Bulls, Cows & heif ers for sale. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Angus Cattle: 2yr old bulls, cow/calf pairs, young heif ers and bulls. Lebanon County. (717)838-1295. Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5785. Bedford Cattlemen's Asso ciation Feeder Calf Sale. October 22. 1994, 1:00PM at the Bedford, PA Fair grounds. Consignors Wel come. For Information Call (814)839-2044 or (814)276-9533. Beefalo Herd, 1 Herd Bull 4 Years Old, 12 Bred Cows, 1 Open Heifer. 10 Yearling Calves *7 Bulls and 3 Heif ers' (814)367-5607. Belgain blue doubled muscled cattle, V 4 blood cows and 3/4 heifers. Call 609-423-1141. Black Angus bull 214 yrs old. Can be registered. $9OO. Black Baldy heifers, 7mo. old, $5OO. Call (908)996-4769. Breeding Age Prelude & Aerostar Sons, records to 30.000 M ft 1300 F. Melvin Stoltzfus, Chester Co. 610/869-9627. Bulls for sale; Dam and Grand dam both excellent, both over 30.000 M re cords, $975. (717)866-7110. Buyers = Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results! 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Christain family in SE VA starting new dairy opera tion. Would like to purch ase 40 Jersey cows for De cember startup. Must have 40 lb+ production, calfhood vaccinations and TB tested. Call after Bpm, (804)693-6827. (6) Crossbred cow/calf combinations, (1) Limousin bull; (6) feeder bulls. 717-677-8046 after 6PM. (6) Reg. Guernsey spring ing heifers, due Ocotber, home raised and vacci nated Phone 717-762-3992 7 Holstein heifers due Oct/ Nov, Al sired and bred. (717)535-5247. 7 Registered Simmental Cattle. For Details (814)267-5663 or (410)242-7281. 80 head fancy black and black/white face heifers bred to easy calving, top performing, Safer bulls. Af ter Bpm, (304)874-3707. (8) Polled Hereford year ling Heifers, 800-900 lbs., opened. Call 410-329-6885 days. 94 crossbred Angus calves weighing 500 lbs, (717)727-2245, (717)727-3144 ANGUS: Bred heifers & cows w/calves, young bulls. 410/795-5688. Purebred Angus Bulls, Yearlings and 2 Year Olds, Sires Include TC Stock man, Leachman, Prompter and TC Divadend, Guaran teed Breeders, Diamond DL Cattle. (610)756-6001. Purebred Charolais Cow- Calf Pairs and Cows Bred for Spring Calves. Al Sires. Some Bred to Intimidator'. (315)735-2044. Put a Gem in Your Pasture. Highland Steers, Friendly &Tame, Halter Broke&T ramed to Lead White Silver Grey&Red, Yearlings iWeaned Calves. Way ne Co. (717)253-1810. Reg. Angus Bull, 4 years old, long-bodied bull w/ excellent conformation & adequate thickness, sires low birth weights, can be used on heifers, great dis position, $l6OO. 215/536-4190. Reg. Angus Cows, bred for Spring calves, good pro ducers, $6OO-$9OO. 215/536-4190. Reg. Charolais bull, 5 yean, $.60/lb. Grade Char olais buH, 750 lb., S.BO/lb. 410-648-4829 after 7;3OPM. Reg. Holstein Bull, "The Choice of Mark Adam". 717/679-2660 Susque hanna Co. Reg. Holstein Bull, born 2/13/94, sire Mascot, dam Cleitus, making 28,000tt>. 2nd lactation, raised as an FFA project Lebanon Co. 717/865-2264. Grade and Registered Holstein Heifers, also Ca-, nadian Herds. For further info, (410)679-7485. Guernsey Cows and heif ers, 1 bull. Jonas Zook, RD2, Box 320 D, Myer stown, PA 17067. -Herd of 44 Holsteins, (7) dry, parlor free stall setup, DHIA records, low SCC, slot of Ist and 2nd calf, (41) heifers, all stages, open and bred. 410-838-5971. HerefordxAngus claves, local herd, shots, 400-550 lbs., heifers S.7S/lb; steers S.BS/lb. 610-683-8157. HIGHLAND: Registered breeding stock, heifers, calves, carefully selected bulls, excellent bloodlines, reasonably priced. (717)937-4497. Holstein bull calves, sired by Select, sires, dams with 25,000 and 39,000 milk, as 2 and 3 year olds, 4 gener ation of top records and pe digrees, $3OO each. Omar S. Fisher, 434-B Newport RD.. Ronks, PA 17572. Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times. 703-869-2622 or 703-869-4276. Jersey Herd. (10) reg and grade cows plus 4 heifers 610-593-6160. Jersey Heifer Due to Freshen Early November, Will Make a Good Family Cow. (717)786-7425. Jersey herd. 40 cows, 16 heifers and calves, 13,000 milk. 600 fat, ABS breed ing 717-284-2587 Large springing Holstein heifers, due Oct/Nov, 1 fresh now, $1,050 each. (301)898-7426. LIMOUSIN/ FULL BLOODS; 2 yearling bulls, Seven-Forty-Seven blopd lines; 1 open heifer. West minster, MO (410)657-0176. Limo and Angus calves, 400 lbs and yearlings. 717-834-9795. Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif ers. Highest cash price paid. Call Reuben Green berg, Inc., Columbus, NJ (609)298-1021. Polled Hereford cow & calf combinations, cows bred back, asking $990. 908/995-2709. Polled Hereford: 5 Cows Open, 1 Cow Calf at Side. 2 Heifers. (215)847-8189. Purebred Polled Simmen tal herd, 10 cows, 5 heifers, 3 calves, bred Al Black Mick. 410-239-7054. Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves 410/442-1546 eves. Texas Longhorn Calves. Registered Bulls, Heifer Pring Classic Breeding. (717)235-3319. WANTED: 50+ dairy cows. Owner financing, make money instead of paying it all out in taxes. Interested? Call 717-596-3649 Brad ford Co., PA. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS 1994 bull calves and heifer calves. Growthy, good conformation. Rea sonable prices. Health and registration certificates. Come see or call: 814/742-8118 or 814/742-7476, Box 10 Bell wood, PA 16617. Young herd of 30 holsteins, 17 just fresh. 717-673-5893. Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop 1 Herd Of Grade 1 Holsteins For Sale Pick 30-35 from 45 Cows at $B5O each. Home Grown, Atlantic Bred. 8-10 Short Bred Heifers, 8-10 Open. Like to move Herd by end of October (610)857-S457« WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or * grades. (215) 286-9096 (717) 656-8420 fbalry Cows & | | Heifers ! j Bought & Sold J i Freddie ) J 8. Smith I I 703/639 2262 I | After • PM I J 703/382-0570 ) 21 Beef Cows with 19 Calves at Side 4 Year Old Red Angus Bull, approx. 2000 lb. 13 of the Cows - with 2 Calves. No Cow over 10 years All for Sale. Morning Call 610-268-3580 After 5 in evening till 8 oclock 932-5955 Ipa LOOKING FOR A HERD? We have parlor and tie stall herds for sale. We move herds from farm tQEI to farm with experienced help and our own trucks so that you the buy- er have disease-free cattle. We buy the best and let the rest. Financing for qualified buyers in Lane. Co. FOR A HERD WITH QUALITY, call %nra Marvin Miller or Ron Bard %a « MD ANGUS ASSOCIATION Futurity Calf Sale 30 hand selected steers 15 fancy show heifer prospects Sat. Oct. 29,1:30pm Sale location; Dawn Acrea Angus, West Friendship, MD Buyers can win premium-awards from this sale onlyl For Information: (301) 447-2101