CIS-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994 IU CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT IR P-100 used air com pressor. 100 CFM White gas engine, tow type, runs but needs work, $lBOO 1-800-334-7633 JD-HED Hoe-Pack Fits JD Backhoes Excellent Con dition . $ 1 700 (301)694-6148. Lincoln Welder, 300 amp w/trailer and leads, $1,300. Call after 4pm, (609)965-6164 DISMANTLING FOR PARTS - Massey Ferguson 200 crawler/dozer w/6-way blade, good u/c, good en gine. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-900-322-8030 Michigan 75A rubber tire loader, diesel, 4 wheel drive. Asking $3500. 717/987-3535. NEW WIRE ROPE... This never used cable is avail able from '/>' to 7/8" sizes at low prices. Quantities limited 410-335-0131 New 24' JCB backhoe bucket w/teeth and side cutters, $385. 410-893-2405 Pallet Jack, 50001 b., $250. 717/354-3105. Prime Mover, 20001 b., electric 24V, walk behind, $1250 717/354-3105 Sky Track 4030 all terrain forklift, Ford diesel, 4000 lb capacity, 30' reach, good condition, $15,000. Call 610-582-4050 Taylor Forklift, 12,0001 b., gas, pneumatic tires, 6' fork, $9500 717/354-3105. WANTED Backhoe & trailer, prefer Case No dealers please 215/766-8361 WANT TO BUY all makes and models of construction equipment (301)694-6148, (301)371-9299 fax White Forklift, 40001 b , gas, air tires, dual wheels, $5750 717/354-3105 Yale 150001 b Forklift, 900-20 Duals, 12' Mast, Gas Engine $6BOO (610)593-2407 JD 401 D loader backhoe 1983, $lO,OOO Case 480 C loader backhoe, new tires and paint, $lO,OOO Case 1150 track loader w/ripper $4,500 (717) 868-6237 • 1986 455 E JD 1-1/4 yd. loader 2900 hours. • 1988 and 1989 743 Bobcat loaders, 1300- 4000 hours. • 1985, 86, and 88 843 Bobcat loaders, 1332- 2400 hours. • 1985 9-ton Eager Beaver triaxel trailer. • Attachments for 743 and 843 30” tree spade, tiller, hydrau lic auger, Rockhound forks, and hydraulic hammers. • 1987 Big John 90" treespade on MR 686 S Mack only 15,000 miles on truck. • 1989, 855 John Deere loader w/60” belly grass mower w/rear grass catcher and hydraulic dump. (215) 943-4803 Oliver Cetetrack model AG-6, wide gauge model with Anderson dozer attach, side mount mower, good condition, low engine hrs .. $5,900 Roadscraper, pull type, 176" wheel base, $950 LEE BROS. CRANBERRY FARM 609-726-9292 Days 609-726-1214 evenings SILOS AND INLOADERS IN STOCK: NEW & USED HANSON & VAN DALE UNLOADERS. BUY TODAY AND INSTALL TOMORROW! AT PRIC THIS IS THE BEST HAYLAGE SILO UNLOADER Ihanson BUILT TO LAST MIXERS IN STOCK FOR SALE • Gehl Spin Blower,,2oo • IH 56” Blower, Rebuilt $l,OOO • JD, 1000 RPM, Like New.... 51,000 USED SILOS •12x12 Ribstore • 20x60 Lancaster Lancaster BRAND FEEDING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SPECIAL . Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299-3721 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-770-3721 Gallon Dleael Gradar Hyd ‘7B Int. Conv Tractor & 20-ton Lowboy Tractor has wetline for Dump Trailer.... Will separate Int TD 20 Power Shift Dozer Int TO 9 Loader, Needs Work Cat 977 Clutch with Shuttle Allis Chalmers HDII Loader Link Belt Cable Crane LS7B with Orange Pull Grable, 371 Detroit Power 610-944-9871 WHO DHU£ Low Profile Roller Mills Nl 325 2RN, 8 Rolls, Nice... 52,500 Used Steiner Mixer $2,000 1400 Biif Used Com Crib, Ready To Assemble $9OO (3) McCurdy Bin Wagon w/Gear, Nice $9OO Gehl 170 Cu. Ton Mixer w/Scales, Nice $5,000 NH 54A Bale Thrower, Nice... $6OO Poly Water Tank, 1000 Gal., Like New $3OO Used Weaverline Cart, OK, Rebuilt $2,500 • New Knight Mixer $5,000 • Van Dale 300 Cu. Tow Mixer w/Scales, Nice $9,000 • 85 Ton Punch Press, G00d....5300 • Susp. Cable 5/16 400/ft. • Power Cord $1.25/ft. • NH 3 Row Auger Feed Cornhead • NH 892 Harvester w/New Knives, Shearbar, Elec. Control, Nice $5,500 • New 9” Vinyl Pipe $3/Ft. • Farm Gates Made w/High Tensile Steel Tubing Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. • Lancaster, PA • (717) 299*3721 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-770-3721 rir. y ' [ :: <-. / ■ . 1 i o rom pa nv. iri < - ®'" , .// , .A k. '.!■ WVIII (• , |MNN'SYI VANIA 1/2-11 vi 7 rn\ 3 1 • i no« 2-2 1 su.o S&iKkSe
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