Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1994, Image 1
016192 1299 -> 1 FTpTT q,- f , 9 SSjoersitvS-ARKPA'I6BO2-1302 J.l I H „ I Vol. 39 No. 49 Industry Works Ta Expand Dairy-MAP Program Editor’s Note: A group of dairy industry leaders from farm orga nizations, private industry firms, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, and Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences and Penn State’s Extension Service is cooperating to give one voice to a common goal. This goal is to help dairy farms overcome the grow ing economic pressures that threaten the existence of the dairy industry as we know it in Pennsylvania. To this end, those leaders working with the Dairy-MAP program as one method to help dairy farmers become better managers met at Penn State on Monday. The following report is a summary of the discussions at this meeting. If you have questions about the Dairy- MAP program or this effort to give a united voice to Pennsylvania’s dairy industry, you may call any of the participating industry lead ers, your local county agent’s office, or this editor at (717) 394-3047. If we don’t know the answer to your question, we’ll find someone who does know the answer. UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Representatives from var ious farm organizations and pri vate industry firms are working together with dairy producers and Penn State personnel to expand and strengthen a Penn State Coop erative Extension program called Dairy-MAP (Management and Profitability). This coalition was formed at the First Forum early in June, when virtually all segments of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry formed a partnership with Penn State cooperative Extension and gave voice to a common goal—to increase the profitability of Penn sylvania dairy businesses through enhanced awareness and applica tion of management technologies. The first step toward this goal is to expand Dairy-MAP, a vehicle to provide advanced business educa tion for more of Pennsylvania’s dairy farm managers. At an organizational meeting at University Park on October 10, the group met to begin moving the expansion process from concept Penn State Extension Agents Receive National Awards CASPER, Wyoming Members of Penn State Universi ty’s Cooperative Extension staff are among agents in the United States who received Achievement and Distinguished Service Awards at the recent annual meet ing of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Jeffrey Miztr 604 Per Copy to reality, including formation of an overall advisory council and various committees. The Advisory Council brings together many different view points to ensure a well-balanced representation of ideas and inter ests tp help strengthen the Dairy- MAP Program. The Promotion Committee is faced wkh the challenging task of •showing a diverse dairy industry what Dairy-MAP is, how the pro gram is being offered, and how agribusiness people can help with the expanded program. This com (Turn to Pago A1I9) Fencing Project Volunteers Help Improve Water Quality ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff DONEGAL SPRINGS (Lan caster Co.) Years ago, Tom Moore remembers how you could fish for native brown trout in Donegal Creek, near the one-room schoolhouse owned by the Doneg al Presbyterian Church. Achievement awards went to James Cowden, Warren County Extension Director; and Susan Dunn, Clearfield and Jefferson Counties Extension Agent. Those honored for Distin guished Service were Raymond Kennerknecht, Crawford County Extension Agent; Jeffrey Mizer, Jamas Cowden Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15, 1994 Receiving recognition for their many yeare of eervice to the Polled Herford breed are Joe and Louise Midla, Marianna, left, and Eugene and Delores Stockdale, Dayton. The Genetic Focus Standard of Productivity Polled Hereford Show at KILE was dedi cated to them for their work that started in the 19505. Now grandchildren are showing cattle. See KiLE stories and show results throughout this issue. Those days could come back, he reminded those who attended an open house for visitors to the stream fencing project on the Les ter Hursh dairy farm on Thursday. Work done to install streambank fencing could very well bring back trout fishing in Donegal Creek, given time. Columbia and Montour Counties Extension Agent; and William Shuffstall, Clearfield and Jeffer son Counties Extension Director. The awards program high lighted the annual meeting where over 2,100 Extension agents and guests convened September 25-29 to review their responsibil Susan Dunn About 20 people, including con servation technicians from the loc al district and fish and game com mission representatives in addition to farmers, were on hand to see how streambank fencing was effective in restoring the natural beauty and balance to the creek, while still allowing cattle grazing ities as educators and attend pro fessional improvement work shops. Cowden is responsible for the agriculture, youth and com munity programs in Warren County. He also conducts water quality programs in several north western Pennsylvania counties. A program on ground water protec- William Shuffstall Four Sections near the site. Construction of the project, using the services of the Donegal Fish and Conservation Associa tion and the Lancaster Slreambank Fencing Work Group (of which Moore is coordinator), began on August 13 of this year. Eleven vol- (Turn to Pag* A 29) tion reached over one thousand private well or spring owners, pesticide applicators, and school students. Nearly seventy percent of those attending the awareness programs plan to protect their water supplies now and in the future. (Turn to Pago Al 9) Raymond Kennerkrwcht $21.00 Per Year