A22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1994 All-American Supreme Champion (Continued from Page At) Swiss, New Windsor, Md.; The supreme champion was Fairhill Enhancer Song-ET, with production records to prove she has more than good looks. Accord ing to the catalogue. Song posted a 305-day production 3-7 lactation record of 34,320 poinds of milk on twice-daily milking and had a 3.1 percent fat The big, deep-chested cow looked big among the Holsteins, and seemed to loom over the col ored tweeds during the selection process for supreme. In past years, a spotlight was used to dramatize the entrance of each grand .champion into the cen The All-American breed grand champions are from the left: the grand Jersey Is Pensmlth TJ Mindy Jersey, shown by Spring Valley Farm. Westminster, Md.; the grand Milking Shorthorn Is Klngsdale Lucy, owned by Lucy Syndicate, with CMC Farm, Cornish Flat, N.H.; the grand Ayrshire Is Sonny Acres JJ Bouquet, owned by Doug Evans, of Sunny Acres Farm, Georgetown, N.Y.; the grand Guernsey Is Lit- Winners Named In Joyce Bupp York Co. Correspondent YORK (York Co.)—Five junior exhibitors were selected champion winners in Junior Swine Breeding competition here. Sarah Kitzmiller, New Free dom, took both champion and reserve rosettes with her Berk shire February and March sow entries. Chester White breed hon ors went to Jennifer Flinchbaugh. Matt Trostle, Red Lion, claimed both champion and reserve Hampshire awards, exhibiting March and February sow pigs Spotted Poland honors ter ring of the Large Arena. How ever, the appearance of each grand champion was not diminished by the lack of special lighting. Organ music played while the specifics of the grand champions were read as the animals were introduced to the decorated ring. The judges, except for Richard Keene, of Gilberstville, N.Y., who was the Eastern National Show judge, took what seemed like at least IS minutes to determine a champion and ringside comments supported the opinion that all the grand champions were excellent examples of the respective breeds. The Jersey grand champion was named runner-up to the supreme, and then the Holstein was named. went to Kathleen Jenkins with' a pair of April sow pigs. Top honors were split in breed with the heaviest competition, Yorkshires. Sarah Kitzmiller fin ished in the champion spot with her winning April sow, over the reserve champion February sow exhibited by Jennifer Flinch baugh. In swine exhibitor abilities contests, Jennifer Flinchbaugh earned the champion showman title, with Gerald Shue, Hanover, From the left, state Dairy Princess Natalie Welch presents the supreme champion banner of the All-American Dairy Show to Marlon Andrew, owner of Falrhlll Enhancer Song-ET, while Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Edward Arnold offers cor latlons. tleflelds Fayette Mona Lira, owned by Alison Llttlefied, of Littlefield Farms, Watertown, N.Y.; the grand Brown Swiss is Hawthore Rhythmic Rlki, owned by Charles Chaney, of Garstlyn Swiss, New Windsor, Md.; and the grand Holstein, also the supreme, Falrhill Enhancer Son*ET, owned by Marlon Andre, of Kents Reserve Holsteins, Centreville, Md. Junior Swine Breeding Show named to the reserve champion showman spot. Gerald Shue topped the fitting runoffs to take the champion honor over reserve fitting winner Shanna Daugherty, York. A partial list of winners fol lows: BERKSHIRE January Sow Pig I Sara Kit/miller 2 Sarah Kit/miller 1 Lane Innerst February Sow Pig I Sara Kit/miller. 2 Sarah Kit/ miller. 1 Lone Innerst Mareh Sow Pig 1 Sara Kit/miller 2 Lane Innerst Lane Innerst April Sow Pig 1 Lane Innerst PairofGilts I Sara Kit/miller 2 Lone Innerst Senior Sow Pig 1 Sara Kit/miller, I Lane Innerst Junior Yearling Sow ) Lane Innerst. 2 Sara Kit/millcr. 1 Lane Innerst Champion Sara Kiumitler. February Sow Pig Reserve Champion Sura Kil/millcr. March Sow Pig CHESTER WHITE MoahSowPtg Jennifer Flmthhaugh Champion Sow Pig Jennifer Flmchbaugh HAMPSHIRE February Sow Pig 1 Jennifer Flmchbauuh, 2 MaliTmsile Mareh Sow Pig 1 Matt Trostle. 2 Mat&flflKtle Pair of Gilts MattTrostle Champion Matt Trostle March Sow Pig Reserve Champion Mall Trostle. February Sow Pig # SPOTTED POLAND Apnl Sow Pig I Kathleen Jenkins. 2 Kathleen Jenkins Pair of Gilts Kathleen Jenkins Pair of Gilts Mall Trostle Champion Kathleen Jenkins Reserve Champion Kathleen Jenkms Walk Set KIRKWOOD (Lancaster Co.) The Octoraro Watershed Association will be hosting a fall foliage walk along the west branch of the Octoraro River on Saturday, October 15. Patrick Fasano will be leading the mile and a half interpretive hike. Learn about all the fall colors and see one of the most scenic stretches of the Octoraro. The tour will begin at Ken Shoemak er’s farm on Maple Shade Road in Kirkwood at 9 a.m. and return by 11:30 a.m. Please wear sneakers or hiking shoes. Children must be accom panied by an adult. The program is limited to 25 people, so regis tration is required. There is no fee; however, a donation to the Watershed Asso ciation would be appreciated. To register or get more infor mation, call Patrick Fasano at (717) 529-2607 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or Ken Shoemaker at (717) 529-2467. YORKSHIRE January Sow Pig I Jon Neutzel, 2. James Neutzel February Sow Pig 1 Jennifer Flinchbaugh, 2. Jennifer Flinchbaugh. 1 James Neutzel March Sow Pig 1 Jennifer Flinchbaugh. 2 Sarah Kilzraillcn 1 Sarah KitzrmUcr April Sow Pig I Sarah Kitzmiller, 2. Sarah Kitzimllcr: t James Neutzel Pair of Gills I Sarah Kitzmiller 2 James Neutzel. 1 Jennifer Flmchhuugh Cl ampion Sarah KitzmiUcr. Apnl Sow Pig Reserve Champion Jennifer Flinchbaugh February Sow Pig YORK FAIR JUNIOR MARKET SWINE LIGHTWEIGHT Class I I Nicole Eisenhait, 2 Beth Pamsh. 1 Kathleen Jenkins (Turn to P»ge A 3 9)
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