Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 66
B2Hancasi*r Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 ii Cumberland County 4-H Livestock Sale The 1994 Cumberland County 4-H Roundup and Sale was held at the Shippensburg Fairgrounds recently. The champion market goat, exhibited by Jessica Cecco of Newville, sold for $3OO to PNC Bank, NA. William Leib of Mechanicsbuig sold his reserve champion market goat to Country Butcher Shop for $2OO. The 240-pound champion market hog, exhibited by Jason Simmons of Mechanicsburg, was purchased by Hatfield Packing Company for $2.80 per pound. The reserve champion, a 260-pound animal shown by Beth Hoover of Newville, was pur chased by Schlusser Enterprise, Inc. for $2.80 per pound. The champion pair of market hogs, exhibited by Mark Goodhart of Shippensburg, sold for $0.95 per pound to Orrstown Bank. Kasi Sheaffer of Carlisle sold her 121-pound champion market lamb to Duron Paint Company for $8.50 per pound. The 122-pound You Ask *1 * ? %? , ? ? 0 You Answer This column Is for readers who have questions but don't know whom to ask for the answers. “You Ask You Answer is for non-cooking ques tions. When a reader sends in a question, It will be printed in the paper. Readers who know the answer are asked to respond by mailing the answer, which will then be printed In the paper. Questions and answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask You Answer, Lou Ann Good, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. QUESTION Stanley Siedlecki, Jarrettsville, Md., writes that his woodburning stove emits a strong wood burning smell during humid days and nights. The flue has been cleaned. Is there something that can be done to prevent this odor or condition? QUESTION C. Van Horn, Mt. Pleasant Mills, would like to know what works and is safe to remove yellow and grease stains from old china dishes, especially ironstone. She would like something that makes the dishes white again. QUESTION —E. Otis Dyer, Rehoboth, Mass., would like to know the name of the company in Pennsylvania, the address, and if the company is still in business —the one that makes a farm fence kit consisting of two channel irons and hinges. The farmer supplies the wooden cross piece measuring 2xB-inches and barbwire strands. QUESTION Nancy Cummings, Bolivar, would like to know why celery plants go to seed. She has grown celery all her life and the last two years, some of the plants go to seed instead of developing a nice stalk. QUESTION —M. Carver writes: What a surprise in our gar den when we discovered the local nursery supplied us with cabbage plants instead of brussels sprouts. We would like to know how they are handled while fresh. QUESTION Shirley Baer, New Freedom, would like handmade aluminum made during the late 1930 s and 19405, especially those with designs of animals, flowers, and fowl. QUESTION A Birdsboro reader would like to know how to remove underarm odor from laundered work clothing. Even after several washings, the smell still clings to the clothing. QUESTION/ — A reader would like to know how to remove cloudiness from clear crystal. QUESTION Kenneth Hixon, Warfordsburg, would like the complete address for the Schrader Co. that makes auto motive tire repair accessories. He needs parts for #s23svalve HAPPENINGS reserve champion market lamb, shown by Jaime Fought of Carli sle, went to Hoss’s Steak and Sea House for $3.10 per pound. The champion pair of market lambs, exhibited by Josette Fought of Carlisle, sold for $1.50 per pound to Wenger Meats and Ice. The champion steer was pur chased by Hoss’s Steak and Sea House for $3.70 per pound. The 1,280-pound steer was shown by Bobby Davidson of Shippensburg. Matt Hershey of Shippensburg sold his 1,365-pound reserve champion Steer to Western Siz zlin’ Steak House for $2.10 per pound. Sale averages (without champ ions) were hogs $0.82 per pound, steers $1.05 per pound, lambs $1.91 per pound, and goats $114.05 per head. Eastern Pa. 4-H Livestock Show And Sale The following are the results of the recent Eastern Pennsylvania Livestock Show and Sale held at the Blue Valley Farm Show, Bangor. MARKET STEER Champion Stoar- Ownar/Braadar Champion* 1. Jeffrey Kailor. Bangor; 2. Lori Koehler, Pen Argyl; 3. Jeffrey Kelfer, Bangor. MARKET LAMBS Champion- 1. Jeffrey Kelfer, Bangor. Champion Palre* 1. Jon-Erlck Miller, Bethlehem. Champion Palra- 1. Jon-Enck Miller, Bethlehem County Residents Recognized At 4-H Fair This year’s Montgomery Coun ty 4-H Fair had something for everyone and those who attended were rewarded visually with a var iety of eye-catching exhibits on display - from clothing of original design to home grown vegetables to models and ceramics. Everyone who exhibited received a 4-H Fair ribbon and then there were some who received special recognition for a job well done. In the 4-H clothing and textiles category, the following 4-H’ers received a “Clover Award” for outstanding work: Elizabeth Evans and Sarah Sheeler of Roy ersford, Jennifer Moyer of Harley sville, Kate Semmens of Per kiomenville, Megan Sly of Gil bertsville, Lisa Angell of Limerick, Cayce Bean of Schwenksville, Jennifer Kulp and Jennifer Braun of Lansdale, and Karina Price of Telford. in class honors went to Sarah Sheel er, Karina Price was selected grand champion of all 4-H youth clothing classes. Reservegchamp SEE ONE OF THESE DEALERS FOR A DEMONSTRATION: AOAMSTOWN CARROLL’S EQUIPMENT DEERFIELD AG & EQUIPMENT INC. Routt 235 TURF CENTER, INC Mohnton, PA Daimron, MD Wattontown, PA (naar Adamatown) 301-872-5553 717-531-3557 717-414-4391 BARTRON "s*2' SUPPLY. INC. EQUIPMENT TunMwnnock, PA P* 717-83W011 717-573-2215 CARLYLE & CLUGSTON AG MARTIN, INC. & TURF. INC. Hagtrelown, MD Chambtnburg. PA 301-733-1173 717-283-4103 ■ An all-new three-point suspension system provides unmatched flotation. ■ Redesigned guards and a 5-bar reel help the all-new sicklebar machine cut better - and sue inches wider - than anything in it’s class. ■ Two new rotary disk models feature the all-new, John Deere-built modular cutterbar. It’s stronger than anything else on the market. ■ An exclusive Power-Cushion helps prevent the driveline from bottoming out during tight turns. COOI) DEALS... WDA COOP DEM MORE ion honors went to Jennifer Braun. The following youth received a clover in the open clothing youth category: Alicia Kuehne of Line Lexington, Julie Buckwalter of Royersford, and Ellen Nave of Horsham. Julie also took reserve champion honors and Alicia was the grand champion of open youth clothing. In the adult open clo thing category, clovers were won by Lisa Guerriero of Worcester and Cherie Braun of Lansdale. Lisa also took best in class with her outfit. In the open crafts category, grand champion honors went to Libby Klopp of Telford for her quilt. Other quilters receiving noteworthy recognition were Eva Beagle of Harleysville, reserve champion; Colleen Coll of Per kiomenville, best in class; Evelyn McAdams, best in class; and Bar bara Kratz, Harleysville, clover; and Gwen Traub, Ambler, clovei. In other open classes, Diana Gribling, a 4-H’er from Ambler, won best in class for needlecraft, Betty Ann Bleam of Green Lane won a clover for her braided rug, 4-H’er Scott Newman of Dresher won a clover for his artwork, and Sheila Sykora of Collegeville was awarded best in class for color photography. In other 4-H classes, Mary Erickson of Collegeville earned a NOBODY DOES HAY BETTER [tit ENFIELD EQUIPMENT, INC. Oxford, PA EQUIPMENT INC. GRIEB INC, Whlttford, MO C«ntn Hall, PA 301-452-5252 614-364-1421 OUNKLE I FINCH SERVICES GRIEB INC. HANOVER MC. Mill Hall, PA Hanovar. PA 717-726-3115 717-832-2345 clover for her babysitting project, Ellen Nave of Horsham won grand champion for basketry, and Jim Sherman of Collegeville was reserve champion in the same category. Lisa Drauschak of Potts town received best in class in the Microwave cooking category. In the models department, Scott Newman of Dresher received a best of class. In orienteering, Jason Bucy of Royersford pro vided the best exhibit, earning himself a best in class award. Anna Kettell of Souderton won the same award in 4-H photogra phy. The best 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy projects were exhibited by Mary Erickson of Collegeville and Autumn Hassinger of Green Lane. Aaron Cassebeer of North Wales had the best stamp collection. Woodworking projects were found in abundance. The grand champion ribbon was awarded to Scott Newman of Dresher, while Ellen Nave of Horsham ran a close second as reserve champion. Veg etables were also a sight to see. 4-H winners included Peter Wid dop of Phoenixville, reserve champion, and Lee Anne Singlet ary of Zieglersville, grand champ ion. Open youth classes were led by Emily Christy of Schwenksvil le, who won grand champion and Peter Widdop, who again won reserve champion. A.B.C. GROFF, N Now Holland, N 717-354-4191 QUTSHALL'S IM RO #2 Box m Loyavllla, P« QUTSHALL’S II Carlltlt, PH , 717-249-231) KERMIU KISTLER IK 7166 KlngiHlgh lynnport, M 610-298-2011 m ■