Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 39
Contests for children will slso be featured at the Steam- O-Rama. I Make your investment count: I Increase your wheat yield by Hoffman 89 Average % Advantage Lancaster County Hoffman 89 Average % Advantage A lot of effort and resources go into your growing investment. There’s the labor f o plant, monitor and harvest your crop. The tremen dous mvestment in land and equipment. And the knowledge and expenence you’ve accumu lated over the years. With all that’s tiding on your choice, you’ll want a wheat variety that will produce for you in the field. And none surpass Hoffman 89. Superior Test Weights. In three-year tnals conducted by Penn State and the Univer sity of Maryland, Hoffman 89 registered the top test weight across all locations, m some cases approaching 62 Ib/Bu. In Lancaster County Jkßmut H Hoffman Seeds, Inc , Landisville, PA 17538 Call Toll Roe: 1-800-77*7929 Adding Value to your Seed Investment ' SCCtt © 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc an acre, with Hoffman 89 Penn State Small Grain Trials Three-Year Performance Summary, 1991-1993 Bushel Weight Grain Yield 61.9 Ib/Bu 83 Bu/A 60.2 Ib/Bu 74 Bu/A 3% 12% Bushel Weight Grain Yield 59.8 Ib/Bu 103 Bu/A 56.6 Ib/Bu , 97 Bu/A 6% 6% Steam-O-Rama Plans JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent WINDSOR (York Co.) They’ll be working up a full head of steam in Windsor this week. Steam power takes center stage in southeastern York County as the 37th Annual Steam-O-Rama runs Sept. 29-Oct. 2. The annual salute to the farm power of earlier times is sponsored by the Early American Steam Engine and Equipment Society. Activities and exhibitions scheduled to run through the four-day event rage in speed and power from a slow-engine contest to competitive tractor and horse pulling. Kids can get into the act with pedal tractor pulls, while adults may team-up for the two man crosscut saw competition. If you prefer to watch rather than participate, each day features various demonstrations of the myriad uses of steam power. Corn meal grinding, shingle and exhibitions scheduled to run through the 'ent range in speed and power from a slow test to competitive tractor and horse pulling, let into the act with pedal tractor pulls, while team-up for the two-man crosscut saw compe- YieMLoss (per acre) Test WL Loss (per acre) $27.00 Yield Lost (per acre) Test WL Loss (per acre) $lB.OO $7.76 tnals, its 59.8 Ib/Bu performance produced test weight savings of $7.76. Yield. Superior test weight isn’t the only advantage offered by Hoffman 89. In Centre County, it delivered 83 Bu/A—l2% above the average. So you’d save $27 per acre using Hoffman 89. Averaging the results of both tnals, you’d earn $26.38 more per acre with Hoffman 89. Make sure you get the most out of your investment by planting a proven winner Hoffman 89. Just another way we add value to your seed investment. Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 24,1994-A39 mills, rock crushing, as well as the traditional farm work steam chores such as baling and thresh ing, will be on display. The 37th Steam-O-Rama opens Thursday, Sept. 29, with registration, Flea market setup, and scrapple making, and runs Total Loss (per acre) $27.00 Total Loss (per acre) $25.76 through 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2. Steam-O-Rama showgrounds can be reached from Exit 7 of Interstate 83. Take Route 124 east for 7.5 miles to Manor Road. Turn right on Manor Road for 1.3 miles to the showgrounds. For more information, contact Sue Knaub, 850 Pleasant Avenue, Dallastown, PA, 17313, (717) 244-2912. Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SEPTEMBER SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Mill er Est. Auction, farm equip, antiques, household. Per sonal Property from the old stone home, bam & out buildings of the late Edwin Miller Sr. on Mill Rd„ t mile off Rt. 611 N, between Mar tins Creek & Richmond, Pa. (About 12 miles N. of Eas ton). William L. Doyle, auct SAT SEPT. 24 -10 AM Repossession Sale, approx 175 repro's & off lease vehicles. Keystone Public Auto Exchange Dauphin, Pa. SAT. SEPT. 29 - 5 30PM, Toys & Related Items Located At Shady Grove Community Center, Shady Grove. Pa. Exit #3 Off Inter state 81, Approx. 3 Miles East, Watch For Auction Sign On The Right L Gre gory Crouse, Aucls OCTOBER SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM, Fall Consignment Auction Ot Tractors, Farm Machinery, Tools, Bldg Supplies, Public Auction LIVESTOCK AND MACHINERY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1994 At 10:00 A.M. Located in Mifflin County, turn South off Route 22-522 at McVeytown, Pa, 1/2 mile to Mattawana, Pa, take route 103 South 21/2 miles to farm. 80 HEAD HOLSTEINS AND RED AND WHITES A good working commercial herd, a lot of Ist and 2nd lactation cows, milked in tie stalls, 41 milk cows (10 R.&W.), approx. 1/3 due by end of year, balance in all stages, 2 R.&W. bulls (one service age), 8 heifers due through fall, 9 short bred heifers (2 R.&W.), and 20 breeding age and younger. CATTLE ARE IN GOOD CONDITION. T.B. AND BANGS TESTED. D.H.I. RECORDS AT SALE. HAY AND DAIRY ITEMS A.RM. 9 stall calf hutch, approx. 2,000 bales hay, barn desk, 2 gutter grates, 5 metal gates, cowiift, feed cart, round bale feeder, 45 cow trainers, electric fencers, metal fence posts, 2 Rubbermaid watering tanks, Delmhoist moisture tester, brooms, shovels, some cow medics and dairy supplies. FARM MACHINERY AND TOOLS 1972 I.H. 1610 Cargostar truck w/24 ft. bed (not insp.), Case 870 dsl. tractor w/new radial tires, A.C. no. 170 dsl. tractor 4,000 hrs. w/good rubber, Case 1845 C dsl. skid loader 1,800 hrs. w/construction bucket, N.H. no. 520 double beater spreader w/hyd. gate, I.H. no. 100-3 pt. mower (w/belt), C.T. universal bale spear, J.D. 2-16 in. roll-over plow. Case 14 ft. disk, Roper lawn tractor w/mower, Gandy applicator, 300 gals, fuel tank, pressure washer, 1 h.p. air comp., Brut 300 sandblaster, Lincoln AC-DC 225 amp welder w/long cables, acetylene torch set w/cart, animal traps, wagon load misc. farm items and some car parts. SALE WILL START W/MISC. ITEMS, FOLLOWED BY MACHINERY AND CATTLE AROUND NOON. Terms - CASH OR GOOD CHECK Lunch stand JOHN AND PAUL RUHL 717-899-7929 Mark Click - Auctioneer Lawn & Garden. Located Isennock Auctions, New Park, Pa. Isennock Auct SAT. OCT. 1 -10 AM, Spa cial Auction For Nursery Stock & Landscape Equip ment. Located Barber Hill Rd., Qroveland, 6 Miles South East Of Geneseo, 2 Miles South West Of Cone sus Lake, 30 Miles South Of Rochester Roy Teits worth, Inc Sales Managers & Aucts SAT OCT 1 -10 AM, Auc tion Sale & Flea Market Located The New Force Machinery SAT. OCT. 1 - 3PM, Fairp lay's Antique Tractor & Engine Show. Located Off Sharpsburg Pike (Route 65) Fairplay, Md. From 1-81 Take Route 68 To Route 65 South To Fairplay. Douglas C. May & Other Local Aucts SAT OCT. 1 - 4PM, Tool Auction. Located In Bay view, Md. On Rt 274, 40 Miles South Of Lancaster, 7 Miles South Of Oxford, Pa., 1 Mile Oft I-95 Exit 100. Jim Racine, Auct