Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 24
A24-Lancnter Farming, Saturday, jSaptambar 24, 1994 .Miller, A First-Year Exhibitor, Captures Reading Sheep Championship (Continued from Pago A 23) Nicole Knepp. 3. Theresa Anspacn. Ages 12-14:1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Justin Levan. 3. Wil liam Willitß. Ages 8-11:1. Amanda Miller. 2. Cathy Levan. 3. Jill Nelman. CHAMPION FITTER Stephanie Bowman RESERVE Amanda Millar SHOWMANSHIP Age 1S and Over; 1. Stephanie Bowman. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. Richard Kerper Jr. Ages 12-14; 1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Krystal Anspach. 3. Justin Lavan. Ages 8-11:1. Jill Nelman. 2. Cathy Levan. 3. Amanda Millar. CHAMPION SHOWMAN Kelly Glaser RESERVE Nicole Knepp BREEDS CORRIEDALE Ram Under 1 Year) 1. KaHy Glaser. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. Kelly Glaser. Champion Ram; Kelly Glaser. Reserve: Nicole Knepp. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2; 1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Nicole Knepp. with her Corrledale tall ewe, Dandelion. Fair, Readlni MODEL 1400 WATER WHEEL PLANTER 4 EQUIPMENT MFC. BY RAIN-FLO IRR. SPECIALIZING IN: plastic mulch, drip & overhead irrigation, layflat, pumps, etc RAIN-FLO IRRIGATION 884 Center Church M., East Earl, PA 17519 717-445-6976 RAISED BED MULCH LAYER MODEL 2500 % REDDY HEATERS «Pl©Sl AndLPGas • R 35 35,000 BTU Kerosene.... $159.00 I • R 55 50,000 BTU Kerosene.... $179.00 I We Sell • R7OBT 70,000 BTU Kerosene KcrOSCIIC w/Thermostat $199.00 • RllO 100,000 BTU Kerosene.. $279.00 • Rl5O 150,000 BTU Kerosene.. $349.00 Mf •HD 12LP... 12,000 BTU LPGas $42.00 I •HD 24LP...24,000 BTU LPGas.... $82.00 MII • HAI2IO .. Thermostat Kit $35.00 | ham fwa |m 50 WOODCORNER RD. • LITITZ.PA 17543 SIBMS Phone (717) 738-7350 3. Kelly Glaser. Pair of Yearling Ewes: 1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Nicole Knepp. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year: 1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. Kel ly Glaser. Pair of Lambs; 1. Kelly Glaser. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. Mike Bowman. Champion Ewe; Kelly Glaser. Reserve; Kelly Glaser. DORSET Ram Under 1 Year: 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Bruce Snyder. 3. Stephanie Bowman. Champion Ram; Bruce Snyder. Reserve: Bruce Snyder. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2; 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Stephanie Bowman. 3. Bruce Snyder. Pair of Yearling Ewes; 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Stepha nie Bowman. Ewa Lamb Under 1 Yean 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Stephanie Bowman. 3. Bruce Snyder. Pair of Lambs: Bruce Snyder. 2. Stephanie Bowman. 3. William WlWts. Champion Ewa; Bruce Snyder. Reserve: Bruce Snyder. HAMPSHIRES Ram Under 1 Year: 1. Theresa Anspach. 2. Justin Lavan. Champion Ram; Theresa Ans pach. Reserve; Justin Levan. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2; 1. Theresa Anspach. 2. Jason Red mond. 3. Theresa Anspach. Pair of Yearling Ewes: 1. Theresa Anspach. 2. Jason Red mond. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year: 1. Justin Levan. 2. Justin Levan. Pair of Lambs; 1. Jus tin Levan. Champion Ewe; Theresa Anspach. Reserve: Justin Levan. SHROPSHIRES Ewe 1 Year and Under 2:1. Richard Kerper, Jr. 2. Tom Newpher. 3. Tom Newphdr, Pair of Yearling Ewes; 1. Tom Newpher. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year; 1. Tom Newpher. 2. Tom New pher. 3. Travis Redmond. Pair of Lambs: 1. Tom Newpher. Champion Ewe; Richard Ker per Jr. Reserve: Tom Newpher. SOUTHDOWN Ram Under 1 Year; 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Bruce Snyder. Champion Ram; Bruce Snyder. Reserve: Amanda Mill er. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2; 1. Amanda Mill er. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Lee Qauker. Pair of Yearling Ewes; 1. Amanda Miller. 2. Lee Gauker. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year; 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Bruce Snyder. 3.3. Amanda Miller. Pair of Lambs; 1. Bruce Snyder. 2. Amanda Miller. 3. Lee Gauker. Champion Ewe; Aman da Miller. Reserve; Bruce Snyder. CHEVIOT Ewe 1 Year and Under 2; 1. Cathy Levan. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year; 1. Cathy Levan. Champion Ewe; Cathy Levan. Reserve; Cathy Levan. Ewe 1 Year and Under 2;1. Jill Nelmon. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year; 1. Jill Nelman .Champion Ewe; Jill Nelman. Reserve: Jill Nelman. RAMBOUILLET Ewe 1 Year and Under 2:1. Krystal Anspach. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Yean 1. Krystal Anspach. Champion Ewe; Krystal Anspach. Reserve: Krystal Anspach. ROMNEY Ram Under 1 Year; 1 . Andy Brennan. Cham pon Ram; Andy Brennan. Ewe Lamb Under 1 Year: 1. Andy Brennen. Champion Eew; Andy Brennen. Light Lightweight (60-74 lbs.); 1. Amanda Gauker. 2. Lee Gauker. 3. Derek Redmond. Medium Lightweight (76-82 lbs.); 1. Amanda Gauker. 2. Richard Kerper Jr. 3. Beckl Ker per. Heavy Lightweight (90-93 lbs.): 1. David Newpher. 2. David Newpher. 3. Justin Levan. Champion Lightweight: David Newpher. Reserve; David Newpher. Light Middleweight (94-99 lbs.); 1. David Ans pach. 2. Nicole Knepp. 3. Theresa Anspach. Medium Middle Weight (103-105 lbs.): 1. Cathy Levan. 2. Michael Bowman. 3. Beck! MULCH LIFTER FLAT BED MULCH LAYER MODEL 560 « OXFORD SUPREME CHAMPION RAM Bruoa Snyder SUPREME CHAMPION EWE Amanda Miller MARKET LAMBS MANURE LAGOON PUMPING MADE EASIER Medium Duty Barracuda This Is ths pump for sxtra rough work, will evsn chop up 2x4 wood pieces, open Impeller with heavy duty chopper, pumps up to 700 GPM at 160 PSI All Slurry Pumps Now Have Hydrolic Primers Kifco No Cutting Knives, But Has Open Impeller. Pump Up To 700 GPM at 150 PSI Call Us For Help In Choosing The Right Pump For Your Requirements Manufacturers and Distributors Design and Engineering. ZIMMERMAN IRRIGATION R.D. #3, Box 186, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 (717) 966-9700 Kerper. Heavy Middle Weight (106-1 11 lbs.); 1. Nicole Knepp. 2. Richard Kerper Jr. 3. Michael Bowman. Middle Weight Champion: Cathy Levan. Reserve; Nicole Knepp. Light Heavyweight (114-116 lbs.): 1. Jason Manwlller. 2. Cathy Levan. 3. Stephanie Bow man. Medium Heavyweight (117-122 lbs.); 1. Stephanie Bowman. 2. William Wlllits. 3. Jill Nelman. Heavy Heavyweight (124-133 lbs.): 1. Tom Newpher. 2. William Wlllits. 3. Aman da Miller. GRAND CHAMPION MARKET LAMB Jason Manwlller RESERVE Tom Newpher with her Dorset spring ewe at the Reading Fair. Penn West Promotes Rimmey CURRYVUXE (Blair Co.) Kevin Rimmey, State College, was recently promoted to execu tive marketing officer for the east ern region of Penn West Farm Credit, ACA (Agricultural Credit Association), according to Re- gional Vice President W. Jay Chamberlin. with the most recent as branch manager in the Centre Hall office. His new position will have him working in both the Centre Hall Rimmey’s responsibilities in- and Curryville offices. The eastern region includes Bedford, Blair, Centre. Hunting don. Clearfield, and Cambria counties. Pump your manure to field regardless of field conditions, using traveling gun, stationary gun on aluminum pipe or underground PVC mains. We feature 3 different pumps to suit your particular application. Heavy Duty Extra Heavy Duty 4 hUi #^~T=-r®p Magnum Has Cutting Knives, And Open Impeller Will Chop Up Straw and Debris, Pumps Up TO 800 GPM at 170 PSI MARKET LAMB PAIRS Light Lightweight (145-166 lbs.): 1 ■ Amanda Gauker. 2. Lm Gaukar. 3. Krystal Anspach. Heavy Lightweight (183-186 lbs.); 1. David Newpher. 2. Beckl Kerper. 3. Theresa Ans pach. light Middle Weight (189-186 lbs.): 1. Justin Levan. 2. Richard Kerper. Heavy Middle Weight (200-220 lbs.): 1. Cathv Levan. 2. Mfehael Bowman. 3. Nicole Knepp. Light Heavyweight (220-238 lbs.): 1. Jason Manwlller. 2. Stephanie Bowman. 3. Amanda Miller. Heavy Heavyweight (244-247 lbs.); 1. William Wllllts. 2. Tom Nswpher. GRAND CHAMPION MARKET PAIRS elude identifying prospective cus tomers in the area, assisting in de veloping the marketing plan for the region and representing the Penn West Farm Credit in com munity organizations and agricul tural events. Rimmcy has held various posi tions with Penn West Farm Credit,