Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 198
Page 10—Poultry Notes* Supplement to Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Sept. 24,1994 In addition, studies Into cholesterol metabolism are underway using quai at the new research center at Penn State. Scope Of Poultry (Continued from Pago 5) to find out how we can intercede in this through nutrition or environmental manage ment and genetics. How can we minimize this kind of loss? “Roughly, five percent of losses are due to skeletal decline diseases. They’re almost a way of life. We’d like to reduce that fact. ’’ Other studies include ways to reduce the size of the yolk and the cholesterol in an egg, the role of cholesterol in egg metabolism, ways to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous content of manure through feed manage ment, and a host of others. Month by month, birds arc moving into the buildings set aside for them. Following is a description of the facility by building. Fundamental Research Building This 8,700 square foot building, with a capacity of 1,000 birds, includes a 12-foot by 16-foot environmental chamber which can also be closely controlled and moni tored. This precision monitoring is a factor when checking on certain genetic strains of birds and their growth and health under cer tain types of conditions. (Turn to Pago 11) Heritai Computer Solutions See us at Booth 29 at the I Northeast Poultry Show Host Resort, Lancaster, PA September 28 and 29th, 1994 Providing Optimum Performance Management Services and Quality Computer Software to the Poultry industry 1-800-388-3447 717-838-1685 ■ Depend on the products that deliver! HIRED-HAND Agricultural Heating and Ventilation Systems for Broilers, Breeders, Turkeys, Layers, Pullets & Hogs On Display At Our Booth m Ai m TEMP 12-Stata Automatic This versatile programmable controller lets you design your own system. Auto Ttmp't on-screen program guides you through your options and makes building set-up a breeze Unique Face Pad design gives a complete picture of the 12-slage set-up and displays whether or not each stage Is running _ __ . _ . . . . . rj\ Tlmar Fan Control with outoida nduction by d«y (ramping) fctl raducton Haat/Cooi protaction (kaapa haatars and tans front lighting aach othar) Indapandantfy contols from ona to six haatars Any alaga can ba programmad for haat or cool Up to 6 light cyelw IBS PowerTrak HMBMWNO Automatic Syctem tof Curtain*, Vwit> and Doors ♦n Pennsylvania’s authorized B 3 distributor iMorthaartl Northeast Agri Systems, Inc. Flyway Business Park ■UjUU 139 A West Airport Road IVIMIS Litltz. PA 17543 Ph (717)569-2702 1-800-673-2580 P Vl Moat-uaad functions ara ona-touch control ls7l Capabla of 7 inputs and 14 outputs 0 Displays tamparatura in fahranhaH or caisius Q Daily flock information Q Up to 4 timad faad cyctaa A new standard in Power Units is set with the introduction o( PowtrTiwk]' the second generation of super-strength power pulley systems from rtrad-Hand. Completely redesigned with service in mind, PowerTtak boasts many new performance and durability enhancing features while maintaining the strong points of its popular predecessors, Power Curtain and Power Vent Features Modular instruction tar oaia of aarvica Q 5000 l' pacify 3 Built in Head Bracket with needle beanng pulleys [/I Channel Lock Trek*Drfve system captures load Mock 15 percent increase in load block support surface u lor greater life. 3 New easy-adjust springcem limit switch system yT) New convenient hinged sprlnglock door that Is u eaaHy removed 3 Qreatsr protection from the elements STORE HOURS Mon Fr 7 30 to 4 30 Sot 8 00 to Noon # <g cage layer room for 3,000 hens, laboratory, egg cooler, processing, and storage. Twenty-four turkey growout pens measure 10 square feet each. Leach, right, speaks to tour group members. ss tin TMt wmNv wiioNv ¥fHh makm hou— Mf-up m M«y m A-B-Ct Jtmt Mow fw mmu. COORDINATION 4 Tha MytHrn JOOO I «Sf » Cmtn§* will coordinata all functions of your oparation ft managaa your haatars. fans, toggars and curtains (or doors). Thw systam can carry you from nagatfva varrblation (lans and haatars) to natural vantilatton (curtains opan) to tunnai venti lation automatically WTCORATCD OFOUmON All oparations ara mtagratad into ona control systam You chooaa your typa of ventilation - tonnal cen vantiona) or poaitiva praasura and tha System 2000 will do tha rati S 3 6 Programmable Sieges Q 4 Independent Sensor* Q Light Control for PuTMs Q Home Lighting Control Q Optimum Curteln Adjustment (determined by difference between inside end outside temperature) 188 ThesuperSamXL is a highly eltcmnt drecl-firsd gas or culabng heat* signed for s sion mount houses of a and classes* try and lives! Nvwndttwingi dwtgn givM w cm* to inlimal tiim control powerful Wowi 4§rfl ' Modular control panal and quick dtaconnoct wiring har IjjHHHHMi nn * mak * Wd M'vc* • tnap l a Easy-accaas alaetncaJ corttoi unit |~JI Quick ddcormact wiring hamaa* tor any sarvicrgoid plaladcoriiacliprawartcorToaiori [V] Diagnostic light tor trouWashookng mm j/J Etactronlc hoi aurtaca lnmnt-on igortron 22SOOO6TU UP Of natural gaa a/Wailabto in Stamiaat SM or Oalva Zinc finish 24 Hr 7 Day Repair Service Lancaster, PA September 28-29, 1994 I’OWI H ( I R / \/\ Mtag* Curtain ft VmiUMmi CmM SI PI R S\\ I R \7 AflrfoultiiMl IniMt Mount Hiilir ffof Poultry ond Uwtrtoofc ConfbMvnMit BuHdnii Electronic HSUgnMon iwoiwio* ... MSI IgnMon il Mandard _ JMtapl Jit 'm*'* J P oo *" l * n ■ yj*“ * fa> naatly ar , ssar m* I *** Ja* l -' toraaivicino * and daaiwng Tha hatting chain 1 bar « mada of high tamp clumi ' H nizad IM which providaa tupar «* rutl provtnbon Tha caat iron burner it animal dipped 10 all H| I . minM dual adhaaton and rati r surmin4 ak Mifafta inctaaaat SB|| I combuibonandhMichambarafti / I ciancy toe* for thit important / I faaturainotharhaataraofthiatypa NOW OPEN m FEDERALBBURG, HD. 305 UNIVERSITY AVE. (Formerly Lonf Lumber) STORE HOURS: 7:90 A.IL - 4 Ml Honda? Friday HIRED-HAND Tamparatura raductlon by day (Ramping) 13 Dual Fan Tlmar Control SHandiaa two Powar Units <—i I—*l-. moapanoarroy yl Constantly diapiays houaa conditional [7\ Umt Satactabla Tamparatura- dapandant Timar New duel features user adiuilabla heal suit individual nssds [v] Duct with uaar*ad(uatobto hast daftactor 2 High Tamp alumlnlzad bum chambar and btowar homing 3 ftamoto tharmoalat with piggyback cord sat toraaayinalsKakon Vl i/3 HP toWfy ancloaad tharmaUy protadad motor with aaalad ball baarfnga Manual raaat high lamp limit switch Backup saiaty sail switch Contracts available: ■ Braeder ■ Broiler ■ Layer ■ Turkey ■ Pullet ■ Hog Call 1-800-673-2580 for information on new contracts being offered by local feed and Uvea took companies.