Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 187
• Cbm SC Tractor > Cbm IH SBS • Cbm IH MS • Cbm 995 • Cbm 1370 . Cbm 1690 • IH 574 w/Loader • IH 784 • JD 2950 Tractor • Farmall 300 • Farmall H • Ford 8N • Ml 486 Round Balar . NH 78 Balar • NH 276 Balar • NH 282 Balar ’ mu ?IoK H «B bln * • Ford S-Bottom Plow !NH 848 Round R.l.r * CBBB 16" R... 1 . Haaaton 1014 a * 5 BoMom . Haaaton 1090 Wind- 7'°* rowir * JD 6-18 Flow • Haaaton 1091 Wind- ’ Buah Hog 15 Ft. rower Disk • Haaston 1150 Mowar . Cue 7 Tooth • IH 445 Square Baler Conurtll • IH 1190 Mower Cond. . |H 720, 18” 5-Botlom • (2) Cau Int. 5330 p )ow • IH Field Cultivator ' Mower Conditioner * C "" ,v,,or • Deulz-Allia 10 Ft * Taylor-Way 24' Disc Mower Cushion Disk • Vlcon 321 Disc Mower* Cau 15 Ft Heavy LOADERS Dlu (Nice) • Cau 15358 • JD 4x16 Trip • Cau 163 SC Plow • Cau 1845 Dleul • JO 5x16 Trip • Cau 18458 Dleul Plow • IH 32008 • Ford Loader SPECIAL ON SUNFILM BALE WRAP! Wood Floor Special sssi 4'k REPLACEMENT TRUCK BED B’/. Ix7’/. 'W Wood or Steel Floor Also Available in 4’xß' and S'xB' s’xB’ Starting at $525 s’xlo’ Starting at $570 UTILITY (TILT OR GATE MODEL) SIZES: S'xS', S'xl O' 2000# GVW • s’xlO’, 6'4’’xl2' 3000* GVW UTILITY WITH GATE-SIZES: 16’x76”, 7,000# GVW, 20’x81” 12,000# GVW too Available In Car Haulers 16', 18’ 7,000# GVW FLAT BED: Sizes: 16'*76”, 18’x81” 7000# GVW, self storing 80” long ramps HARVESTING EQUIPMENT Huston 2000-100 Harvsstsr Ml 717 Comblnt Ml 844 N Ml 315 Shsllsr Nl 324 Shsllsr Nl 727 Husking Bsd Nl 323 1-Row Corn pleksr Nl 325 12 Row Husking Bsd TILLAGE NEEDS A HOME!!! Vicon Disc Mower Deutz Allis Disc Mower Stop In And Make A Deal • IH 735 5-Bottom VsH-Wldth Plow MISCELLANEOUS • Kvsrnslsnd Bsls Wrsppsr • NH 36 ft. Elsvstor • Gshl 99 Blowsr • IH 600 Blowsr • IH 56 Blowsr • IH 1250 Grlndsr/Mlxsr • Automatic Rollsr Mill • Nl 213 Sprsadsr • Nl 218 Sprsadsr • HM 1674 Sprsadsr • Gshl 250 Sprsadsr • 500 Gal. Csntury Spraysr • Wsavsrllns 430 • Cass IH 5100 Soybsan Drill • IH 5100 Drill • JO KBB 13x7 Drill • JD 8300 Drill— Soybean Special! • JD 8350 Drill, 21x7 • Ml 3618 Spreader • Ml 3626 Sprudar • Millar Spreader • Gahl 16 Ft Forage Wagon • JD 125 Forage Wagon • JD 216 Forage Wagon • Calumet Spreader • 300 Gallon Sprayer STARTING AT $695.00 Car Dotlle International Farm Equipment 1 & 2 Bottom Plows Discs 4’ - 8’ Blades s’-8’ Box Blades 4’-8' Stone Rakes S’-8’ Post Hole Diggers 1 Row Cultivators Dirt Scoops Boom Poles Rear Carriers Chipper-Mulcher Fertilizer Spreaders Concrete Mixers Field Cultivators Potato Plows Hay Rakes & Tedders Rotary Mowers 3’-ll’ 4’-7 1 /a ’ Finish Mowers Bale Carriers Sickle Mowers Rototillers Truck Beds - SW to 10’ Over 300 Trailers In Stock Starting At $399.00 T-Plates DEALERS WANTED mmm KELLER’S FARM MACHINERY 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 215/536-4046 USED TRACTORS Ford 8210 4x4, cab, air Ford 3910 4x4, Wn4lo Ford loader Ford 8N w/loader Ford 3910 w/Ford 7768 loader Ford 1710 w/Ford 7708 loader Ford 3000 G, PS, w/Snow Plow Ford 555 A, Tractor Loader Backhoe Farmall C w/single front wheel Ford 1210 w/belly mower AC 5020 w/Woods mower Ford 4600 D, w/cab Ford 3408 w/loader, P.S., 3pt. Ford 6610 Series 2, fully equipped Ford 4630 fully equipped, like new Ford 3230 w/300 Mrs. Ford 4000 D, S.U., 8 speed Ford 3910 Series 2,8 Spd. Kubota LI 85 DT. 4x4 Farmall Cub w/Woods Mower JD model 350 manure spreader Ford 309, 2R com planter NH 256 rake w/dolly wheels HIGHWAY HYDRAULIC DUMP 6’xlO', 7,000# ALSO AVAILABLE IN 14' DROP AXLE . 7000# or 12,000# GVW •■ * ! CONSTRUCTION (LOW DECK) 16’*76” 7000# GVW GOOSENECK SIZES: 20 xB' 12,000# or 14,000# GVW, 24'x8' 14,000# QVW DECK-OVER CONSTRUCTION IB'xB’ w/Tail 10,000# GVW Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, IM4-D47 6'xlO’, 10,000# WMfARU EQUIPMENT WANTED Hay pickup head for Gehl CT3OO forage harvester. Schulykill Co. 717-754-7337. WANTED; Loader to Fit a MF6S High Clearance with 38’ Rear Wheels. (717)245-2690, Starting At $3795 w/4’ Ad|. Tail $2,995 FARM EQUIPMENT No Finance Charges A Mo Payments On Equipment Pictured Below To 2-1-951 y 'ICT NH 718 Forage Harvester, IH 510 Grain Drill, 21x7, w/Hay Pickup S 2RW double Disc Openers, $4,500 Grass, Press Wheels, w/Speaa) Financing (Needs New Discs) $2,795 USED TRACTORS Kubota 81550, 17 HP, 4WD Like New JD Model B Cyclone IH 1086, Cab Ford 8N Ford 420 Loader Tractor Magnum 7110, 2WD, 1100 Hours Magnum 7120, MFD, 1350 Hrs. MANURE SPREADERS MF 110, Small PTO Spreader Gehl 315 Scavenger NH 307 Slurry Spreader HAY & FORAGE NH 718 Harvester, 2RW, Hay Pickup Qehl CBBOO Forage Harvester w/7' Hay Pickup. 1000 PTO Gehl TR6BO, 2RW row crop NH #8 Forage Box w/Roof NH 175 Round Bale Unroller, Like New NH 310 Baler w/Motor Mounts NH 315 baler w/thrower NH 273 Baler w/thrower NH 488 Haybine - Good Rolls NH 489 Haybine Nl 456 Baler 5x6 Deutz Allis Baler 5x6 IH 56 Forage Blower IH 600 Forage Blower Hesston 1014 Haybine Eager Beaver 12 Ton Trailer MISCELLANEOUS Nl 310 Corn Picker, 1 Row Nl 323 Com Picker, 1 Row IH 550 Plow, 5 Btm King 12’ Disc Harrow, HD IH 510 Grain Drill 21x7 JD 8350 Grain Drill 18x7 Bush Hog 6' Rotary, Pull Type Com Binder in good work ing order, PTO drive (410)836-2905. cUHsi WANTED; snow blower to fit front PTO of JD 400 gar den tractor. After 4pm, (717)865-7149 Year-A-Round cab for JD 4020 in good condition. (71 7)866-7066 (717)866-5270. JD #2BO front end loader, good I condition I! 203/355-1264 |