Highest Protein Pennsylvania DHIA Herds For August PERRY HOORE R D 2 BOX 71C DOKALD C BALL 200 FLUITVILLE RD JESSE L SPICHER R D 2 BOX 470 EARL R HAFER I SONS 2391 UMERILE RD HIDDERTIEN HOLSTEINS R D 1 BOX 65 GRARDVIEH EARN R D I BOX 308 F BRUCE R HEILINGER RD2 80X344 LYNN WOLF R D 1 Sale Reports MARTIN SALE A Public Auction of real estate and personal property was held Sep tember 17*by Titus and Edna Martin, 367 Mon terey Road, Upper Lea cock Twp., Bird-in- Hand, Lancaster, Pa. There were 196 regis tered bidders at the sale. The three bedroom rancher with a 2 car gar age on a large lot was sold for $128,500. Other prices were: bookcase $2lO, refrigerator $l2O, 3 pc. oak bedroom suite $390, oak bedroom suite $720, oak exten sion table $525, cedar chest $BO and clothes tree $BO. Miller & Siegrist were the auctioneers. STOLTZFUS SALE A Public Auction of cows and machinery was held September IS by Elam R. and Susan na Stoltzfus, 3 miles northwest of White Horse, Lane. Co., Pa. The top 5 cows sold as follows; $1750, $1725, $1475, $1450 and $1375. Other prices included: hay $9B per ton, flat bed wagon $975, liquid spreader (E.S. Stoltzfus) $1750, N.H. 472 haybine $2lOO, N.H. rake $1725, Pequea tedder $1075, N.H. 565 baler $7750, White Horse plow $2BOO, J.D. KBA disc $B5O, harrow $775, 3-row planter $4600, and horses $1975, $l6OO and $l3OO each. Steve Petersheim and Steve Jr. were the auctioneers. WONDERLAND FARMS SALE A Public Auction of buildings and horse equipment was held September 17 by Won derland Farms, north on Rt. 202 to Oakland Road, south of West Chester, Pa. There were 267 registered bidders at the sale. The 160 ft. by 106 foot bam to be moved with 24 box stalls was sold for $22,500. Other prices were: horse jumps $65 each, gates up to $5O each, feed bin $250, Brown clippers $65, 3 speed clippers $95, jumping saddle $BO, Int. 84 hydro tractor $6400, Int. G 454 tractor $5700. Steve and Steve Jr. Petersheim were the auctioneers. DUNMIRE SALE A Public Sale of the (Conllnirad from Pag* D 7) COCHRAIVILLE B 3 24.5 86.0 23846 * 826 755 LEBANON 3 74.6 87.3 23634 840 755 BELLZVIUiE 3 36.8 88.6 23174 893 754 DOOGUSSKLLE B 3 202.3 85.9 23657 802 754 RQBBSONIA 3 76.1 80.8 22928 806 753 HYMDKAN B 3 101.3 89.8 23329 882 753 NENHUfSTOini B 3 16.6 87.5 24446 723 751 ABOTTSTOWC 3 93.2 88.7 23663 754 752 Dunmire Dairy Herd by Joe and Tim Dunmire of McVeytown, Pa. was held September 17th at the Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, Pa. The average of the 100 registered Holstein cows was $1154. The top animal brought $lB5O and several sold between $l5OO and $l7OO. Mark Click was the auctioneer. ROBBINS SALE A Complete Disper sal of a milking herd was held September 13 by Ed and Carol Rob bins on Old State Road, 4 miles off Route 6 in Mainesburg, Pa. The 51 registered and grade Holsteins aver aged $lOOO. The top three cows sold were: $l6OO, $1450 and $1375. Other items were: Case 870 tractor $4050, N.H. 489 haybine $2050 and Ford 250 truck $2900. Wood’s Auction Ser vice managed the sale. CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Sale of guns was held September 17 at the Richfield Sports man Club, 50 miles north of Harrisburg at R.R.I, Richfield, Pa. Some prices received were: Winchester mod el 1894-30 W.C.F. gun $475, Charles Daly 12 gauge double barrel gun $275, Remington 700 Classic 350 magnum gun $475 and Chur chhill 25-06 gun $3OO. Robot L. Leitzel and Tim L. Kline were the auctioneers. KENNEDY SALE A Public Sale of tools was held September 17 by Mrs. Geraldine Ken nedy and the late Donald E. Kennedy, 10 E. Main St., Newville, Pa. There were 230 registered. Some prices were: Int. 1974 pickup w/ dump bed $llOO, Play Cat 413 all terrain vehi cle $2500, Stihl #044 chain saw $550, Stihl #O2B saw $250. Stihl weed eater $225, table saw & accessories $260, Makita planer $5OO, R.V. snowblower $825 and Baker wood stove $5OO. Rick Foreman, Kevin Wickard and Glenn Harry were the auctioneers. BURKHOLDER SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held September 16 by Frank W. and Mabel Z. Burk holder, 515 White Oak Road, New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa. The IVi story brick house with a 1 car gar age with basement horse stall and storage area was sold for $90,500. Kline, Kreider and Good were the auctioneers. GLADES SALE A Public Sale of anti ques was held Septem ber 12 at Glades Auc tion, 3409 Druck Valley BIACKCREST PARKS RICK HOKAK HORSTMLE FARM IRVIN Z BRUBAKER ’SEC NIK FARM GLENN BRUBAKER MATT HILL BAN BOUSE FARH LEE ANN DAIRY FARM Road, York, Pa. Some items sold were: plantation desk $875, oak kitchen cabinet $3BO, dropleaf table $lOO, wooden toy house $2BO, 4 chairs $llO, Pfaltzgraff anniversary crock $ll5, Pennsylvania drivers badges $B5 to $l5O each, Lionel GT L toy engine $525, ZW Lion el transformer $l9O, pie plates $45 each, beer tray $B5, pretzel tray $45, molasses can $35, Bentwood settee $9O, David Bradley tractor with equipment $2OO, toy trucks $25 each, 1942 Williams Grove pin $25 and Santa Claus pin $22. Little IKE Eichelber ger was the auctioneer. WILLIAMS GROVE HISTORICAL STEAM ENGINE SALE A Public Sale of tractors and engines was held September 3 by the Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association at Williams Grove, Pa. The 9th Annual Con signment Sale had 1141 registered bidders at the sale. Some items sold were: A.C. WD4S trac tor $1350, N.H. 30 trac tor $625, Minn. Moline G tractor $5OO, M.F. 130 tractor $ll5O, 2 J.D. A tractors $2200 & $2250, J.D. 50 tractor $2lOO, Sears Handy man tractor $845, A.C. 610 riding mower $4OO, Panzer garden tractor $390, J.D. 1-hole com R D 3 BOX 398 RD 12450 HOLLOS CH RD GSEENCASTLE 102 CREST ROM) LEBAROM BOX 186 R D 7 SOMERSET R 0 1 BOX 187 HGKELSDORF BEUGDDIY DAVIS R 2 TROY R D 4 BOX 173 TOMANDA RD 3 PDEXSOTAWE! shelter $2BO, J.D. 2-hole corn shelter $6OO, N.H. engine cart $l2O, wooden wash machine $425, J.D. step for tractor $65, Her cules gas engine $BOO, J.D. V/i h.p. gas engine $650, J.D. umbrella bracket $65, broom making machine $4OO, J.D. G wrench $7O, old hand-push reel mower $250, steam whistles $7O to $l5O and 2 J.D. bicycles $660. Auctioneers were Little IKE Eichelberger and Dave Connley with Terry Scheib as Sales Manager. HESS SALE A Public Sale of anti ques and furniture was held September 17 by Walter Hess, R.D. 1, Bainbridge, Lane. Co., Pa. on Black Swamp Road. Some prices included: pin ball game $230, Roseville pitcher $l3O, gas lamp $375, coffee grinder $875, big woven basket $750, Roseville vases $9O to $l3O ea., cash register $4OO, red R.S. Prussia sugar bowl $250, 5 pc. glass apple jug set $l4O, tea kettle $250, Railroad lantern $llO, hanging corner cup board $475, oak high chair $425, wagon seat $l3O, woodbox $250, farm table $975, pine wardrobe $6OO, pressed-back high chair $l5O, washstand $240, mortice bench $lB5, high dry sink $1450, jelly cupboard $6OO and cherry desk $675. LIME • Dump Truck Loads • Spreaders Available 92% CCE Calcium Oxide 43% ENP 69 Magnesium Oxide 6% 55% passing 100 mesh 65% passing 60 mesh 98% passing 20 mesh NOW ONLY $ 5 50 Per Ton (Picked Up) JLititz, PA • (717) 626-9760 * CRUSHED STONE & READY-MU' CONCRETE* Registered with PA Department Of Agriculture 3 74.9 88.5 23452 839 751 B 3 70.4 86.0 23237 740 751 3 101,9 87.9 23970 880 751 G 3 63.1 88.3 23936 842 751 3 83.4 91.7 22866 725 750 3 73.8 82.8 23301 805 750 3 60.3 86.6 23085 832 750 G 3 66.2 87.9 23215 804 750 3 22.7 88.6 24463 * 673 750 ALTOOU REBERSBQRG Harold (Abe) Shaf fner and Mark Diffen dcrfcr were the auctioneers. HOCHMUTH FARMS, INC. SALE A Public Sale of trac tors was held September 17 for Hoch muth Farms, Inc., west of Salisbury at Mardela Springs, Maryland. Some prices included; J.D. 4030 tractor w/creeper $7400, J.D. 3020 tractor $6200, Int. Super C tractor $llOO, J.D. 1530 tractor $5lOO, J.D. 4320 tractor $6lOO, J.D. 4230 tractor $7900, Case forklift $6900, Int AV tractor $1550, A.C. Dl7 tractor $l3OO, Int. 574 tractor $3400, J.D. 4108 backhoe $4650 and J.D. forklift #3BO $5OOO. Pete Richardson Auction Sales managed the sale. GRAHAM ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and personal property was held Sep tember 17 for the estate of Francis Graham, 126 Market St., Charles town, Maryland. There were 185 registered bid ders attending the sale. The #1 parcel included an 8 room Cape Cod house on .36 acre lot and it sold for $79,500. The #2 parcel of a 2 story Colonial style building on a .138 acre lot, used as a gen eral store, at 521 Bladen St., Charlestown, Md. sold for $82,500. Other prices were; side-by-side Secretary $1250, Victorian bed room suite $l5OO, oak dressers $250 to $5OO, salt glazed crocks $lOO to $290, advertising tins $lO to $2O ea., Victor ian oval mirror w/ angels $l5O, decoys $5O to $2BO, library table $lOO, early dove tailed blanket chest (damaged) $175 and Victorian double ink well $B5. Williams Auction and Appraisal Service conducted the sale. HOOVER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of real estate and personal property was held Sep tember 17 for the estate of Glenn H. Hoover, 115 Center Square Road. Leola, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 326 rejpstercd bidders at the sale. The 214 story, 3 bed room limestone house with a detached block 2-car garage cm a 1 acre lot was sold to Warren R. Martin of Leola for $177,000. Other prices received were: blanket chest $320, spool cabinet $275, toy car $2lO, oil lamp $lB5, cello $475, violins $lOO to $250 each, 1986 Plymouth Reliant car $3500, Far mall Cub tractor $3400, Sellers kitchen cabinet $7OO, oak hall rack $2lO, Maytag wringer washer $2OO, wicker doll coach $l2O and J.D. tractor mower $9OO. Kline, Kreider and Good were the auctioneers.