Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1994, Image 1

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    0J6192 3 2'vV >
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vol. 39 NO. 46
One of these county dairy princesses will reign as the new Pennsylvania
dairy princess tonight (September 24) as All- American Dairy Show activi
ties begin with the princess pageant. The contestants In the 1994 event are
as follows:
From left, front row, FartirlFNflWier, Beaver-Lawrence; Jennifer Lenhart,
Westmoreland; Melissa Blcksler, Berks; Shannon Semmel, Northampton-
Lehlgh; Jennifer Blair, Butler; Virginia Morningstar, Mercer; Haley Sankey,
Clearfield; Melissa Hosteler, Juniata; Tracy Wagner, Clarlon-Venago.
Middle row, Laura Fitch, Tioga; Stacy Krail. Lebanon; Susan Pardoe. Sul
Pennsylvania All-Amiricari Filled With Shows, Sales
HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.)
The Pennsylvania AII-Afceri
can Dairy Show (PAADS) is one
of the nation’s largest dairy
shows with over 2,2ooFenpy«s.
PAADS always affords Peifijfyl
vania breeders an important
opportunity to compete against
the nation’s best exhibitors and
animals, with $73,735 in
' urns up for grabs this year.
For the third time, all six dairy
breeds are holding their national
shows in conjunction with
PAADS. These shows include the
Eastern National Ayrshire Show,
Eastern National Brown Swiss
Show, National Guernsey Show,
Eastern National Holstein Show,
Mid-Atlantic Jersey Show, and
Eastern National Milking Short
Atlantic Dairy Cooperative
Names Quality Award Winners
Co.) Atlantic Dairy Coopera
tive will present its 1994 Quality
Premium Award to 69 members
who earned the cooperative’s
quality bonus all 12 months of the
1993-1994 fiscal year.
“This award recognizes mem
bers who consistently produce
high quality milk for the coopera
tive,” said Don M. Breiner,
Atlantic’s quality and field ser
vices manager. “We commend
these producers for their commit
ment to quality.”
604 Per Copy
horn Show. Four breed sales and
four national junior shows com
plete the PAADS all-star lineup.
Once again, the State Holstein
Fall Championship Show is being
held in conjunction with the AII-
Co.) Organizers of the Pen
nsylvania All American Dairy
Show (PAADS) have announced
die judges who are to be working
the show rings during this coming
week of dairy shows.
Held in the state Farm Show
Complex in Harrisburg, the
PAADS is one of the hugest dairy
showing events under roof in the
East and features several national
During the past fiscal year,
which ended July 31, Atlantic
paid out $2.3 million in quality
milk bonuses. On average, 46
percent of the cooperative’s
membership earned the extra pay
ments throughout the year.
Begun in 1987, the quality
premium program provides a
financial incentive to members to
produce high quality milk. Mem
bers must meet a series of seven
quality standards set by the coop
erative to obtain the bonus.
The 69 award winners will
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994
American onTpesday, September
27, featuring as many as 250 ani
mals that are also eligible to par
ticipate in the Eastern National
Holstein Show on Thursday.
Many opportunities are on the
PAADS Judges From U.S., Canada
shows, regional shows and the
annual 4-H state show. In addition
to large sales, and special events
and exhibits.
The 1994 Pennsylvania Junior
Dairy Show is to be held Monday,
Sept. 2b. in the Large Arena of the
Farm Show Complex.
The Holstein, Milking Shor
thorn and Brown Swiss shows
receive a plaque during their local
and district meetings this fall and
next spring.
Altantic Dairy Cooperative
represents more than 3,500 dairy
farm families in Pennsylvania,
New York, New Jersey, Dela
ware, Maryland, Virginia and
West Virginia.
A list of winners are as fol
District 1
Samuel W. Morris, Pottslown.
District 2
Stephen H. & Herbert W. Jones, Med
ford. N.J.
(Turn to Pago A2B)
livan; Heather Sleeman, Warren; Monica Goshorn, Huntingdon; Jennifer
Grimes, Pennsylvania Princess who will crown the new princess; Kathryn
Jarrett, Lycoming; Charlene Shupp, Wyomlng*Lackawanna; Kimberly
Orris, Cumberland; Stephanie Goodheart. Armstrong; Larissa Mellott,
Back row, Erin Goss, Mifflin; Kelly Jo Myers, York; Yvonne Remlck, Elk;
Colleen Mowrey, Jefferson; Shannon Hoffman, SUN; Rachel Tanls, Centre;
Denise Heldom, Bedford; Jill Shepegl, Erie; Jamie Rynd, Crawford; Janl
Burke, Bradford; Natalie Walsh, Somerset; Amy Espenshade, Lancaster.
State Jr. Show
Five Sections
agenda for young exhibitors at
the All-American, including the
Invitational Youth Dairy Cattle
Judging Contest, Junior Dairy
Management Contest, 4-H and
FFA Judging Forum, Careers and
begin at 8 a.m.; Guernseys at 9:30
a.m n Jerseys at 10:30 a.m„ and
Ayrshires at noon. More than BSO
animals are entered for this year’s
Judging the Holstein’s will be
Brian Garrison, of Tiffin, Ohio.
Showmanship judge is Thomas
Poultry Notes In This Issue,
Also All-American Highlights
As part of this issue of Lancaster Farming you will find a
special supplement entitled “Poultry Notes.” Along with fea
tures and news of interest to poultry producers, the section
includes messages from advertisers and the schedule and
floor plan of the Northeast Poultry Show in Lancaster this
week, starting on Tuesday.
Also, the All-American Dairy Show activities start in Har
risburg today with the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Pageant.
We have highlights, a schedule of events, and commercial
messages for this national dairy show too.
Printed Early
Because of the street fair in the town of Ephrata where our
offices are located, this issue of Lancaster Farming was
printed a day early (on Thursday). Several late-week markets
and a few late-breaking news stories were not available at
press time. In addition, advertising deadlines were early too.
We appreciate your effort to help us meet these deadlines.
$21.00 Per Yeer
Opportunities' Night ana junior
Dairy Show.
The Pennsylvania Dairy and
Allied Indurtries Association,
Department of Agriculture and
(Turn to Pag* A2B)
Barley, of Elizabethtown. The
Browji Swiss and Jerseys will be
evaluated by Jeff Myers, Westmi
nister, Md., with Irene Benner
Osborne, o r Greencastle, making
the fiowmanship awards.
Fowler Bnmstetter, of Edmon
(Turn to Pag* A 27)