Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 17, 1994, Image 8
AfrLancMter Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 17, 1994 r 1J ■ w 3^ Shine On, Harvest Moon The Harvest Moon, the Full Moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox, falls on September 19 this year, just a few days before the autumnal equinox on the 23rd. It’s called the Harvest Moon because it delivers more moonlight in the early evening than other Full Moons do a traditional aid to harvesters. Usually, the Moon rises later each night, but near the autumnal equinox, because of the relative posi tions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun, the difference in time of moonnse from one day to the next is much less. Since the Full Moon always rises at sunset, it means that for several days in the fall, just when the days are starting to get shorter, our well-lit hours are extend ed by the light of the Full Harvest Moon. if the Moon shows a silver shield, he not afraid to reap your field. ns 3 A tittle vinegar added to dishwater will help cut grease. EARTHWISE Many of our best efforts at making our vehicles “earth friendly” simply aren't good enough Perhaps we need a completely new approach to transportation Here’s one idea from Copenhagen. The city built a 200-mile network of bike paths and started a self-serve program commuters insert a $3 token to release a bike from the rack and they get the token back when they return the bike. For more info, contact: Transportation Alternatives, 92 St Marks PI., New York, NY 10009; 212-475-4600. Full Harvest Moon, September 19. Lemon Apples 8 medium applea, peeled and cored 2 tableapoona butter 1/2 cup brown augar 1 taaapoon gralad lemon peel 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup white wine 1 tableapoon lemon juice Cut apples into thick slices and saut6 in but- (, , JSf y ter until lightly L. —' colored. Sprinkle with brown sugar and lemon peel and pour in water, wine, and lemon juice. Cover and sim mer slowly for 15 to 20 min utes, or until apples are ten der Serve with roast pork or baked ham. MakeaStolaervlnga SLAUGHTER COWS: 128 HEAD, 1.00- HIGHER. UTILITY 43.00- HIGH DRESSING 47.50-49.00; CANNERS 40.00-44.00; SHELLY 40.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG#2 TO 55.00; LOW DRESSING 50.00-52.50. 0* OLD FARMER’S FED STEERS LOW CHOICE HOLS TEINS 1500-1800 LBS. 51.75-53.50. HEIFERS: DAIRY CULLS 47.00-51.00. WEATHER FORECAST VEAL CALVES: 234 HEAD. CHOICE. NONE; CULLS 10.00 LOWER; 85-110 LBS. 52.00-60.00; 50-80 LBS. 45.00-55.00; WEAK/ROUGH 42.00 DOWN. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 5.00 LOWER; #1 90-120 LBS. 105.00- «2 85.00-105.00; 80-85 LBS. 65.00-75.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. STRONG DEMAND! #1 85-120 LBS. 190.00- 65-80 LBS. 125.00-180.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS TO 135.00. Northeast: Rain then clear, turning sunny and warm; cloudy, some showers New England. BUTCHER HOGS: 25, HEAD, 2.00- LOWER. US4I&2 240-250 LBS. TO 34.35; 215-260 LBS. #l&3 33.00- FEW SINGLES 275-31-5 LBS. 39.00-42.75. Southeast: Rainy and cool, thunderstorms Florida; partial clearing and warming. STOCK CATTLE: STEERS FEW HOLSTEINS 500 LBS. TO 59.00. HEIFERS: 300-500 LBS. SMALL Midwest: Cold and rainy; clearing and warming, then cooler, showers. Northwest: Clear and hot, cooling, showers mountains; cold, some snow east. clear and warm coast Southwest: Clear and hot, then cooling; some ram California and mountains; hot southern California. Frederick Livestock Auction Frederick, Md. September 12, 1994 Report Supplied by Auction FEEDER WAGON WITH HEADLOCKS Featuring 24 Zimmerman adjustable headiocks for animals 10 months and older. Coated with Baked On Top Grade Polyester TGIC Powder Mounted on s’x2o’ trough with adjustable tongue FARMCO FEEDER WAGON * 15” implement wheel (6 bolt) * 2 jacks on front corners for added stability PAUL B. ™ 295 Woodcorner Road g Call Or Write For Mon thru Frl UtltZ, PA 17543-9165 9 Additional Information 7to s ' 1 Mile West of Ephrata I And Your Nearest Dealer s«t. 7 to n (717) 738~7365 SI Tttmmmma SMaaararo 9?*aaaina«ie giMMI FRAME TO 62.00; 3 HOLSTEINS 300 LBS. 9100-106.00. BULLS: 500-600 LBS. TO 60.00. DAIRY REPLACEMENTS; 1 MEDIUM FRESH HEIFER AND CALF AT 1090.00. SHEEP: THIN TO 21.00; YEARLINGS 46.0049.00. GOATS: MEDIUM BILLIES 55.0070.00; NANNIES 36.0050.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: BY THE HEAD. I LOT 37 LBS. AT 22.00. SOWS: 10 HEAD. 350-450 LBS. 24.0027.50; 500600 LBS. TO 28.25. HATFIELD QUALITY MEATS WEIGHT AND GRADE PR0GRAM...37.50 PLUS BONUS ON QUALITY HOGS. BUYING STATION IS HELD EVERY TUESDAY AT FOURS STATES. Mercer Livestock Mercer, Pa. Tuesday, September 13, 1994 Report Supplies by Auction CATTLE: 209. STEERS STEADY TO 504 HIGHER; COWS STEADY. STEERS: CHOICE 1000-1400 LBS. 63.0067.25; SELECT 58-63.50; STAN DARD 52-57.50. HOLSTEIN: CHOICE FEW 10801290 LBS. 58.5062.75. HEIFERS: CHOICE 9301055 LBS. 62.75-65.85, Y4-Y5 54.85-59.00; STAN DARD FEW 52.00. gliirail ZIMMERMAN, INC. CuWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 42-46.50. Y 4 & YS, 37.5040.00; CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 404*85, ONE @ 48.75; CAN NER & LOW CUTTER 37.25-40.85; SHELLS DOWN TO 35.00. BULLS: YIELD GRADE I FEW 1070-1595 LBS. 52.75-58.25; YIELD GRADE 2 1010-2190 LBS. 44.00-51.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS ONE LI 320 @ 69.00, ONE Ml 285 @ 64.00, HEIFERS ONE LI 330@ 69.00, FEW Ml 240-485 50.00-58.00; BULLS FEW Ml 200460 59.00-62.00. CALVES: 117. STANDARD & GOOD 70-105 LBS. 50.00-60.00, UTILITY 60-85 LBS. 20.00-40.00. FARM CALVES; NO. 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-115 LBS. 112.50-126.00; NO. 2 HOLSTEIN BULLS 85-120 LBS. 80.00- NO. 1 HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS FEW 90-100 LBS. 165.00-175.00; NO. 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS FEW 70-110 L 85.70.00-130.00; BEEF CROSS BULLS & HEIFERS FEW 80-120 LBS. 80.00- HOGS 103: BARROW AND GILTS STEADY TO $1.25 LOWER. US 1-2 220-260 LBS. 34.50-35.90, ONE LOT 36.25, US 1-3 230-270 LBS. 33.50-34.25. SOWS: 1-3 ONE 350 LBS. 29,00,2-3 ONE 235 LBS. 20 MEDIUM. BOARS: ONE 410 LBS. 19.00. SHEEP; 2. EUScoular C»Q , M*P*A*N*Y GRAIN DIVISION BUYING AND SELLING SOFT RED AND WHITE WHEAT Picked Up and Delivered Bids Available Prices Quoted for Spot or Future Delivery Prompt Payment ASK FOR BILL KRUEGER (800) 487-1474 WE WANT TO BUY YOUR WHEAT 'i ■WJ I ' 4'** i ,f FEATURES: ZIMMERMAN HEADLOCKS * Spring loaded neck bar for easy removal and adjustment * Individual lock on each yoke for retaining individual animals