Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1994, Image 42

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A42-Uncwt»r Fanning, Saturday, SafMambar 10,1994
Cooperative Leaders
(Continued from Pago ASS)
Cliff and Fay Berger, Southeast
Region; Mike and Dome Blue.
Western Region; Dennis and
Joanne Weaver, Northern Region;
and Rob and Jenny Gabel. South
Central Region.
Conference participants and
their cooperative sponsors are as
follows. From the Southeast reg
ion of the state, those attending
were: Earnest and Linda Gelsinger
from Robesonia, sponsored by
Atlantic Breeders Cooperative;
Stephen and Darleen Burkholder
of Alburtis, sponsored by Key
stone Farm Credit; Bradley and
Sandra Hershey of Smyrna, DE,
sponsored by Keystone Farm Cre
dit; Reed and Dianne Hoover of
Lebanon, sponsored by Pennsyl
vania D.H.1.A.; and DJ. Duncan
and Loretta Rothermel of Robeso
nia, sponsored by the Southeast
Region Board.
From the Western region those
that attended included: Bob and
Jennifer Baughman from Town
ville, sponsored by Atlantic
Breeders Cooperative; James and
Linda Erickson of Harborcreek,
sponsored by National Grape
Cooperative: Bill Hoffer and Amy
Lloyd of Acme, sponsored by
Milk Marketing. Inc.; and spon
sored by Penn West Farm Credit
were, John and Wendy Cooper
from Fombell, and Richard and
Sandra Byham of Saegertown.
Attending from the Northern
region of the state were: Steve and
Sue Neff from Trout Run, spon
sored by Atlantic Dairy; Tim and
Denise Wetzel of Middleburg,
sponsored by Sire Power, Inc.;
and Art and Kelly Wolfe of
Springville, sponsored by Eastern
Milk Producers.
In attendance representing the
South Central region of the state
were: Daryl and Brenda Crider
from Saint Thomas, sponsored by
Atlantic Breeders Cooperative;
Mark and Lois Yoder of Imler,
sponsored by Maryland and Virgi
nia Milk Producers; Dwight and
Susan Dotterer of Woodsboro,
MD, sponsored by Agway, Inc.;
Terry Stump of York, sponsored
by Dairymen, Inc.; Dale and Jen
nie Brown of Gettysburg, spon
sored by Atlantic Dairy; Jason and
Kathy Jones of Carlisle, spon
sored by Cumberland-Petty Co
op Council; Robert and Debra
Hartung of Mercersburg, spon
sored by York Farm Credit; and
fßDNavdsrll auto load round bale
nTTTP Stir* Things Up!
wmJJht P-300 Liquid Manure Pump
n* MMt
Oa Tk«
Powerful Auger Various lengths
That Brings Even available on a -
The Biggest wheel or 4-wheel
Solids Thru The frame and 3-
Shreddlng point hitch on a
Impeller tractor
Leon Sollenberger of Everett,
sponsored by Dairy lea, Inc.
Recognizing and developing
leadership skills is one of the pur
poses of the conference. A special
opportunity is offered to four par
ticipating couples to return as part
of a leadership team that plans the
conference for the following year.
Those selected as region leaders
for the 1995 conference were:
Bradley and Sandra Hershey rep
resenting the Southeast region;
Bob and Jennifer Baughman rep
resenting the Western region; rcp-
i Wr* 1 !® ad ® rco i u P lea are from left, front, Jennifer Baughman. Sue Neff,
!^ ra . HBreh ®y- ® ack row ' Mike Blue, Bob Baughman, Steve Neff,
Mane Yoder, Brad Hershey, and Dorrie Blue.
On P-6800 Round Bale Handler and P-6200 Silatube
Ordered During Sept. & Oct., 1994 and Delivered During 1994
Designed to answer today’s
need and built to last.
“Only The Best Will Stand
The Test Of Time”
•tin PiU
For Further Information, Contact Your Nearest Dealer Or
m r l l r?p s o: :
fti 'v * * I
nTTTa The Leader In
v 11 " The field
WIC liquid Manure Spreader
15 Tears of Experience In
Manure Management
• Even spreading * Quick-lock
and great impeller door)
stability! * Standard frame
• From 1950 to or 2 steering
6000 gallons) on the
resenting the Northern region will
be Steve and Sue Neff; and Mark
and Lois Yoder representing the
South Central region. Mike and
Dome Blue were selected to serve
as the 1995 conference chair
Crystal Smithmyer, Executive
Director of PCC says, “We are
consistently encouraged by the
quality and enthusiasm of our
young fanner participants. These
producers are committed to their
families and their farm, and are
eager to invest time and energy
into creating a secure and produc
tive operation.”
P-6200 Self-operating silage bale tubing
machine SilaTube with 48” to 58”
hydraulically adjustable drum. B/S 9
HP gas engine, complete with pump
and control valves. Front wheels (2)
8.5x8 and rear wheels (2) 5.9x15.
Integrated oil reservoir. N.B. Requires
no preparation.
PRONOVOST □ Manual silaga faadar
□ Dumping trallar 11/2 ton. 5 ° M* nu «! batod hay wagon
ton. 8 ton. 12 ton □ Manual grain feeder
□ Forage Box-12 ton QSanHtort
□ Autoload round batohandtor □ Control feed wagon
□ Round Data rack aßoHarmlll
□ Wagon 10ton4wheals, 12 2Sfl™'"J?_ ...
ton 6 wheel*, 12 ton 4 □ Electronic Control lor roller
whMlt mill
□ Hay rack for round bate* • Electronic Control for hammer
mounted on 12 ton dump _ JJ* 1 _ . . _
traitor (optional) □ Computerized »y«em WIC
□ Rotary cutter
□ Rolling harrowa O Grain auger*
□ Concrete mixer 2 S on '? yor
ufir □ Hay dryer
j □ Bam ventilator
□ UquU manure apreader □ Bam broom
□ Baddtog chopper □ Etoctronlc awing gate
□ Strawberry mulcfwr □ Motora • gaa
° F. hop ?* rb t? w,r □ Motora-electric
□ Motorized Silage feeder riTUPD
□ Motorized grain feeder ylnen
□ Motorized round bale feeder °
□ Motorized batod hay wagon ° ■■ ■
| Nam*
PCC is a statewide association
of cooperative businesses owned
and controlled by farmers and rur
al Pennsylvanians. Its member
ship includes major marketing and
farm supply cooperatives, the
Farm Credit Associations of Penn
sylvania as well as rural electric
cooperatives. Organized in 1933,
PCC is the voice for agricultural
and rural cooperatives operating
in Pennsylvania. For more infor
mation contact the PCC office,
Cricket Field Plaza, Building 2,
Suite 104, 600 Chestnut Avenue,
Altoona, 16601.