Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1994, Image 21

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    LEWISBURO (Union Co.)
The thirty-ninth annual Central
District FFA Dairy Show was held
at the Union County West End
Fairgrounds recently. Dale Olver
of the Pennsylvania Stale Univer
sity dairy extension served as the
type judge for the event
This year’s grand champion
Holstein and owner-bred animal
was a junior 3-year-old Holstein
owned by Douglas Boop of Mill
mont. The Mifflinburg FFA mem
Grand and reserve champion Ayrshire, owned by Daniel
Rishel, from left. Jennifer Rlshel and Daniel Rishel, Mlfflln
burg FFA Chapter.
♦ Combined Penn State
Commercial New Entries
Invest your resources wisely, with vaneties
that have a proven record of performance m the
field. Hoffman’s strong line of Funk’s G* brand
hybnds offers you significant improvements in
yields and standability.
Early Maturity. A 98-day hybrid, 4273
delivers outstanding standability and drydown,
and outperformed die mean by 3.5%.
Madhim Maturity. 4394 produced a
whoppmg 12.3% more than the average,
Central District Dairy Show Held
ber’s animal was sited by Mcl-
Delin Boutonniere. The reserve
champion Holstein was owned by
Geoffrey Frcdd of the Penns Val
ley FFA Chapter. The Centre
County youth’s 4-year-old ; dry
cow. was sired by Hanoverhill
Starbuck. The Holstein junior
champion was owned by Mark
Hough of the Penns Valley FFA.
The Rebersburg youth’s wither
yearling was sired by Carnation
Counselor-ET. The reserve junior
your com yields
by 7% or more
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Adding Value to your Seed Investment
© 1994 Hoffman Seeds, Inc Bnra
champion Holstein was owned by
Krista Byers of Millertown. Her
Holstein winter calf was sired by
Southwind Bell Of Bar-Lee.
The grand champion and re
serve grand champion of the Jer
sey Show were both owned by
Lynne Rearick of Millheim. The
grand champion and best owner
bred animal was a junior 2-year
old sired by Schultz Performing
Legend and the reserve champion
was a 7-year-old Jersey sired by
Four Springs High C-ET. The
junior Jersey champion was own
ed by Rebecca Dietrich of Mifflin
burg. The reserve junior champion
was owned by Doug Boop of Mill
mont. Both Mifflinburg FFA
member animals were sired by
Meadow Lawn J Imperial
(Turn to Pag* A2B)
12th Annual Dairy Tow * Fab. 3-Uaich 2,1985
Dairy Farming * Intensive Grazing * Research *
Farm Stay* * Scanery * Vacation
Faa $4298 MPLB/DB. $4OBB LA
Tax deductible for qualifying farmers
Dnivaraity of Hinneaota Extension Sendee
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while combining outstanding standabihty,
drydown and drought tolerance.
Rill Suuuon Maturity. 4584 delivers
exceptional grain quality and a 5.4% yield
advantage over the mean. It provides excellent
standabihty and early vigor, as well as disease
So devote your resources wisely by choosing a
field proven Funk’s G® brand hybrid. Contact a
Hoffman sales representative for help in choosing
the right variety for your operation
lAncssfr Farming, Saturday, September 10. 1994-A2l
Floyd Buffington, grand champion Guernsey, Upper
Dauphin FFA, left and Scott Womer, reserve champion,
Mlddleburg FFA.
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Used Knight 2250 Mixer Feeder
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