E3B-Uwc«»nr Farming, Saturday, Saptembar 10, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M, of each week’s publication FRI NOV 25 - 7PM, Spe- ryville, Pa. Located Take cial Feeder. Located New Rt. 222 So. Of Quarryville Holland Sales Stables Inc., App, 4 Mi. To Property On 101 W. Fulton St.. New Right. Terms By, Evelyn A. Holland, Pa. Norman Or Haddon Estate. Kreider, David Kolb, Aucts. Kline & Good Aucts. SAT. NOV. 26 - 9AM, Real Estate, Antiques, Personal Property. Located 1266 Robert Fulton Hwy., Quar- | AUCTIOWEEB’S j NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week’s pub lication. hFRX* D 3 VfAUOP HORNING ~ Farm Agency, Inc. Courteous Real Estate Services Professional Auctioneers State Certified Appraisers Specializing in Farms and Land Alvin Homing, Broker Route 23, Morgantown, PA (610) 286-5183 REAL ESTATE • FARMS & RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY ANTIQUES FARM STOCK SALES LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER-REALTOR AUCTIONEER 717-733-1006 717-786-3304 ROY E. GOOD, JR. AUCTIONEER I 215-445-4309 I c—Action glennsTjramel LT Auction M m co- inc. Farm Equip., Dairy Dispersal Real Estate, Business Liquidations Household Goods, Construction Equip. Certified Personal Property Appraisals (610) 873- 0901 Office Auctioneer: SI Jr Petersheim: JL. COMPLETE" * # AUCTION SERVICE Antiques Household Goods Farm Equipment Real Estate 215-593-2828 SAT NOV. 26-9AMFaim Equip, Household Goods & Antiques, Rt. 23 between Morgantown and Chur nhtown. By Henry & Barba- C.W. SHIRK Licensed & Bonded Professional Auction Service * Daily Dispersals * Real Estate * Farm Equip. & HH Goods Ephrata, PA 717-656-8793 ra Stoltzfus. Horning Farm Agency, Inc. WED. NOV. 30 - 7;45PM Feeder Cattle Sale, Four States Livestock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. DECEMBER SAT., DEC. 3 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sals On The Left. From Rf. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. WED. DEC. 7 -6.30 PM SAT. DEC. 10 IPM Arnold Winross Trucks & Toys. Hog Production sale, Leba- A&C Oiffenbach Auction non Area Fairgrounds, ®John D. Stauffer 1484 Mountain Road, Manhelm, PA 17545 Fulltime Courteous Professional Auction Service Since 1976 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques Personal Property • Livestock Phone 717-665-5099 NlmllMl / AUCTIONEERING | Martm auction SERVICE ) ) I Aaron E. Martin Richard L Stauffer (717) 738-4168 (717J73M296 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques • Household Goods It doesn't cost to nse our Auction Service...lt Pays. CALL TODAY!! NEW SALE TIMES! Located 8 Miles East Of Lisbon, Ohio Or One Mile West Of Rogers, Ohio On St. Rt. 154. FRIDAYS Produce, Egg, Miscellaneous Auction Starts At 6 P.M. Poultry Auctions Start At 6 P.M. Doors Open At 7:30 A.M. To Accept Consignments Open Air Market All Day And Evening Doors Open At 7:30 A.M. To Rent Market Spaces. Over 2.5 Miles Of Outside Concessionaries And 30,000 Sq. Ft. Under Roof. » WEDNESDAYS M Farm Machinery * Auction* W The IST WEDNESDAY EVENING OF EACH MONTH at 3 P.M. sharp. We are open the preceding Tuesday of each sale day to check in consignments from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Handling farm machinery, lawn and garden equipment, tools, fire wood, cut lumber and related miscellaneous items. Five auctioneers operating simultaneously. Hay And Straw Grain jßj EVERY WEDNESDAY selling truck y£ load lots by the bale or ton s starting' at 1 P.M. Barn Opens at 8 A.M. to Consign Jim and Ken Baer Auctioneers and Managers Phone (216) 227*3233 or (216) 227*3236 "Sales Every Week Since 1955 " Inc, 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. DEC. 9 - 9AM Farm Equipment, Tractors & Supplies. A&C Oiffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W. Jack son St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. DEC. 9 - I;3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. SAT. DEC. 10 - Farm implements, dairy equip, household goods, personal prop, Loc. I’/t mi. E. of Blue Ball in East Earl Twp. Lane. Co., Pa. Follow Rt. 32 E. From Blue Ball to 897 S. at first crossroad (Sheep Hill Rd.) turn L. farm on R. Terms: Ivan S. & Ruth Zim merman. Leroy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst, aucts. •i Lebanon, Pa. Harry H Bachman, aucts. WED. DEC. 21 & THURS. DEC. 23 - Large Two Day Sate Of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion Along Fite. 914, ’/. East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria Oaks. Marion Auction Service. FRI. DEC. 23 - I:3OPM, (Due To Christmas). State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP LIVESTOCK Also Crippled A Down Cattle MARLINS. IRWIN Quarryvllle, PA PH: 717-786-3016 Dairy and Livestock Sales mmrn annual fall vSt HEIFER SALE 800 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEINS 800 FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23,1994 10:00 AM (DST) At Shady Lane Dairy Sales Inc., 1/4 mile west of Quarryville, Pa. off Rt. 372 onto Oak Bottom Road. 550 SPRINGERS • ISO OPEN • 100 SMALL HEIFERS Sal* order - Small Haifara, Open, Freeh Heifers at 1:00 pm Bulla then Large Springing Heifers. Buyers: Each animal sold individually. All new buyers must have a Bank Letter of Credit. All animals must be paid in full sale day. Interstate health papers written day of sale. Consignors: No auction heifers accepted. Health charts and pregnancy exams must accompany heifers. Receiving heifers beginning 8:00 am until 4:00 pm on Sept. 21 and Sept. 22. No animals accepted sale day. This /* the ss/e Maf set* the heifer market. Plan to attend on September 23. Cell now to reserve a spot for your animate, thle will be a limited sale. Sale Managed by: Shady Lane Dairy Sales Inc, 23 Shady Lane P.O. Box 673 Quarryville, Pa. 17566-0673 Glenn D. Fite David L. Fite 717 786-2750 Fax 717 786-3250 717 786-1725 “ Six Generation* of Sales and Service “ _ Located At Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-61. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. JANUARY SAT., JAN 7 - (Blizzard Date Tues. Jan 10) Camp bell (Steuben Co.) New York. Ted and Mike Cleve land Farm Complete Dis persal 160 Holstein and Jersey and All Machinery! Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. PIGS STATE GRADED SALE FRI., SEPT. 16 mm 11:30 AH mm LIVESTOCK AUCTION Phone (410) 040-0820 Starting Oct. 7th Sale will be monthly on Ist Friday only
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