Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1994, Image 197
FEEDER CATTLE SALE Teds. Ere., Sept. 14,7:45 pjo. Four States livestock Sales Hagerstown, Md. Phone 301-733-8120 Canadian Holsteins We sell complete herds (Reg. or Grade) privately or by auction. Check with us as to what we have available and for sale dates at our arena. Bmbacher Sales Ltd. R.R. #7, Guelph, Ontario, NIH 6J4 (519)822-3147 (519) 824-0796 or (519) 654-7833 CONSIGNMENT SALE OF FEEDER PIGS & FEEDER CATTLE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1994 at 6:30 P.M. Sharp Held at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc., Rt. 522,3 miles east of Mid dleburg, PA., 5 miles west of Selins grove, PA. Early consignments accepted Bring a load - buy a load For information call 717-837-2222, or 717-523-0360 MM WIf Owners, DON & WALT KEISTER Auctioneers: Bryan Imes & Ray Long Restaurant Open LAST COMPLETE DISPERSAL holsteins TUESDAY. SEPT. 13, * 10:30 A.M. CATLETT, VA. CALL A HIGH QUALITY HERD! 78% GRADE, 25% REGISTERED! FREESTALL & PAR LOR TRAINED! 140 COWS! 60 BRED HEIFERS! 68 YEARLINGS & CALVES! Herd Average 2X 19,484 Milk 3.4% 672 Fat 3.2% 646 Protein - Not Using BST. Many Sell Bred Back For Fall! Herd Is Averaging 60 Lbs/Day! Low Somatic Cell Count! This Herd Has Never Been Pushed - They Are Bred To Milk! "THEY ARE SIRED BY A BRED TO. THE FINEST SIRES IN THE BREED** SIRES INCLUDE: Blackstar! Bell Rex! Levi! Mascot! Elusive! Leadtnan! Cleitus! Southwind! Benchmark! Oscar! Ares! Choice! SERVICE SIRES: Include Nick! Elton! Mountain! Merrill! Jacob-Red! **A SUPER SET OF HEIFERS ** ■"♦ Records To 35,000 Lbs! You Will Be Impressed!** "THE HERD IS IN EXCELLENT HEALTH! ALL CATTLE WILL BE TESTED FOR IMMEDIATE INTERSTATE SHIPMENT. PREGNANCY EXAMINED AND INOCU LATED AGAINST SHIPPING FEVER! You Can Buy With Confidence!! Motels: Comfort Inn, Warrenton 703-349-8900 TERMS OP SALE: CASH OR GOOD CHECK WITH POSITIVE ID. NOTHING REMOVED UNTIL SETTLED FOR. DIRECTIONS: BETWEEN WARRENTON, CULPEPER & FREDERICKSBURG. FROM THE LIGHT ON RT. 28 IN CATLETT, TURN NORTH ONTO 567. GO 2.3 MILES & MAKE LEFT & LEFT AGAIN & FARM IS ON RIGHT. AL-B-EM HOLSTEINS ••Sale Held Under Tent * Lunch Available** SALE MANAGER/CATALOGS The 1 TT» h H-W attle Exchange Dave Rama RD 2 Box 79 Delhi NY 13753 Ph- 607/746-2226 Fax: 607/7<6-2911 AU-OOUtl-L Dairy and Livestock Sales Green Dragon Livestock Sales jpJfm Located 1 Ml. N. On North State St., Ephrata glw v * Sale Every Friday 11:00 A.M. Beef 7:00 P.M. Small Animal Sale 200-300 Stocker & Feeders Every Friday. Regular Shippers Of Northern Cattle Walter H. Risser, Prop. Home 717-838-4318 Office 717-733-2444 MEL’S STABLE WORK HORSE, MULE ft DRIVING HORSE SALE HOMES HITCHED AT 1:30 A.M. SHAHS SALE HELD AT 034 WALLACE HD, NEW HOLLAND, M DIRECTIONS: FROM RT. 23 M NEW HOLLAND, 00 SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE„ OO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HAL RD. TURN LEFT ON HAL RD. PROCEED U MAES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF MTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD 2.5 MAES TO HAL RD., MONT ON HAL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. APPROX. SB HEAD OF STANDARDS RED HORSES 1 Load TtopStandardbradHoraaa lor Jaroma Wannar. 1 Load Driving Horaaa For Elam StoHzhia 1 Load Driving Horaaa For Jacob Zook 1 Load Siandardbtad Horaaa From Canada 1 Load Horaaa For Mai Hoover S Head Tap Slandardbrad Horaaa out of Ohio eonaignad by Slava StoHzfua, HatvlDa Road. PLUS MANY MORE HAND PICKED TOP QUALITY HORSESII DON'T MMS THIS SALEIII IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A HORSE, COMB AND FMD THAT SPECIAL HORSE. Coma and drive than youraaff. bam open on Fit. Sept IS fram 0:00 A.M. HI daik. MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVE* PHONE • BOMB - 717-SB4-BSO7 BARN ■ 717-SB4-MSI AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOOSIIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE TOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISES NEXT HORSE SALE SAT. OCT 22 OWNER: ALVIN C. BRENNEMAN 703-788-4046 OR 4318 c o N 265 SAT. NOV. 19 - Farm machinery. Located: From Schaefferstown, Route 501 N. to Country House Restaurant turn right onto Elco Road to 2nd cross road, turn left onto Royers Road to first farm on left. Jackson Twp., Leb. Co. Terms by: Reuben O. and Minnie H. Martin. Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts. SAT. NOV. 19 - Ervin Horst, Along Rt. 897, 114 miles SE Of Blue Ball, Anti ques, tractors and engines, mechanical tools. Nevin Martin & Sons, aucts. SAT. NOV. 19 - 9AM, Household Goods, Anti ques, Tools, Farm Equip ment & Riding Mowers. Located Turn Off Rt. 23 In Leola On 772 East 1 Mile To Sale At 178 Newport Rd„ Upper Leacock Twp., Special Advertising Deadline For September 24 Issue Because of the street fair in the town of Ephrata where Lancaster Farming is pub lished, Public Sale advertisements for the Sep tember 24 issue will need to be into our office by noon on Monday, Sept. 19, We appreciate your effort to help us meet these deadlines. PUBLIC SALE 225 FEEDER STEERS SAT., OCTOBER 1,1994 10:00 A.M. Sale held on Alvin Wenger’s Farm, located next to Hall’s Church, near McKees. Seven miles North of Liverpool or four miles South of Port Trevorton, Snyder Co., PA, Watch for sale signs on Rt. 11 & 15 at McKees and on Rt. 104, Meiserville. This good selection of cattle consists of majority Blades, Black White Face and Charlois. A few Reds. Approx, twenty-five head of Holsteins. Weights will range from calves to heavy yearlings. Cattle are vaccinated with three way and ten way vaccine, wormed, dehorned, castrated and acclimated ready for your feedlot. NOTE: Holsteins will be sold first. TERMS: All cattle must be paid day of sale. Out of state buyers must have current bank credit. Terms By: Alvin M. Wenger R .4). 1, Box 292 Port Trevortcft, PA 17864 Auctioneers Nevin Martin And Sons AU-1078-L Lunch Served Not Responsible For Accidents To Be Held at Smoketown Quality Dairy Sales Friday, Sept. 16, 1994 8 p.m. D.S.T. Complete Holstein Milking Herd Dispersal Good uddered young herd. Average 54 lbs. with a 3.9 test. 7 fresh with in the last 6 weeks. 7 due now to late fall. Cows milking 70 to 90 lbs. per day. 3 Guernseys milking 70 lbs. and 1 Red & White Holstein just fresh. Others in all stages of lactation. This herd was never overfed for high pro- V“ hecked fr ■V' fr~ V.G.D. Uiwstw Firming, Srturday, September 10, IM4-E37 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of cadi week’s publication Lane. Co. Pa. Terms By, John Jacob & Rebecca Oberholtzer. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Aucts. SAT., NOV. 19 -10 AM, Mel's Stable Selected Con signment Horse Sale. Located At 834 Wallace Rd , New Holland, Pa. From Rt. 23 in New Hol land, Go South On Brim mer Ave. Go 2 Miles South On New Holland Road To Hill Rd. Turn Left On Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 Miles To Sale On The Lett. From Rt. 340 East Of Intercourse Take New Holland Rt. 2.5 Miles to Hill Rd., Right On Hill Rd. to Sale On Left. Mel Hoover, Auctioneer. SHORT NOTICE SALE Marlen Dairy Farm TUES. NOV. 22 - 9AM Quilt, Craft & Buggies. A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W. Jackson St. New Hol land, Pa. TUES. NOV, 22 - 7:3OPM Feeder Cattle Sale, West minster Livestock Auction. WED. NOV. 23-9 AM Quilt & Craft. A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W. Jack son St., New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 25 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder p ig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 South Off 1-81. Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. (717) 249-4511. FEEDER CATTLE Fall Round-Up Sales For Your Cattle Received All Day Sold In Order Received Sell In Groups or Single Trucking Available Special Advertising for Larger Lots ★ ★ ★ BUYERS WELCOME Special Sale Dates Sept. 13 & 27 Oct. 11 & 25 Nov. 8 & 22 lues. Evenings Approx. 7:30 PM WESTMINSTER Livestock Auction 410-848-9820