E36-Lanc«ter Firming, Saturday, September 10, 1094 Dairy and Livestock Sales Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication WED. NOV. 2 - 7:45 PM Feeder Cattle Sale Four States Livestock, Hager stown, Md. FRI. NOV 4 - 6PM Special Heifer Sale at the Belleville Livesstock Mkt., Inc 300-400 Heifers of all sizes, some registered Belleville Livestock Mkt 717-935-2146 FRI NOV 4 - 7PM, Horse Sale Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc, 101 W Fulton St., New Holland, Pa Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts SAT NOV 5- Real Estate, Household goods, antique sand tools 111 Ewell Road, East Earl, Vi Mile East of Blue Ball Owner Elizabeth Martin Nevm Martin & Sons, aucts SAT NOV 5 - 9AM, Real Estate, 2 Acres, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles, Household & More Real Estate At Noon Located Between Strausstown 4 Rehrersburg, Pa Gene Strieker. Auct Dwight D Miller. SAT NOV 5 -10 AM Ylg and Calves Shennandoah Valley of Va and Potomac Highlands of WV South Branch Stockyards, Moore field, WV TUES NOV 8 - 7 30PM Feeder Cattle Sale, West minster Livestock Auction WED NOV 9 -745 PM Feeder Cattle Sale Four States Livestock Sales, Hagerstown, Md. FRI NOV 11 - 9AM Farm Equ'p Tractors & Supplies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc, 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, °a FRI NOV 11 -130 PM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc Exit 12 South Off 1-81 Left Onto Alexander Spring Road (717) 249-4511 SAT NOV 12-9 AM Farm equipment, horses & household goods, anti ques, cider press, bushel crates for Ivan Z Hoover, 1571 Diamond Station Rd , Ephrata, Pa 17522 Mel Hoover, auct. SAT. NOV. 12-9 AM, Book Auction Located Miller Auction Center, Bethel, Pa. Auct. Dwight D. Miller SAT NOV 12 - 9AM, Household Good, Anti ques, Woodworking Equip ment, Tools, Pedal Fire Engine & Tractor, Riding Mower, Storage Shed Located At 2221 New Hol land Pike (Rt 23) Between 1 ABSOLUTE AUCTION OP VALUABLE FURNITURE ■ CLOCKS - GLASSWARE COLLECTIBLES ETC. ON FRIDAY SEPT. 16, AT 9 A.M. AT SPRINGETTS FIRE CO. SOCIAL HALL 3013 E. MARKET ST. YORK, PA A GOOD AUCTION CHECK US OUT. PREVIEW SHOWING THURS. EVE. SEPT. 15 6:30 P.M. TO 8 P.M. AND 1 HOUR PRIOR TO AUCTION. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ON DAY OF AUCTION. GOOD PARKING. TERMS CASH OR APPROVED CHECK. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS - PLEASE COME PREPARED AUCTIONEERS: BRIAN L. GILBERT *2256 JACOB A. GILBERT *336 Leola & Eden, Lane. Co., Pa Owners, Grover G. Jr & Janice M. Bledsoe. Robert E. 4 Jeffrey R Mar tin, Aucts. TUES. NOV. 15 - BPM, Special Feeder Cattle Sale. Located Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc. Exit 12 Off 1-81 249-4511. SAT. NOV. 19 - In Franklin Co. Orrstown, Pa. 94 Acre Farm & Personal Property WED NOV. 16 & THURS. Estate of Joseph Kyle NOV. 17 - Large Two Day Bryan D. Imes, auct MT. ROCK FARMS 4th ANNIVERSARY SALE Thurs., Sept. 22, 1994 7:00 P.M. Located south of Carlisle, Pa.; Plainfield exit off of Rt. 81 to Rt. 11; South to Cumberland Golf Course, right 1 mile to Clay Rd., left on Clay Rd. to stop sign, left to 2nd farm on left. 100 HEAD TOP GRADE & REGISTERED HOLSTEINS (Mostly all 2 & 3 yr. olds) 40 Head Fresh & Milking Well- 20 Animals springing & close; 20 Breeding Age Heifers - 20 Open Heifer Approx. 15 Head of Baby Calves will be sold at beginning of Auction! More Local Consignments Coming In! DON’T MISS THIS SALE IF YOU WANT TOP QUALITY ANIMALS - READY TO GO TO YOUR BARN & PRODUCE. All Animals Vaccinated for Shipping Fever & BVD. Owners - BILL & CYNTHIA McKBEHAN 235 Sprlngvlew Rd. Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-7651 Rick Foreman, Auctioneer Lie. #AU-1163L Henry Kettering, Pedigrees iMmireiJiiryHtraiJispcisii Saturday, September 17,1994 10:30 a.m. Belleville Livestock Market Selling for Dunmire Sons, their complete milking herd of 100 Registered Holstein Cows, with over 40 years of A.I. Breeding, no cows purchased since 1967, current herd Average 21,556, 3.5 F, 3.3 P. July Ave. Of milking cows 75.6 lbs. Milk, there are 36 Ist lactation cows and 21 second lactation. A very good health program has been maintained on this herd with regular inoculations and pregnancy checks. Health charts provided, interstate available day of sale. Featuring a Profit Daughter with 3 yr. record 396 D with over 25,000 M due Dec. 4. 2 year old Bova Glow 348 D 26,599 M 815 F July test 82.1 milk due January. AV.G. Cavalier 22,440 M 3.5 F 3.2 P. AV.G. Count out of V.G. Cavalier in 2nd lactation 232 D 19,170 M 3.6 F 3.3 P due March 19,1995. 2nd daughter of Cavalier Cow 3 yr. old 1 st lactation projected over 15,000 M. 2 yr. old Secret Daughter dam V.G. fresh in April 95.1 M on July test projected at over 21,000 M. Note: Many other Good cow families in this herd. A very well bred herd showing good management. Herd Sires include: Columbus, Elevation Very, Board Chairman, Spirit, Steady Spipper, Valiant Rocky, Standout Cavalier, Boutonniere, Ned Boy, SWO Vanguard, and many more good Sires. Consigned by: Joe and Tim Dunmire McVeytown, PA Pedigrees: John Burkett Sale Of Farm Equipment, Etc. Located 6 Miles South Of Chambersburg, Pa., One Mile East Of Marion Along Rte. 914, % East Off Rte. 81, Exit 4. Owners, Jerrold & Gloria OaKs. Marion Auction Service. FRI. NOV. 18 & SAT., NOV. 19 - Martin's Annual Auction Of Carriages, Sleighs And Antiques. Located Lebanon Area Fairground, Lebanon, Pa. Martin Aucts. (717) 768-8108. Auctioneer: Mark Glick AU-349-L 2g Belleville Livestock Market Jn Wednesday, Sept. 14,1994 >S at 1:30 PM 2 HERD DISPERSALS TO afn consists of 40 tie stall cows, 8 recently fresh, 5 jrg dry or springing, the rest in all stages. This is a good young hod that will go home and work • for you now. - W 3O Cow herd, never fed any fancy dairy feed. Both herds will be pregnancy checked In our bam and have good health charts. For More Information: Gene Gliek (717) 667-2703 Sale Bam (717) 935-2146 $ UK msmm $ 60 Reg. & Grade Holstelns, Red & Whites, Windmill Farm Brown Swiss, Some 4-H Potential 7j*3 DISASTER RELIEF AUCTION Sponsored By The Church Of The Brethren, To Be Held At The Lebanon Area 7»j Fairgrounds. Corner of Rocherty And Cornwall Roads, Off Rt 72 South of Lebanon, Pa. Included In The Sale, The Following: ’’H Hanovcr-Hlll Skybuck - Bom 6-27-93 tan Dim- VG-85 5y 365 d 33,160 m 34% 1122 f 30% 997 p 6y 365 d 34,050 m 3 5% U92f 3 1% 1065 p 7*3 Neyt Dam VG-86 3y 321 d 24,140 m 4.3% 1035 f 3.3% 805 p JO? Sy 365 d 29,750 m 39% 1173 f 31 % 918 p Straight-Pine Bo Imprint - Bom 9-23-94 7*W Dam- 3y 305 d 24,333 m 4.0% 970 f 3 0% 724 p 2y 305 d 21,536 m 3 8% 814 f 3.0% 650 p T 0 Next Dam 6Y 24,453 m 29% 700 f 29% 705 p tan Sy 28Sd 23,211 m 3 1%713f Rothrock Tradition Leadman - Fresh 7j#3 Dam. GP-82 5y 312 d 29,300 m 34% 997 f 864 p 3y 319 d 24,030 m 3 8% 912 f 744 p 7j*3 4y 312 d 23,320 m 3 6% 837 f 714 p tanyw To-Mir Blackstar - Due 3-1-95 Dam VG-86 7y 291 d 25,870 m 33% 86013 2% 825 p 7*3 Sy 305 d 23,410 m 3.7% 871 f 3 3% 779 p 6y 295 d 27,030 m 3 5% 958 f peak 118 lbs/day %■ « CaLill Belllone - Due Nov Dam: 2ylom 302 d 23,737 m 3 7% 870 f 2 9% 697 p 7*3 3ylom 335 d 23,161 m 3 8% 851 f 3.0% 708 p tan Next Dam Sy 321 d 26,349 m 3 2% 840 f 3 3% 881 p 6y 308 d 23,259 m 3 5% 802 f 3 2% 734 p 7*W 7y 326 d 22,514 m 3 6% 781 f 3.2% 724 p 4y 290 d 22,358 m 3 6% 794 f 3 2% 724 p 1H Exranco Jake - Bom 5-29-92 tan Dam VG-88-VVVV iffs 4y 365 d 24,988 m 3 9% 993 f 3 2% 81 Op 7*3 5y 360 d 23,542 m 3 8% 899 f 3 3% 780 p 3y 365 d 20,919 m 3 8% 805 f 3.3% 705 p Next Dam. VG-86 VVVV 2 records over 28,000 ten Cowlick Mark Ferdinand • Bred, Due late fall JttJ Dam- 2y 345 d 22,200 m 819 f 697 p 36% 7*3 Proj 22,807 m 739 f Next Dam 3ySm 318 d 23,380 m 798f783p Pen-Col Dazzler-ET - Due 1-31-95 7*31 Dam 4y 305 d 20,600ra 4 5% 924 f 3.3% 674 p -J|“” 3y 299 d 18,350m 4 2% 768 f 32% 591 p 793 Next Dam. Ex 4y341d 24,110 m 3.5% 845 f tan 6y 36Sd 26,260 m 3 5% 917 f 3 2% 836 p _ry> RlverßridgeSßM Lookout Born. 6-21-94 7*3 Dam 2y 365 d 21,053 m 43% 905 f 3.2% JL” Sold for $lBOO Next Dam- EX-92 3-E tew 3y 305 d 22,530 m 4.0% 89113.3% Jrty 7y342d 23,540 m 3.6% 84813.0% 7*3 B-Hlddenhllls Mark O Polo - due Oct 12 Jrf Dam 6y 30Sd 21,987 m 41% 4y 305 d 21,321 m 4 2% teW 3y 305 d 20,452 m 3 9% Singing Brook N-B Maacot • Due Nov or Dec. Dam: 24 326 d 20,670 m 7071501 p tan Keystone Viater - Bom 6-25-94 JTfl Dam VG-86 EX Mammry 7*3 6y 305 d 19,930 m 47% 93613 3% 664 p J~£ Ay 305 d 17,740 m 40% 70913 3% 594 p Next Dam VG-86 by Ivanhoe Star tan Londondalc Merrill - Bom 5-8-94 JTVI Dam- 2y 305 d 17,960 m 35% 63913 2% 573 p 7*3 Full Sister. All Pa Jr Yearling 2yr old Reserve Jr. a.k All Am Jr Yearling, Hon Mention Jr All Am Jr 2yr old Next Dam- VG-85 3y 22,680 m 35% 78313 0% 687 p 7*3 Pleasant Hallow Potent Mela ■ Bom 12-21-89 Fresh 8-30-94 VG-81 at 3 yr 713 3y3m 365 d 22,915 m 34% 77913 0% 682 p tan 2y 365 d 21,949 m 36% 79112 9% 646 p 3n3 Her heiler call sells. Tan Dam 6y 305 d 24,463 m 3.9% 95413 0% 730 p Jj* 5y 305 d 22,117 m 40% 87712.8% 628 p 7*3 Bis May TVadition Cleitui - Bom -4-8-94 tan Dam ly 11m 305 d 18,864 m 4.0% 75713 5% 6S6p 70 Next Dam- 3y 351 d 20,500 m 4.0% 84313 0% 625 p JO" Ed Kor Ralph Kristy - Bom. 2-21-94 Dam- 2y 305 d 18,120 m 34% 62013 2% 574 p tew Next Dam GP-83 6y 301 d 22,230 m 29% 6431 3 1 % 690 p Opperman Tong - Bom. 2-19-94 7*3 Dam- GP 2y 17,320 m 5491527 p 30 Day charts TB Bangs Tested Vaccinated Double BVD Shots Nasal lYeated Catalogs . Sale Chairman - Clair Kreider 7*3 Pedigrees: Dale Hoover AU33-L tew Auct; Harry Bachman Rlngmen: Bucher, Gingrich, Kline I PUBLIC AUCTION! FARM MACHINERY PERSONAL PROPERTY • ANTIQUES SAT.. OCT. 1. 1994 Auction Time 9 A.M. LOCATION: From Ephrata Rt. 272 North 1 mi. to Rt. 897. Turn right onto Rt. 897 South go approx. IV4 mi. Turn left onto Gahman School Rd. to Orchard Rd. Turn right to auc tion on left. Or from Rt. 23 take Rt 825 North thru Bowmans villa to E. Bowmansville Rd. Turn left to T. Turn right onto Bowmansvllle Rd. to Orchard Rd. Turn left go 'A ml. to Auc tion on right. Brecknock Twp., Lane. Co. Terms by Amzie & Suzanna Zimmerman 717-448-5704 Auction conducted by . Randal Kline, Lloyd Krelder, Roy Good, Jr., Auctioneers, AU2IIBL 717-445-4300 _ _ AUCTIONEERS iHEiraEjßl Next Dam 3y 20,125 m 3 2% 540 f 2 9% 575 p Wind Mill Farm-Windmill Select Man IMfy - Sire Pams Combination Select Man - Bom tl-S-93 Dam. 2y 155 d 8,829 m 3.9% 344 f 3.5% 308 p Sold for 51,700 at Kentucky National Next Dam VG-88 3y 309 d 18,940 m 4.2% 800 f 30% 554 p Next Dam 2,180 d 116,340 m 4444 f Lifetime Paradise R Roebuck - Born: 10-12-93 Dam GP-80 2y 324 d 16,890 m 41 % 696 f 35% 586 p 3y 279 d 15,793 m 4 4% 688 f 3.5% 560 p Next Dam 2E-9I 6y 365 d 30,980 m 3 3% 1024 f 3 0% 926 p 8y 365 d 30,150 m 3 1% 925 f 3.1% 932 p Next Dam VG-88 5y 21,989 m Briarpatch-R Top Secret - Bom-12-4-93 Dam Est 2y 30Sd 16,836 m 4.16% 701 f peak 68 lbs. at 2 yrs. Next Dam 2y 318 d 17,070 m 4 0% 688 f 3 2% 542 p Tfcsk Holm Valiant Ruckle - Born 7-16-94 Dam 3yGP-81 2y 305 d 17,254 m 3 8% 654 f 3 2% 555 p 3yBm milked 100 lbs /day Next Dam- 5y 3m 353 d 25,078 m 33% 835 f 34% 855 p 4y 4m 307 d 22,952 m 3 7% 858 f 3 3% 753 p Next Dam 2y 10m 354 d 23,137 m 3 7% 864 f Kentville Stardust *RC - Born 7-4-94 Dam- Milked 75 lbs first test Next Dam: 4y 362 d 27,441 m 35% 971 f 31% 862 p Next Dam 4y 9m 336 d 28,420 m 3 9% 1131 f Kinglea Leader ■ Bom 7-9-94 Dam- lyllm 336 d 15,056 m 4 7% 712 f 3 5% Next Dam 7y 365 d 26.820 m 4 8% 1289 f 3 3% 883 p Ex-93 4y 365 d 23,150 m 4.3% 992 f 3 5% Bl4p U 116,840 m 44% 5190 f B-Hiddcnhllli Mark-O-Pok) - Bom: 4-9-93 Short Bred Dam- 305 d 21,255 m 3.7% 783 f 3.0% 638 p Next Dam. 6y 365 d 27,180 m 38% 1035 f 30% 806 p Deslats Box George-Red - Bred. Feb to April Dam peaked 100 IbsVday Hollex-Roy Cbairman Bret ■ Bom: 9-5-92 Dam- 14,398 m 3.4% GRADES Bit-May Tradition Cleltui - Due Sale Time Dam: Proj. 5y 305 d 24,971 m 943f783p Woodbine Valiant Eldon - Due sale time Dam; 4y 23,406 m 3.5% 813 f 3.2% 757 p 3y 16,018 m 4 0% 633 f 4.0% 640 p Grade Due Nov. 10 Dam Grade Due Oct. Dam: 2y 365 d 22,297 m 3.4% 754 f 3 0% 664 p 3y 302 d 19,774 m 3 6% 715 f 3.2% 625 p Harvue Blackstar Evan • Due 10-20-94 Dam- 3y 8m 20,253 m 4 3%13.3%p JoLce Black Magic - Short Bred Dam 4y 3S5d 20,745 m 4 1 % 862 f 3 2% 3y 362 d 19,982 m 4 2% 78413 4% 8H2887 - Due 10-15-94 to 11-15-94 Dam 335 d 19,301 m 3 3% 63113 6% 696 p Nurres Potentate - Due 10-30-94 Dam 2y 17,489 m 3 6% 6211 7H1592 - Due Nov 12 Dam- 2y 344 d 17,990 m 4 6% 83313.3% S96p 8H1959 - Bora. 3-20-94 Dam- 2y 16,222 m 5741449 p est Encore • Born. 8-31-94 Dam. 2y 305 d 17,395 m 4 2% 72213.5% 607 p 3y 305 d 15,937 m 4.5% 71213.4% 535 p Brooks-Twain Preston Red - due 1-23-95 Dam. 2y 16,976 m 3.5% 53513.3% Gr. Dtr. ot Leader Eluslne (29H5824) - Bora- 9-13-94 Dam- 3y 309 d 16,810 m 3.8% 63213 2% 540 p Singing Brook N B Mascot - Due late Oct Dam 3y 272 d 16,713 m Grade due Oct. 8 Dam 1y11m346d 14,526 m 5561419 p 2.9% Hickory Acres Tesk Teddy- Bom 11-4-93 Dam 275 d 11,563 m 4 6% 53413 9% 305 d 15,174 m 54413.1% 472 p (est.)