E3O-LancMtar Fanning, Saturday, September 10, 1994 Public Auction Register Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. OCT. 7 - 7PM Juniata Co. 24 Acre Farm. From Hbg. take Rt. 322 W. approx. 40 mi. to the Mifflin town Exit, from State Col lege take Rt. 322 e. approx. 35 mi. to the Mifflintown Exit. Take Rt. 35 N. approx 6 mi. to Oakland Mills Donald E. Mummah estate Long’s Auction Service. FRI. OCT. 7- 7PM. Mt. Cal vary School Benefit Auc tion, Etown, N. Holly St. Keller, aucts. FRI OCT. 7 -' 7PM, Horse Sale. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc, 101 W Fulton St., New Holland, Pa Norman Or David Kolb, PUBLIC SALE TWO DAY FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 16 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 2 TRACTORS - FARM MACHINERY - HORSE SHOEING EQUIPMENT TACK - DODGE 4 WHEEL DRIVE TRUCK - HORSE TRAILER 4:30 PM FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 16,1994 4:30 PM Selling farm and moving to Florida the undersigned will sell at Public Sale located on Neck Road, Williamsport, MD. Take Exit 1 off 1-81 to Route 68 East 1/4 mile to Spielman Road on right; go 1 mile to Falling Waters Road on right; approximately 3 mile to Neck Road on left; two miles to sale, watch for signs. FARM EQUIPMENT Deutz DlOOO6 diesel 100 HP tractor with 1444 hrs (excl. cond.); 504 International tractor, engine just overhauled with 880 work master loader • very good cond.; International 5-16” #7lO plow; Athens transport disc, 10’; New idea#2ls manure spreader excellent condition; I.H. 7' mower; L&S line 6' stone rake; J.O. #603 6' rotary mower; small cart; post hole digger; 2 Grove flatbed wagons; 500 gal. fuel tank with pump; 10 IH. front weights; front wheel weights; several wooden posts; troughs & drinking cups 36' Alum, double ladders; rear pulley; air compressor; old dump rake; fork; shovels; misc. pipe & iron; misc. limber, bench grinder; sump pump; weed eater; 2 step ladders -8; 3 Homelite chain saws (1 new), P.T.O. seeder; back pack sprayer; shoptable; 2 sets Stewart clippers; log chains; 2 wagons of misc. farm related Items. -446 Case hydrostatic 46" deck, 16 HP lawn mower, excellent condition. 1965 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive truck with TA' snow blade with power angle good condition. 1988 Biva 2 horse trailer - Like New. HORSE SHOEING EQUIPMENT AND TACK Butane forge on wheels; hand grinder, horse shoes; shoeing boxes; complete set of shoeing equipment; 2 winter blankets with hoods; Riding hard hats; 4 Western saddles of which 2 are Ryon hand tooled in silver with head stall & breast plates to match. 1 rough sie out chaney; 1 Western partially tooled head stalls; breast plates and reins with leader knots; 2” bosal made by Ryon; English saddle-complete: Buck stitch colt and horse halter; Buck stitch bridle; assortment of western bits; lead ropes; blankets: nylon halters; mlsc. head stalls; 5 pair chaps; old hames; hay bags; bare back rig; mlsc. leather. MEAT SAW Teledo model #5300 meat saw - excellent saw. Many other related Items too numerous to mention. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1994 9:00 A.M. HOUSEHOLD - ANTIQUES - COLLECTABLES ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES Hand-made spool bed with new customer-made box spring and mattress; pedestal stand; other old stands; spool type quilt rack; Barbie doll collection with handmade clothes; cabbage patch doll with several outfits; black plank bottom chair with print; oak hall rack with mirror and chest; old flax water bottle; Aladdin lamps and others; wooden doll high chair; hand-made Indian doll; China face and hands doll; and other dolls; Station Americana cherry game table w/mats; 6 Hitchcock chairs and hutch; Station Americana 1959 antique brown cherry 13 pc. dining room suite (8 chairs, table 1-1/8” thick, tea cart, bar, hutch, and buffet); old straight razors; cow bell; one dozen labeled milk bottles; crystal Lennox Embassy House - water, wine, liquor, sherbet; cut crystal glasses, vases, and bowls, miniature coke bottle; other coke bottles; and coke bottle caps; solid marble chess game; several Christmas decorations; glass bells and other bells; several what nots; Wedgewood bone china made in England (Carlyn) service for twelve; Walnut chest of drawers; old wooden washtub with handles; oak highback chair; Dunken Fife stand; dough tray- Haywood Wakefield: several old pictures and frames; childs rocker; perfect clothes washer - very old; ice tongs; cherry seeder; hand-made kerosene can for filling lamps; two wash boards; Pioneer coaster wagon; childs wooden wagon w/wood wheels and hand brake - excellent condition; anvil; shoe hasp and hammers; several assorted tins; straw knife; crocks (1/2 - 10 gal.); draw knife; single tree; wooden toy trucks; Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls; old metal bed; flat irons; Silver-wine cooler; bon-bon dishes; nut dishes; covered dishes; chaffing dishes; ice bucket; and trays. HOUSEHOLD Refrigerator; deep freeze; humidifier; lawn chairs; porch swing; candle holders; mirrors; wall hangings: stands; cedar chest; cedar waidrobe; several black chairs by Bolings; stools; pole lamp; elephant stand; cherry Hi-Fi enslave unit; loveseat; cherry dining room table; high back maple armchair; pine corner cupboard; plank bottom rocker; several pieces of glassware; folding tables; painted lard cans; bookcase; corner tables; sectional couch; hide-a-bed; contour chair w/heater and vibrator; mahogany cabinet; floor lamps several braided rugs - various sizes; odd chairs; iron skillets; roasters; cookers; hand meat grinder on bench; several baskets; fans; wooden chicken crate; tupperware; set of wooden serving trays. TERMS; Cnh or Approved Chack; Nothing Ramovad Raaponalbla for Acctdanta OWNERS: KENNETH AND JANE REEDER AUCTIONEER: C. FLOYD DAVIS 1-301-223-9761 CLERKS: ORURY AND SMITH Aucts. SAT. OCT. 8 - SAM. Valu able Farmette, Car. Trac tor, Antiques, Personal Property. Tools & Guns. Located 806 Churchtown Rd., Narvon, Pa. From Blue Ball Take Rt. 322 East 5 Miles To Mt. Top, Or From Honey Brook Take Rt. 322 West 2 Miles To Mt. Top & Turn South Onto Chur chtown Rd. Go 1.3 Milos To Sale On Right. Sale By, C. Wilson Martin Estate. Jay M. Leary & Randy L Stolt zfus, Aucts. SAT OCT. 8 - B:3OAM, Antiques, Furniture. Household Goods, Comic LAWN MOWER, TRUCK, TRAILER Sal* to ba bald undar tant Lunch Right a Received Books, Adv. Items, Mar- bles, Pocket Knives, Big Little Books & Farm Related Items. Located At 1195 Cartref Rd. Etters, Pa. If Traveling On 1-83 N Or S Use Exit 14 (Yocum town). If Traveling N, Off Of Exit At Stop Sign Turn Right, Go To First Road On Left. If Traveling S, Off Of Exit At Stop Sign Turn Right Go Over Bridge, First Road On Right. Sign Post ed. Owner, James M. Hake. Little Ike Eichelber ger Auct. SAT. OCT. 8 - B:3OAM, Antiques, Household Goods, Guns, Trucks, Tools & Etc. Located From Carlisle, Follow Rt. 74 North, Over Waggoners Gap, To The Junction Of Rt. 74 & Rt. 850 In Perry County (Alinda). Turn Right Onto Rt. 850 (East) And Go 1 Mile To Wagners Road (First Hard Road On The Right). Turn Right, And Fol- IM lor: Not iiaatti low This Road 1/2 Mile To Of Sale. Owner, Claire M. Tee. Then Turn Left And Snyder. Ed Shull. Auct. Go To First Farm. Turn gAT OCT. 8 - 9AM 629 N Right Onto Dirt Lane, And Solly SL E-town Mt CaF Follow This Road To The vary school. Cars. House On X 1 ? 6 R'Rht. Baskets, Quilts, Winross, Watch For Sale Signs Day Keter & shaffner aucts. TRUSTEE’S AUCTION SALE OF OUTSTANDING MANUFACTURING • WAREHOUSE • OFFICE FACILITY IN 111 "T""'" ,1 """ |m r“r " " V> v < < • PRIME LOCATION • Located Just Off Interstate 81 South Of MARTINSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA IN THE BERKELEY COUNTY INDUSTRIAL PARK Auction To Be Held On Site SEPTEMBER 22,1994 AT 1:00 P.M. This outstanding industrial complex was the former corporate headquarters of CREST MANOR HOMES, INC.-For a full descriptive brochure on this auction, please contact the AUCTION COMPANY at (301)739-0538 or 1 -800-31 31 0-2844 (MD). H Csch«an AucnwoM a MsocMics im hifMiMl CsMinctlii IMhMttW IplpMil AatUtMin 77M MwtelW* IM, M. Hi ZEE, EMMtan, MD H71M28 (301) 71MC31 *lOll FREE IMS) 1-Ni-tll-ISM Hit (Ml) 411-1144 With OlHcw In Boontbwo «nd H«flw»lown, Maryland PUBLIC ]§% AUCTION of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 3 Bedroom Rancher Furniture, Houeehold Goods Quilte, Toole Saturday, September 17,1994 10 AM • Real Estate 11:30 am 367 Monterey Road, Upper Leacock Twp., Bird-in-Hand, PA Dir: From Lane, take Rt. 23 East to Leola, turn rigid on Rt. 772 East (Newport Rd). Approx l'/i miles turn right on Monterey Rd. Sale on left 3 Bedroom Rancher w/2 Car Garage situated on a nice large lot - 29,000 square feet m/1.. Oak Bookcase w/Glass Doors & Drawers on Top, 3 Pc. Oak Bedroom Suite: Dresser - Highback Bed - Washstand, Lane Cedar Chest, Oak Vineer Bedroom Suite: Dresser - Highback Bed - Washstand, Oak Ext. Table w/8 Boards, 6 Oak Chairs, Mattresses, Uph. Sofa w/Matching Chair, 5 Hand Painted Plank Bottom Chairs, Kneehole Desk, Sofa Bed, Riccar Sewing Machine w/Cabinet, Oak Clothes Tree, Formica Table w/Chairs, Pictures & Frames, Quilt Frame, Folding Tables & Chairs, Stereo, Plant Tables, Porcelain Top Table, Coffee Table, Small Oak Frame w/Mirror, GE Refrigerator, GE Freezer, GE Washer & Dryer, Sm. Appliances, Lamps. 12 PI. Setting Oneida Silverware, Assort. Silverware, Oriental Hankie Box, Cookbooks, Assort. Books, Milk Pail, Meat Grinder, Sewing Basket, Agate Pitcher, Utensils, Oriental Vases, Stainless Cookware, Cake Pans, Agate Roaster, Nautilus China Set, Pink Dep., Canning Jars. QUILTS: Sampler, Star & Block Pattern Quilts, Crib Quilt, Braided Rug, Rug Runners. Bolens 8 HP Riding mower 30” Cut, Push Mower, Scotts Spreader, Elec. Drill, Vise, Sander, Cultivator, Hedge Trimmer, Clipper. Note: Not many small items. No Out-of-State Checks • Items Sold As Is • Not Responsible for Accidents • Food Served TERMS: 10% down, balance on or before November 18,1994. ATTORNEY: H. Charles Benner sale For: Titus & Edna Martin MILLER ft SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 • AU-1723L PUBLIC AUCTION of VALUABLE HUMMEL A PAPERWEIGHT COLLECTION ON: FRIDAY, SEPT. 23,1994 AT 6 P.M. At Springetts Fin Co. Social Hall, 3013 East Market St, York, Pa. To be sold at absolute auction from a private collection. 129 Cataloged Hummels and Approx. 6S Cataloged Paperweights - made by many well known artists such as - Rick Ayotte, Baccarat, Bob & Ray and Barbara Banford, Caithness, Kazim, Parsley, Gordon Smith, Perthshire, etc. also glass top large coffee table, 8 shelf & 5 shelf lighted curio’s w/mirror back, curio style glass top end tables, lamps & other items. Please call or write auction firm for catalog. Doors open at 4 P.M. for inspection. Not responsible for accidents on day of auction. TERMS: Cash or personal check with auctioneer approval No out of town or out of state checks. Bank or Travelers checks accepted. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY GILBERT & GILBERT AUCTIONEERS R.D. *l, BOX 593 WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. 17368 BRIAN L. GILBERT, LIC. *2256 TEL (717)252-1656 JACOB A. GILBERT, LIC. *336 ' TEL (717)252-3591 PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE- HOUSEHOLD GOODS-TRACTOR WED., SEPTEMBER 14,1994 3:30 PM LOCATED: East Hopewell Township on Laurel Road. From Cross Road travel east on Church Street to Laurel Road and turn left & follow Laurel Road to sale, 4 mile from. Cross Road or take Rt. 74 south to Laurel Road, turn right & continue through to Laurel Road to sale on right, comer of Laurel Rd. & Meadtown Road. 6:00 PM ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE 6:00 PM Large comer lot w/ approx. 300’ road frontage, improved with a I'A story frame house w/ spring water & septic system. House has kitchen & living room, 3 bedrooms and bath, oil hot air furnace, closed-in rear porch, 2 car frame garage, nice yard area and mature trees around the house. “SOLD ABSOLUTE TO HIGHEST BIDDER” TERMS: 10 % DOWN, BALANCE IN 45 DAYS. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 764-6412 “OPEN FOR INSPECTION > SUNDAY. SEPT. 11, (10-00 AM TO 2 00 PM)” 3:30 PM HOUSEHOLD GOODS & TRACTOR 3:30 PM Wooden Carved Back Chair w/ Claw Feet, Clothes Tree, Rocker, High Head Board Spindle Rope Bed, China Closet, Dresser w/ Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Quilting Frame, Trunk. Cedar Chest, Treadle Sewing Machine, Dresser w/ Serpentine Front, Frames, Pictures, Mirrors, Chifferrobc, Wooden Cheese Tub Stand, Slaw Cutter. Graniteware, Cooking Utensils, Pie Board. Tinware, Flatware, Pots & Pans, Glassware, Small Kitchen Appliances, Breakfast Set, Vases, White Whirlpool Refrigerator/ Freezer - Like New, Whirlpool Chest Freezer (18.2 cu. ft. - Like New), Whirlpool Washer & Electric Dryer, Frigidaire Electric Stove, RCA Colored TV, Westinghouse Roaster, Living Room Furniture, End Tables, Clocks, Arm Rocker, Jardinier, Bookstand, Kerosene Lamp, Electric Sewing Machine, Market Baskets, Ice Cream Freezer, Victrola Case, Cast Pot & Cast Fry Pans, Figurines, Lunch Pail, Jars, Etc. Allis Chalmers G Tractor w/ Plow, Culti., & Mower: Disc, Harrow, 30’ Double Ladder, Lawn Boy Rotary Mower, Craftsman 12.5 hp. Tractor w/Mowcr Deck, Wheelhorse and Mower, Wheelhorse Tractor with fire damaged Long Handle & Misc. Tools and other Misc. Items. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SELLER: Ethel M. Seitz AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emigeville, PA 7644412 PA Lie. #761 7
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