Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1994, Image 188

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    E2B-Lancistar Finning, Saturdly, September 10, 1994
Public Auction Register
Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M.
of each week’s publication
SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM, Tools,
Farm Equip., Lawn & Gar
den, Bid. Supplies & Car
Located Church St., Cross
Roads, York Co., 1-83 Exit
1, E Rt. 851 To Stewarts
town, N Rt. 24 3’/j Mi. To
Sammis Chevy Turn R, 2
Mi To Cross Roads, R On
Church St., ’/, Mi. To Sale
On R. Owners, Phil Robin
son & Others. Kenneth E,
Keeney & Marlette Tho
mas, Aucts.
SAT. OCT It - 9AM, Real
Estate. Antiques, Farm
Equipment & Personal
Property. Located From
Harrisburg Travel West On
Route 322, Take Miller
stown Exit Turn Right On
Route 17, Proceed 4 Miles
public —
LOCATION: Lebanon Area Fair Grounds, corner of Rocherty and
Cornwall Roads, Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pa. from Rt. 72, South of
Lebanon, turn left onto Rocherty Road or from Rt. 72 North of Quentin,
turn right onto Rocherty Road to Fairgrounds on right.
International 284 28hp gas, wf, 3pt.; Case 630 gas wf (restored); Case
511 gas w/ps; John Deere 350 gas crawler/loader; 1967 Chev. dump
trk.; 1973 Chev. Dump Truck, 24,000 GVW, VB, 5+2, ps, w/15’ alum,
grain body; Ford 6600, all purpose, w/turbo & dual power; (2) John
Deere B’s; Case 440 w/ sickle mo.; Toyota PU Truck; John Deere 120
riding mo.; Ford 12 H riding mo. w/tiller;
IH 720 harv. w/2R cmhd.; JD 1380 12’ mo/cond.; MF 12’ gmdrll.; NI
325 compckr. w/8 roll bed; (2) McCurdy grav. wagons; Gehl 600 harv.
w/2 rn cmhd. & 6’ hayhd.; Case PTO baler; IH 2PR compickr.; IH 445
baler/throwr.; IH 56 4R complantr; JD 894 hayrake; Gehl 2x30 snapper
hd.; MF 43 gmdrill; IH 51 chuck wagon; MC chopper/cond.; Hesston
stack mvr.; JD 1R cornhd.; JD 5’ pu hd.; JD FBB grfldrill; OMC 540
stacker; 01 8’ gmdrill w/fert; JD 35 harv w/5’ PU; JD 13’ quick-tatch
gmhd; JD 3940 Harvester W/2RN comhead; NH blower; IH 80 pull
type combine.
IH 20’ folding fid. cult.; Noble 12’ soil finisher; Miller 11’ 3 bar offset
disc; IH 710 5x16” on land plow; 01 252 11’ transport disc; 01 3x16”
semi-mt. plow; IH 14’ fid. cul. w/ buster bar; Kasco 11’ 3pt hi-clear
chsl. plow; Kewanee 13’ disc ; IH 18’ fid. cult; MF 2x 3pt plow;
Dunham 12’ cultimulchr; 3 sec. harrow; OL 3x 3pt. trip plow;
NH 354 grind/mixer; Agway cow breeding whl.; IT Gantrey crane; steel
eye beams; alum, diamond plate; drill press; 42” cub mower deck; IH
roilbar off 856; JD 4 post canopy for 4230; Bush Hog 5’ 3pt fl. mo;
loader off MF 175; 18.4x30 clamp on duals; 16.9x34 clamp on duals;
1R 3pt. cult.; (6) JD spring plow coulters; (2) feed bag scales; 5’ 3pt. R
Mo.; 6'/2’xl2’ 2whl. trailer; chicken crates; Souder Idr. brackets; torch
kit; 300 gal. fuel tank on skids; wagon lot of farm and garden tools JD
rear-mtd. L & G tiller; (2) JD riding mo cabs; Lawnßoy rear tine tiller;
(2) L & G snow plows; Wic beddg. chopper (no eng); 16.9x28 duals;
PTO corn shellr; portable cattle chute; wooden wagon gear w/wooden
wheels; (24) split rails; 23’ Ressler feed convyr. (only 6mo. old); 6’xlO’
tandem axle utility trlr.; Gehl 95 grindr/mixr; school bus converted to
truck; (20);
NOTE: Tractors and machinery are mixed in the field. We are
accepting consignments on location September 8, 9 & 10th 9AM til
4PM.. We will be loading equipment September 12, 13 & 14th. All
items must be removed by September 14,1994. Some items subject to
prior sale. All items are sold “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” without any
guarantees expressed or implied.
TERMS: CASH, complete payment auction day. Checks accepted with
bank letter of credit.
Toward Seven Stars, Take
3rd Hard Road On Right
(Greenwood Rd.), Con
tinue 2 Miles, Take Sharp
Left, Then Go 1 1/2 Miles
To Stop Sign, Continue
Through Stop Sign, Take
Ist Left Just Past Yellow
House Onto Highland
Road, Go 3 Miles To Lane
On Left, Signs Posted.
Owner, Lynn M. Zimmer
man, Hassinger & Court
ney, Aucts.
SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM,
Household Goods, Farm
Equipment & Tools.
Located Between New Hol
land & Leola, Turn Off Rt.
23 On North Groffdale
Road To Brick Church
Road Turn Lett To Sale
Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By,
John D. Stoltzfus. Robert
E. & Jeffrey R. Martin,
SAT. OCT. 1 -10 AM Ylg.
and Board Sale, Shenan
doah Valley of Va. and
Potomac Highlands of W.
Va. South Branch Stock
yards, Moorefield, WV.
SAT. OCT. 1 -10 AM, Real
Estate, Antiques & Farm
Equipment. Located From
Pa. Rte. 895 Take Pa. Rte.
501 South Vi Mile To Auc
tion On Left. Selling For,
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Glore.
Robert W. Derflor, Auct.
SAT. OCT. 1 - 10:30AM,
Valuable Real Estate, Per
sonal Property, Tools, Etc.
Two Plus Acres, Mostly
Wooded Level Land
L( 'ated On Norths
-ocatei. jn
Road In Salisbury Town
ship, Pequea Valley School
District. From Route 322
East Go South On Route
897 To Gault Road, East
To Narvon Road, North To
Northeimer Road. Owners,
Paul & Mary Jane Glick.
Steve & Steve Jr. Peter
sheim, Aucts.
SEPT. 12, 1994
9 A.M.
SAT., SEPTEMBER 17, 1994
' 8:30 A.M.
Located at RD#l Bainbridge, PA. From Eli
zabethtown take Turnpike Road (W. High
St.) 4 miles West to Black Swamp Road.
Left on Black Swamp. From Route 441 at
Falmouth go East on Turnpike Road 2
Miles to Black Swamp Road. Right on
Black Swamp.
Walnut Farm Tabic, High Dry Sink, Jelly
Cupboards, Pine Wardrobe, Wash Stands,
Schoolmaster’s Desk, Marble Table. Half
Moon Table, Pie Crust Tilt Top Table, Cherry
Slant Top Desk, Cherry Dropleaf Table. Mor
tise Bench, Afro-American Figurine - 3 Ft.
Iron & Tin Table, Fainting Couch, Oak Table,
Blanket Chest, Dough Tray, Oak High Chair
& Others, Hanging Comer Cupboard, Wagon
Seat, Single Bed, Cane Rocker, Oyster Shell
Crusher, Oak Potty, Wood Bag Wagon,
Child’s Furniture, Kitchen Cook Stove, Cap
tain’s Chair, School Desks, Wood Box, Piano
Stool, “Homer Piano” (Accordian), Clothes
Tree, Brass Cash Register, Red RS Prussia &
Other Fine China, Large Selection Of Cut &
Pressed Glass Pitchers, Bowls & Dishes,
Compotes, Mary Gregory Vases, Sutz Cup &
Saucer, Copper & Iron Kettles, 15 Roseville
Pottery Pieces, Oak Wall Telephone, Shelf &
Mantle Clocks, Majolica, Coal Oil Lamps,
Skaters Lantern, Betty Lamp, Buggy Lanterns
& Others, Wall & Regular Coffee Grinders, 7
Pc. Wash Bowl Set, Glass Sheep Marble,
Bainbridge Bottles & Others, Stereoscope,
Iron & Tinware, Sm. Ge Radios, Baskets,
Grain Cradle, Crocks, Jugs, Butter Chum,
Lard Press, Wooden Buckets, Wooden Rake
& Shaking Fork, Tin Cofree Pot, Brass Ladles,
Cookie Cutters, Ice Scraper, Swan Butter
Print, Sad Irons, 8 Hole Candle Mold, Boot
Jacks, Iron Banks, Bust Figurine, Tin Lunch
Box, Milk Cans, Coke Cola Clock, Old Sled,
Iron Spittoon, Cherry Seeder, Apple Peeler
And Many Other Items To Numerous To
Sale By
Harold (Abe) Shaffner
829-L 653-5689
Mark Diffemjerfer
367-1880 / /
Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods &
Miscellaneous Items
Thijrs., October 6, 1994
Sale At 6:30 P.M.
Real Estate At 7:00 P.M.
Located 4 Miles Northeast Of Blue Ball Turn Off Rt. 625 At Bethany Mennonlte
Church East On Union Grove Rd., To Sale At 1447 East Earl Twp., Lane. Co., Pa.
Lot .85 Acre M/L
Zone Residential medium 2V5 story frame dwelling
w/aluminum siding & soffit, storm windows 4 doors, L
porch w/PVC vinyl banister, kitchen w/raised panel
oak cabinets, electric stove, vanity, laundry w/
washer, dryer hook-up, commode.
Family room w/built-in bookcase, foyer, living room
w/wall to wall carpet, hallway w/walk-in closet.
2nd floor w/5 bedrooms w/closets, wall to wall car
pet, full bath, linen closet in hallway.
Basement under % of house, outside entrance, oil
fired hot water baseboard heat, furnace 1 yr. old, 2
zone heat
Well 4 cistern both w/pressure system. 100 amp
service, hook-up for generator, on site sewer.
Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin
Randall L Ranck
Robert Weaver, Atty. For
Wentz, Weaver & Kllng
Saturday, October 8,1994
12 Noon
203 Acre Pennsylvania Dairy Farm
22 Acre Prime Building Site
Location Northumberland Co., Pa.
Upper Augusta Township, 2 miles
South of Sunbury off Rt. 147 next to
Schwalm’s Greenhouse.
Tract #1 - Working Dairy
203 acres more or less with 160 acres nice
tillable high producing hvy. loam soil, 2S acre
pasture with spring fed stream, 10 acre
woodland. Buildings include modem 1982 110
stanchion dairy barn with maternity pens,
ventilation system, Jamesway stable cleaner,
milkhouse with DeLaval 2000 gallon bulk
tank, DeLaVal 8 unit DV3OO pipeline milking
system, office, lavatory. Other outbuildings
include; SO’xllO’ loafing shed, pole structure
implement sheds, feed and storage equipment
as follows: 20*x70’ Madison stave silo,
16’xSO’ Fickes stave silo, Patz unloaders,
20’x40’ high moisture Harvestore silo,
32’x160’ concrete trench, 10,000 bu. grain
storage bin, 80’ taperboard bunk feeder,
concrete runways & more.
Dwelling as follows: 2 story brick home with
plantation type main entrance, Ig. open
stairway, 6 bedroom, 3 full baths, modern
knotty pine kitchen/dining room comb, with
breakfast bar, spacious living room, study and
laundry room. Dwelling also has screened in
back porch, oil heat, dbl. car garage, never
ending water supply and standard sewage.
Property also offers 1/2 mi. hard top road
frontage and mobile home for farm hand.
IVact #2 - 22 Acres Prime
Building Sites
Adjoining Tract #1 consisting of 22 acres
prime tillable farmland with absolute best of
development potential bordering Rt. 147 and
having 1/2 mile hard top road frontage.
Real Estate Terms: 10% down payment.
Other terms day of sale.
Showing Dates: September 10th, 11th, 17th,
18th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. or by appointment
phone (717) 527-2449.
Bruce & Sandy Shoch,
Real Estate Auctioneer
Bryan D. Imes
Port Royal, Pa.
Phone (717) 527-2449
A Must See! Two very desirable properties
for either dairymen or developer with over 200
acres more tillable farmland nearby!
30’x60’ Concrete Block
5 bay garage w/12’x1 O’, three 11 ’xl O’ & one
7’xB’ overhead doors, wood burning stove, run
ning water & 220 amp service, black top drive,
fruit & nut trees.
Open for Inspection, Sat., Sept. 17 & 24
from 2:00 to till 4:00 p.m. or for appointment
call 445-6600.
10% down day of sale balance on or before
Dec. 6, 1994.
Household Goods- 58* modern cherry
dutch hutch, 5 pc. wood kitchen set, 3 pc. lime
oak bedroom suite bookcase bed, single bed
w/box spring & mattress, 4 oak chairs, bassinet
crib, clothe,tree, 1 T cu. ft. Whirlpool refrigerator
w/freezer top, Royal vacuum cleaner, floor &
table lamps, some dishes, books & games, 3
bicycles, 3- 5 & 10 speed, Hahn eclipse reel
mower, push mower & other items not
Terms By
Jay L. & Florence S. Martin