PUBLIC SALE OF 1748 EPHRATA MARTYRS MIRROR • LAMPETER MARTYRS MIRROR - GERMAN LEATHER-BOUND LANC. PUBLISHED BOOKS - EARLY GERMAN ABC BOOKS - LANC. CO. HISTORY BOOKS, SETS & ATLASES - LEATHER BOUND CIVIL WAR BOOKS - EARLY LANC. CO. SURVEYOR'S BOOKS, MAPS & EQUIP. ■ EARLY LANC. DOCUMENTS - VICTORIAN PHOTO ALBUMS - LOCAL POST CARDS & ALBUMS - SHEETS OF GERMAN CUTOUTS - VALENTINES - EARLY CHILDREN'S CLOTHING - VINTAGE LADY'S CLOTHING, FEATHERS & HATS - FANS - PARASOLS - CANES FINE QUILTS - EARLY TEXTILES - EARLY FABRIC & SEWING ARTICLES - OLD COOKING UTENSILS - TOOLS THUR., SEPT. 15, 1994 AT 9:00 A.M. Sale to be held at Lampeter Community Building, Village of Lampeter, West Lampeter Twp., Lancaster County, PA (Along Rt. 741, behind fireball). Sale Byi FRANCES M.H. OUTIN ESTATE CoreStotes Hamilton Bank, Exec. May, May & Metzger, Attorneys Howard E. Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-U Articles May Be Previewed Wednesday Eve., Sept. 14, from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Food Served. PUBLIC S>ALB Friday, Evening, September 16,1994 • 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 17,1994 • 8:30 a.m. Located at the “Richfield Sportaman Club” building approximately 50 mllea North of Harrlaburg at R.R. 1, Richfield, PA (Juniata County). Turn South off Route 35 through Richfield at the County Line ReatauranL Take the 3rd road to the right (approximately 2 mllea Southwaat of Richfield). Follow algna off Route 35. Contlgnmant Salt Conalatlng of Quno, Hunting and Flaking SuppHaa, Truck Banka, Colna. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 5e “Circus” Arcade Game, Working Condition, Purchased From Rolling Green Park Near Selinsgrove (Closed in the early 70’s); Framed and Signed Print Entitled “Autumn Shadows* Carl R. Getz, 1989. TOY TRUCKS AND BANKS (Partial Listing) Over 300 Trucks & Truck Banks Consisting of Ertl, Diecast, Cat, Liberty, and John Deere Brand Names; List includes: Texaco, Chevrolet, Hersheys, Frito lay; NFL Trucks; Falcons, Bengals, 49’ers; Sears Roebuck A Co., Truck in Model A, Tin; 7-Eleven; Fathers Day Truck; It's A Boy; Its A Girt; Christmas 1991 Case I.H. “Die Cast”; Ertl '9l, '92 Christmas; Conrod Scale Model Fire Truck; Nestle Quik; Mounds; Davey Allison 1993 Car Bank; (2) Winross Herahey Park Ann, Trucks; 1907 Type “B” Model Car ‘Deere* with Booklet, Deere-Clark Motor Car Co.; Harlsy-Oavidson Motorcycles - Truck Bank; Beer Trucks; Miller High Life, Coors, Jack-Danlels, Stroh’s, Budwelser, Heineken, Etc.; 7-Up, Mt. Dew, Peps), Coca-Cola; Allis Chalmers; Deere & Co.; Bouml Temple “Shrine Circus’; 1991,1992 Ephrata Fair; John Deere Toy Items Including Truck & Tractor Set (1/32), 6400 MFWD Tractor (1/32), J.O. Utility Tractor; J.D. 1963 Model “4010* (1/43) and Others; Lancaster PA 250 Anniversary Limited Edition Truck; I.H. “66” Series Tractor Set (Set of 4); 12+ Lata 80's and 90’s Hass Trucks, (4) Richard Petty Appreciation Cars; 1993 D. Allison L.C. Car, 1 or 10,000; and Lots More Too Numerous To Mention, In Original Boxes; For A List of Trucks, Call (717) 637-0280. GUNS (45+) Charles Daly 12 Gauge, Over/Under Double Barrel; Model 1894 Win. 30 W.C.F. Lever Action w/Octagon Barrel; J. Stevens A & T Co. 32 Cal. Long Single w/Semi-Octagon Barrel (Pat. April 17,1894); Remington Model 141/2, 38-40 Cal. Pump; LeFever 16 gauge, Single Shot, Field and Trap; Davenport 12 Ga., Part Octagon; (2) Win Model 70 XTR, 270 Cal. (Bolt); Winchester Model 12 16 Ga., Pump, Win. Model 37 20 Gauge Single Shot; Win. Model 67,22 Cat., Bolt; Win (Pre-64) Model 94,32 Cal. Special; Win (Pre-64) Model 94,30-30 Cal.; Win. Model 43, 22 Cal. Hornet, Bolt; Winchester Model 43, Cal. 218 8., Bolt; Ithaca Model 37, 16 Gauge Pump; Savage Model 24 Series P, 22 Mag. - 20 Gauge Over and Under; Remington Mod. 141, 35 Cal. (Pump); Remington Model 760, 30-06 Carbine Pump; Remington Model 760 30-06 Pump; Winchester Model 94, 30-30 Cal., Illinois Sesquicentennial, New w/Hang Tags (1968); Win. Model 94, 30-30 Cal. Buffalo bill Commemorative, New w/Hang Tags (1968); Win. Model 94, 32 Spec. (1964) Win. Model* 1897 12 Gauge Pump w/Nickel Steel Barrel (1903); Remington Model 12-A22 Cal. Pump (1940); Rem. Model 12-A22 Cal. Pump (1941); Marlin Model 1897 22 Cal. Lever Action (1900); Mossberg Model 472,30-30 Cal. Lever Action; Springfield Model 1884,45-70 Trap Door Model, U.S. Military Marked; Browning Model BLR II 243 Cal., Lever Action Belgian Made (1971); Mauser Mod. FR-8 308 Win. w/Full Military Stock & Cleaning Rod; Ross Rifle Co. Mark I 303 Cal. w/26’ Barrel & Harris Controlled Platform Magazine; H. & R. Model 922, 22 Cal. Pistol w/6* Barrel; Smith & Wesson Model 629 44 Magnum w/8 3/8* Barrel, New in Box; Hamilton Mod. 27, 22 Cal. Rolling Block w/16’ Barrel; Savage Model 99 22-250 Cal., Lever Action; Remington Model 721 270 Cal. (Bolt); Churchill 25-06 Bolt Action; Winchester Model 250,22 Cal. (Pump); Rem. 700 Classic, 350 Rem. Mag. (Bolt): Savage 22 Pump Gallery Gun; Remington Model 788,6 mm (Bolt); and other Guns Not advertised... (Partial Listing) Largs Sslsction of Hunting It Fishing Suppliss Including 40+ Reels (Shamano, Johnson, Zebco, Etc.); 40+ Fishing Rods; Rod & Real Combos; Tackle Boxes; Fishing Line; Vests; Lots of Lures (Dardevle, Little Cleo, Mepps, Panther Martin, Rooster Tails, Rebels, Rapala, Blue Fox, Etc.); Hooks; Berkley Power Baits; Ice Fishing Equipment; 15+ RGBS Reloading Dies; RGBS Reloading Aoc. (Scales, Measures, Shell Holders, Blocks, Die Parts, Pullers, Etc.); Clay Pigeons, Cleaning Kits; Clay Pigeon Throwers; Scents; Game Calls; Shotgun & Rifle Ammo; Gun Cases; (Hard & Soft shell); Spotlights; (3) Scopes; Coleman Lanterns; and a Whole Lot More. COINS Silver Dollars; 1921-D, (2) 1925-P, 1902-P, 1922-P, 1900-D, 1924-P, 1893-P, 1886-P, 1887-P, 1921-P, 1886-P, 1892-P, 1889-P, 1879-0, 1922-S, 188 S-S, 1889-0; Standing Liberty halves; 1943-P, 1946-P, 1942-S, 1943-P, Franklin Halves; (2) 1957-P, (2) 1952-P, and 1830 SOe Piece. TERMS; Cash or PA Check (No Out-Of-State Checks Accepted), I.D. Required for Bidder Number. AUCTIONEERS: Robert L. LaHzal • AU-002062-L • Richfield, PA • (717) 694-3287 Tim L Kline • AU-002998-L • Mlddleburg, PA • (717) 837-0260 AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Salt Ordar - Friday Night Salt will eonalat of Truck Banka, Trueka, with Hunting end Flahlng Suppllaa mlxad In. Friday Night 7:00 p.m. Areada Gama and Print Saturday atartlng with Flahlng and Hunting Suppllaa with Colna at 11:00 a.m. Guna atartlng at 12:00 p.m. and flnlahlng with remainder of Sporting Gooda. Somathlng for any aportaman or collector. Come early and atey lata. NOTE: Although all information la believed to be accurate, auctloneera and ownera not reaponaible for i l| errora or omlaalona. all I Sportsman Club, Owners Or Auctioneers Not Responsible For Accidents 111 L LUNCH STAND PROVIDED BY THE SPORTSMAN CLUB _ NEW HUNTING AND FISHING SUPPLIES PUBLIC AUCTION 1954 FORD F-1 PICKUP - ANTIQUES H.H. GOODS-TOOLS Saturday, September 24,1994 • 9:00 A.M. Located: From PA Rte. 443 take PA Rte. 183 South 2 1/2 miles to Lutz Valley Rd. (At Car Wash) turn right, and proceed IV. miles to auction on right. Heme: 1954 Ford F-1 pickup 6 cyl. 3 spd. (RestoraWe), JO SB2 riding mower w/30" deck, JD 2xl4* trailer plow, Qruber hay wagon, 2 horse plows, dump rake, old sickle bar, farm trailer, lawn cart, Kemp shreader (Been setting), model A tranny-rear & wheels, 2 butcher kettle, live animal traps, grain cradle, cross-cut saws and others, hand tools, nail kegs, fishing tackle, Model 1898 30-40 Krag bolt action rifle w/soope, single barrel Long Tom 12 ga. shotgun, oak washstand, oak dresser w/mirror, oak bed (as Is), round oak clawfoot table, 3 blanket chests, cottage style sideboard w/mirror, dropleaf table, pie safe, oak commode, empire chest of drawers, oak plantstand, cedar wardrobe and chest, 4 pc. modem bedroom suite, single & double rope beds, 4 rocking chairs, kitchen cabinet base, painted marble top table, beige Othello cookstove, Singer sewing machine, glass & wooden butter chums, wooden rocking horse (as is), 1783 German brief, American Cyclopedias 1861-1869, flat irons, dated jars, kerosene lamps, blender, vita-mixer, dishes, and many other items. Terms: Cash or Good PA check. Not responsible for accidents - Lunch Available Selling for: Martha Fessler, Estate Robert Fessler, Executor Luther Fessler, Executor Robert W. Derfler Auctioneer AU 2682-L Pine Grove, PA (7171345-5262 FRI. SEPT. 30-4 PM, Valu able Real Estate, House hold Goods, Antiques, Car & 5V4 Acres M/L w/Stream Zoned R 2 & Agricultural. Located 2 Miles Southeast Of Reamstown, Turn Of Hahnstown Rd. On Red Run Rd., Left On Steffy Rd. To Sale At 1120 Steffy Rd., East Cocalico & Brecknock Twp. Land In E. Cocalico Zoned R 2 Land In Breck nock Zoned Agricultural. Terms By, Ruth Green Executrix For Raymond L Keifer Estate. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Aucts. I— —————— © lancMor Finning, Saturday, Soptambar 10,1W4-E27 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication FRI. SEPT. 30 - 7PM, Feeder Cattle. Located New Holland Sales Stables Inc., 101 W. Fulton St. Nursery Stock Auction Wed., Sept. 14 and 28 at 11 A.M. Fall Craft Auction Wed., Sept. 21 at 11 A.M. For more Information (610) 683-7161 Kutztown Produce Auction RD #4 Box 4153-A Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 AUCTION SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1994 9:30 A.M. • ON SITE Property Of The Late John E. Pool, Sr., Estate Mt. Jackson, Va. (20 Miles North Of Harrisonburg, VA) 150+/- HEAD CATTLE ■ TRACTOR ■ FARM MACHINERY - VEHICLES DIRECTIONS: 1/2 mile south of Mt. Jackson on the west side of U.S. Rt. 11, beside Triplett Tech. To settle the affairs of the late John Pool, Sr. the undersigned executrix will offer for sale at public auction the following. CATTLE: 50 cows & calves; 50 heifers & steers, approx. 500 to 600 lb.; 2 Black Angus bulls. Most of the herd raised by Mr. Pool and are large, mostly Charlois and Hereford crosses. 5 Male donkeys. TRACTOR: 1968 John Deere 4020 tractor w/year-a-round cab - dual remotes, narrow front, 95 h.p. New Holland 851 round baler; John Deere 1209 mow ditioner; JD 660 5 bar rake w/dolly wheel; JD 24T square baler w/hydraulic kick er; 4 wood side kick-bale wagons; JD 100 hay stacker; JD stack mover; 3 round bale spears: JD 770 tandem wheel flat wagon; Pequea PTO hay flutter. NH 770 chopper w/2 row corn head, pick up head and direct cut head: 2 JD 216 ensilage wagons on JD gears (new floors). Brillion 10’ cultimulcher transport: JD 4 bottom 3 pt. plows; JD 111013’ transport disc w/scrapers; JD 111510’ transport disc; 3 pt. single shank subsoiler; front sec. 3 pt. disc; spring tooth harrow, pull type. Butler 5,000 bu. grain bin w/fan, 3 yrs. old; gravity gram wagon; JD 400 grinder mixer; Schuler 175 feed wagon; JD 4 row conven tional corn planter: JD 4 section rotary hoe; JD 4 row cultivators. NH 791 tandem manure spreader w/litter pan; Danuser post hole digger; Arps commercial type 8' rock rake w/gauge wheels. 60’ transport 8” grain auger PTO; Mayrath 24’ grain auger 6” elec.; Mayrath 18’, 4” elec.; Mayrath hay or gram elev. wheels: NH 30’ hay or grain elevator, elec. Stihl chain saw, 028; stock feeders; head catch; loading chutes; gates; stock waterers; calf puiler; dehorners; spare parts and others. 1966 Ford F6OO cattle truck w/grain door, V-8,4 sp w/2 sp rear end, dump; 1984 Mercury Marquis, automatic. NOTE: Most of the equipment Is field ready and has been shed kept. SALE ORDER: Miscellaneous, farm equipment, livestock. TERMS: Cash. Seller: MARSHA K. WHETZEL, EXECUTRIX OF THE JOHN E. POOL, SR. ESTATE Auctioneers: Pangle Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc 933 South Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664 (703) 459-2113 1-800-45-PANG L VA.A.F. 272 “SKILLED SELLING SINCE SIXTY-SIX" Lunch Served By Mt. Jackson Women Of The Moose 1403 New Holland, Pa. Norman Or David Kolb, Aucts. OCTOBER SAT. OCT. 1 - Estate Sale, Q. William Neely Estate, Green Park. Managed by Kling’s Auctions, Inc., Landisburg, Pa. SAT. OCT. 1 - Modern Farm Machinery located at RRI Millmont, Pa. Eugene & Katherine Hassinger, owners. Bryan D. Imes, auct SAT. OCT. 1 - Farm Machinery, Personal Prop erty & Antiques. Located From Bowmansville Take Route 625 North Approxi mately V/i Mile Turn Left On E. Bowmansville Road To T Turn Right Onto Bow mansviHe Road To Orchard Road Turn Left Go Approxi mately 3/4 Mile To Property On Right (Known As 300 Orchard Road). Terms By, Amazie & Suzanna Zim merman. Kline, Kreider & Good Aucts. SAT. OCT. 1 -8130 AM Appliances & Fixtures, tools & equip, antiques & collectibles. Village of Klingerstown, W. Schuylkill Co., Pa. 4 miles N. of Grazt and Rt. 25; 20 miles S. of Sunbury. Norma Leitzel, owner. Mike & George Deibert, aucts. SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM Fine antiques & collectibles, 495 W. High St., Manhelm, Pa. For Mr. & Mrs. Jared King. E. M. Murry Assoc., aucts. SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM Real estate, personal property'. 2685 Steinsburg Rd., Quakertown, Pa. Sanford Alderfer Auction Co SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM Real estate, antiques, personal property. At 2535 Brenner Rd„ Dover, Pa. in Conew ago Twp. Isabella G. Lloyd, owner. Jacob A Gilbert, Brian L. Gilbert, aucts. SAT. OCT. 1 - 9AM Fine brick rancher, daylight basement, 2 car garage, real estate, antiques & household goods. Browns town Sandy Beach Height s. At 326 Hill Top Dr., Brownstown, West Earl Twp., Lane. Co, Rt. 272 S. of Brownstown, turn W. onto Hill Top Dr. By Ada M. Landis Horst, auct. 1
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