Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1994, Image 183
CSCMMOMMMMMM9'' MICRON Qt INN (QNMMNI Saturday, September 24,1994 9:00 A.M. Located 12 miles north of Lewistown, PA (Mifflin Co.) along RL 522 at village of Wagner Tractors ft equipment Modern ft horse-drawn equipment Implements of all types Miscellaneous parts ft Items Loader tractor will be available. Food Stand CASH OR GOOD CHECK AuetloiiMr: For Conslgnmont Contact: Blalno N. Rontzal IVAN MACKNAIR, Manager ■ A Aaaoe. R.D. *5 Box 2MB Pa. Lloanaa 761 Lswlstown, PA 17044 Phono 717-543-6192 AUCTION SALE SALE BY ORDER OF OWNER RETIRING FROM BUSINESS 3 BUILDINGS * 15,000 S.F. 2 ’/> ACRES * VACANT LOT ADJACENT MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT, TOOLING, CRANE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 *lO AM ON PREMISES CITY WELDING CO. ROUTE 130 ft 48TH ST. PENNSAUKEN, N.J. WELDERS, FLAME CUTTER, TRAILER LINCOLN ARC WELDER SAE 300, MILLER 320A/BP ARC WELDER, AIRCO MODEL 2 AOT-2A S/N J 172163 AC TRANSFORMER WELDER. AIRCO AC/DC HEUWELDER MODEL 2 AOB-24 CAP, S/N F 108912, KOIKA “BEETLE" IK -12 FLAME CUTTINQ MACHINE. S/N 104074, HOBART MODEL TD-657, S/N 25 TW 546 A/C WELDER, 2 HOBART MODEL QPB 261 WELDERS S/N 12GW 24240 & 12QW -23521,2 MILLER AEA 200 LE ARC WELDERS, AIRCO NO. 3 MONOGRAPH SHAPE CUTTER S/N 406, MILLER TRAILBLAZER 111-D AC/DC WELDER S/N 71 -5700950 WITH TRAILER. SAND BLAST EQUIPMENT, WINCHES, GENERATOR PANGBORN BLAST CLEANER S/N S3EN2-4495, AMERICAN DUST COLLECTOR SYSTEM, QUINCY 15HP COMPRESSOR S/N 390-15-411046L5, ROCKFORD POWER TAKE-OFF GENERATOR W/GASQEN WINCH. MODEL PT A-1064 CSOZ-7276-A, S/N 486M1 W/FORD ENGINE, INTERNATIONAL DIESEL GENERATOR 1000 LB. WINCH S/N 1660 W/9 HP B&S ENGINE, RUEMELIN WALK IN SANDBLAST CABINET 7TI"XS'6“ W/RUEMEUN 400 SANDBLASTER, RUEMELIN TYPE AA 60 X 36 SANDBLAST CABINET, BINKS 14’6”W X 20'LX 9'H PAINT SPRAY BOOTH, SCHRAMM MODEL 20 . AIR COMPRESSOR, PIV 2-TON JIB RIG, PORTABLE JIB CRANES. HOISTS TRACTOR, LOW BED TRAILER, HYDRAULIC CRANE 1965 FORD SOLE. AXLE GAS TRACTOR, 7000 ORIGINAL MILES, MODEL 750, FRUEHAUF 30' LONG GOOSE-NECK TRAILER, MODEL 820-DLR 40,000 LB. CAP. S/N 8MF145401, AUSTIN-WESTERN 7-TON SELF PROPELLED HYDRAULIC CRANE S/N 20/2796, WATER TIGHT FLOAT PLATFORM. LATHES, MILLING MACHINE, SAWS KR WILSON 100 TON HYDRAULIC PRESS MODEL 37 KMD-1 S/N AS-3062, LIBERT HIGH SPEED SHEAR MODEL 1036 S/N A 8734, SIBLEY MODEL D-24, D-28 DRILL PRESS, ROBINSON 8' HAND BRAKE, CARROLL JAMIESON S/N 5308 LATHE, FOSDICK 6" RADIAL ARM DRILL, BRIDGEPORT SERIES I. 2HP S/N 235213 MILLING MACHINE, BULLARD VERTICAL TURRET LATHE S/N 12197, ROLL-IN ALL PURPOSE VERTICAL BAND SAW. PEERLESS HORIZONTAL SAW. ROLL IN MODEL 2063 VERTICAL BAND SAW. OHIO 72" PLANER, LODGE & SHIPLEY 14" LATHE S/N 28531 - 6' BED, CINCINNATI 28“ LATHE 12' BED, PRENTICE LATHE 5' BED, 8/N 0878, SOUTH BEND MODEL A LATHE 4-1/2' BED, S/N 165482, CINCINNATI SHAPER. VAN NORMAN NO. 12 HORIZONTAL MILLING MACHINE, PORTER ENGINE LATHE S/N 21AX12, 9' BED, AMERICAN & BRITISH NO. 1926 GAP LATHE, 10' BED, PRENTIS ENGINE LATHE 8' BED, WALKER TURNER RADIAL SAW S/N 31949, STANDARD TYPE 2BPA PRECISION GRINDER 2 HP. POWER TOOLS, WELDING SUPPLIES, STEEL, FASTENERS TOLEDO 999 PIPE THREADER, 4 MULTITON 50 TON DOLLIES W/HANDLES, LEMCO MODEL DA 1 S/N 189 BORING BAR. MILWAUKEE 1-1/4" MAG DRILL, STEAM CLEANER, MOTORS, MASTER B-320 & B-250 KEROSENE TORPEDO HEATERS, SCAFFOLDING & PLANKING, RIDQID TOOLS, 15' ALUMINUM LADDERS, MIXING PANS, WEAVER 5000 LB. AIR JACK, PALLET JACK, ASSORTMENT OF BOXED FASTENERS, HAND TOOLS. H.O. AIR I. PNEUMATIC DRILLS, PIPE BENDERS, SAFETY GOGGLES, STEEL “I" BEAMS, CHANNEL, ANGLE & BAR STOCK. REGULATORS, GRINDING WHEELS. SAW BLADES, C-CLAMPS, WELDING ROD, MAGNETIC DRILLS, GLOVES, HATS, ACETYLENE TANKS. ANVILS. WINCHES, BENDERS, BOLT CUTTERS, HD PIPE WRENCHES, PULLEYS, TURN BUCKLES, CABLE. ROPE, MICROMETER SETS. VISES, CHAINS. STRAPS, PORTABLE WAREHOUSE TRUCKS, SHOP VAC. DRAFTING TABLE. CMC CLIMAX KEY MILL INSPECTION; FRIDAY, SEPT. •- 10 A.M. TOll NOON MONDAY, DEFT. It-10 A.M. TOl2 NOON TERMS: 2«% DEPOSIT REQUIRED ($100.011) MINIMUM CALL AUCTIONEER FOR ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE CIDMEi f /}u^ctionee/t^ 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (2151 634-2500 FAX (215) 634-0496 PA Auctioneers License No. RYOOOOB7-L MUCK EQUIPMENT AND VEGETABLE EQUIPMENT AUCTION Friday September 16,1994 at 11:00 AM HoUey, New York Located on Mansfield Road, 7 mi southwest of HoUey, 3 mi west of Clarendon, 10 mi east of Rt. 98 and Albion, I mi south ofRL 31 (turn at Hinsburg Road). TRACTORS. LIFTS. DOZERS. CRAWLER INT D 500 series C crawler; INT 706 gas tractor w/2000 loader; Fartnall Super C; four AC “G” tractors; INT 404 gas tractor w/field lift; INT 330 w/field lift; Ford 600 w/Sherman forklift; 2 Clark forklifts (one w/rotary fork); tomato lift; Ford “N” tractor; Farmall H for parts; Int T-S dozer; OC-6 D tractor; OC-3 and OC-4 tractors for parts. TRUCKS. VEGETABLE A OTHER EQUIPMENT 2-row potato planter; seed cutter; onion cultivator; sprayer; Gandy seeder; ditcher; 5’ bush hog; IH 540 4-btm 16” semi-mt plow; 6’ and 12’ discs; 12’ field harrow; fert spreader; Haines onion grader; 2- and 4-row air flow onion haivcstcr; 6-row onion planter; 1500 onion boxes; AC 2-row potato digger; three 10- wheeler Army trucks (2 w/flatbeds, 1 w/bulk body; 2 bulk bodies; 1965 C-60 truck w/flatbed; 1965 Ford truck dump body; 1959 Dodge'truck flat deck; 1981 CMC, 1973 CMC, and 1977 Ford pickup trucks; Misc. items. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale with ID; nothing to be removed until settled for. # PUBLIC AUCTION# Having sold farm and discontinuing faming will sail located 5 miles North of Hagerstown, MD and 3 miles South of Waynesboro, PA on Route 60, East 2 miles on Route 418 to farm. Saturday, September 24,1994 at 10:00 A.M. TWO TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY Farmall 560 gas tractor, N.F., new rubber sells w/2000 loader; Massey Ferguson 50 gas tractor, W.F.; M.F. mounted snow Made & loader sell separately; Chains; Int. 1200 fast hitch 7 ft dyno-balance sickle bar mower; Rhino 3pt6 ft rotary mower; New Idea 17 ground driven tractor manure spreader; Clark 300 gal. portable field sprayer w/boons & hand nozzle; M.F. 2 pt. scraper blade; John Deere 10 ft. automatic set spring tooth harrow; 22 tooth frame harrow; Sears disc; Dunham double culUpackers; Thomas 11/7 disc wooden wheel grain drill; .N.H. 16 ft. wagon w/hay sides; N.H. 34 ft., elevator w/motor; hay tedder; dirt scoop; tractor mount saw mandrel; 3 in grain auger; cement mixer with motor; 2 hole elec, com sheller; hammer mill; 275 gal. gasoline tank w/elec pump; platform scales. Wheel horse 12 HP lawn tractor, automatic w 42 in. mower; lawn tractors for parts, 4 hp merry filler; wheel barrows; rotary mowers; wall mount drill press; Delta 6 in. Jointer, table saw, wood lathe; early air compressor, anvil; leg vise, forge; milk & cream cans; surge milker unit; ladders; snow fence; hay rope; log chains & cow chains; collars & frames; hltchings; endless belts, grain cradles; hand garden plow; bam & garden tools. Iron kettle, sausage stuffer; hogshead; meat boards; tin tubs; cracks; stirrer; stilyards; flesh forks; hooks; DeLaval elec, floor cream separator; chicken feeders & nests; snow birds; wooden & glass butter chum; bam lanterns; seed sacks; seed sower; dried lumber Including walnut. Beautiful Columbian cook stove w/gray enamel, top hat rope bed; iron bed, metal bad, Empire wal 4 drawer chest w/cuiiad front; oak 2 over 2 dresser w/mirror; 3 drawer dresser w/glove boxes; oak stretch table; set of 6 early upholstered dining chairs; set 6 paired back chairs; pine bookcase; RCA & Silvertone floor radios; 3 pc L/R suite; recllner; cherry coffee table; wood chests; cash register; adding machine, books; pictures & frames; shoe last; cast skillets, griddles, waffle iron; tricycles; stroller; milk stool; stands; floor lamps, throw rugs; stereo console; 2 leather show halters; Watkins carrying case; Frig. 40 in elec, range; Tiu Cold 21 cu.ft. chest freezer; Kenmore automatic washers & dryer; air conditioner; other useful articles; TERMS: Cash or Approved Check - Not responsible for accidents. MR. & MRS. WALTER R. THOMAS 22414 Ringgold Pike Hagerstown, MO AUCTIONEER: ROBERT C. MULLENDORE Boonsboro, MD Phone: 301-M2-0648 CLERK: C.L.Melz Lunch Rights by Woman's Fellowship of Waynesboro Church of Brothnn. Public Auction Register Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication SAT. SEPT. 24 - SAM Dock SAT SEPT 9i a**v)AM Woods Community At s£ T Anmwi T»p*nf Christopher Dock High a*y, 'oop.Rjriy^.. EsrwaSfttaoT p * • •♦♦SPECIAL AUCTION*** COMBINES AND COMBINE HEADS FOR THE ROBERT MILLER CO. WED., SEPT. 21,11:00 A.M. STATE ROUTE 371 AND 21 INTERSECTION NORTH COHOCTON, (STEUBEN CO.) NEW YORK (MIDWAY BETWEEN ROCHESTER AND CORNING) SELUNG WILL BE ELEVEN BASE UNITS: Two (2) Gleaner L 2 diesel combines, low hours, one hydro, other variable speed; Two (2) Gleaner M 2 diesel combines, one (SN 20654) is hydro with new engine SO hrs., other (SN 17121) is variable speed drive; Two (2) Gleaner F 2 diesel combines, one hydro, 4WD with 4 cyl. diesel; other variable speed with 6 cyl. diesel; One (1) Gleaner F 4WD hydro with gas engine; Two (2) Gleaner K 2 (SN 26593) and (SN 27092); One (1) White-Oliver 7600 gas with 4-row com and grain heads; One (1) Ford 622 gas with 3 row com and grain heads; CORN HEADS FOR GLEANER COMBINES: Three (3) 630 A 6 row heads for L 2 and M 2; One (1) 630 6 row for L or M; One (2) 438 A 4 row for M or L; One (1) 438 A 4 row for M; One (1) 432 4 row for K or L; Three (3) 430 A 4 row for K, F or G; Rve (5) 430 4 row for L or M; Two (2) A 330 3 row for F or K; Two (2) 330 3 row for K; Various parts for 630 head; also IH 743 4 row for IH 715 combine; GRAIN HEADS: One (1) 16 ft. rigid for L 2; Three (3) 15 ft. rigid for L, M, L 2, or M 2; One (1) IS ft. for G; Two (2) 13 ft. rigid for F & F 2; Three (3) 12 ft rigid for K; MISC. HEADS FOR PARTS INCLUDE: One Innes pickup head; One 18 ft hume reel; One 13 ft. bat reel; etc.l Thla will b» a abort auction, plaaaa don’t arrlva latal CREDIT AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED Parties by con tacting the Robert Miller Co. PRIOR to Auction Date! PUBLIC AUCTION Valuable Real Estate - Pereonal Property - Tools, Etc. Two Plus Acres, Mostly Wooded Level Land Saturday, October 1,1994 10:30 AM Auction held for Paul & Mary Jane Click on Northeimer Road in Salisbury Township, Pequea Valley School District. From Route 322 East go South on Route 897 to Gault Road, East to Narvon Road, North to Northeimer Road. Real Estate Three or four bedroom house, one and a half story Cape Cod style, ground level has eat-in kitchen, living room with stove hook-up, full bath, 2 bedrooms, presently used as office and family room, second floor has 2 bedrooms and storage room above garage, also full bath. House has attached 2 car garage, 14’x24’ deck, cook stove, washer & dryer all sell with real estate. Three Stall Horse Barn Barn has tack room attached 18’x24’ garage, free standing utility shed 10’xl2’ sells with real estate. Shown by appointment - Call owners 717-354-6260 or auctioneer 610- 593-2828. Terms on real estate: 10% down sale day - Final settlement by December Ist, 1994. Announcements sale day take precedence over public ads. Auctioneer's Note: Nice, quiet location, house built 1986, on site sewage, well, land adjoining pasture available to lease. Personal Property - Antiques 2 door refrigerator; Kalamazoo coal stove; oak china closet, needs glass; 2 colonial matching chairs; clothes tree; office desk; stereo system; Amana air conditioner; wrought iron patio set; wishing well; portable play house; hay knife; hay spear; 300 lb. body builder weights; box of dishes; old baseball glove; large wooden mantle; more items not listed. Tools - Chain Saw - Weed Eater Pre-framed window sashes; bay window; 2 bicycles; Pnegot racing bike; bench vise; Echo weed eater; Echo chain saw; air drill; 2 aluminum ext. ladders; power lawn mower; garden tools; more items not listed. The Clicks are moving to Texas to attend Bible College Auctioneer lievejr.Petersheim 610-593- AUCT AU 001349 L LWKMfcf fnnlnfl, Saturday, September 10, IM4-E23 Tumble Show Ground* along Rt. 30 Midway between Lane. & Coatesvil le, Pa. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman. Russell Wright, aucts. SAT. SEPT. 24 - B:3OAM Tractor, gas engine and farm toy consignment sale. Held at Rough & Tumble museum grounds, Kinzers, Pa. Sponsored by Waterloo Boys of Southeast Pa. and International Harvester col lectors of Southeast Pa. Chapter #B. SAT. SEPT. 24 - B:3OAM Autos, Vending machine, Lionel trains, arcase game, textiles, firearms, wheels, furniture, china & glass ware, mirrors, garden tools, machines! equip, clocks. 23 N. Water St., Lititz, Pa. For Elizabeth A. Sense nich. E.M. Murry, Aucts SAT. SEPT. 24 - B:3OAM, Annual Quilt Buggy & Lum ber Auction. Located At Gordonville Firs Co Ron Funk & Local Auct SAT. SEPT. 24 - 8 30AM, Antiques, Household, Butcher Equip., Farm Machinery & Livestock. Located From Carlisle Travel South On Rt. 11 Approx. 6 Miles To Kerrsvil le Rd. Turn Right, Continue To 381 Kerrsville Rd. Own ers, Edgar & Hazel Myers Kevin M Wickard, Auct. SAT. SEPT 24- 9AM 829 Disston View Dr., Lititz (N of Airport) For Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snyder, Furniture, antique dishes, toys, & appliances. Keller & Keller aucts SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Fur niture, antiques & collecti bles, pottery, glassware & china. Located 2 miles W of Middletown, Md. at 2650 Old National Pike (Alt. Rt 40), Frederick Co , Md James G. Cochran, auct SAT. SEPT. 24 - 9AM Paintings, antiques, toys, personal property 140 Murry Hill Drive, Lane Pa. For Mae B. Denlinger. Penny packer-Andrews Auction Centre, Inc. *"<n