s, •0 r i D46-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Sapiambar 10,1994 $13,500 $9,500 NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK CALL FOR DETAILS & PRICES ON THE MW EQUIPMENT YOU MED Case IH 415 Packer Mulcher, 10*1* Demo $4,9501 Case IH 395, 495, 595 and 695 Tractors - 2WD - call tor details! Case IH 695 Tractor 2WD w/Side Mount 10 Ft. Roadside Mower — Case IH 4210 MFD HOPS, (New Model) FOR RENT MAXXUM TRACTOR... 5130, 4WD, Cab Rent/Lease Or Rent/Buy TRACTORS: IH 385 w/Turf Tiraa 35 HP, 2WD IH 1086 Cab, A/C, 1100 Hra., Ex. Cond. Casa IH 1120 19 HP, 4WD, 60" Daek, Ag Tiraa, York Raka A Blada, Low Hra. Ford 1910 4WD, Loadar Big Tutfa, 1,000 Hra. JD 3008 Gaa, Loadar, Baekhoa JD 750 4WD, Loadar Baekhoa, 1,300 Hra. MF 1010 Dlaaal, Hydro, 2WD, 5 Ft. Bally Mowar Coming In Kubota M 4050, 2WD, 45 PTO Hp. Farmall H Farmall H w/Buckaaw M 54 Blower H 440 Balar w/Throwar M 435 Balar w/Throwar, Raal Nea W 990, 9 Ft. Mowar Condlllonar Badgar Foraga Box w/Tandam Axla Haaaton 4500 Wirt Balar w/Throwar NH 411 Dlacblna OUTDOOR POWER EQUIP.- I action Cub Cadat Lawn 5 Cardan Tractora All Makaa And Modalal Cub Cadat 1450 5 1650 With Dackal Toro 7 Gang Pull-Type God Couraa Mowar Simplicity 7116 H, 16 HP w/Vac Syatam, Lika Naw $2,950 MF 1010 Dlaaal, 2WD Hydro, Turf Tiraa, 60” Bally Mowar 600 Hra., Lika Naw (2) National 3 Gang Trlplax, 64" Cut, 1- Elactrle Start, 1* Manual Start JD 430 Dlaaal w/60" Daek Dixon ZTR w/30” Cut I Baggar, Nica Howard-Prlea 727 Dlaaal w/5 Gang Raal Mown JD ISO Lawn Tractor w/Blada I Bagger, Real Nice Hours: Dally 7:30 to 5; Sat 7:30 JD 310 A ROPB Clean Machine $10,500 1900 Ford 4WO, Loader, 3 Pt., 30 HPDleeel $10,500 Dull Equipment Co. RD* 1,659 Maatle Rd. Newmanatown, PA 17073 20 Mltoo North of Lancaster . On Rt 501 717-949-3451 AakForLaaorDuatin Lat’a Do Bualnaaa A Ba Frienda H 560 MwHira Spraadar, Raal Nica FMC DO-25 300 Gal. w/Gun 5 Hoaa Raal, Trailing Modal, 2 Cyl. Kohlar Englna, Lika Naw Cantury 250 Gal. Trailing Sprayer JD 7000 4-Row Liquid Plantar Danuaar 2 PL Faal Hitch Poat Hole Digger, Nice Shapal HS 105 Wooda Hyd. 3 pt. fdteh Ditch Bank Mower Morbark Buay Baavar Dlak Chipper Trad ing Model Wkh Engine, 5” Capacity, Nice Shapal FMC 500 Gal. Trailing Sprayer w/Boom Platon Pump Olathe BBlMlna Drum Chipper 4-Ton Tandem Axle Hydraulic Dump Trader Hubar Highway Hollar, 6-Ton COMBINES: Caaa IH 1053 Com Head, Mea, Coming In IH 744 Wide Comhaad for 715, Ex. Cond. IH 81015' Grain Head w/Hart Carter Float- ing Cutter Bar 24.5x34 Rica Tiraa 5 Rkna For IH 1420 Or 1620 MF 44 4RW CH, Nice Shape TILLAGE: JD 12 Ft. Tranaport Dlak Brllllon 12'5” Packer Mulchar, Good IH 450 4 Bottom 16” 3 Pt. Plow Automatic React iitiawo aw*>a WO Ship UPS Dallyl ■V Ford 7710, Factory Cab, Air, Dual Power, Dual Ramotas, Exeallant Ford 7700, Cab, Air, Dual Power, 38” Urea, Blue Power Special, Nice Tractor Ford 5610 w/Dual Power & QT Loader Ford 5000 Dal., 8-Spd., 1971 Modal, Clean And Original JD 4620 w/eab, duals & weights, front ' wheel asalst, nice clean tractor JD 4430, 76 Model, Cab, Air, Quad, Radial Tires, Wslghts, Excellent JD 4320, Factory Cab, Duals, Weights, Quick Mitch, Absolutely 1-Of-A-Klnd! JD 3020 Dsl., Synero, WF, 2 Remotes, w/JD Roll Bar & Canopy JD 2550, Factory Cab, Air, 4WD, w/JD 245 QT Loader JD 730 Del., Direct Electric Start, NF, 3 PL, 1 Remote, Good Condition Case IH 5130 Maximum, 4WD, cab, air, power shift, 1300 hours, excellent Case 2000, Cab, Air, PS, Front Weights 18x38 Tires, Very Nice Case IH 885, cab, air, 4x4, TA, w/Case IH 2255 QT loader, 1900 hours, extra nice Cass IH 685, 4WD, w/lH 2255 Loader, 700 Hours, Excellent IH 5288, Csb, A1r.20.8x38 Tires, Western to&SSA Tr, P | * Outlets, Very Nice clean Original Tractor IH 1086, 79 Model, Red Power, Cab, Air, Weights, Excellent Gahl 970, 3 Baatar w/Roof w/Gahl Tandam Wagon, Uaad Vary Llttla, Excallant Dion Foraga Wagon, 3 baatar w/roof & 12 ton tandam, axcallant, eholca of 3 Gobi 970, 3 baatar, no roof, w/JD 12-ton tandam Gehl 1260, Tandem Axle, Matal Alert, Auto Max, wggjS&orn Head And 7’ Hay Head, Excellent Condition Gehl 1060, Tandem Axle, w/Auto Max, W/2RN Corn Head', T Hay Pickup, Vary Nice Gehl 1200 w/Eleetrlc Controle W/3RN Corn Head, Good Condition Gehl 600 w/Manual Controle, 540 PTO, Electric Sharpener And Hay Pickup Head USED PLANTERS AND DRILLS JD 7000 4R conservation, monitor, dry fart & Insecticide boxes JD 7000 4RN, dry, plateless, insecticide boxes USED PLOWS AND CHISELS Ford 151 4xlB spring auto reset w/sprlng loaded coulters, very nice (same as White 508) Ford 151 (White) 3xlB sprlnaEffTliteset. fully mounted plow IH 700 5x16 w/coulters, gauge whAi ft hillside hitch IH 720 4xlB auto reset w/coultera ft gauge wheel Oliver 588 4xlB, auto reset w/coulters ft gauge wheel JD 1710 9-tooth mulch tiller w/walklng tandems, very nice USED DISCS AND HARROWS Bush Hog 1440 18’ hyd. wing fold rock flex finishing disc Brillfon 12’ ”S”-tlne used very little Brllllon 10’ double packer JD 16’ transport type spring tooth harrow, good condition McConnell 16’ transport spring tooth harrow White 258 12’ finishing disc w/tandem wheals, very nice White 265 11’ heavy frame cutting disc w/landem wheels ft 24” blades USED HAY EQUIPMENT FNH 489 Hayblna w/Stub Guards, Good Rolls, Nlcs NH 479 hayblns, vary nlcs NH 258 raks w/dolly whaal 8 rubbsr taath NH 316 w/#7O throwar, axeallant NH 276 balar w/thrower, alaetric controls, cyllndars & hosas, vary nlcs NH 770 Hay Pickup Head •JD 2RW w/ctutch Ford 772 QT w/6’ bucket & valve, brackets for 5000-7000 series tractors FORAGE WAGONS JD 5400 Self Propelled Harvester Cab, 4WD, 4RN Hsad, Nice Clean Unit USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT USED HARVI LOADERS IH 966, 81 Modal, Cab & Air, Radlals, 2400 Original Hours, Immaculata IH 886, cab, air, 1081 modal, trlpls outlats, 38” tiros IH 886 4 Post ROPS, w/38” Tiros, ,2 Rsmotas IH 826, WF, 3 pt., 2 rsmotas, diff lock, vary nlcs IH 786 w/2 PTO’s, 2 rsmotas, vory good tractor, 1980 modal, non-cab IH 784, 4WD, lata ons, squlppsd w/IH 2250 loador w/lnd. valvs, vory nlcs - IH Hydro 84 w/38” tiros and bar axiss, 2 rsmotas, IH 2250 quick attach loador MF 3545, 2 PTO’s, 2 rsmotas, 20.8x38, non-cab, sxtra nlcs MF 3505, factory cab, air, quick hitch, 500 actual 1-owner houra, excellent MF 1135, cab, air, duala MF 270 dal. w/MF 236 quick attach loader, 1000 hours, vary nice AC 8070,1984 model, Cab, Air, Weights, 4WD, Power Shift, Excellent AC 7045, Cab, Air, Power Shift, Weights All Around, Good Tractor White 2-70, 4WD, 2 remotes, 3 spd. over/under, good condition White 2-135, cab, air weights, 2 PTO’e, 2 remotes, nice original condition White 2-135, 4WD, cab, air, 2 remotes, 2 PTO’e, 2400 houra, extra nice Gehl 970, 3 bestar w/roof & JD 12-ton tandem Rax 3 beater w/roof tandem axle wagon, steel sldaa, very nice condition (Lamco) NH 892 w/Late Style 2R AdJ. Corn jfead And Hay Pickup Hsad, Electric Controls, Very Nice NH 892 W/3RN Auger Base ft 8’ Pickup Head, Electric Controle, Good Condition JD 3960 W/2RN Or 2RW, Electric Controls, Hyd. Tongue, Nice Original Harvester NH 890 w/2RN Hay Pickup, Electric Controls, Very Good Condition NH 3 RN Auger baee package w/8’ pickup Allied 760 w/7’ bucket Brackets for JD
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