Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 27, 1994, Image 98

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    CIO-lnteNtor Firming, Saturday, August 27, 1994
Bedford Co. Correspondent
BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) All
records were broken with the
sound of the auctioneer’s hammer
for the $25 per pound paid for the
Grand Champion Market Lamb at
the Bedford County Fair.
Bought by H. Dean Lemley, an
owner of Graystone Galleria, an
antique and gift emporium, the
125-pound market lamb was
Jessica Smith sold her grai
$7.50 per pound.
Bill Miller with the grand champion market lamb that sold
for a record price of $25 per pound to Dean Lemley of Gray
stone Galleria.
Bill Miller also showed the reserve grand champion Steer.
Bob Turkovich bought this steer for $2.50.
Prices Good At Bedford Livestock Sale
raised by Bill Miller of
Lemley paid $9.50 per pound
for the lamb champ last year.
Bob Turkovich, owner of
American Outfitters, headquar
tered in Bedford, bid $l5 per
pound for the reserve champion
lamb, owned by Andy Blackburn
of Bedford, and weighing 115
The high bidding for the lamb
was only the first of a number of
good things to happen at the Satur
day, August 13 sale.
John Holbert, Bedford County
Fair Manager told the hundreds of
spectators and bidders in the dark,
hot, sale bam that it was the last
year they would have to put up
with these conditions.
78th District Rep. Dick Hess
has obtained a $15,000 grant tow
ards construction of a show and
sale arena.
Willard Campbell of Hoss’s
Steak and Sea Houses chain
donated an additional $5,000 tow
ards the construction.
Campbell then paid $8.25 a
pound for the grand champion
1,232 angus/mix beef shown by
Nathan Claycomb of Osterburg,
and then ordered it resold.
Proceeds from the second sale
went towards the new arena. This
bid came from Bob Sweet, owner
of Creative Pultrusions, Inc., Plea
santville who contributed $1,121
to the arena’s construction.
It marked the fourth year Clay
comb has won the Grand Champ
ion Market Steer award.
As the sale progressed, young
Gable Takes Supreme Championship
With Guernsey At Bedford Fair
BEFORD (Bedford Co.)
Aaron Gable and his three-year
old Guernsey, Brett, walked away
with the champion of all breeds
banner at the Bedford County
Gable received a banner and a
check for $3OO from Bill Popo
vitch of Farm Bureau.
Winning the senior division of
the Guernsey competition, Aaron
was followed with reserve champ
ion also going to Aaron for a two
year old. Third place went to Aar
on’s cousin, Kristi Snider.
Junior champs in Guernseys
were Melissa Kolb with an inter
mediate calf and Jan Snider with a
junior yearling took junior champ.
In other competition:
Senior calf: Maty Meadows, Kristi Snider,
Green Slopes.
Summer Yearling: Misty Meadows,
Green Slopes.
Junior Yearling: Jan Snider, Beth Clark,
Kendy Gable.
Intermediate Yearling: Misty Meadow
Farm, Amber Clark, and Aaron Gable.
Junior Two Yean Amber Clark, Galen
McDonald 11.
Senior Two Year Old: Aaron Gable, Alld
a McDonald.
Three Year Old: Aaron Gable, Misty Mea
dows, Alicia McDonald.
Four Year Old: Misty Meadow, Aaron
Gable, Amber Clark.
Five Year Old; Snider Homestead, Misty
Meadow, Snider Homestead.
Dry Cow; Snider Homestead, Misty Mea
dow (2A3).
Dry Cow Five and Under: Green Slopes,
Aaron Gable, Snider Homestead.
100,000 pound class: Snider
Junior Boot Thro* Females: Snider
Homestead, Misty Meadows, Green Slopes.
Senior Beat Three Females and Dairy
Hard: Snider Homestead, Misty Meadows,
Snider Homestead.
A close second in the judges*
eye for the breed championship
was the Holstein grand champion,
a five year old owned by John
King, a newcomer to the Bedford
County Fair.
King and his wife Vicki recen
tly moved to Warfordsburg from
Manchester, Maryland. They own
170 head of Holsteins and Red and
Whites. Their Medovue Farms
also showed the Grand Champion
Red and White.
Cessna Brothers showed the
Reserve Senior Champion, a two
Junior Champion was Amanda
Cessna and Mary Jo Deputy had a
Junior Calf: Carrio Doputy, Ed and Rick
gi pic
market steer and sold it to Bill Campbell for $8.25 per pound.
livestock exhibitors joined in the
Bob Turkovich paid $2.50 per
pound for the Reserve Grand
Champion steer owned by Bill
Miller, who also had the market
lamb champion.
Willard Campbell is also the
owner of Bedford Ford and, on
that business’s behalf, bid $16.50
per pound for the 246 pound
$3OO from Bill Popovitch from Farm Bureau for showing the
champion of all breeds-a three year-old Guernsey.
Deputy. Holly Morse.
Intermediate Calf: Amanda Cessna,
Sara Deputy (2A3).
Fall Calf: Amanda Cessna, Sara Deputy
Junior Yearling: Amanda Cessna, Cess
na Brothers (2A3).
Senior Yearling: John A Vicki King, A-K-
Mohr Farms, Sing Brook Farms.
Junior Best three Females: Cessna
(IA2), A.K. Mohr.
Junior Two Year Old: Cessna Brothers,
Nora Snider, Cessna Brothers.
Senior Two Year Old; Singing Brook
Farms, Holly Morse.
Three Year Olds: Cessna Brothers (all
Four Year Olda; John and Vicki King,
Cessna Brothers.
Dry Cow, Four & Undor: Sara Doputy,
Cessna, John and Vicki King.
Dry Cow, Flvs and Ovar: Brock
100,000 pounds Claaa: A-K-Mohr Farms.
Boat Uddar and Baal Throe Females:
Sw oped ala, Cessna (253).
Dairy Hard: Swopodale (2&3).
Also receiving compliments
from the judge was the four-year
old Jersey owned by Kendy Gable
of Sniders Homestead Farms.
Kendy took grand honors in the
Jersey division and was followed
closely by a three-year-old owned
by Janelle Koontz of Stan-El.
Othsr Jerasy divisions:
Junior Calf: Kandy Gable, Stan-El, and
Janelle Koontz.
Intermediate Calf: Miranda Fisher, Sarah
Redman, Stan-El.
Senior Calf: Stan-El, Jason Mowry.
Summer Yearling; Janelle .Koontz (142).
Junior Yearling: Kendy Gable, Stan-El.
Intermediate Yearling: Denise Heidom,
Senior Yearling: Stan-El (1&2).
Junior Champion was Miranda
market hog shown by eight-year
old Jessica Smith of Everett Rd.
With only two animals in the
show, both hogs, Jessica said she
was very surprised when seh won
the championship. “But, pleased,”
she added, smiling broadly.
Turkovich bought the reserve
champion hog from Doug Koontz
also of Everett Rd. far $7.50 per
Fisher and Kendy Gable showed
hpr junior calf as the Reserve
Junior Champion.
Junior Two Yoar Olds: Janello Koontz.
Senior Twe-Yoar Old: Stan-EI.
Thraa Yaar Olda: Janello Koontz (1.2. a
Four Year Olds: Kandy Gable.
Five Year A Oven Stan-EI.
Dry Cow Four and Undor: Janello
Milking Shorthorn Grand
Champion and Reserve Champ
ionships were won by James
Junior Champs were shown by
James Young and Chrisellc
Junior Calf: Chrltello Fiahor.
Sonlor Calf: Jennifer Millar, Horizon
Summar Yaarilng: Jatriaa Young.
Spring Yaarilng: ChriMllt Flahar.
Wlntar Yaarilng: Jam** Young, Christina
Young, Edna Schilling.
Fall Yaarilng; Jannlfar Millar, Jamaa
Young, Edna Schilling.
Junior Two-Yaar-Old: Jamaa Young,
Bobby Jo Schilling.
Sanlor Two-Voar-Old: Chriatina Young.
Thraa-Yaar-Old: Jamaa Young.
Feun-Yaar-Old: Jamaa Young.
Dry Cow Four & Undar Chriatina Young,
Jamaa Young.
Dry Cow, Flva & Ovan Chriatina Young.
Showing the Grand Champion
Red and White was John King
who also won the Holstein
Reserve Honors went to Har-
Land Manor Farm of Thurmond,
(Turn to Paga C 11)